
I Can't Explain What I Feel II - The Epilogue


“I won!” SeHun said when we just entered backstage. Everybody was hugging, so I took the chance to hug him deeply. “You won the award. I am so proud of you. And I won the bet. Could it be more perfect than this?” He said and started planting an amount of kisses on my cheek. I smiled and tears start forming in my eyes again. “Cameras!” BaekHyun shouted and got us apart, taking me from SeHun’s arms and hugging me instead, congratulating me for the award. Before turning his back at me to talk to the others, SeHun blinked and smiled.


We went to the hotel, and as we were all waiting for the elevators, SeHun said, “Guys, I need to talk to you, come to my room, it will be quick… I think…” And everyone nodded at him. I took his hand and the boys followed us to our room. It truthfully looked like a party, 12 well-dressed good-looking guys in a single room. Some of them sat on the bed, some on the sofa and some on the floor, as ChanYeol took almost all the spots lying on bed. I waited up for SeHun’s announcement.


“So, LuHan and I are getting married.” He said and the majority of them replied, “We already know it!” SeHun then told everyone to shut up in his best evil maknae way. “But there’s one thing you don’t know, and here comes the funny part… I made a bet with LuHan and I won, so we are going to get married right away, as soon as possible. And by the way, all of you are best-mans, M to his side and K to mine, so you all will have to help us make it work.” He said fast and everybody went shock, opening their mouths wide. Well, except for one person, and I know you can tell who that person was.


“KYA! You listened to my advice SeHun-ah! A marriage! Clothes: check! Now we just need the rest! We can separate members to things to do. But… who is going to be the bride?” ChanYeol said in excitement, infecting people with his happy virus, making the rest to relax and join his excitement. “What do you mean by the bride? I don’t know if you noticed, but we are both men.” SeHun said innocently. I could tell the response to this wasn’t going to be a good thing. “Humpf, how many times do I have to explain this to you SeHun-ah? In a homoual relationship between guys, there’s always one that tops and-AAH!” BaekHyun jumped on him suffocating his sweet, delicate and caring boyfriend with the pillow, not letting him to finish the phrase. I blushed hard and the others laughed.


“Ah, in that case, LuHan is the bride.” SeHun said calmly, like it wasn’t a big thing, making everyone laugh harder, but D.O went quiet and blushed with that. I hit his arms now with a flush red face. “I preferred you when you were innocent.” I said pouting, and he kissed me.


“So, we’ll have t make it happen. Kris and I will take care of the place, Tao and Chen will take care of the decoration, KyungSoo will take care of the food and the cake, XiuMin will take care of the invitations, Lay will take care of the music, BaekHyun and ChanYeol will take care of the entertainment. Agreed?” SuHo said and all shouted “Agreed!” after taking some time to think of the leader just said. “Good, now let’s go. We’ll make this happen.” SuHo said and everybody was about to leave when Kai protested. “Hey, what about me?” He said a little disappointed.


“Ah, you’ll take care of the bachelors parties, of course. No one can party like you Kai.” He opened a great smiled and left the room talking with D.O.  “Night boys, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” ChanYeol said, as he and BaekHyun were the last to leave. SeHun held me from behind, putting his head on my shoulder. “We are going to be married.” He whispered in my ear. I took his hand and kissed his cheek, smiling. “Yes, we are.”




If you think about planning a wedding ceremony and party in two months, you’ll say that this is crazy and absurd. But with 12 people planning this together, it doesn’t seem so absurd. We are in November, our company is planning for us to make our comeback later this month, and with that, it means I’ll be apart from SeHun for two or more moths. So it has to be now. The wedding has to be now. And it will. November 10. It is settled. Tao choose the date, ad his explanation was that it looked cute: 12/11/10. I agreed. We have one more day. It is going to be tomorrow.


They didn’t let us pick anything for the ceremony or the party; it was going to be a huge surprise. I trust them with all my heart, and I know their choices will be the best, but I’m so curious. Today is our bachelor party that Kai prepared. It is going to be divided in two different parties, one for me, to be held in YunHo hyung’s apartment, and one for SeHun, to be held in RyeWook hyung’s house. Yes, they didn’t want us to be together in our bachelor party.


Our company didn’t know about our weeding, because it was like a secret wedding, only our best friends and family were going to be present, less than 100 guests. Our managers did know, of course, and helped us to hide it, but they said if anyone discovered, they were going to say they had nothing to do with this and know nothing about it too. Deal.


