Nagging mother in law gets in to trouble

Midnight GHOST!


- what was wrong with Eric tonight ?he just kept quiet and did nothing except giving a cold congratulation .he stood still like a statue in front of me and stared at my face blankly…exactly like an idiot! Aishhhhhhhhhh… was my birthday party! And I received no smile…no hug….no bobo….


Hyesung pouted sadly and sighed!


- Such a jerk friend he is…!


He continued with a gloomy face:


- He even did not give me my birthday gift and told me that he was too busy to buy a proper present for me for today!!!!!He promised to bring it tomorrow! pwah! Stupid man….I know what to do with him to bring back his lost brain within his empty head!!!

And I know what to do with his gift. I will not accept it any more….Or maybe I should throw it in a trash can, in front of his eyes and enjoy watching his burning face!!! ke ke ke...


Hye sung was still talking to himself loudly while cleaning the living room which had been turned in to a huge trash can, After having a birthday party with shinhwa members!


- Aish….look at this mess….how can I finish cleaning this exploded room without any help? The disaster was less than this if a bomb was exploded in my living room!!!Aish…chinjaaaaaa


He cursed shinhwa members one by one and bent to pick up the trashes that were spread in all over the room! He did not stop talking to himself even for a moment…or a second!!!!

Like a real nagging mother in law!!!

He continued cleaning and nagging with a loud voice and clearly, the main topic of his talking to himself was no one but Eric! Certainly among members, Eric was the one who received the most curses from hyesung!

The more he was working and cleaning, the more he became angry! And the curses became more horrible!!!!
He went to the kitchen in order to wash the dishes. He tried to turn on the kitchen light but it was burnt.


- Who has done this to my kitchen lamp????Oh….I have to wash the dishes in the darkness now….the one who has done this to my kitchen lamp is dead!!!


He stood in front of the sink and started to wash the dirty dishes. He forgot the burnt lamp immediately and again started to talk about Eric…


- Eric mun you have dug your own grave! just wait for my revenge….at your birthday party…!!!




Something sharp within the foams injured his hand…he screamed like a woman and pulled his hand out of the foams.

- Omo…omooo…..blood….blooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!My hand is injured hardly!!!


He was about to cry!!!


- Omma…..where are you?????Your pretty boy’s hand is bleeding…in his birthday night!!!


He wiped his coming tears .


- It is just Eric’s fault!!!!


He went toward the first aid box… and cursing, and started to search for  something to bandage his hand.




The sound of falling a heavy thing echoed in all over the house!


- What was that?


Hye sung said to himself wide eyed!




Something hit the drawer in guest’s bedroom.

Hyesung leaned against the  wall behind him and covered his mouth to stop screaming!


- w…what was that? oh my god……


He could hear strange sounds coming from the room…


- Oh my god….help me pleaseeeeeee…what is that??????is…is it a ghost???Did I talk too much to myself and awakened the slept soul of this house? oh god….help….I don’t want to die by an angry ghost!!


He was asking for god’s mercy that he saw a humanlike figure in the dark bedroom through its open door.

He hesitated for a moment and thought maybe it was not an angry ghost…maybe it was a human being and that was a relief….that was a…relief??????????

He became nervous again…


- what does he want? Why he is in my house at this time? How did he come in????



Hye sung clutched his clothes…


- It is more dangerous than a ghost! Is he a thief? or…maybe a crazy murderer who wants to kill me….then cut my body in to pieces…exactly the same as that horrible movie that I saw with Eric last week….Ayyyyyy…..Ericccccccccc…all of these things are your fault!!!!


Hyesung closed his eyes and again asked for god’s compassionate.

He felt that the vague figure was coming closer…and now it seemed to be in the kitchen…and hyesung did not have the courage to open his eyes…


- I have to do something….I don’t want to die like this….I have to fight for my life…..


He said to himself and fumbled for something on the counter beside him. He found a frying was the best weapon that he could find in his kitchen at that moment. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.


- Now it’s time to attack the stranger. Hana...tul….seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!


And the circular surface of the metal pan landed on the head of the stranger strongly!

The sound of the hit echoed in hye sung ears…..and broke the silence of the midnight and then within a second a masculine shout filled the house…

The stranger fell on the ground and moaned…


- What did you …do….to…me…..hyesung…..????


And then the silence reigned again!


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miszrange #1
Chapter 6: funny story but i like it. hahah. update soon authornim..
milan0613 #2
Chapter 6: =]]]]]]]
you are devil Eric ah
so funny
thanks au!
Chapter 3: I really like your Eric. He is like stupid but clever. :D Like the real Eric. :D:D:D:D
kewanalynne #4
Chapter 6: love this chapter! :D It is so adorable and hilarious combined. ^_^
Chapter 6: what bathroom.. now i cant wait to read the next chappie..

super like..
ninabulett #6
Chapter 6: Lovelovelove this chapter! Especially the genie part and ricsyung's shout n hug scene~ XD
The bickering and eric's teasing were also cuute! I'm really looking forward for the next chapter~
Actually i feel really gloomy this morning, but this chap made me ROFL, thanksssss!!! ^(^0^)^
Chapter 6: HAHAHAHAHAHA I just laughed my ___ off!! Haahahaha so fuuunnny!! Thanks !!
ozoxee #8
Chapter 6: your story is really really funny.. i like it.. the genie don't watch eric's drama because he have no tv..its totally hilarious.. update soon authornim.. i'll be waiting..
Chapter 6: Hahahaha...I really laughed out loud by reading this chapter specially when hye sung was struggling with eric's hand.
The genie also was so cute!
I'm still laughing.
Thank you author!