
I Can't Explain What I Feel II - The Epilogue


Ten years have passed since my wedding with SeHun. Ever since that, a lot of events have happened in our lives and career. EXO, as one, achieved all the things they were meant to achieve, becoming an actual global group, and if not the most, one of the most appreciated and loved groups in Korea and China, expanding our market to Japan as well, conquering their right place in the world. We exceeded all the expectations, all the things the company asked us to do, we did it with mastery, and more than that, we broke a huge amount of records, and i’m not bragging.



Individually, when not promoting with EXO, either M or K, or even OT12, every single member of EXO was able to rise. ChanYeol became a well-known actor in Korea, praised for his incredible acting skill, becoming the first singer-that-turned-into-actor to be considered the best actor of the nation. Kris created, trained and managed his own successful group under SM, and had plans to open his own entertainment company next year. KyungSoo won Masterchef Korea, and not the one made for celebrities, but the actual one, receiving a upscale restaurant as the grand prize.



Tao is known as the new Jet Lee, or the variant: the new Jackie Chan, playing multiples characters in Chinese and soon Hollywood action movies with his martial arts skills. Lay has become a great composer, and has been responsible for all EXO’s songs since the third year from debut, also composing and producing songs for other SM artists. Chen went to do solo career in Japan, and now one of the most praised singers, already having six consecutive first places on Oricon, being compared to BoA and DBSK.



BaekHyun as expected, went to musical career, participating on dozens of musicals and receiving an offers to go to Broadway for one season. Kai is also a model now, working for huge fashion brands like Gucci, Calvin Klein, Chanel, Dior and Armani, travelling to the most beautiful places in the world. XiuMin is the new host of Star King, and being part of the comedians-line in Korea, participating in numerous gag shows. SuHo, the guardian angel, funded a organization that helped needed people and especially children, spending his time to do volunteering work, with us the other members, and collecting funds to help.



‘What about LuHan and SeHun?’ may you ask. Well, we did exceptional things too, not huge like the others, but we did it as a couple. SeHun was now one of the choreographers for SM, and I work for the company too, teaching Chinese for the trainees. Is not that we didn’t want to do greater, but for us this was perfect, this was great. We are working with all we wanted, and besides, we  are successful singers, we have EXO. And let’s just say that for them, the greatest thing, is to spend time with each other.



But like all korean citizens, EXO-K members, plus Chen and XiuMin had to go to the army. And ever since 2013, the artists didn’t have a special treatment there, from that time to now, celebrities were treated like the others, meaning they couldn’t come back home every week or month, just in festival times like christmas and new year's. SeHun was the last one to enlist, and he had to do this on his own. Kai, being from the beginning of 94, decided to enlist with KyungSoo, leaving our maknae alone. SM also didn’t let we visit the ones enlisting, to not cause problems.



So that means I only saw SeHun twice a year for these 26 months. I thought I would be prepared for this as we spent four months separated in promotional period, but I was wrong. It’s nothing like that. It is completely different. We talk every day, yes, but sometimes he has supervision, and we can only skype once in two weeks. It’s nothing like the promotional period. When he comes home, we spend all the time we can on each other arms. And when he had to go back, I feel like my heart is going with him. I know, it’s cheesy and seems like I’m exaggerating, but it really feels like that to me.


Well, it was like a living hell, but we survived, and like I say all time these days: “If our love and marriage survived the enlistment, we will be together forever”. And another time, for apparently the same reason, SeHun is stuck into me until his last breath (Insert evil laugh here). So it’s today. He’s getting off the army today. I’m so excited and so nervous that I have to sleep on BaekHyun and ChanYeol’s house this night. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. Well, we no longer lives in dormitory, we have our own houses. Some of us share it, like me and SeHun, or ChanYeol and BaekHyun; or Kai and KyungSoo; or Kris, Lay and Tao; or SuHo and Super Junior’s DongHae. The others have their own houses. We still have the dormitory there for us, that we can use it when promoting with EXO.



