Chapter 2

Stay with me, Kim Himchan


The school was crowded with people running in different directions to get to their classes. Jongup showed Himchan the way to the staff room, said goodbye and ran to get to his class in time. Himchan knocked the door four times and waited. An old woman opened up and looked at him.


“Anything I can help you with, dear?” She smiled at him and he nodded.


“Y-yes, please. I’m new here, it’s my first day and I’m supposed to find…uhm…” He grabbed some papers from his bag and started reading. “Mr. Yang! I think he’s my teacher.” He looked up at her and she smiled widely at him, pointing in the direction he should go.


“Just go to the end of the corridor to the left and you’ll find your class in the last room to the right.” She still had a wide smile on her face.


“O-okay.” He slowly turned around, but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist.


“Are you okay, dear? Your face is very pale and it looks like you’re going to pass out any minute.” She grabbed his shoulders and looked at him with a worried expression. He wasn’t sick. He was just really nervous. His past school experiences had not been so good. He had been bullied as long as he could remember.


“I-I’m alright...J-just nervous, that’s all.” His voice was shaky, but he managed to force a smile when she finally released his shoulders. She still looked worried, but she just shrugged her shoulders.


“Well, if there’s anything you need, I’ll be here.”


“Thank you!” He bowed deeply to her, turned around and started walking towards the hallway. He was surprised to see how long the hallway actually was. And he had to go all the way to the end of it. He sighed and his pace quickened. When he reached the end of the hallway he saw someone sitting on a bench near the classroom.


The boy looked up and their eyes met. They stared at each other as Himchan walked slowly towards the classroom. He got completely lost looking at the strange boy who was staring deeply into his eyes. He suddenly felt his knees weaken and he tripped on his own feet. He fell down and hit his head on the hard floor. Then everything went black.



The school nurse had just left the room and Yongguk was left alone with Himchan unconscious on the bed. He had not hurt his head too bad, but the nurse said he should stay there and rest for a while. Yongguk sat by his side as he had done since he had carried him to the nurse. He had not once taken his eyes off of him and he was still thinking of how his entire body had started to shiver when their eyes met. He had no idea who this boy was and why he felt the way he did, but there was definitely something special about him.


After another 5 minutes of sitting there in silence, Himchan’s hand started to move. Yongguk immediately grabbed his hand and leaned closer to him.


“Hey, are you awake?” he said calmly and smiled down at Himchan. Slowly Himchan opened his eyes and he was startled when he saw the stranger leaning over him and smiling at him.


“W-who are you?! Where am I?!” He quickly moved away from Yongguk and he almost fell down from the bed. He looked scared and confused at the stranger now standing in front of him.


“I’m sorry… I’m Bang Yongguk. You’re at the school nurse. I carried you here when you fell and hit your head. I…I didn’t want you to wake up alone so I stayed here with you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled softly at him, trying not to make him more scared than he already was.


“O-oh… Thank you for helping me. I’m Kim Himchan” He looked up at Yongguk and once again they gazed into each other’s eyes. There was a silence lasting a couple of minutes. Yongguk felt his knees starting to shiver and their eye contact broke.


“I should probably go. It was nice to meet you.” He didn’t wait for a respond, he just turned around and almost ran towards the door, leaving the confused Himchan alone on the bed.


He walked quickly back to the place where he had met Himchan for the first time and sat down on the bench. He could feel his heart still pumping fast and he felt really warm inside. For about 10 minutes he sat there, thinking of this mysterious boy who made his heart race. He had never felt this way about anyone before, especially not a boy.


“There you are! Why weren’t you in class?” Yongguk was so lost in thought of Himchan that he didn’t notice the people coming out of the classroom, not even his own best friend.


“Eh?” He looked up and saw his best friend smiling brightly at him as he always did. “Oh, hi Jongup. I was jus-“ He was interrupted by Jongup who almost jumped on him out of excitement.


“Never mind! There is someone you have to meet!” Jongup giggled and grabbed Yongguk’s arm and dragged him down the hallway. They ran around like this for about five minutes before Jongup stopped.


“….uhm, I just realised I have no idea where he is.” Jongup laughed and scratched his head. He felt so embarrassed.


“Ah Jongupie, this is so like you!” He by punching him lightly on his shoulder and then he sighed. “Who is this person you want me to meet anyway?”


