Chapter 4

My Guardian Angel

The incident was treated lightly. Most people thought of KiBum as some guy who had irritated YoonJi before. After all, she was known throughout the school for her brains and her 'puppy', Kim Jonghyun for being second in position. Not that she was popular, she never was. People only thought of her as a nerd, someone who would never learn how to put on make-up. YoonJi was very grateful to Jonghyun. If it weren't for him, she probably be bullied her entire school life. When they first entered, it was rumored that they were a couple, but later cleared after finding out that they were merely friends. Thus, Jonghyun receiving presents from fangirls everyday. *rolls eyeballs* Anyway... that's not the point..


"FINALLY!!! The moment I've been waiting for!" YoonJi shouted into Jonghyun's ear as they pulled their luggage behind them. May arrived in a blink of an eye, with the two acing their studies once again before leaving the country. Not wanting to waste money, YoonJi argued to take the bus early in the morn so as to reach Incheon Airport on time.

Jonghyun lugged the luggage behind him, still half asleep.

"I still don't get why we have to come out so early.." Jong muttered, strangers bumping into him as they tried to squeeze further in to the bus.

"Stop whining and just shuffle in! Jeesh... why is it so crowded early in the morning..." YoonJi hissed back, already pissed off. Jonghyun's complaining and the humid weather had worsen her moods even though she was meant to be excited. 

Although she woke up with a stupid smile plastered on her face, the moment she realised they missed the earliest bus dropped her mood. Because she never liked being late. Never.

Still, there was a flicker of happiness deep down inside her that made her smile every once in a while when no one was paying attention to her. 

The bus ride was full of noise. Babies crying, children screaming their lungs out, businessmen trying to shout over the screams on their phones and lastly, telepathy going on between Jonghyun and YoonJi.

Hey, hey you okay? You've suddenly gone.. quiet~ 

I'm okay.. Just tired.

Pfft... If you were tired, how was it that this morning you jumped up and down on your bed screaming?

Okay fine! I'm NOT tired. Just... irritated. Leave me alone..

Although it was exceptionally noisy around the two of them, it felt as silent as night.

Throughout the whole bus ride, the two did not speak or share a single telepathy till they reached the airport.

The airport was bustling with activity even early in the morning. 

And not only that, they were the first to arrive meaning, even the professors hadn't even reach yet. They stopped by at the corner cafe where they worked at before making their way to the bus stop, and the kind chubby little ahjumma had given them free croissants that had delicious jam filling and mochaccino to fill their stomachs before the flight. After all, it was going to be quite long and they would most likely then not, suffer from jet lag (Even the almighty Jonghyun who was an angel). Slowly. the students and teachers filed in at the arranged venue, everyone being in a very jolly mood. It was then nine in the morning, where the main organizer, a geography professor, cleared his throat and started to speak. "Now students, I trust that you are old enough, seeing that you are already nearing university age, you should be mature enough not to fool around and control yourselves. I might sound very naggy but we do not need hooligans on the trip. Now. shall we boarded the plane?" He tried shouting over the noise, which wasn't exactly necessary seeing that practically everyone stopped to listen and stare at him. (He was a pretty hot teacher. Not much older than the students too. Name Song JoongKi if you must know.)

Although it was only econim class, the planelooked really posh, even when it seemed as though someone was trying to fit a hundred seat into a small area, with the aisles slit narrowly between the three rows of seats. The seats were of a lush green colour, and there was enough space to at least stretch your legs to a comfortable extent "Wah!!!!" YoonJi squealed. It wasn't her first time taking the plane, but the last time she remembered was when she had only been two. Her father, then still young and widowed, had brought her along to Singapore on a short business trip, when the beach was still very clean and the sea sparkling clear. But people had become more lazy and irresponsible, which made the once beautiful beach turn into a rubbish dump. They never returned there ever again. Back to the point.

Shortly after they were seated comfortably, YoonJi fell asleep almost immediately. Even when food was served, not once did she wake up. Silly girl, waking up so early in the morning, getting all hyped up and now she's exhausted. Jonghyun thought to himself, making sure to visualize a wall that surrounded his thoughts. His elder had taught and trained him to visualize a proper wall quickly to prevent people with superhuman abilities from reading his mind. He caressed YoonJi's face softly, not causing her to stir even a tiny bit. I can only be of an older brother to you, Yoon... Heaven forbids angels and humans from being together, no matter how much I love you. I can only treat you like a daughter, a younger sister, nothing else... Jonghyun sighed. He never expected this to happen. But there was a rule all angels had to remember: The more they stayed on Earth, the more human emotions they would feel.


A/N: Okay harlo!!! OMG It's been so long since I've update. So sorry... Anyways, can't wait for what's gonna happen next haha! I don't 'plan beforehand' like what some authors do because I want to feel the anticipation as well. Hope it's sort of a cliff-hanger! Hope I update soon :x Thanks for reading! ^^ Comments are highly appreciated :D

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Urgh... draft ruined. I'll have to wait until it's dried before updating again. Mianhe! (Bows 90 deg)


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RegineChua99 #1
Chapter 3: Yay . Update soon !! You finished your hmwk ?
Chapter 3: nice chapter, please update soon :D
Chapter 2: wow :D What happend to the girl? Can't wait for the next chapter!:D
please update soon ^^
RegineChua99 #4
RegineChua99 #5
Chapter 1: Update soon (: or i will chase you in school next year !!
Chapter 1: oooh soudsn very interesting, please update soon! :D