(1.) Meetings

Every Breath


Cystic fibrosis is what they’d called it. It was accompanied by visits to the respiratory specialist every three weeks and a handful of pills each day to control the mucus buildup in his lungs. It also made him more susceptible to infection.

When he was fourteen, he started coughing and his breathing became more laboured. He was diagnosed with a severe lung infection and was hospitalized immediately. His lungs were drained of excess fluid, but they never regained their full function, forcing him to be dependant on an oxygen tank while he waited for a donor pair of lungs.

Three years later and he was still waiting.




Jonghyun adjusted the plastic tubing around his ears self-consciously, trying to avoid the inquisitive stares from the people he passed. Pausing, he opened a non-descript wooden door and stepped into his favourite coffee shop.

Almost immediately his senses were assaulted with the comforting aroma of roasting coffee beans and the buzz of customers chatting with one another. Toting his oxygen cart, he strode up to the counter, ringing the silver bell for service.

“Coming!” a faint voice called from the back.

Jonghyun glanced around while he waited, taking in the soft glow emitted by the paper lanterns strung from the ceiling.

“Sorry about that.” He turned his attention to the boy behind the counter. “It’s usually slow during the work day,” he went on, pulling a pink apron over his head and tying it around his waist. “So what’ll it be?” He placed his hands on the counter, smiling expectantly.

“Sorry?” Jonghyun had been distracted by the beautiful boy’s pink lips and had completely missed what he was saying.

Said boy pressed his lips together, trying to conceal a smile. “What’ll it be?” he repeated, eyes twinkling in amusement at Jonghyun’s flustered expression. “You know, to drink.”

“Oh!” He ran a hand through his light brown curls in embarrassment. “A vanilla café frappachino, please.”

The barista nodded, reaching for a plastic cup and a sharpie, his dyed blond hair flopping into his eyes as he wrote the order. “Anything else?” He lifted his head, hair sliding back into place.

“Um,” Jonghyun swallowed, internally cursing his apparent inability to speak to cute guys. “No…no, that’s it.”

“Good choice,” he commented, writing out the receipt. “It’s $2.50.”

He slid the correct amount of coins across the counter. “Why’s that?”

“I guess you’ll have to find out,” he responded, winking flirtatiously before spinning around to complete the order.

Dumbfounded, Jonghyun thought it best to let it be before he made an even bigger fool of himself. He sat down in a corner by a window, far enough that he could be alone, yet close enough that he could still listen to other people’s conversations. He stared out the window, becoming lost in his own thoughts for a few minutes.

A muted clink on the table brought him back.

“Sorry,” the blond boy apologized. “You were thinking weren’t you?”

Jonghyun shook his head. “It’s fine.”

“Oh, well here’s your frappachino.” He smiled expectantly, waiting for him to taste it.

The brunette turned his lips upwards at the happy face drizzled in whipped cream, then took a sip. “Mmm,” he hummed, eyes widening at just how good it was. “Where did you learn to make this?”

“Secret,” he teased, crinkling his eyes. “I brought some cookies as well,” he said, gesturing to a plate sitting on the table. “They’re a new recipe I’m trying out.”

“They look good,” Jonghyun complimented. “But I don’t think I can finish them all by myself…Will you help me?”

The barista nodded seriously. “It would only be good customer service.” He sat down across from the other boy, features quickly changing into a grin. “I’m Kibum, but most people call me Key,” he said, by way of introduction.

“Which do you prefer?” Jonghyun questioned, breaking off a piece of cookie and placing it in his mouth. His newly acquired friend followed suit, chewing thoughtfully as he considered his response.

Speaking slowly, he answered. “Probably Kibum, because everyone calls me Key.” He reached for another piece of cookie, talking with his mouth full. “It gets old, you know? How about you?”

Jonghyun quickly swallowed a mouthful of his drink. “Everyone just calls me Jonghyun,” he shrugged.

“I’m going to call you Jjong,” Kibum announced. “Because I am not ‘everyone’.”

The brunette chuckled at his straightforwardness. “Sounds good.”

“Well Jjong,” he smiled as he put emphasis on his nickname. “My break is over now, but I hope you come back tomorrow.”

Jonghyun nodded. “It was nice talking to you, Kibum.”

The blond gave him one last smile before scooping up the empty plate and cup, slim hips swaying as he strode away.

Jonghyun shook his head lightly, taking his leave, almost forgetting his pain-in-the- oxygen tank until it pulled him back. That was when he came to a realization: he had something to look forward to tomorrow.



first chapter done!

seeee? I CAN get this done xD

crappy ending is crappy, and for that I apologize ~

thank you to everyone for subscribing and commenting - it's much appreciated ^^


feel free to read my other stories; I don't have anymore jongkey atm but theres some 2min, minkey, hunhan, and taoris :P

so ya, thanks for reading and I shall see you when I update again

much love<3


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Chapter 2: this is really cute <3 and totally what I was in need of. I was craving some hardcore fluff, and this was a little different to what I'd usually end up settling for, but it was a thousand times more perfect. It made a nice change, and I like the plotline! (stillnotwillingtopublicisemyloveforcondition!fic ahjdgf)
princehyeon #2
I really like stories with a realistic feel to them.
Not full of cliches, not all perfectly fine with pointless drama. Difference is a good thing when it comes to stories.This one seems promising, I like the unique setting. Totally love it so far! <3
BummieIsHungry #3
Chapter 1: This seems like a very unique storyline and, if this first chapter is saying anything, it sounds like it is going to be adorable. :) I cannot wait to read more!

Jonghyun is simply too adorable for words.
-_____- #4
yay!!!! i found another nice story to read!!!!! ^.^ now i won't die from boredrom! unless...unless you don't update alot. ;-;