
Your Wish is My Command



I opened my eyes slowly and sat up on my bed. I felt a little deja vu, like this happened a while ago, although I'm not sure if it was a dream or not. My mind decided to register it as a dream instead, because if this had happened a while ago, then it would have been very unusual, wouldn't it? I rubbed my eyes as I yawned. I scanned the room. and the next things I saw were a pair of eyes staring back at me. My eyes widened and I was about to scream when he suddenly appeared directly in front of me and put his hand on my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was no use since his hand blocked out any unappealing sound I would have possibly made.

"Just shh. Calm down and let me explain everything."


I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, suddenly remembering what happened before I out. I remember him saying he was a genie, and I got creeped out when he suddenly floated, then I fainted. I couldn't find a logical explanation to his floating abilities, so I found myself letting him explain, hoping it would answer the questions I had in mind.


"So, um... as I said, I'm a genie--" He started.


"Genies aren't real." I furrowed my eyebrows as my mouth involuntarily spoke. My eyes flashed a sorry look at him. He couldn't blame me though, as a well-educated individual, I was told that Santa Claus and genies were not real. I believed them as well, because I hadn't even seen one... until now. I definitely couldn't deny this being in front of me. 


He narrowed his eyes at me, "What am I then? Air?"


I shrugged and mouthed a 'sorry' at him. He lightly chuckled and shook his head. "Seriously, just listen to me. I'm a genie from magic land-- don't laugh. I work for the head genie and yeah, she doesn't really have a name. Thousands of genies work under her, and we cater to people who ask for our help. We choose the people who really need the help though; we can't just answer everybody's wishes. You probably wished for us, and you probably sincerely needed the help. They then sent me here, and poof! Here I am!"


I noticed that he had the habit of waving his arms around to give emphasis to his words as he talked. It somehow gave him the illusion of seeming human. I definitely would have believed that he was human, if it weren't for the the light that surrounded him, making him seem supernatural and out of this world (which he was). I couldn't really focus on what he looked like, because looking at him long enough was overwhelming, but he was handsome. His hair seemed to compliment his face very well, and I was pretty sure that if he were human, he would have definitely been one of the popular ones-- like Sehun. And that was and then I remembered Sehun, his friends, the girl he was with, the ridicule, my cries. I grasped my chest as I felt my heart throb once again. I felt my eyes water again and that was when he noticed, and I saw his eyes widen with concern. 


"Wait! W-wait! Why are you crying? Come on, don't cry! People don't usually cry when I explain things to them... they just wish right away. Um... please don't cry." The genie hovered towards me and flailed his arms. The air of arrogance he seemed to have when I first saw him disappeared and was replaced by franticness. "What do I do? You want water? A dog? A cat? A stuffed toy? A clown?" The things he enumerated suddenly appeared in my room. He didn't stop saying random things that could possibly make other people stop crying until I saw my room starting to get full.


"STOP!" I screamed, and he looked at me with wide eyes. Everything that had suddenly appeared in my room suddenly disappeared. "Um... you can just pat my back. That's how people usually comfort other people, not make random things appear out of thin air."


"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly at me and started to pat my back. "Is this okay?"


I nodded and gave him a soft smile. It was understandable that he didn't know what to do about what just happened because I assume people just wish right away after finding out they had a genie at their grasp, and if they didn't, they surely wouldn't cry like I did. As a genie, he probably must have limited exposure to people. "Hey, I don't know what to wish for yet. Are you going to stay for a little while longer? I need to think about it properly. Oh, and I don't know your name."


"I'm gonna stay until your 3 wishes are used up, that's for sure. And... I don't have a name." He said as his face softened, like this was the first time someone asked for his name and his identity aside from being a genie.


"What about Kai?" I said as I remembered having watched a tv show recently were someone was named Kai. It wasn't a common name at all, and it seemed to suit him well.


He gave me a smile and for a second there, I thought I had forgotten my own name.


"Kai it is then."

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pls. update soon
Chapter 5: please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 4: So the genie's Kai, right?
Omg, I'm excited about the next chapter. *_*
Chapter 3: please update!
-xAutumn #5
Please update soon!

Chapter 3: Sehun why? U used to be so sweet ..oh god that would be my ideal guy ..but ,but ..waeee? I hate tht bish who stole Sehun from her ..

Kai palli! Marry her .. Hahaha ..lol

Please long update ..:))) author nim this story is so exciting .hihiihihhih
-xAutumn #7
Chapter 3: Wah!!!! ;_; Sehunnie use to be so sweet!!!

WHY!!!!! Kai, hurry up and save her!

Thanks for the update author-nim! Can't wait what happens next!
Chapter 3: It's okay, everything will get better!!!
Chapter 2: Sehun, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
And why the heck are you guys making fun of her just because her boyfriend broke up with her?! Getting broken up with, especially in a public place, is really sad! -_-
-xAutumn #10
Chapter 2: Omg! Hana! That was so mean sehun~ >ㅁ<

Im glad I found this story! Please update soon author-nim~

Looking forward to the next chapter! Fighting! ^▽^