The heartbreak

Your Wish is My Command


I took off my pajamas and wore a sweatshirt and pants. I took my glasses from the study table and put it on. I went outside my room and saw my dad watching TV. "Where are you going? It's 9 PM." He raised an eyebrow at me.


"I'm just going out for a while... just around the block." I replied with a straight face.


He furrowed his eyebrows, but didn't pry. "Um, okay. Just don't go home late, or I'm really sending the cops to find you." I nodded and I started to walk away. "I mean it!" He shouted after me. I closed the door and started walking towards Sehun's house which wasn't so far away from mine. It was just a few blocks away actually.


For some reason, I had a bad feeling about the visit but I shook the feeling away quickly. I've been having doubts about our relationship already. We've already reached a year and you would think our relationship would have strengthened, but instead, it became worse. He rarely was sweet to me anymore, and if I didn't know any better, I would think he was annoyed of me already. Maybe he is. Maybe that's why he's been avoiding me. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore. Come to think of it, was he really? I bitterly chuckled. Maybe he was even dared to ask me out. Maybe.


My heart tightened at the thought and I shook my head. "Stop it, Hana. You're only hurting yourself. Just... stop it." A tear dropped from my eyes but I quickly wiped it off with my hand.


I reached Sehun's house in just a few minutes and I stood outside his house with a pain in my heart when I saw that he was having a party in his house... without me. Nobody even told me about this. I took a deep breath as I contemplated about going in.


Maybe I shouldn't. I wasn't invited. If he wanted me there, he would've told me. Maybe I should just go home and just forget about everything. Maybe it's his parents' party, and I'm so obviously not invited. But then again, his parents liked me and knew me.

Maybe I should go in. I mean, I should ask why I wasn't invited. He was my boyfriend, and I had a right to ask. Except, maybe he's trying to break it to me slowly that he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Either way, I would still get hurt.


I listened to the latter part of my brain and slowly opened the door knob. People were having a blast here and it made me even sadder. This is definitely not his parents' party. People were dancing, drinking, having fun, playing games, eating, talking to one another, in the company of their friends. I truly had no friends, I told myself bitterly. And now, I'm not sure if I even have a boyfriend.


I scanned the house, looking for him. He was the reason I came here in the first place, and I was not going to leave without seeing him. I don't even care if he just waves me off. I just need to see him. I need to see proof. I can't just come up with several hypotheses. I looked around closely, and that was when I saw something that made me wish I hadn't come. It made me wish I just stayed home. It made me wish I never became Sehun's girlfriend in the first place.


What I saw? It was Oh Sehun.


And he was kissing Park Jiyeon, Seoul Arts High's resident Queenka.


I took out my phone and dialed his number. It ringed 2 times before he stopped kissing her and he picked up his own phone. "Han, I'm really busy right now. My dad's making me help with his business and all."


"Business, huh? That's nice." I replied sarcastically.


"Uh-oh! Oh Sehun, you're in big trouble. Your GIRLFRIEND is here!" Park Chanyeol exclaimed and everyone turned their heads towards me. I would've ducked my head in shame but at this moment, I was just too bewildered and hurt and a lot of other feelings that are overwhelming me. I put down the call and stared at him straight on.


"Hana. I--"


"No, you listen to me! How could you? How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me?" My heart pained.


He looked down, "I'm sorry. This was all just a bet actually. Jiyeon said she would date me if I could get the wallflower to fall in love with me."


"What?" Tears started to fall from my eyes. I was shocked that he had the nerve to say this all, when I remember the time he told me that he loved me and that he would die without me by his side. I thought he loved me. He used to tell me that he couldn't live without me. It was so strange, and so painful, to think that all of those were just lies.


"I'm sorry, Kim Hana. We're over."


At first, everything was quiet. But then someone shouted "OHHHH! THAT'S GOTTA HURT!" and everyone else followed. They laughed at me. They made fun of me. I used to just sit at the side and not get noticed by anyone else, until Oh Sehun happened. I used to hate being ignored, but I wished that I were invisible now. And at this moment, he definitely was the worst decision I have made in my whole entire life.


I ran outside his house, trying to ignore all the mockery they threw at me, with tears falling down my face.

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pls. update soon
Chapter 5: please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 4: So the genie's Kai, right?
Omg, I'm excited about the next chapter. *_*
Chapter 3: please update!
-xAutumn #5
Please update soon!

Chapter 3: Sehun why? U used to be so sweet ..oh god that would be my ideal guy ..but ,but ..waeee? I hate tht bish who stole Sehun from her ..

Kai palli! Marry her .. Hahaha

Please long update ..:))) author nim this story is so exciting .hihiihihhih
-xAutumn #7
Chapter 3: Wah!!!! ;_; Sehunnie use to be so sweet!!!

WHY!!!!! Kai, hurry up and save her!

Thanks for the update author-nim! Can't wait what happens next!
Chapter 3: It's okay, everything will get better!!!
Chapter 2: Sehun, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
And why the heck are you guys making fun of her just because her boyfriend broke up with her?! Getting broken up with, especially in a public place, is really sad! -_-
-xAutumn #10
Chapter 2: Omg! Hana! That was so mean sehun~ >ㅁ<

Im glad I found this story! Please update soon author-nim~

Looking forward to the next chapter! Fighting! ^▽^