Kai told everybody to dress nice, and I was having trouble choosing my clothes. I was standing in front of my closet with just my towel on for like, one hour or more. “But baby, you look nice in everything you wear.” SeHun said from my bed.“But I want to be nicer today. It will be my last day single.” I said, still looking for something to wear. SeHun got near me, holding my waist. “And what will you do on your last day single? I don’t want you to spend the night with other guy.” He said and kissed my neck and shoulder. “I will, with a lot of guys actually, and so are you. But they are all my friends, and it’s only a party. Nothing is going to happen.” I said, passing my fingers on his hair.


“What if… we don’t go to this party, and stay here… we can celebrate in our best way…” SeHun said and started puling me to bed, taking my towel off my body.  We fell on bed, with him above me, kissing my neck again. “We have to go… Kai prepared this to us…” And he ignored me. “But it’s been so long since we last did it…” SeHun complained. “What are you talking about? We did it this morning, kid.” I said and laughed about his pout. “Come on… I know you want it too…” He said in a tease way, putting my legs around his waist. I was going to respond when the door was opened.


“SeHun, get off your soon-to-be-husband now. LuHan, here is your towel. Baek, help him finding something to wear. Let’s go, kid.” ChanYeol entered the room not minding the scene. In fact, he was kind of used to this. Without counting that day when the manager found out about us, he already saw us… let’s say… in that position, about three times.  The first time it was embarrassing, but just because it was ChanYeol, and he said it was a normal thing to do, we were used to it too.


He took SeHun by the hand and got him away from the room, he was protesting and saying bad words, but ChanYeol pretended he was not listening. BaekHyun helped me choosing my outfit, and when we got out of the room half of the boys were already out with ChanYeol and SeHun.


XiuMin, BaekHyun, Tao, SuHo and Lay were going to my party, and the others to my fiancé’s. When he arrieved there it really looked like a club, a lot of alcohol, it was dark but had that colorful light that made the clubs scene look alike. The music was also like a club, it had some electronic games too. It was really funny actually, as my guests were part of SuJu, part of SHINee and my best friends from China. We played drinking games, we laugh, dance, and all this things. JongHyun hyung also pretended to star doing strip, but stopped in the middle.


It was really funny. I enjoyed myself. And as I was the bachelor, they made me drink more then I’m used to and more then all the other there, so I was drunk. And when I get drunk, I get funnier… and other things too that I prefer not to comment.


The boys took me to the dorm and placed me on bed, the others haven’t come back from SeHun’s party yet. I wasn’t even a little sleepy, so I stayed up walking all over the place waiting for them. The others with me were already sleeping. After a hour or two the door opened, ChanYeol was being carried by Kris, who brought him to his room, D.O was helping Kai to walk, and SeHun was helping Chen. “Baby, you are already here. Wait, I’ll put him on bed, be right back.” He said and left with the dead body.


I was still drunk. Not too drunk. But drunk. He came back and went to the kitchen to get some water. I followed him and held him. “Hunnie. I want to do it~~ kekeke~ I’m drunk. Everything is funny. I’m . Hunnie. I’m drunk. Hunnie, take me.” I said over and over again to him. He finished drinking the water and laughed at me. “Han, why did you let those stupid boys get you drunk?” He said turning around to face me and kiss my forehead. “Because it’s good. Hunnie, I want it. I want it I want it. Let’s do it pleeease.” I said doing aegyo, sounding like a little kid, opening his pants in excitement. I was going to regret this on the morning.


“No way. LuHan you are drunk. And SeHun, don’t get into his tricks. It’s already past midnight, you are marring today. You weren’t supposed to see each other before the wedding. So I’m taking SeHun with me. LuHan, go to your bed now. You need to get a good time sleeping. Thank god the wedding is just at night. And by the way, you can do this on your honey moon.” Kris said and took SeHun from my arms, I pouted.  It was the second time on the day that they stopped us. It wasn’t fair. But like a kid I obeyed my dad and went to bed.


It’s today. I’m going to marry the person 8 months ago helped me when I was feeling homesick, the person I most loved and needed by my side. I’m going to marry my person, my other half. I’m going to marry SeHun.





