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What My Heart Tells Me to Do~

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Since this website is pretty much dedicated to all you kpop fans out there, I was wondering what you guys think.

Today, I got really angry at someone very close to me for saying, "Too much Kpop and Japanese manga" to me. Tears streamed down my cheeks for 10 minutes. I mean, it's not like I haven't heard something like that before. However, that line is so not true. It makes me sound like I am utterly obsessed with Kpop, but is someone that is obsessed able to give up his/her addiction for a week? That close person to me said that without even thinking about the sacrifices I make to change. I also gave up tumblr for 2 weeks. 

Banning myself from the things I love even for a couple of days is not an easy thing to do. So without understanding how much I try to restrain myself and without understanding my passion for Kpop, this close person of mine just says that. I feel bad for being so rude and snapping at this close person, but at the moment, he or she could not imagine how I hurt I was from this little sentence that had coming out of his/. 

Why can't people understand Kpop fans' passion for Kpop music? We are the most loyal fans out there; most of us are very friendly and kind to each other. Kpop has changed my life for the better and I do not regret loving Kpop one bit. I may not be able to explain to people who ask, especially in words. However, my feelings are all the same. c: So, unless Kpop will cause me and others around me harm, I suggest you allow me to express myself and enjoy good-quality music. Who cares if I can't understand what they're singing? Who cares if they live across the globe? Who cares if they're made from a company? Their passion for music and performance is all the same. In the end, there is no difference between the languages. We all come together to have fun and enjoy music.

Have any of you guys felt the way I felt today? How did you guys release your emotions? What is your passion for Kpop?

(If you were wondering, I feel better now, but I wanted to talk about it anyway.)

Enjoy life, guys and feel free to leave comments. ^^

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