
I Can't Explain What I Feel II - The Epilogue


For getting some sleep was really hard for me actually. Not because I had a lot of drinks and found myself drunk at the end of the night, but because I was feeling nervous and anxious. And also, I got used to sleep with SeHun by my side. Ever since we got back together there wasn’t a day when we slept separate. I was rolling side to side on bed, trying to find a good position to sleep, but nothing worked. That was when the door opened. I opened my eyes to see who it was, but when I did, the person had already reached me.


“I sneaked out of Kris’ room” SeHun said lying next to me, and still, holding me close with his arms. “It’s like 8 months ago, when I lied to you about having a nightmare, just to sleep next to you and after that day, sneaked to you room every night..” He whispered in my ears, making me shiver.  “You lied to me back there. You could told me the truth, it would have been much easier. Pabo.” He kissed me with a smile on his face. “I like the way things went. If it wasn’t that way, who guarantee we would be here now?” I nodded, agreeing with him.


It was true actually. I believe that everything happens for some reason. I don’t regret nothing. Even our fight, even the day we suffered for being separated. I don’t regret. Because this things built what we are today, and I’m happy now. “Kris will kill us when he wakes up and don’t see you next to him.” I said before he actually fell asleep. “Yeah, he will. But I can’t sleep without you by my side. You have spoiled me. I don’t even want to think about when you will have to go back to China. And I think I have the right of sleeping the last night with my fiancé before he becomes my husband.” End with those words, I didn’t protest, and soon we were sleeping in each other’s arms.


The next morning, well, to be exact, the next afternoon, I woke up with BaekHyun’s words. “LuHan-ah. It’s already past two in the afternoon. You have to wake up now. We got to go to the saloon.” I opened my eyes and searched on bed for SeHun, but he wasn’t there anymore. I asked about him. “I just took him away from here before you guys wake up. He is indeed a heavy sleeper. He didn’t woke up until I placed him on sofa. He couldn’t see the bride before the wedding.” ChanYeol said joining us.


“Today is the big day! In 5 hours you will be getting married!” He said, shaking me on bed. 5 hours. I had 5 hours. I couldn’t believe it. The door opened again and this time it was KyungSoo with the ‘brunch’. It looked really tasty. Not that everything he cooked seemed to be the most incredible food in the world, but this one looked exceptional. “Eat well. And then just put a random clothe for us to be going to the saloon, your wedding clothes are already there.”


They all prepared it perfectly, and we didn’t even reach to the ceremony yet. It was the best afternoon, after getting beauty work on the saloon; they made me a ‘bride day’. Even if I didn’t like to be called the bride, when I’m a guy too, I enjoyed the treatment. They gave me massages, then a bath with some essences, all for me to relax. Then I got skin and nails treatment. No, I dint got nail polish, they just, cut it and made it look pretty. Then my hair. Then I got all dressed up. 4 hours passed like the wind, and now I was just an hour of getting married.


I looked on the mirror. I liked it. My hair was up. My suit was black, like my shoe. And my shirt and my bow tie were white. Like I said before, my friends all choose very well. “You are really handsome. Let’s go, I’m your best best man, I will take you to the place.” XiuMin appeared behind me and lead me his hand. Going outside the place, a vintage car was waiting for me. We got in together and my hands were shaking. XiuMin took my hands and kissed them. “Don’t be nervous. It will be perfect.”


He said and continued. “You are my best friend, you know that, huh? Sorry for being a time separated from you in the past. I don’t know actually what happened for us to be apart that time… no, I’m lying I know. SeHun happened. You guys didn’t separate for a second. But SeHun happened again to bring us back again. I love you LuHan, you also know that, ne? You are my brother. So this is the happiest day for me too. I’m giving you to someone I know is the best for you. But… if he ever tries to make you sad, I’ll kill him… you know… no pressure. Just warning.” He said as we laughed and hugged. I was already crying with his speech, and the ceremony didn’t even begin, this night would be long.


We arrived the place; it was a very pretty building, a special wedding venue. It must have been expensive. I’m feeling bad for my poor band mates.  “Don’t worry about the money, almost all of it we got free, only because we are idols. So it was not expensive at all.” XiuMin read my mind. I saw another black vintage car coming and stopping by the entrance. “Wait!” XiuMin screamed when I was going out of the car, hold me and covered my eyes. “SeHun is here. You can’t see him. Let’s wait!” Oh, so that’s SeHun’s car. Nice.


