Junho is Crying

I found Lee Junho in a box.

Wooyoung was perfectly content to walk Sunye. No. That wasn’t sarcasm. He knew that Sunye loved Nickhun. Wooyoung was perfectly content to hand Nickhun over to Sunye, who loved Nickhun like he did, unconditionally.

Wooyoung knew that his love for Nickhun wasn’t that of a friend, nor a brother. And yet, he couldn’t think of Nickhun as a lover either. It was more like Nickhun was his soulmate, yet they were not destined to be lovers. He knew that Nickhun didn’t feel the same way, but Wooyoung felt as if Nickhun was someone he HAD to take care of. It was unexplainable. Ever since he had met the handsome Thai Prince, he had been obsessed. He had been hovering over Nickhun like a protective mother.

Well, some things in the universe are unexplainable. That’s just the way they are.

He would’ve been perfectly content to walk forever with Sunye, knowing that there was at least one person like him in the world, who loved Nickhun without an explanation. But as usual, something had to happen in a fanfiction to disturb the peace.

There, just ahead of them was Nickhun and that girl. Jooyeon. His hand was wrapped around her waist, protective and loving. She was attempting to brush snow off his hair. They looked like a perfect picture. One of those couples in the street that people would take pictures of, print them out in black and white and sell them for a large amount of money.

Wooyoung and Sunye both took the same course of action. They both hid. Maybe it was instinct. Maybe it was fear. They would never know.

But what Nickhun did next shocked them. He leaned down and pecked Jooyeon’s cheek. They got up and ran, not noticing Nickhun’s calls after them.

Jooyeon was shocked when Nickhun leaned down and kissed her. She knew that Nickhun was just being friendly, just telling her thank you in the only way he knew how. But life is always full of bad karma for her. You reap what you sow. Jooyeon looked up just in time to see Wooyoung and Sunye bolting off, with the man who was holding her shouting after them.

This was the time when Jooyeon felt as if she was cursed. Sunye was not someone who she wanted to hurt, and yet she had hurt Sunye, in one way or another. She had hurt herself as well. All of this hurt was tied under one category and that was love. Love was the reason for it. It was not the absence of love. It was the excess of it. She could feel the Love that Sunye felt for Nickhun, left behind on the pavement, being trampled on and yet, the owner of the Love would still feel pain.

Jooyeon could even feel Nickhun’s Love for Sunye oozing out. It was overflowing. It was evident in his anguished voice. Sunye never turned around though. She just kept on running with Wooyoung. Jooyeon could only feel pity for Nickhun who didn’t know. Nickhun didn’t realise his love for Sunye. Nickhun didn’t know why his heart would feel so hurt, but perhaps tonight, he would realise.

The pain. The suffering. The way of our world is harsh.


Chansung busy going through his banana ritual, it consisted of drinking a banana smoothie, eating banana pancakes, eating some banana ice cream, before finally finishing off with a big ripe banana.

Junsu had taken to dragging Chansung along with him with the use of handcuffs (more like Jay’s idea), he was anxious to find his Junbrother. He did eventually find him, but nothing prepared him for the state he found Junho in.

Junho had tears running down his cheeks.

Jay definitely could not see this, Junsu decided. Jaebeom could definitely not know that his baby had being crying. He took out the keys to the handcuffs and unlocked it, giving Chansung money to go and get food for himself.

‘Junho-ah. It’s ok.’

They sat on the pavement for maybe half an hour, maybe more. The older one listening to the breathing of the man in his arms slow down and become steady deep breaths.

‘Let’s get up, Junho.’

It was a tough job. Junho clung to Junsu’s jacket so tightly as if he was afraid to let go. What hurt him so much, wondered Junsu. It was as if someone had beaten Junho up, but there were no physical wounds on his body. Someone had all the happiness out of him; the charming eye smile that usually melted any woman’s heart was gone. It was as if he didn’t know how to smile. Junsu swore he would avenge his beloved Junbroother.

‘Who. Who hurt you Junho?’

He couldn’t answer. Or maybe he wouldn’t answer. But that was ok. Junsu could guess what had happened. It was a girl. That girl.

Junsu had known. Junsu had known since Junho had first introduced her in JYP’s office. Junsu had seen what the others neglected to see. Junsu had seen Junho’s besotted face. Junsu had seen his admiration for the girl. He saw what Junho himself had yet to realise. He saw that somehow, within the space of a day, Junho had fallen for her. Maybe they were what Shakespeare described as star-crossed lovers, destined to be with each other.

I guess all I can do is stop them from killing themselves if they were really destined to be with each other.


‘How dare you forget about ME!’ Park Jaebeom was yelling again.

Jaebeom, maybe you should stop complaining about the readers forgetting about you, because JYP was in his office at that very moment, fuming about the whereabouts of 2PM.

Poor 2PM. They were going to face another lecture when they got back. 



Sorry for not updating T.T Dream Team is strangely addictive.... JUNHO BBY <3

Actually... I'm watching Dream Team while typing this...Junho is so cute and manly at the same time *heart failure*

Love all the comments of stuff I've been getting :D SO ENCOURAGING  IT MAKES ME FEEL GUILTY T^T



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2029 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hello there author-nim :) I really enjoyed reading this fic. It was so good and so funny... And what made you take Taj Mahal as a reference for the sand castle?
ohfudge #2
@ Chapter 2:<br />
OMG, "The leadja has spoken."<br />
HAHA!! xDD<br />
<br />
ohfudge #3
i just found this, and i'm hoping to read it when i have time!!<br />
it sounds so funny! xD
I just found this story randomly and I'm really glad I did, I like it a lot!
mmysterianna #5
LMAO well... its actually an omake....<br />
kinda missed this fic so i wrote a random little piece to go with it ^^
ehyc0211 #6
What? Is this fic really finished? The last chapter is so......unconclusional. (is that a word?) <br />
It's so different from your angst fics! Completely opposite!<br />
I've noticed that you really like the phrase "AHEHEHEHE".
ehyc0211 #7
Omg. How is it that you can write awesome angst fics AND awesome crack fics???
onairosnma #8
this is a funny story. i like it. :D
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL My family was looking at me weirdly because i was laughing like a retard at the computer screen XD
New Reader! LOOOL I love love love it! XD Jay's hilarious. "Junho is precious" XD bahahahahhaha