“It’s a boy called Kim Himchan. He’s new here!” Yongguk’s eyes widened when he heard those words. Kim Himchan. He new that name. He had already met him.


“What’s up with that face?” Jongup looked confusedly at the other. “Do you already know him or something?” Yongguk nodded.


“I met him earlier today. H-he fell and hit his head so I carried him to the nurse…” Jongup smiled brightly at first, but as soon as he realised what Yongguk just had said his smile turned into a frown.


“What?! He’s hurt?!” Once again he grabbed Yongguk’s arm and dragged him around, this time to the school nurse. It wasn’t long before they were standing outside the door, waiting for the nurse to respond to Jongup’s loud knocking.


When she finally opened she told them Himchan had just left. Jongup pouted and looked very disappointed, but Yongguk was worried.



It had been about ten minutes since Yongguk had almost run out of the nurse room and Himchan was still sitting there on the bed confused. The nurse had come in to check on him a couple of times, giving him some water to ease down the dizziness he was feeling.


“If your head is not hurting too bad and you don’t feel dizzy anymore, you are free to go now.” The nurse smiled at him and sat down by her desk, immediately logging on the computer and starting to type extremely fast.


“I feel much better now, thank you for taking care of me.” He jumped off the bed and bowed deeply to her, trying to give her a smile without showing her he was, in fact, still in pain. He just really wanted to get out of that room, it reminded him too much of a hospital room.


“No problem, dear. Remember to take it easy the rest of the day, don’t over-work yourself.” She looked up from behind her computer and smiled at him. Himchan nodded, his heel and quickly walked towards the door. He walked straight to the staff room and told them what had happened so they wouldn’t think he had skipped his first day of school.


When he walked out of the room the hallways was crowded with people, just like it had been in the morning when he arrived. Everyone was in a hurry to get home. Himchan didn’t like people crowded by a lot of people so he waited till most of the people hade gone out.  He slowly walked down the hallway, thinking of his rather special first day of school.


“Himchan!!” Startled by the sudden loud noise, Himchan almost fell and hit his head again, but before he had time to even think about falling Jongup grabbed him and gave him a big hug. “I was so worried! I heard you got hurt…” He didn’t let go of the other, who was still confused about what just had happened.


“J-Jongup ah! I’m okay now, really.” Jongup slowly released his grip around Himchan and smiled brightly at him and giggled.


“We’ve been looking everywhere for you! We being myself and Yongguk; I heard you guys already met.” He whispered the last part to Himchan and smirked at him. Yongguk was standing a few meters behind Jongup, it was obvious that he was embarrassed. Himchan didn’t answer, he just smiled shyly and nodded.


“Anyway, one of the reasons I wanted to find you was that I wanted to invite you to a party this weekend!” Jongup was still smiling as brightly as ever. “There won’t be a lot of people there, just me, Yongguk and a couple of other friends.”


“Oh… Well, it sounds like it could be fun. Sure, I can come!” Himchan smiled, not giving away that the only reason he said yes was because Yongguk was going. There was really something special about that boy. He couldn’t wait to get to know him…



The uptade is finally here XD sorry it took so long, I have been really busy lately and not in a writing mood. I hope you like it and I will update as soon as possible! ^^ 


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benny- #1
updateeeeee !
Chapter 5: rahhhh, looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Chapter 5: ahhh...the moment they find themselves the great sources of support,the ones who understand & accept them for who they r,what they do,embrace them thru the hardships & need them by their sides...seems like Bang grown too attached to Himchan also,even tho they're a bit awkward :)
gukchan #4
Chapter 5: omfg crying I love this fic so mhch
tsukiyama #5
Chapter 5: i love this story.. :D
looking forward for your next update~
Chapter 4: Bang knew Himchans secret!!& Himchans hiding it of course...he'd be depressed more if he cant even share this to someone he trusted & felt safe the most...
anw fighting!!
lareine #7
Chapter 4: This is so sad, make it better soon author-nim~
looking forward for your next update ^•^
Chapter 3: Aww, I felt bad for Himchan in the flashback. I really wanted to punch those guys in the face ;-;.
It will all be okay, right ? Yongguk is here now :3
waiting for the update *-*
pychify #9
Chapter 3: What the?! Poor chanchan that was a bit too much.. I feel bad for him... I felt sick when he tried to kill himself somehow xd

But I loved this chapter. Finally found out what happened in chanchan's past.

I hope chanchan can finally be happy with gukkie ^^