(4.) Visiting

Every Breath


Jonghyun opened his eyes, feeling a prodding in his hand. He blinked blearily, searching for the cause of his discomfort, when his eyes landed on a nurse crouched by his bed.

“Sorry, dear,” she apologized without losing her focus. “Just changing your fluids.” She continued to fiddle with the needle for a moment before smoothing a piece of tape across the plastic tubes, straightening up to press some buttons on the contraption holding his IV fluid bags. “All done,” she smile, turning back to Jonghyun. “Would you like anything? A juice, perhaps?”

Jonghyun nodded, curling his hand experimentally, wincing at the slight pain that coursed through his arm. The nurse paced out of the room, leaving him alone. He reached for his phone on the table beside him, grinning to himself when he saw the notification light flashing. Key had been texting him constantly since he’d been admitted, checking on his progress. It was nice, Jonghyun thought, for someone to care so much.

Good morning sunshine!

His thumbs flew across the keyboard while he typed back.

Hehe how are you this fine morning?

He received a respond almost immediately.

You’ll see J

His brow furrowed, confused. Another text soon followed.

Which room are you in?


The door to his room flew open and in strode a lanky boy carrying helium balloons.

“Kibum?” Jonghyun gasped, pleasantly surprised by the unexpected visitor. “What are you doing here?”

The other boy simply smiled, walking towards the bed. “Actually, I thought it would be great to come join you up here.” He rolled his eyes to emphasize the ridiculousness of his statement. “Visiting you, of course.” He let go of the balloons, allowing them to ascend to the ceiling, favouring Jonghyun’s hand instead.

The latter sighed at the welcome contact; Key’s hands were so warm. He watched the blonde’s expression change, his brow furrowing in concern.

“You’re so cold,” he commented, enveloping Jonghyun’s hand in both of his. He switched hands after a moment, being careful not to press on the needle that was embedded in his skin. “So, how have you been?” he asked conversationally, perching himself on the edge of the bed.

Jonghyun shrugged, leaning back against his pillows, “Whatever they’ve put in there,” he gestured to the fluid bags beside him. “Have made me feel kind of funny, but otherwise just bored.”

Key nodded sympathetically, placing his hands against his cheeks. “You’re cute,” he announced, squishing his cheeks together.

The nurse walked in at that moment, chuckling when both boys froze. “Here’s your juice,” she said, setting the drink on the table beside him.

Key stopped her before she could leave. “Excuse me?”

The nurse turned around, the remains on an amused grin playing on her lips. “Yes?”

“Can I take Jonghyun outside? I promise to take good care of him,” he pleaded, widening his eyes convincingly.

The nurse considered him for a moment before nodding. “Okay, but how about you just go to the balcony on this level; the trolley will be a bit of a pain outside.”

Key nodded back in agreement, pulling Jonghyun onto his feet and out of the room.

“Where are we going?” the brunette asked, breathless as they slowed to a walk.

“I don’t know,” his companion admitted, slowing as well to help push the trolley down the corridor. They were silent for a time, the only sound being Jonghyun’s wheezing as oxygen was forced into his lungs.

It was painful, Key found, having to watch hiss friend struggle with every minute movement of his diaphragm, unable to do anything except order more drugs to alleviate some of his pain.

They paused at a break in the wall which led to a balcony. Jonghyun led the way this time, shuffling over to a chair, promptly collapsing.

Key chuckled, striding over to ruffle his hair. “Tired?”

The other boy nodded, cracking open one eye to look at his friend. “Are you going to sit, too?”

Glancing around, Key searched for another chair, but found nothing.

Jonghyun seemed to have realized the dilemma, as well, wrapping his arms around his lithe waist and pulling until he was seated on his lap.

Surprising both Jonghyun and himself, Key snuggled into his embrace, leaning back until his head was resting on his shoulder.

Jonghyun hesitantly tightened his hold on the other boy, smiling as he closed his eyes, his expression softening.

“Are you still bored?” Key asked without opening his eyes.

“Nope,” Jonghyun answered, pressing his lips to the smooth skin of his neck.

Key hummed quietly in approval, tilting his head to the side.

More kisses were placed along his neck until they reached his jaw; here, he nuzzled the fair hair, inhaling as much of his scent as he could. Vanilla and musk; the perfect blend of sweet and spicy, just like Key.

“Thank you for coming today,” Jonghyun murmured, the light locks. “I’ve missed you.”

Key’s eyes fluttered open, looking back at Jonghyun. “I missed you, too.” A shy smile spread across his features, which was soon mirrored by the other boy. Key suddenly flushed, looking away. “We should probably get going,” he stuttered, stumbling as he tried to stand up.

Jonghyun placed his hands on his hips, helping him to his feet before standing up himself. He started when he felt fingers touching his face, feather light touches passing over his cheekbones and then adjusting his breathing tubes behind his ears.

Key smiled softly, pecking his nose and then racing away. “Catch me if you can!” he called over his shoulder.

Jonghyun laughed, shaking his head as he grabbed his trolley and proceeded to chase after him.


exams are done!

and so as a reward for both you, and me bien sur, here's an update!

I know it's not the best or the longest chapter so far but I promise the next one will be better, and trust me when I say that some of the little things that happened here will actually lead into some other events as the story carries on

speaking of which, I'm still debating on whether or not to make this angsty...we'll see ;)

and just a bit of useful information: comments keep me motivated and affect when I get to updating

food for thought ~ ^^

thank you to everyone for reading and subscribing and commenting and being fabulous

until next time<3

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Chapter 2: this is really cute <3 and totally what I was in need of. I was craving some hardcore fluff, and this was a little different to what I'd usually end up settling for, but it was a thousand times more perfect. It made a nice change, and I like the plotline! (stillnotwillingtopublicisemyloveforcondition!fic ahjdgf)
princehyeon #2
I really like stories with a realistic feel to them.
Not full of cliches, not all perfectly fine with pointless drama. Difference is a good thing when it comes to stories.This one seems promising, I like the unique setting. Totally love it so far! <3
BummieIsHungry #3
Chapter 1: This seems like a very unique storyline and, if this first chapter is saying anything, it sounds like it is going to be adorable. :) I cannot wait to read more!

Jonghyun is simply too adorable for words.
-_____- #4
yay!!!! i found another nice story to read!!!!! ^.^ now i won't die from boredrom! unless...unless you don't update alot. ;-;