The Apple Tree


Life started rough but all the hard work has paid of. You (Jung Destiny) is standing in front of one of the greatest school in South Korea, Seoul Art High School. Not used to living this lifestyle, you try and work hard anyway.

To get to the end of the dark tunnel, you need to make it through the dark tracks. Desney (oc nick name), meets many people along the way that occupies places in her heart. But when the past catches up with the present, it can ruin the path to your future.

-Daehyun is a boy you meet who is a happy wild child but you find out that he has a whole history that cuts him where it hurt most. y at times

-Yoseob is a friend that is always there for you and is mischievious at times.Player

You - Desney (Destiny) has a sad history but gets back on track after working hard. Happy on the outside but is scarred on the inside. Happy most times and goes with the flow

Mum- only wants the best for her only child and has a big heart but it is hard for her to forgive people. Warm

Young Grandfather - TOP strict but fair, funny and only has company from Daehyun. Hard on the outside but has a warm heart. Whys hes young will be revealed later





 It started with two different cells. An egg cell and a cell. All the cells were racing towards egg but eggie only wanted one man in her life. One spermie made it there first and then they bonded. The eggie took the with her and laid together in the uterus lining. There, they became an embryo. After awhile of being a lazy , the eggspermie embryo became a foetus. And after a few more months, the eggspermieembryofoetus entered through the portal crying with rage and suffocation in this nasty enviro. Yep, that is how most life started but not mine. I landed on earth through a spaceship with my alien parents =D Well, i wish ( sometimes)


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