We all are going to pick up SeHun today. The last EXO member to get of the army. We are planning on comeback with a new album this summer, just for the fans. So I woke up earlier and made breakfast, they were all coming here to BaekYeol’s house to get there together. They arrived soon, but to me looked like an eternity. When we were getting on ours ways, my heart was beating fast. It may sound stupid, I know. He was my husband for ten years now. But I felt like that day when we went to Lotte World, and we ended up almost kissing.



We got off the van and greeted the reporters and fans. The others organized a line and put me as last, as usual. I couldn’t see anything from behind. But when the fans started screaming his name, I couldn’t breathe anymore. Different from what I have imagined, all the member joined for a group hug and left me. I pouted but realized their plan. They wanted just me and him to have an exclusive moment.



Now I could see him. He was right there in front of me. And was not going to leave me. He was mine and just mine. SeHun came and hugged me. Feeling his arms around me was all I need to be happy forever. His touch, his skin, his hair, his perfume. I missed it so much. I was out of myself. I just got his face with my both hands and kissed him, in the lips, obviously. Forgetting about all the people there.



After I realized what I’ve done I quietly step away from him and looked down the floor. Yes, even if I was 32 years old I felt like I was a little kid right now. Not that i mentally changed, but I feel more mature, especially in my marriage. Not the point right now, because like I said, I felt incredibly shy at this moment and my cheeks turned into a dark side of red.



SeHun looked at me with his eyes opened wide, the other EXO members were also looking at me with a shock expression on their faces. I covered my mouth and turned to the van in silence. SuHo and Kris ran to reach me, entering the van covering my face from the reporters. All people there started  taking a lot of pictures and making questions. I wasn’t really understanding any word they were saying, so my silence remain. SeHun entered the van right after me and came to sit on my side.



“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn’t thinking... I’m sorry.” I said, but when I turned to face him I noticed he was smiling brightly as he took my hand and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry Lu. Well, at least, not for now. Someday the world would have to figure it out and you just... brought it forward. Having the courage without even knowing.” SeHun said putting his arms around me and pulling me close. “I missed you.” he said kissing my neck. “I missed you too.” I said and turned my face to meet his lips. Oh, I missed specially this. A lot.



“Hey, happy couple.” ChanYeol said from the front seat. “Do you want to go to the company now? In less than a hour all Korea will be knowing about you.” he said smiling. . ChanYeol was a special person. Even in times like this, when usual person would be scared or concerned, even the times he got into trouble or had a lot of problems to deal with, he always passed by it with a big smile on his face. What he said was true, soon everyone would know and we would have to face all the consequences.



I asked SuHo to call our manager to ask what we should do now, and soon SungHwan was telling us that the best thing to do right now was going home and wait. He was going to talk with the CEO. Calming us and saying not to worry that he was going to deal with it and everything would be fine.



We went home alone. We needed some time for just the two of us, to relax and do things we weren’t able to do in this two years that he was on the army. And also to have, what I like to call it, our romantic evening, that we usually have two or three times a week normally, but sometimes more. It was our way not to think about the incident from earlier. But unfortunately, for me, after all that, the thoughts and worries hit me again.



Yeobo, I told you not to worry. You are not alone on this. You have me.” SeHun said moving on bed to get on top of me again. “I thought what we did moments ago would calm you. Wasn’t it good?” He said pouting. I kissed his pout and smiled. “It was perfect yeobo, like always is and the best I can remember. But I’m afraid, I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m afraid our life will change because of what I did. I don’t think I was ready to tell the world that right now.” I explained to him.



“I know it won’t be easy, but let’s face the truth, it has never been easy. We will have a lot of criticism, from all places, and from people we didn’t think we would get. But it works on the other hand too, people will stay at our side, support us. We can learn on that people.” SeHun said and moved to get away from bed, but before he got up he sat on the corner to put his slipper. It was my chance to do my next move. I bit his .



“Ouch. What was that for?” he asked getting up faster. “My revenge. You bit mine first.” SeHun laughed and got his laptop and phone on our side table. “Let’s just see the news. I bet it is not that bad. And look, manager sent us a message. He is saying that he already talked with the CEO. He wants to see us tomorrow. He also said SM just released an official statement. Want to see it?” he asked and I just nodded.