Moments later XiuMin let go of me. I looked at him in excitement. “Can I go in now?” I said with a smile and he just closed his face to me. “No.” I pouted. “We have to wait like… 15 minutes, for the best men to get in. Then it’s SeHun’s turn. Only then it will be yours.” He explained, smiling to me. “Okay…” I said still pouting, making him laugh.


15 minutes have passed and now it was my turn. Getting in the place I saw my mother and father. They already knew about SeHun, well, I told my mom from the beginning, and she accepted it well. I think my father didn’t accept it at first, but my mom worked on it. About me getting married in such a young age? Well, they didn’t agree. In fact, most of people didn’t. But, like SeHun said to me once, we want to take this compromise. We’re still young but our feelings won’t ever change. And people couldn’t stop us. I think with SeHun’s parent was the same way.


My parents said beautiful words to me, of encouragement and about love. They took my arms and we positioned ourselves in front of the door. It was it. The door opened. A lot of people were there. Almost all the people we invited. The place was so well decorated, was nothing extravagant, it was simple, but really beautiful. It was just like me and SeHun. We couldn’t make it look more beautiful than this. Then I saw him.


He was there, with our 10 best men by his side. Now I couldn’t see anyone else. It was just him. It was just me and him. He was smiling widely to me. I smiled back and I saw his crying. I wanted to cry too, but I had another idea for this. “Merong” I said quietly and stick out my tong to him. He laughed and looked down the floor like we always did, looking back to me quickly. All the people on the place laughed too.


SeHun walked close to me, he greeted my parents and it was my time now. He looked deep in my eyes, took my hand and kissed my forehead. We went to the front of the master of ceremony. He begun talking and now we were both crying.


“Yours are the most beautiful tears. It is tears of joy. Tears of happiness. Tears of excitement. Tears of love. These tears are not shared just by you two. Look around. Your good friends and family are sharing this with you. They are here to confirm your love. To support this love. Isn’t it the greatest thing? Love comes to us in different forms, and we just have to accept it. Open our hearts to this love. It is so special that you too found love in each other arms. You are lucky. And now you just have to take care of it, to let it grow wider and wider, to polish it. You have to cultivate this love and you’ll be happily ever after. It’s not a simple journey, but side by side, in all the occasions, you can do it. It will not always be good moments, especially when this is a different occasion, society will perhaps not accept it. But you will give support to each other. Time is your friend now. At this moment, you will have eternity.”


The master of ceremony said. It was very touching. We looked around and seeing all our friends crying made us cry even more. He then announced it was time to exchange vows and rings. We positioned face to face, holding hands. It was SeHun’s turn first. “Don’t you dare laugh; I know I have a lisp.” He said to the guests and they all laughed. The master of ceremony gave him a microphone, stating to speak for him to repeat the words.


“I, Oh SeHun, take you, Lu Han, to be my husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I promise to stay by your side as your husband, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”


He said all this looking me straight to the eyes. SuHo gave him the ring and he put in my finger, kissing my hand. It was my turn now. I started repeating the words with my voice cracking at first, but soon, looking at his eyes, was easier to talk.


“I, Lu Han, take you, Oh SeHun, to be my husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I promise to stay by your side as your husband, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live…. Even if you have a lisp.”


And the people all laughed again. He rolling his eyes and smiling. XiuMin gave me the ring and I put it on his finger, but it got stuck. I pushed it and it was still stuck, so I kissed and a bit his finger, and pushed again, and finally got it. The guests were all like “Aww” this time.


“You entered here like two men in love. You are getting out of here like one.” At this time we saw the boys doing our signature ‘We are one’ and laughed. “You entered here as Lu Han and Oh SeHun. You are getting out of here as Mr. and Mr. Oh.” It must have been an incredible funny wedding, because soon everybody was laughing again. Well, it couldn’t be different; we are part of the most derp group, EXO. It fitted. But this time I didn’t think it was that funny, it was true. I’m Oh Lu Han now. Ok, it is indeed funny.


“With the power of invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband, and well, Husband. You may kiss your Husband now”.




Well, it was long ne? I’m sorry! Kekeke but I’m here! I have to tell you, I had author’s block. Writing a wedding is so damn difficult! Especially when it is a homoual one and English is not my mother languase. So I hope you liked it! I worked hard on it! I took some ideas from my cousin’s wedding and adapted it. The first MC’s speech, I made it myself. LuHan and SeHun’s vows I took from internet and adapted too. Kekeke  And sadly, the next chapter will not be about the wedding party, it will be another moment on their life, and will also be the last chapter of the epilogue. So I prepared some pictures of the wedding for you not to be so mad at me, and let you imagination to flow. Here it is:

The Cars - LuHan's


The Place 

The Food

The Cake and Pastries - all made by KyungSoo. aw.

