The Start of A Extremely Fun Night

I found Lee Junho in a box.

Junho walked into the office, filled with dread. JYP didn’t know yet did he? He knocked on the door three times, just like JYP had taught them when they were trainees. He could remember that day like it was yesterday. A group of newbies had been taken around the place and JYP had just walked out of his office. When he spotted the group, he had instructed them very clearly to knock three times on the office door, after that, JYP just muttered a threat of what would happen if they didn’t do that and walked off.

The first time he had seen JYP, he had known that this was someone of authority. Junho had always followed JYP’s instructions with a bit of fear and admiration in mind. It was like now, a low, dangerous voice asked him to come in, and he complied. JYP asked him:

‘What are you doing here?’

It was like a lion’s den. Junho couldn’t tell if he was mad or not. Junho didn’t know what kind of an answer he was supposed to give. That was why he just pinned the blame on Chansung.

‘Chansung told me to come, sir.’

JYP brightened up, evidently remembering. But then again, with people like JYP, you can never be sure.

‘Junho-ah. I’ve always known you were talented. You deserved to win Superstar Survival.’

Junho muttered a small thank you, wondering what this was about. JYP always praised the girls of the company, Wonder Girls and Miss A, when they did something that was worth praising, but he rarely threw out compliments for the guys. It wasn’t that he preferred some artists over others; it was simply the way that JYP was.

‘Junho. I discussed this with the board members. We’ve decided to re-enact the night that you got lost in a box. We must know what happened in order to prevent this from happening again in the future. Please enlist the help of your members to get drunk again. We’ve set up everything as it was on that night, including a big cardboard box. Only this time, our staff members will be here to record what happens.’


‘Yes. Tonight. I’ve cancelled your schedule for tomorrow, just in case any of you get hungover.’

‘I’ll tell the other members, sir.’ Junho walked out in search of 2PM.


They all had different reactions when they heard. Junsu said he wouldn’t mind having another drinking session, Wooyoung yayed for no schedules on the next day, Taecyeon said that they must drink responsibly, Nickhun said he wouldn’t mind drowning his sorrows and Chansung yayed for more alcohol.

Somehow, Sunye and Jooyeon also got invited to this alcohol drinking session. Sunye insisted that she was there just to supervise, not to drink. But that didn’t stop Chansung from teasing her about being with six alcohol drinking boys.

Jooyeon however, had trouble in a different form.

‘Ahehehehhehe. I can’t wait to see what your drunken personality is like Jooyeonie!’ Damn Junho. Jooyeon knew how to get him back though.

‘It’s ok, Junnie darling. I’m sure it wouldn’t be crawling into a box.’

He pouted.

When Junho pouted, the world stopped. Oh please. That didn’t happen. But it was still cute. It was so cute to see him jutting out his bottom lip in indignantly, like he was a child who just got told his bow tie was ugly. But Jooyeon knew how to make him look even cuter. She leaned over and gave him a kiss. When they pulled apart, he had a wide smile on his face.

Maybe his next course of action was embarrassing, but it was cute. He bounced off, like a fluffy bunny rabbit, shouting through the dorm:

‘Jooyeonie KISSED me! AHAHAHHAHA, take that, you girlfriendless morons.’

SMACK. Junho was now getting smacked by his hyungs and the maknae. Even Sunye joined in this relentless whacking of the man who called himself Lee Junho.

 ‘Enough of that.’ The PD spoke. Wait. PD? What was this? A variety show?

JYP walked in. ‘I hired a PD to keep you on task with your jobs.’ 2PM grinned sheepishly. ‘I expect you to produce some results for me in the morning so that we may solve this mystery.’

‘Don’t worry, hyung. I learnt some new drinking games.’

JYP looked weirdly at 2PM’s maknae, who, despite his age, was the best drinker in 2PM. He gave a hesitant nod, as if afraid to leave 2PM in the dorm with no manager or at least someone to take care of their image.


Everybody jumped. Park Jaebeom was like a magician, practicing the art of appearing out of practically nowhere. But I guess 2PM had accepted it by now. Their leader was a true Leadja. Even when he was no longer in the group, here he was, joining in the fun.

This was going to be the start of an extremely fun night.





im so excited to write the next chappie  DRUNK 2PM FTW


now that that's over... I must warn you that i have church camp on friday.... until sunday... so i'll be MIA for three days

WAHHHHHHHHH i'll miss you so much T^T LOL week's advance warning. :D


i feel like such a spazztic author

Also... remember to check out my darling dongsaeng's page :D BBOGEULIE OH HOW I LOVE YA :D

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2028 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hello there author-nim :) I really enjoyed reading this fic. It was so good and so funny... And what made you take Taj Mahal as a reference for the sand castle?
ohfudge #2
@ Chapter 2:<br />
OMG, "The leadja has spoken."<br />
HAHA!! xDD<br />
<br />
ohfudge #3
i just found this, and i'm hoping to read it when i have time!!<br />
it sounds so funny! xD
I just found this story randomly and I'm really glad I did, I like it a lot!
mmysterianna #5
LMAO well... its actually an omake....<br />
kinda missed this fic so i wrote a random little piece to go with it ^^
ehyc0211 #6
What? Is this fic really finished? The last chapter is so......unconclusional. (is that a word?) <br />
It's so different from your angst fics! Completely opposite!<br />
I've noticed that you really like the phrase "AHEHEHEHE".
ehyc0211 #7
Omg. How is it that you can write awesome angst fics AND awesome crack fics???
onairosnma #8
this is a funny story. i like it. :D
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL My family was looking at me weirdly because i was laughing like a retard at the computer screen XD
New Reader! LOOOL I love love love it! XD Jay's hilarious. "Junho is precious" XD bahahahahhaha