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Every Breath

hello ^^

sorry, I know this has been sitting up here for a while...oops?

if you'd like to know a little more about that you can read this

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things but I'm just hoping all of you will be understanding

thank you for reading<3

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Chapter 2: this is really cute <3 and totally what I was in need of. I was craving some hardcore fluff, and this was a little different to what I'd usually end up settling for, but it was a thousand times more perfect. It made a nice change, and I like the plotline! (stillnotwillingtopublicisemyloveforcondition!fic ahjdgf)
princehyeon #2
I really like stories with a realistic feel to them.
Not full of cliches, not all perfectly fine with pointless drama. Difference is a good thing when it comes to stories.This one seems promising, I like the unique setting. Totally love it so far! <3
BummieIsHungry #3
Chapter 1: This seems like a very unique storyline and, if this first chapter is saying anything, it sounds like it is going to be adorable. :) I cannot wait to read more!

Jonghyun is simply too adorable for words.
-_____- #4
yay!!!! i found another nice story to read!!!!! ^.^ now i won't die from boredrom! unless...unless you don't update alot. ;-;