He turned the computer on and started his search, I sat on the bed by his side and soon the news appeared. ‘HunHan is real’; ‘EXO members are dating each other’; ‘Gay under SM nose: are they going to deny it?’; and some variants. It hurts, but not so bad. Thought it was going to be worse than that. ‘SM releases an official statement about LuHan and SeHun.’



SeHun noticed my inquietude and held my hand before clicking on the last link that appeared. I was nervous about our future. And what this statement would do to our lives from now on.


“SM CEO official Statement.

The pictures appearing on the internet and television are true and not photoshopped. We are not going to deny it or try to make fool of our fans, that has always been at our side. LuHan and SeHun have shown interest in each other even before debut, and are now in a good relationship. They are both adults and know what to do with their own lives, and that is a choice they made on their own, proving that this relationship has never brought any problems to EXO or their career. We hope the fans will understand that. We, SM Town, a true family, approve this relationship as we do approve other relationship involving all our artists. Our restricting date has been taken away from them years ago, and they are free to do what they want. We are against prejudice, love is love no matter what.”


I finished reading it with tears forming in my eyes. We can make it. Now I’m sure. We can make it together. “Told you.” SeHun said with a victorious look on his face, but seeing me crying he hugged me and kissed both of my cheeks. “Don’t cry.” he said and added, “We can make the last dream we have come true now.”



SeHun was right. We had left one single dream that before we couldn’t achieve. A dream that with all Korea knowing about us, would be easier and possible to come true now. For years we have been wanting to start a family together, in fact, make our little family of two to become a family of three.





For a few months we waited. We want to our news not be so fresh, to people to conform about us and our living, to go to a children’s center for adoption. SeHun chose to go to a place he and EXO-K most liked to go when they did volunteer work, Eden I Ville. Not just because the staffs there knew and liked him, but also because he had a connection with the kids there. And when we got in the place, it was a lot like falling in love all over again. If we could, we would want to adopt all the kids, even knowing they have the best care there.



But there was this little girl, that looked like she around the age of two, with big and puffy cheeks, round and black eyes, that was playing by herself at the corner of the room. SeHun went to her and asked if he could take her in his arms. She was just a baby, but understood and opened her arms wide and smiled for the first time since we arrived there. She put both of her hands on SeHun’s face and just looked at him in the eyes.



Watching the scene, I went near them, stopping next to SeHun. I said a simple “Hello” and she opened her arms to me, as she was asking me to take her. When I took her, she placed her head on my shoulder and hugged me. “She is the one. She is our daughter.” It was all SeHun had to say to me.






Soon our little SunHi was at our house. I almost went insane on the months of waiting for juridical approval, and working to get things on perfect state for the day she would come. And when she did, I was sure I lied before. This was my happiest moment.



She was just the best mixture of me and SeHun. On these two years with her, I learned so much and enjoyed every single moment. I have a lot of unforgettable moments, but the best for me I will tell you now. There were times I was watching soccer, and she knew I liked it too much, so she came and sat on my lap, resting her back on my chest and watched it with me while drinking  bubble tea on her baby bottle. Like she was understanding everything, like an adult. She even crossed her little legs, making me laugh.


Or when I went to her room at night, to find a sleeping SeHun on her bed, who had fallen asleep while reading her a story, and a completely awake SunHi. When I approached them and was going to wake him, she stopped my hand and whispered, “Shh. Appa is sleeping.” opening her arms for me to take her to my bed.



But I think the best memory until now was on the last concert of our career, when EXO announced we were going to retire, on our 12th year from debut. When she appeared on stage, to surprise us. I couldn’t tell who was crying more. If it was me, SeHun, Tao or KyungSoo.



SunHi has become the mascot of EXO. And each one of the member shared a special time with her. On the weekends our house was always full with the members or our family. Not that the years after our wedding were any different, but now it was a routine. Kris would always come and give her a huge amount of presents, we didn’t have space for all of those. Tao would come and play with her and her dolls, they seemed to have the same sense for clothing. KyungSoo would make her any food she wanted, any time she wanted.



