Sleep well!

Midnight GHOST!


"Eric is dangerous tonight, what the hell should I do to be safe beside him in the same bed??Ah….so horrible! I bet I will not hold my secret any longer if he….if he…Ahhhh………'

Hye sun muttered to himself anxiously, pressing his hands against his temples.

"I should find a solution!"

15 minutes later

Eric returned from the bathroom and opened the bedroom’s door, his jaw dropped by watching the scene in front him.

Hye sung had been divided the mattress in to two equal parts by setting a line of pillows in the middle of the bed, he had been also wrapped himself in a thick blanket, just the two eyes and the nose were out of it!

Eric tried to hold his laughter and sat beside Hye sung on the edge of the bed.

- I told you to prepare the bed, not to make a stronghold for yourself on it.

- You did not tell me how to prepare my bed and that’s the way how I prepare it!

- You always mummy your body like this while sleeping? Eric gave him a sneering laugh

- Yes I do! Do you have any problem with it?

- Yes I have!

- Why? Hye sung asked with a suspicious voice.

- Coz you should sleep in my arms and I don’t have any access to your body if you want to sleep like this! Eric’s sparkling eyes were staring at the man in front of him

- What? Repeat it again if you dare! Hye sung said threatening.

- Coz you should sleep in my arms and I don’t have any access to your body if you want to sleep like this! I will repeat it a thousand times if you want! And according to your promise you are supposed to obey it!

- But I didn’t promise to let you do everything you want to do with me!

Hye sung tightened the blanket around himself.

- Do everything? Hey come on…I don’t want to tear you up!!!!!! I just want to sleep peacefully beside you! And if you do not remove the pillows, I have no other way but to sleep here on top of you.

- You won’t! Hye sung said angrily

- I will!

- Nooooo..

- Yesss!!choose between them! Beside you or on top of you? Hurry up…make a decision

Eric stood up and crossed his arms

Hye sung decided to ignore him. He did not move an inch.closed his eyes as if he had not heard any thing

- I’m waiting hye sung…

- Do whatever you want!

- Really?you think I won't do it?Eric said with a loud voice.

No answer…

- Ya…jung pil kyo!you think I won’t do it?

- ….

- ok let me prove it!

Hye sung was about to die of horror When he felt Eric body’s weight on top of him .

- Ok ok….stop stop…I will remove the pillows…wait wait!!!Hye sung pushed Eric away and  jumped out of his bed hurriedly and removed the pillows as  fast as possible then again went under the blanket  with the speed of light.

- Now sleep peacefully as you said! Hye sung said panting for breath, covering himself again completely by the blanket.

Eric lied down on the bed beside Hye sung happily and said:

- Thanks dear…now let’s sleep. Good night. And he turned off the lamp

Hye sung sighed of relief and was about to close his tired eyes, but within a second again the man beside him opened his cursed mouth

- Hye sungie… .

Eric was trying to speak in a small mincing treble!

- I feel so cold hye sungie…let me sleep under your warm blanket…

- But there is an extra blanket for you on the bed!

- But I want to sleep under the same blanket with you….Holding your warm body Eric said the last sentence with a low voice so that Hye sung could not hear it.

There was no response from Hye sung

- You should be obedient to me!Hye sung a…Hye sung a …Eric said impatiently

He shook Hye sung body calling his name over and over…

- Hye sung a….Hye sung a….Let me sleep under your blanket….Hye sung a…Hye sung a….

- Ah…you will kill me tonight!I give up…I don’t have strength to fight with a stubborn man like you! Come here

Hye sunge upraised the edge of the blanket and Eric crept under it and hugged Hye sung tightly in a twinkle of an eye.

When Hye sung found himself lying in Eric arms….he started to tremble

- Eric a…..

- Ummm?

- Just sleep…ok? Don’t do anything dangerous…ok?

Eric rose from his position. He was almost on top of Hye sung looking in his eyes deeply.

