Valentine's Day

What My Heart Tells Me to Do~

A/N: I wrote this scenario for my friend earlier this week. I know it's been two weeks since Valentine's Day, but it's still the month for love. <3 <3 I hope you enjoy reading this.


“Oppa, when are you coming home tonight?” You asked eagerly.

“I’ll be home early. My boss says she’ll let me leave at 5. Why, I have no idea, but I’m glad to be home.” He replied with a slight confused tone.

“Haha, alright, see you later then~” You grinned as you pressed “end call” on your cell phone. He was dense as always. Of course his boss would allow him to come home early today, because it was practically a national holiday. It was Valentine’s Day and according to her oppa, his boss had been looking happier these days. Perhaps she had a Valentine of her own. You giggled to yourself.


“Thank you so much for coming grocery shopping with me, Kyungsoo sunbae-nim,” You looked at your neighbor gratefully.

Kyungsoo-sunbae attended the same high school as you, but he was one grade level higher. Although you guys rarely talked, you knew that if you ever needed anything, sunbae would always be there for you. Today was one of those days. The only thing you knew how to cook besides instant noodles and eggs was kimchi fried rice. Since you were actively aware of Kyungsoo sunbae-nim’s superb cooking skills, you didn’t hesitate to ask for his assistance in preparing a meal this Valentine’s Day.

“Call me Oppa since we’re neighbors. No problem. You know how much I enjoy cooking, but there’s nothing I like better than helping others.” Kyungsoo grabbed a plastic blue grocery basket and responded cheerfully.

“Alright, Kyungsoo-sun---- I mean Kyungsoo oppa.” It felt sort of strange to address your sunbae as “oppa,” but if it was Kyungsoo, it was okay.

“Anyways, what are you planning on making for dinner and is it for your Valentine?” He swung the grocery basket back and forth, walking past aisles. You had no idea why, but his question made you blush.

“I want to make spicy barbecue pork and a mild tofu soup. I guess you could say it’s for someone special.” You mumbled, looking at the frozen meats displayed at the back of the store.

“Oh,” You looked over at Kyungsoo and for a second there, you swore he sounded disappointed. However, it didn’t last long before he was back to his happy self. “Well, then let’s get the ingredients quickly and begin cooking. This piece of pork right here looks good.”


“Okay, what’s the first step, Teacher?” You were wearing a pink bunny apron, holding a wooden spoon with your hair tied up in a messy bun.

“We have to get out the ingredients first,” Kyungsoo laughed and patted your bun. You scowled at him for messing up your hair as if you tried so hard on it. Instead, he ignored you and unloaded the groceries from their bags.

Afterwards, he instructed you to begin cutting the scallions, onions, and garlic while he made the soup for the tofu. Even though you weren’t the best cook, Kyungsoo never showed impatience towards you. He let you do the easier parts while he prepared the main ingredients that would go on the dishes.

Kyungsoo-oppa’s very kind. I feel bad for making him help me now, considering I didn’t even know how to cut vegetables until fifteen minutes ago. I wonder if Kyungsoo-oppa has a Valentine. I would feel even guiltier if he had to cancel any plans just to help me cook.  You thought quietly to yourself, watching Kyungsoo’s back as he tasted the soup.

“Summer! Watch out!” He suddenly screamed out.

“What?!” It was too late. You accidentally cut your finger as you were chopping up the vegetables. Drops of blood tainted the cutting board. “Ow.”

Immediately, Kyungsoo-oppa rushed you to the sink and began rinsing off the wound. He asked where you kept the first aid kit and you pointed with your unwounded hand to the second drawer of your cupboard. Kyungsoo-oppa found a band-aid and delicately wrapped your injured finger.

“Enough cutting for you tonight. Can’t afford for you to lose another finger,” He tried cracking a joke in an attempt to lighten the mood. It worked because you gave him a small smile. Instead, you began mixing the meat and the marinade together while Kyungsoo finished cutting the rest of the vegetables and placed them in the soup.


An hour later, everything was finished and all you had to do was: wait for him to come home

“Kyungsoo-oppa, thank you very much for making 80 percent of this meal with me,” You said as you covered the food in plastic wrapping.

“You’re welcome. Whoever you made this for is a lucky person,” He replied sadly.

“Well, happy Valentine’s Day, Oppa.” You walked him to the door as he put on his shoes.

“You too,” Kyungsoo opened the door to leave. Inside, you wanted to say a lot more. You wanted to thank him for allowing you to enjoy a wonderful Valentine’s Day, to ask him if he wanted to hang out sometime, to ask him for more assistance the next time you wanted to cook, and the list went on. It was a sad ending to a beautiful day.

Just as you thought all was over, there was a knock on your door.

“Oppa?” You walked over to answer the door, assuming it was him coming home from work.

“It’s Kyungsoo-oppa. I forgot something.”

“Oh alright,” You pulled the handle and expected him to be quick. To your surprise, Kyungsoo pulled you in for a soft kiss. As you imagined, his lips were full and felt absolutely right on yours. You didn’t want this to end.

“Summer?” You both broke apart when you saw Baekhyun standing outside at the open door, his car parked up the driveway. “Who’s this?” His eyes gesturing towards the guy you’d just finished kissing.

“Umm, Oppa, let me explain,” You began but was interrupted by Kyungsoo-oppa. “It’s all my fault. I kissed her first, so don’t be mad at Summer.” Your eyes widened as you saw Kyungsoo kneeling down in front of Baekhyun.

“Well, sorry’s not enough. Stand up so I can punch you properly,” You’d never seen Baekhyun-oppa so angry before. Was he really going to punch Kyungsoo-oppa?

“Haha, it’s alright. I just wanted to scare you.” Baekhyun broke into laughter. “I’m Summer’s brother, Baekhyun.”    

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