Here I am! Missed me again? Please, tell me what you think about this chapter? Too boring? So, the next chapter will be the wedding! Yay! How excited are you all? In a ChanYeol kind of way? I’m going to post it sooner than expected! And you will love it for sure cause I already love it deeply! Support me always my lovely subscribers! I lob you all! ♥

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Krisyeolsdaughter #1
Chapter 4: Sooo, is kaisoo together in the end? Btw, nice ending author nim! ^^
kaistal_hunhan #2
Chapter 4: Totally love it ~~~~~~~~~
kyushie #3
Chapter 4: I really cant expalin what i feel! I love you author-nim~~ :*
Chapter 4: THIS.WAS.AMAZIMNG! I Can't Explain What I Feel was my very first fanfic I have ever read and it was amazing!Thank you for this wonderful fic! Sarang Hamnida!
Chapter 4: OMG..............END? REALLY?
CandyJar #6
Chapter 4: Amazing, that's really a good fic!
Chapter 4: voltando xD

Que coisa mais fofa!! Olha essa cena do SeHun na cama com ela!
Preciso que isso vire realidade!!

EXO se aposentou!!! ç-ç
Por que??????
Podiam ser que nem os Rolling Stones!!
Ok eles também não lançam musica nova, mas fazem shows mimimimi

Ok ok... tudo bem... eles trabalharam muito... eu deixo ç-ç

"I couldn’t tell who was crying more. If it was me, SeHun, Tao or KyungSoo."
Eu ri com isso xDDD

EXO nunca cresce hauahuaha

BaekYeol começou uma familia também!!!
morri x.x
Olha essa cena final!!! ç-ç

Velho!!! Mano!!! Cara!!!
Amei esse negocio!!!!
Sério mesmo!!
Cois amais linda, mais maravilhosa, mais perfeita!!!
Espero que você esteja prevendo o futuro!!
Na verdade uma parte dele... por que o ChanYeol é seu xDD

Um final feliz!!!
Amo isso!!!


Sem mais palavras *-*


i love you \o
Chapter 4: AHHHHH!!! O ultimo capitulo!!!!!
Tava muito ansiosa por isso!!
Cara!!! Olha esse ChanYeol!! Arrasando nas telonas xD o Kris tem cara de "dono de empresa" mesmo xDD CEO xD Velho D.O arrasou também!! Mas também né, com esses dotes culinários *-* HAUHAUHAU new Jackie Chan! Pior que ele pode ser mesmo!! Vai lá Tao!! \o/ Own!! Quero musicas compostas pelo Lay ç-ç Chen Chen Chen!! Arrasando corações no Japão!! Ele merece!! *_* esse lindo!! e foi comparado com a BoA!! Tome essa haters do Chen xDD Velho!!! Broadway??? BaekHyun divo!!!! Uia! Kai mostrando o corpitcho y pelo mundo... me gusta *_* XiuMin esta no posto certo!! Huhauah serio!! que fofinho ele como MC do star King!! E realmente, é a cara do SuHo fazer essas coisas, tão bonzinho *-*

HunHan ficou em casa cuidando um do outro *-* Que lindo!!

Velho!! EXO é um banda excepcional! Olha isso!! Dominaram o mundo!! Só faltou um escritor xD

Nossa, senti a dor do LuHan.... 26 meses sem o SeHun? Como ele não morreu?
HUAHAUAHA ok, quase todos dividem as casas e SuHo e DongHae?? To sabendo huhuhuhu

Huahauha que do do LuHan!! deixaram ele excluído!! Tudo bem tudo bem, foi por uma boa causa xD

UAAAAAAAA! Ele beijou o SeHun!!! Na boca!!! Na frente de todo mundo!!!
E que dó!! ele tava com saudades do maridão!! Deixem ele em paz, pessoas chatas que ficam tirando foto... esses paparazzis tsc tsc huahuaha

Nhoi nhoi nhoi esses lindos! Amo eles! Adoro quando o SeHun chama o LuHan de Lu *-*

Sei muito bem o que você vão fazer!!! xDD Pois é LuHan, o SeHun amadureceu nesses dois anos xDD

No way!!! LuHan mordeu a bunda do SeHun!!! HAUHAUAHAUAH amei xDD

HunHan is real!! HunHan is real!!! HUNHAN IS REAL!!!
como eu sonho me ler uma noticia dessas *-*

Isso ai SM!! Bota moral e deia todo mundo namorar!! /lecorreparacasarcomootaemin

Olha essa cena da menininha!!!! Que coisa mais linda!!! Morri aqui *-*
Imaginei muito a cena!!
Bubble tea!!! Logico que a filha deles tinha que tomar né?
Ok, acabou meu espaço vou pro outro comentari
Chapter 3: I'm crying because of this huhuhu