Pajama Parties

What My Heart Tells Me to Do~

photo BTOB------2ndConfessionM-VPJVersion-YouTube_zps5e62a7b6.png

(This oneshot is inspired by Btob and their cutie pjs.)

Note: Blue text is supposed to show English words.


"What do you want me to bring again?" You asked over the line. 

"I want bread," Sungjae and Peniel chorused in the background. You rolled your eyes, waiting for Minhyuk to answer. I mean, this was his house they were sleeping over at. "Haha, just bring yourself and that bucket of chicken wings that you always eat. Oh! Buy us milk tea with pearls from that dim sum place near your house, too." You smiled at his food requests and imagined what the rest of the evening would be like as you walked out to buy food.


Reaching their usual hangout area, you realized that you forgot to take orders for what kind of milk tea the boys liked. Luckily, Minhyuk was thoughtful enough to text her at the right time.


Fr: Minhyukie

Peniel wants chocolate.

Eunkwang-hyung and Changsub want coffee milk tea. One with pearls and one without.

Hyunsik likes taro and Ilhoon is fine with plain ol' milk tea. 

Oh, almost forgot Sungjae. He wants a green tea smoothie with pearls.

As for me, make it a surprise.

See you laters~ ^^


You placed your orders and anxiously watched the clock, unable to keep calm about going to your first sleepover. A few minutes later, you carefully took hold of your 8 milk teas, which surprisingly only costed 15 dollars. To your satisfaction, the dim sum place was right next to your favorite fast food chicken stop. You hastily bought two cartons of chicken wings, half barbecue and half buffalo kimchi flavored. Gone, another 15 dollars. These boys better appreciate the effort I'm taking buying delicious food for them. You thought.


*Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong* You waited patiently outside Minhyuk's smooth wooden doors, listening closely for any footsteps indicating their presence. Before you could break down from impatience and excitement, the lock clicked and Eunkwang opened the door.

"Hi you. Come in, the guys are just playing Wii in the living room," He smiled brightly, taking the food from your hands and ushering you in. You looked around Minhyuk's room, taking in the glass chandelier that hung as you entered the door to the white piano which layed closed and untouched. Even though you had been to Minhyuk's home multiple times before, you always had a feeling of astonishment at how he could live in such a fancy home and you admired how well everything came together in his home. 

"Yes! I'm winning. In your face, Ilhoon, " Peniel screamed at the screen. His English was impeccable and you laughed at how competitive the boys were.

"Hey, do you want to play, you?" Changsub asked, taking notice of you. You shook your head, thinking about how many times you had lost to the boys and suffered their continuous teasing.

"Please, noona?" Sungjae asked, his lips forming a pout. Urgh, this evil maknae, changing your mind with one look. 

"Fine, only for you Sungjae. First one to lose has to wash the dishes," You reached over and accepted the console from Changsub.

"Alright," Sungjae gleamed. You puffed up your chest, getting into your gamer mode.

Ready, set, fight! You quickly maneuvered your character and avoided punches and kicks from the other players. You see, they were all playing Super Smash Bros Brawl. You were Ike and even though you rarely played video games, you knew Ike's moves well and proceeded with the game. Twenty-five minutes later, it was just you against Ilhoon. Man, this kid was good at video games.​  You tried your best, pushing his character, Kirby, towards the edge. You smirked, This game was just about to be finished. Just as you were about to win the game, Ilhoon launched a surprise attack and you flew off the edge, losing your last life. 

"Darn you, Ilhoon. I was going to win, " You scowled. He simply laughed, but fortunately, you had not been the first loser. Poor Hyunsik who had unwillingly agreed to play this game that he had never played before had lost. Pitying him, you offered to help him wash the dishes, but he had his pride and refused your offer.

After that game, everyone was hungry, so you asked Ilhoon to get the food from inside the fridge and you passed out the drinks to everyone.

"Here's your surprise beverage: almond milk tea," You handed the bubble drink to Minhyuk. He took a quick sip and gagged. You were alarmed. Did he not like it? This was the first time you had ordered that drink and wasn't sure how it tasted, but since Minhyuk had asked for a surprise...

"Just kidding. It tastes sweet," He shot you a teasing grin and proceeded to slurping down the pearls. You slapped him on the arm, annoyed at him for pretending.


At 12 midnight, you and the boys had been hanging out since 4. You were dead tired, having never really staying up so late. You spread your blankets and sleeping bag out in an empty space in the living room and snuggled under the covers. Sungjae and Peniel were sharing a bed, one arm on the other's chest. How cute c: Ilhoon and Eunkwang fought over the guest bedroom, but then decided to share the bed. Changsub slept on the couch and Hyunsik on the arm chair. Minhyuk, your best friend, laid his blankets next to yours and went under them as well. You pretended to sleep, closing your eyes, but couldn't keep a smile from sneaking on your face. Minhyuk, seeing this, poked your sides, triggering a ticklish sensation, that you couldn't help reacting to. You let out a giggle and immediately raised your hand to cover your mouth. You were discovered.

"So you weren't asleep," He whispered quietly, as the others were fast asleep, some snoring. You opened one eye, he was looking intently at you. Embarassed, you quickly shut your eyes and turned the other way. "You know, today was really fun. I enjoyed hanging out with you and I'm glad you're my friend."

You were glad that he couldn't see you, since you felt as if flames were burning up your cheeks. When you didn't respond, everything was silent except for the song of the crickets heard through the barbed backyard door.

"Goodnight," He yawned, turning the other direction. When you finally felt that it was safe, you turned to face his back, staring at it for a while, admiring how straight and strong it looked. You slowly fell asleep to this calming feeling of happiness and comfort of friendship. Today had been a good day.  


A/N: Btob is so cute. I hope you guys liked my oneshot. Please comment for feedback or just to say hi. ^^

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