- What do you mean by dangerous? He said with a seductive voice while his hand was about to touch Hye sung burning cheeks.

- I …I mean you should just sleep and do not tease me like this…ah!

Hye sung let out a weak moan when he felt Eric fingers on his skin!

- Am I teasing you honey? Why? I’m just touching you simply.

- But…but it is not a simple touch…it…it arouses my suppressed feelings.

Hye sung stammered while trying hard to raise his numbed hand to stop Eric's hand from touching his face, but he was not successful. His mind was under the control of his heart which was telling his body to stop any action against the man on top of him.

"Let him do whatever he wants to do…although it might not be from the bottom of his heart".

Hye sung soul was completely at his heart command.

When Eric did not see any resistance from the man under him, he dared to come nearer and lean his forehead against the other man’s.

The breaths were mingled

Eric murmured:

- What did you say? Your suppressed feelings? About me? Huh?

- No…no…nothing…I just…I just….

-You just?
- I just….

- Hum?

- I….just…..

- Aigoo you just say I just I just repeatedly! Tell something Hye sung a…

- i….j…us…t…

he could not continue! He could feel Eric lips’ warmth…there was no distance….and no doubt….it was going to happen…he was going to kiss him….

Hye sung closed his eyes and waited for Eric lips!

" Hurry up….kiss me….hurry up….why don’t you do it…what are you waiting for…pleaseee"

Hye sung was waiting for the kiss, but nothing happened…Eric removed his forehead and yawned deeply…

- Ah…did you close your eyes dear….are you tired? He said to the man with closed eyes and yawned again then continued:

- Me too…Ok don’t tell anything…no problem.

Eric freed Hye sung and threw his body beside him.

- We will talk about it later…ok? End of discussion…sleep well!

That was the last sentence Eric said that night…

Hye sung opened his eyes in disbelief…

- Ya…you…eric mun!

He poked the man beside him…

- Eric a…

The sound was pleading.

- Eric a….why don’t you answer!

The other man was silent. A light smile could be seen on his face….

- Eric a…you can’t sleep this fast…Please...

No answer…

- I should have taken you to hospital! Ah! Hye sung shouted madly and slept on the bed with his back to Eric.His heart was still beating too fast…

"It was not Fair…I wanted to touch it once…in my whole life…why does he tease me like this…I allowed him to do what he wanted to do….but…."

-You are a bastard…a playful kind of it! Hye sung said loudly and then closed his teary eyes.

He was not aware of the thoughts of the man lying beside him!!!!!!(;


my note:

sorry for being late my dear friends I was to0o0o00000 busy these days.I did not have enough time to type the new chapter ):


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miszrange #1
Chapter 6: funny story but i like it. hahah. update soon authornim..
milan0613 #2
Chapter 6: =]]]]]]]
you are devil Eric ah
so funny
thanks au!
Chapter 3: I really like your Eric. He is like stupid but clever. :D Like the real Eric. :D:D:D:D
kewanalynne #4
Chapter 6: love this chapter! :D It is so adorable and hilarious combined. ^_^
Chapter 6: what bathroom.. now i cant wait to read the next chappie..

super like..
ninabulett #6
Chapter 6: Lovelovelove this chapter! Especially the genie part and ricsyung's shout n hug scene~ XD
The bickering and eric's teasing were also cuute! I'm really looking forward for the next chapter~
Actually i feel really gloomy this morning, but this chap made me ROFL, thanksssss!!! ^(^0^)^
Chapter 6: HAHAHAHAHAHA I just laughed my ___ off!! Haahahaha so fuuunnny!! Thanks !!
ozoxee #8
Chapter 6: your story is really really funny.. i like it.. the genie don't watch eric's drama because he have no tv..its totally hilarious.. update soon authornim.. i'll be waiting..
Chapter 6: Hahahaha...I really laughed out loud by reading this chapter specially when hye sung was struggling with eric's hand.
The genie also was so cute!
I'm still laughing.
Thank you author!