Chapter 1

Stay with me, Kim Himchan


“Are you sure you will be alright?” Himchan’s mother looked at him with a worried expression on her face. It had only been two weeks since he had come home from the hospital and it was time for school again.

“Don’t worry so much, mom. I’ll be fine.” He tried to give his mom the best smile he could, but honestly he wasn’t looking forward to going back to school so it was difficult. He was starting at a new school, so no one there knew about his condition and for Himchan that was a big relief. He had been hospitalized for four months due to severe depression and anxiety that resulted in him trying to end his own life several times.

“Call me right away if anything happens, promise?” she was still worried to death and obviously wanted to protect her young son.

“I promise, mom, but now I really have to go.” He gave her a tight hug and she kissed his forehead. “I love you” He said those words while giving her one last hug before he grabbed his backpack and went to the front door.

“I love you too, my dearest Chan Chan.” She waved him goodbye as he walked out of the door and started walking towards the school bus. Himchan took one last glance at his mother through the kitchen window and had to fight the urge to burst out in tears. He took a deep breath and said to himself: “Well, Himchan…here we go again. New year. New school. New people. Let’s hope this year will bring more fortunes than the last. Hwaiting!!” He smiled at himself for saying that last word, realising he hadn’t used motivating words like that for a long time. He sighed and got on the crowded school bus.

There was so much noise on the bus that Himchan couldn’t hear his own thoughts. He desperately looked for an empty seat, but all he could see was confused faces looking straight at him. A group of people in the back of the bus started whispering to each other. No one of them had ever seen Himchan before so of course they were curious of who he was and what he was doing there. There was a silence on the bus that lasted for about five minutes before people started shouting and laughing again. Himchan was standing on the front of the bus, still looking for an empty seat.

“Y-you can sit here...i-if you want to...” The young boy sitting next to where Himchan was standing tapped his shoulder and smiled awkwardly.

“E-eh?” Himchan couldn’t hear the boy over all the noise.

“You can sit here!” He raised his voice a little this time and pulled his bag off the seat next to him.

“Oh…Thank you.” He smiled at the boy and sat down with his backpack on his own lap.

There it was again. The silence. It lasted a few minutes before the boy looked at Himchan and opened his mouth.

“Hi! I’m Moon Jongup! Are you new here? I’ve never seen you before…” He smiled widely and looked at Himchan’s surprised face.

“H-hi. I’m Kim Himchan, nice to meet you Jongup. Yes, it’s my first day…” He forced a smile and looked at the smiling boy sitting beside him.

“Oh, cool! If you need any help finding your class or anything just let me know.” Jongup patted Himchan’s head and giggled. Himchan was startled at first because he didn’t really like human contact, but he felt like he could trust this boy so he smiled at him.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it. Could you help me find the teachers office I can get the help I need from them? I don’t want to be a bother to you or making you not get to class in time…” Himchan looked down at his own feet as he spoke and started moving them around, making a clapping noise when one shoe hit the other.

“Of course, don’t you worry about it, Kim Himchan!”Jongup was still smiling. Himchan was wondering if he ever stopped smiling like that. He must admit, Jongup was kind of cute and he liked his smile a lot. “Do you want to meet when there’s lunchtime? It would be sad if you were alone on your first day, you know…” His smile changed into a pout and it was impossible for Himchan to say no to that cute puppy-face. He smiled widely and nodded.

The rest of the bus trip they didn’t talk much, Himchan was too lost in the thought of him actually making a friend on his first day! It made him feel happy inside. A kind of happiness he hadn’t felt in a long time. For once, he was exited to start at a new school with his new friend. 



ok so this is just a kind of an intro to the story, so it's not very long. I will hopefully post a new chapter every week  ^o^ (If I have time to write..) I feel like I should have like one day I post a new chapter.. maybe every friday or saturday. What do you guys think? Leave comments if you want, all comments are very much appreciated! <3 Hope you enjoy my story, I'm gonna go now, take care everyone, byyee 

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benny- #1
updateeeeee !
Chapter 5: rahhhh, looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Chapter 5: ahhh...the moment they find themselves the great sources of support,the ones who understand & accept them for who they r,what they do,embrace them thru the hardships & need them by their sides...seems like Bang grown too attached to Himchan also,even tho they're a bit awkward :)
gukchan #4
Chapter 5: omfg crying I love this fic so mhch
tsukiyama #5
Chapter 5: i love this story.. :D
looking forward for your next update~
Chapter 4: Bang knew Himchans secret!!& Himchans hiding it of course...he'd be depressed more if he cant even share this to someone he trusted & felt safe the most...
anw fighting!!
lareine #7
Chapter 4: This is so sad, make it better soon author-nim~
looking forward for your next update ^•^
Chapter 3: Aww, I felt bad for Himchan in the flashback. I really wanted to punch those guys in the face ;-;.
It will all be okay, right ? Yongguk is here now :3
waiting for the update *-*
pychify #9
Chapter 3: What the?! Poor chanchan that was a bit too much.. I feel bad for him... I felt sick when he tried to kill himself somehow xd

But I loved this chapter. Finally found out what happened in chanchan's past.

I hope chanchan can finally be happy with gukkie ^^