Kai was like her little slave, he would do anything she asked him to do, even put on a tutu and dance ballet for us she made him to do. Chen was her guinea pig for make-up, she would try anything on him, and he also helped us putting her to sleep a few times while singing. XiuMin would kidnap her and take her to lotte world, fighting with Lay, that insisted to take her to a non-capitalism fun, on the playground. SuHo was like her personal teacher, he taught her manners, and singing, and dancing, and things more.



For BaekHyun and ChanYeol, they were our babysitters, always taking her to their place to take care of her and give SeHun and I, for us to have an alone time for our own. But I think they liked to do that for practicing. If my daughter was going to be a spoiled kid, it was not my fault.






Today was going to be a good and special day, we all went to BaekHyun and ChanYeol’s place. SeHun and I were sitting on the couch watching Kai piggybacking SunHi, running on the living room, escaping from the big bad monster XiuMin to the land of fairies to be safe on the arms of the Queen KyungSoo, with the help of panda bear Tao and lion Chen. One thing I can say is that they have a fertile imagination.



“Guys, guys! They are coming.” SuHo said and opened the front door for the couple. SunHi ran to my lap and sat there quietly as a lady, with her hands at her knees, as SeHun was fixing her clothes, and making her hair. “Someone is going to sleep like an angel tonight.” He said touching her chest that was moving up and down fast, because of the playing.



BaekHyun entered the house with a huge smile and a gesture for us to be quiet. “He fell asleep on our way here.” he whispered and behind him ChanYeol appeared with a sleeping baby on his arms. The little boy, named ChulSoo, was just days old when his teenage mother left him at the childrens center. Knowing about it, ChanYeol and BaekHyun felt the way SeHun and I did when we met SunHi, and decided to adopt him. He just look so small and fragile on ChanYeol’s arms, even if he was a lot bigger now, months old. And he was holding the baby like he was going to broke if he didn’t do so.



He sat on the armchair and all the members went around him to take a look on the baby. Even SeHun got up, and I was planning to do the same when I noticed SunHi was with her arms crossed and pouting. “What is it? What is wrong?” I asked and she didn’t answer me. “Come on, tell appa what is bothering you.” I tried one more time. “I don’t like the baby.” She said. I laughed and put her to face me. “SunHi, you never acted like this before.” and she pouted again.



“Look, he is just a baby. And I think what he needs is a big sister to take care of him. A big sister that will help him, play with him, teach him a lot of things. Wouldn’t it be nice if this big sister was you?” and she nodded with a smile, turning to go to ChanYeol’s direction. But before completing her way she faced me again. “But what if they like him better than me?” she asked.



“They all will love you two the same way. Your uncles will still love you like they do now. And now you have another person to get into your playing. It will be better now.” I encourage her. SunHi got near ChanYeol and looked to ChulSoo with her eyes shining. “Why don’t you give your little brother a kiss?” BaekHyun suggested getting on his knees to talk to her. She tiptoed and kissed the baby with a smile. It was it.



I felt infinite. We were all infinite now.








So we come to a real end! WOOHOOO! I’m so so sorry for being so late with this update. But at least it was a great chapter wasn’t it? A lot of things happened here. I had fun making EXO’s future. Hope you guys enjoyed it as I did! I love that final phrase from The Perks Of Being a Wallflower. Thank you guys again for reading and giving much love to this story. I love you all for giving me straight to continue. Thank you! And see you another time. And for you to picture it:


HunHan's little girl

BaekYeol's baby boy

all my HunHan feels for you. always ♥

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Krisyeolsdaughter #1
Chapter 4: Sooo, is kaisoo together in the end? Btw, nice ending author nim! ^^
kaistal_hunhan #2
Chapter 4: Totally love it ~~~~~~~~~
kyushie #3
Chapter 4: I really cant expalin what i feel! I love you author-nim~~ :*
Chapter 4: THIS.WAS.AMAZIMNG! I Can't Explain What I Feel was my very first fanfic I have ever read and it was amazing!Thank you for this wonderful fic! Sarang Hamnida!
Chapter 4: OMG..............END? REALLY?
CandyJar #6
Chapter 4: Amazing, that's really a good fic!
Chapter 4: voltando xD

Que coisa mais fofa!! Olha essa cena do SeHun na cama com ela!
Preciso que isso vire realidade!!