The Happy Couple

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Krisyeolsdaughter #1
Chapter 4: Sooo, is kaisoo together in the end? Btw, nice ending author nim! ^^
kaistal_hunhan #2
Chapter 4: Totally love it ~~~~~~~~~
kyushie #3
Chapter 4: I really cant expalin what i feel! I love you author-nim~~ :*
Chapter 4: THIS.WAS.AMAZIMNG! I Can't Explain What I Feel was my very first fanfic I have ever read and it was amazing!Thank you for this wonderful fic! Sarang Hamnida!
Chapter 4: OMG..............END? REALLY?
CandyJar #6
Chapter 4: Amazing, that's really a good fic!
Chapter 4: voltando xD

Que coisa mais fofa!! Olha essa cena do SeHun na cama com ela!
Preciso que isso vire realidade!!

EXO se aposentou!!! ç-ç
Por que??????
Podiam ser que nem os Rolling Stones!!
Ok eles também não lançam musica nova, mas fazem shows mimimimi

Ok ok... tudo bem... eles trabalharam muito... eu deixo ç-ç

"I couldn’t tell who was crying more. If it was me, SeHun, Tao or KyungSoo."
Eu ri com isso xDDD

EXO nunca cresce hauahuaha

BaekYeol começou uma familia também!!!
morri x.x
Olha essa cena final!!! ç-ç

Velho!!! Mano!!! Cara!!!
Amei esse negocio!!!!
Sério mesmo!!
Cois amais linda, mais maravilhosa, mais perfeita!!!
Espero que você esteja prevendo o futuro!!
Na verdade uma parte dele... por que o ChanYeol é seu xDD

Um final feliz!!!
Amo isso!!!


Sem mais palavras *-*


i love you \o
Chapter 4: AHHHHH!!! O ultimo capitulo!!!!!
Tava muito ansiosa por isso!!
Cara!!! Olha esse ChanYeol!! Arrasando nas telonas xD o Kris tem cara de "dono de empresa" mesmo xDD CEO xD Velho D.O arrasou também!! Mas também né, com esses dotes culinários *-* HAUHAUHAU new Jackie Chan! Pior que ele pode ser mesmo!! Vai lá Tao!! \o/ Own!! Quero musicas compostas pelo Lay ç-ç Chen Chen Chen!! Arrasando corações no Japão!! Ele merece!! *_* esse lindo!! e foi comparado com a BoA!! Tome essa haters do Chen xDD Velho!!! Broadway??? BaekHyun divo!!!! Uia! Kai mostrando o corpitcho y pelo mundo... me gusta *_* XiuMin esta no posto certo!! Huhauah serio!! que fofinho ele como MC do star King!! E realmente, é a cara do SuHo fazer essas coisas, tão bonzinho *-*

HunHan ficou em casa cuidando um do outro *-* Que lindo!!

Velho!! EXO é um banda excepcional! Olha isso!! Dominaram o mundo!! Só faltou um escritor xD

Nossa, senti a dor do LuHan.... 26 meses sem o SeHun? Como ele não morreu?
HUAHAUAHA ok, quase todos dividem as casas e SuHo e DongHae?? To sabendo huhuhuhu

Huahauha que do do LuHan!! deixaram ele excluído!! Tudo bem tudo bem, foi por uma boa causa xD

UAAAAAAAA! Ele beijou o SeHun!!! Na boca!!! Na frente de todo mundo!!!
E que dó!! ele tava com saudades do maridão!! Deixem ele em paz, pessoas chatas que ficam tirando foto... esses paparazzis tsc tsc huahuaha

Nhoi nhoi nhoi esses lindos! Amo eles! Adoro quando o SeHun chama o LuHan de Lu *-*

Sei muito bem o que você vão fazer!!! xDD Pois é LuHan, o SeHun amadureceu nesses dois anos xDD

No way!!! LuHan mordeu a bunda do SeHun!!! HAUHAUAHAUAH amei xDD

HunHan is real!! HunHan is real!!! HUNHAN IS REAL!!!
como eu sonho me ler uma noticia dessas *-*

Isso ai SM!! Bota moral e deia todo mundo namorar!! /lecorreparacasarcomootaemin

Olha essa cena da menininha!!!! Que coisa mais linda!!! Morri aqui *-*
Imaginei muito a cena!!
Bubble tea!!! Logico que a filha deles tinha que tomar né?
Ok, acabou meu espaço vou pro outro comentari
Chapter 3: I'm crying because of this huhuhu