
Every Breath


Jonghyun awoke late the next morning, lungs aching from the oxygen concentrator he had been hooked up to all night. Sitting up, he quickly unhooked himself, reattaching the tubes to his portable oxygen tank.

Shuffling to the bathroom, he proceeded to brush his teeth and attempt to style his hair, still damp from the previous night’s shower. He gave up as the limp strands collapsed on themselves, choosing instead to put on something nice for when he met with Kibum again at the coffee shop.

Kibum. He shivered at the mere thought of the porcelain boy, heart rate increasing in anticipation. Calm down, he told himself as he downed a handful of his prescribed pills. He might not even like you that way. His heart, however, refused to comply.


The walk to the café was quiet, as there were less people outside to enjoy the rain. He stepped into the building, relaxing as he entered the familiar setting. Ahead of him was the counter, with a figure hunched over what seemed to be a novel. Upon closer inspection, he could see it was Kibum, his shock of blond hair a stark contrast to the dark backdrop of paneled wood.

The sound of the oxygen tank’s metal wheels rolling across the floor alerted the other boy of his presence, looking up as recognition brightened his angular features. “Jjong!” he exclaimed excitedly, hopping off his stool and coming out from behind the counter.

Said male grinned, pleased with his reception. “Hey!”

“How have you been?” the blonde asked, lightly grazing Jonghyun’s arm with his fingertips. “It feels like it’s been ages.”

“It does,” Jonghyun agreed, doing his best not to shiver. “I’m better now; yourself?”

“Everything’s great.”

They moved to a nearby table, picking up their conversation from the previous day like old friends. “What were you reading before I disturbed you?” Jonghyun questioned; he was surprised as a deep burgundy coloured his friend’s cheeks, his eyes suddenly becoming focused on the table between them.

“Oh…um that? That’s nothing,” he choked out, standing up. “Do you want a drink? I’ll go make us drinks.” He scurried off behind the counter, busying himself with the assorted syrups lined up in bottles.

The brunette chuckled under his breath, unable to suppress the feelings of affection he felt for this strange barista with blonde hair and cat eyes. Thinking proved to be impossible in Kibum’s presence, so he settled for watching him prepare drinks. He was immensely graceful in his movements, so much so it was almost like watching his own personal ballet performance.

He carried their drinks back to where Jonghyun was sitting, setting them down while he took his seat. “They’re chai lattes,” he explained to the confused brunette, who sniffed curiously at the liquid before bringing it to his lips. “Do you like it?”

“It’s perfect,” Jonghyun answered, swallowing another heavily perfumed mouthful. “So do you do anything else besides make really good beverages?” Kibum looked down at the mug in his hands and mumbled something. “Sorry? I didn’t catch that.”

The blonde looked up bashfully, blushing a pretty pink. “I dance,” he answered, voice just above a whisper.

“That’s cool!” Jonghyun cried, clapping excitedly. “Why were you embarrassed?”

“Because…because I don’t tell many people.”

“Then, in that case, I’m honoured you told me.”

“Yeah…well…” He looked like he was trying to remember how to form a coherent sentence. “Do you have any hobbies besides trying to charm my pants off?”

“Is it working?” Jonghyun deadpanned, completely straight-faced.

“Answer the question,” Kibum demanded, hiding his once-again-blushing face by drinking his latte.

“I used to sing before…” He became momentarily distracted as the beautiful boy sitting across from him lowered his drink, his upper lip coated with a layer of foam. He swallowed. “Kibum?”


“You’re really distracting, and sometimes, when I can’t help myself, I give in to my distractions.”

Kibum raised his eyebrow in confusion, opening his mouth to reply. Before he could, however, warm lips pressed gently against his. He quickly got over his shock, adding light pressure as he returned the kiss, angling his head slightly so as not to disturb the tubes in Jonghyun’s nose.

Jonghyun ran his fingers over soft, blonde strands, slowly pulling away. His eyes widened as he regarded the other boy, with his plush lips parted and cheeks delicately flushed.

Slender fingers touched his lips, his expression one of shock. “That was my first kiss,” he whispered, dazed.

The dark haired boy coloured, ashamed. “. . Kibum…I am so sorry,” he apologized. “I don’t know what that was-“

“I liked it.” A shy smile flitted across his features.

Jonghyun paused in his rambling. “You…really?”

Kibum nodded, his eyes showing a mixture of excitement and timid uncertainty. “Can we…can we do that again?”



another chapter up ^^

hope it's alright...I have so much work to do it's crazy but I thought you deserved an update albeit a crappy one, and I kinda needed a break

oh! and I got a livejournal account so come visit me there because I'm lonely >.<

I've been updating there with the same stories pretty much as on aff but I'm thinking I'll be putting up the french and/or german versions of some of my fics because whats the point of knowing a language if you're not going to use it


i'm a professional procrastinator so we'll see how that goes

so yeah, the usual: come visit me on tumblr to talk or put in suggestions for either this fic or one of my others (I have major writers block for Chai OTL)

and thank you sooooo much for reading and commenting and subscribing<3

a bientot ~

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Chapter 2: this is really cute <3 and totally what I was in need of. I was craving some hardcore fluff, and this was a little different to what I'd usually end up settling for, but it was a thousand times more perfect. It made a nice change, and I like the plotline! (stillnotwillingtopublicisemyloveforcondition!fic ahjdgf)
princehyeon #2
I really like stories with a realistic feel to them.
Not full of cliches, not all perfectly fine with pointless drama. Difference is a good thing when it comes to stories.This one seems promising, I like the unique setting. Totally love it so far! <3
BummieIsHungry #3
Chapter 1: This seems like a very unique storyline and, if this first chapter is saying anything, it sounds like it is going to be adorable. :) I cannot wait to read more!

Jonghyun is simply too adorable for words.
-_____- #4
yay!!!! i found another nice story to read!!!!! ^.^ now i won't die from boredrom! unless...unless you don't update alot. ;-;