EXO se aposentou!!! ç-ç
Por que??????
Podiam ser que nem os Rolling Stones!!
Ok eles também não lançam musica nova, mas fazem shows mimimimi

Ok ok... tudo bem... eles trabalharam muito... eu deixo ç-ç

"I couldn’t tell who was crying more. If it was me, SeHun, Tao or KyungSoo."
Eu ri com isso xDDD

EXO nunca cresce hauahuaha

BaekYeol começou uma familia também!!!
morri x.x
Olha essa cena final!!! ç-ç

Velho!!! Mano!!! Cara!!!
Amei esse negocio!!!!
Sério mesmo!!
Cois amais linda, mais maravilhosa, mais perfeita!!!
Espero que você esteja prevendo o futuro!!
Na verdade uma parte dele... por que o ChanYeol é seu xDD

Um final feliz!!!
Amo isso!!!


Sem mais palavras *-*


i love you \o
Chapter 4: AHHHHH!!! O ultimo capitulo!!!!!
Tava muito ansiosa por isso!!
Cara!!! Olha esse ChanYeol!! Arrasando nas telonas xD o Kris tem cara de "dono de empresa" mesmo xDD CEO xD Velho D.O arrasou também!! Mas também né, com esses dotes culinários *-* HAUHAUHAU new Jackie Chan! Pior que ele pode ser mesmo!! Vai lá Tao!! \o/ Own!! Quero musicas compostas pelo Lay ç-ç Chen Chen Chen!! Arrasando corações no Japão!! Ele merece!! *_* esse lindo!! e foi comparado com a BoA!! Tome essa haters do Chen xDD Velho!!! Broadway??? BaekHyun divo!!!! Uia! Kai mostrando o corpitcho y pelo mundo... me gusta *_* XiuMin esta no posto certo!! Huhauah serio!! que fofinho ele como MC do star King!! E realmente, é a cara do SuHo fazer essas coisas, tão bonzinho *-*

HunHan ficou em casa cuidando um do outro *-* Que lindo!!

Velho!! EXO é um banda excepcional! Olha isso!! Dominaram o mundo!! Só faltou um escritor xD

Nossa, senti a dor do LuHan.... 26 meses sem o SeHun? Como ele não morreu?
HUAHAUAHA ok, quase todos dividem as casas e SuHo e DongHae?? To sabendo huhuhuhu

Huahauha que do do LuHan!! deixaram ele excluído!! Tudo bem tudo bem, foi por uma boa causa xD

UAAAAAAAA! Ele beijou o SeHun!!! Na boca!!! Na frente de todo mundo!!!
E que dó!! ele tava com saudades do maridão!! Deixem ele em paz, pessoas chatas que ficam tirando foto... esses paparazzis tsc tsc huahuaha

Nhoi nhoi nhoi esses lindos! Amo eles! Adoro quando o SeHun chama o LuHan de Lu *-*

Sei muito bem o que você vão fazer!!! xDD Pois é LuHan, o SeHun amadureceu nesses dois anos xDD

No way!!! LuHan mordeu a bunda do SeHun!!! HAUHAUAHAUAH amei xDD

HunHan is real!! HunHan is real!!! HUNHAN IS REAL!!!
como eu sonho me ler uma noticia dessas *-*

Isso ai SM!! Bota moral e deia todo mundo namorar!! /lecorreparacasarcomootaemin

Olha essa cena da menininha!!!! Que coisa mais linda!!! Morri aqui *-*
Imaginei muito a cena!!
Bubble tea!!! Logico que a filha deles tinha que tomar né?
Ok, acabou meu espaço vou pro outro comentari
Chapter 3: I'm crying because of this huhuhu