Chapter 9

Leaving You [HIATUS]
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I was sleeping when suddenly my cellphone rang and woke me up.
Grabbing the cause that woke me up, I pressed on the green button without looking at the ID.

“Hello ?” I asked, my voice a little raspy.

“Junsu ...” A girls voice said, sounding tired and sad.

“Hana ! Hey, how are you doing ? Woah, I haven't seen you in a while”

“Junsu-ah, what are you doing ? Do you have time ?” She asked me, ignoring my question.

“Yes, I have. Why ?”

“Could you maybe come out for a bit and meet me ?” Her voice a little tired.

“Of course we can. Let's meet in the cafe okay ?”
“Are you at home ?” She asked again and again ignored my question.

“Yes, why ?”

“I am coming over, okay ? Wait a little bit.” And with that, she hung up.


I don't know but something is not right. I thought but shrugged it off.
The door rang and I rushed to open the door.
I smiled brightly but soon, the smile slowly falterd and I became worried.
Before me stood a tired and sad looking Hana. Her eyes were red and puffy. The look in her eyes ..
I don't know, they looked so empty and dead.

“Hana, what- what happened ?” I asked worried, my eyebrows pinched together and pulled her in the dorm.

“Junsu-ah..” She said and looked me into the eyes. Her eyes were now filled with sadness and tears were forming.

“Hana ! What happened !” I demand, now feeling really uneasy.

“I-I have to-to leave him again” She hiccuped, tears now streaming down her face.

“WHAT ?! ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME HANA ?!” I shouted and she flinched and her sobs got louder.

“I-I am so so-sorr-y. I-I don't want-want to, you-you know that. But I don't have a choice.” She whisperd and looked down.

“Of course you have a choice ! Why do you want to leave him again ?! You do know that when you leave him he will be devasted right ?! Oh my gosh Hana ! Why did you even agreed to be his girlfried when you were going to leave him again ?! What is it ? Why are you leaving him ?
Are the fans too suffocating ? You knew that it would be like this ! Or did you meet a better man than Jaejoong ?! Tell me ! TELL ME !” I yelled, now really angry.

“IT IS NOTHING LIKE THAT !” She shouted back and looked me straight in the eyes. Her look furious.

“Do you think I would just leave him like that if I don't have a good reason ?

You know that I love him ! You ing know that I love him so much and here you are,

yelling and shouting at without hearing what I have to say !”

“THAN WHAT IS YOUR REASON !?” I aksed irritated. That must be a really really good reason ! I swear if it's not I will-

“I am pregnant.” She said, her voice wavering and barely heard.

“What ?” I whispered. She is pregnant ? That is why she is leaving him ?

Jaejoong is going to be a father ?

“That is why I am going to leave him. Nobody can know that he is going to be a father.
He can't even marry me now. How can he raise a child without getting kicked out of the company ?
Without getting his fans angry and furious ? They will despise him.
He is at the peak of his carreer. You all are. I don't want that. That they despise him and the rest of you when you are successful again. You know how much he loves to be with you and the rest of the members and the most when he stands on stage.”


I sighed. She is right.

“Are you going to tell him ?”

“I-I don't know. I can't face him. Not again. I can't break his heart again. I think I would die.”
She sobbed. I looked at her and realised that Jaejoong is not the only one that will be hurt and pulled her into a hug.

She hugged me back and burried her face in my chest.

“Shh, shh it will be alright.” I hushed her and hugged her tighter.

“Promise me to take care of him okay ? Please help him where you can. As if you were me, okay ? I beg you please.”

“I promise you. I promise.” I wishpered. “Where are you going to go ?”

“I think I am going to America. It's the best. I can't stay here. The reporters will find me.
And please don't tell him that I am pregnant, okay ?”
“Okay... Be safe okay ? I will really miss you. I wish you all the best. And if you need help,
just call me”

“I will miss you too, Oppa. Thank you for everything.” She said and looked me in the eyes.

I smiled alittle and hugged her tight.

“Goodbye Oppa.”

“Goodbye Hana..”



two months later

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strereoviolet #1
Chapter 3: ok that was weird but great
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