Chapter 11

The Queen waiting upon Her Servent



“When does Maiya return from the honeymoon? Do you think they'll stay a full month?” wondered Sora while handing Bonie a steaming cup of tea. She didn't look at him except for a curt nod as she took the beverage, shivering.

“Maybe... I haven't asked. I just hope they act on their feelings for each other, at last!” she exclaimed after taking a few sips of her tea. Although inside the shack the warmth was well within human boundaries, Bonie still left cold. Perhaps a cup of blood would have been better, she mused, day dreaming.

“I hope so too! They been in love almost for as long as they've known each other!!” stated the blond amused, then he took a seat next to her, his own cup steaming in his hands.

“Why are you always so happy?” she asked turning her head towards him. Sora frowned and Bonie, confused, said nothing as she realized this was the first time she'd seen him frown, it looked out of place on his child-like face. A sadness appeared in the murky depths of his green eyes, partially covered by blond bangs which have fallen out of his ponytail.

“I'm sorry! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!” sh excused herself and burnt her tongue with the hot tea she had drank to quickly to stop herself from talking further.

“It's fine! I'll begin by saying I'm a pure blooded vampire which makes having this scar odd in the least. I'm always smiling because that was my mothers wish as she saw me for the first and last time. You see my parents fought in the vamp-gargoyle war from about 2 centuries ago. You've heard of it?” he tried to relax by stretching and drinking some more tea as he waited for the brunette to answer.

“Yes, my...adoptive family has told me all about it. They're gargoyles you know. That's part of the reasons they had agreed to the alliance back home in Korea.” she nodded .

“Yeah... anyway, my mother was a medic while my father was the commanding officer during the war. Mother was pregnant with me at the time, near due date actually. You see, as there were so little medics then, as there aren't so many today, she was asked and said yes knowing my father would be there to protect us both. However, what they didn't imagine was the ambush the gargoyles planned to rid of my mother. She was in labor when the gargoyles attacked.”

“Wait!” she intervened “Gargoyles wouldn't play that dirty! I know that they aren't very fair but not even they would do something like that, despite the hate!” Bonie protested, defending her family.

“But they did!” Sora argued, fire blazing in his eyes. “That's where I got the scar, Bonie! Their claws did it and due to the venom my father wasn't able to heal it later.” by this time, his knuckles were white from clenching them in fury and she could see the tightness of his jaw.

“They couldn't have! I've seen all the reports from then! It wasn't planned!!!” she yelled. She had been raised by them, they had cared and loved her in spite of their hate for all vampire kind. She refused to believe that during the same time they had organized such a -ish attack.

“They did! My father told me and showed me the records Bonie! Also, due to blood loss my mother fell into a blood coma. I'm sure you are aware of the venom's proprieties in this case since you are so buddy-buddy with them, don't you?” he sneered and she couldn't hold it in anymore, that had been the last straw, the drop that filled the glass. No one spoke like that about her family, no one!

“Shut the up! That's my family, goddamn it! You may say about everything else, but not them! They raised me, nurtured my and loved me against all reasons to just let me die!” she stood, angry as hell, and faced him. They were so close that the tension could be cut with a knife. She wanted to slap him, kick him, swear at him some more, but he didn't let her.

Before she even realized, he had taken her by the shoulders and mashed their lips together. She gasped is surprise, a mistake for he took the chance to plunge his tongue into her wet, warm cavern. She couldn't think, couldn't move, she couldn't even close her eyes, such was her shock. He brought one of his hands at the back of her neck, angling their mouth so he can deepen the kiss, and the other went around her waist. That is when she saw Moonsoo's face flash in her minds eye. She bit Sora's tongue, tasting his blood and stepping back to glare. She was prepared to beat him up, but she almost decided against it. Almost!

“! You bit me! !” he smirked at her and a shudder went through her body. He kept his distance whether he sensed the danger or not remains unknown as her slap resounds around the valley

“You bastard!”


“Still not talking?” he teased, packing his bags early in the morning, his swollen eye finally healing. Bonie had taken refuge in a corner, sulking and brooding, in a word, still angry. She even though up ways of miming her so called partner.

“You know what? I apologize. I'm being the better person, I'm sorry I beat you up. We should get along while on this mission so I call a truce. AS long as you agree to not try anything anymore.” she broke the silence that had befallen the duo minutes earlier.

“Sure” he said crossing his fingers behind his back, smiling happily. “I suggest visiting my father. He's only miles away from the supposed nest. What do you think? By the way, have I mentioned how much you resemble my mother?” he asked brightly, not seeing the sad look in her eyes.

“Fine.” and nothing else was said until he left to go to the bathroom. That was when Bonie took out the satellite phone and decided to call Moonsoo. He could always make her feel better, loved and protected.

“Yes?” she heard Vladimir on the line and smiled, it had worked!

“Hello, Vlady” she teased. “Get me Moonsoo!” she then ordered. She traced the sounds of the cell door open and someone shifting in a bed, before hearing “Here, for you”

“Bonie.” she detected the relieved voice of her oppa and she immediately warmed up, warmer than ever . Although she had only been a way one day, she had missed him.

“Bonie? Are you okay?” he asked worried and she let a sob be heard, she couldn't help it.

“I'm fine. I called cuz'...I...” er voice gave out as the tears began falling. I was all too much, the distance to home, the kiss with Sora, her love for Moonsoo, her parents whom she had never met...

“Don't cry. Bonie? Love? Never forget Saranghe!” she laughed in spite of herself and felt a silver of guilt rise inside her heart.

“He kissed me” she chocked out, smothered by the guilty feeling. “I'm so sorry, oppa, I tried to tell you!” she continued. “I bit his tongue though.” he laughed and soon, she joined him, she'd known he'd make her feel better.

“Good!” Moonsoo said amused. “I would have too.” he sounded almost serious now.

“Yeah... I gotta go. Talk to you later. Saranghe.”

“Bye” and she closed the phone to save batteries. The grin on her face was what greeted Sora as he emerged form the bathroom and the two left the old shack behind. He took the lead, since she didn't know where they were headed. The talk had helped a lot though, she was no longer angry.



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Chapter 27: hmm .. im speechless ..
Chapter 23: F***ING KIDDING ME?!
How can Myungsoo and MoonSoo both be each others older brothers?
Chapter 3: OH MY GOOOOD! Finally I read the first part: "MORNING"
It was great!
I admit that I didn't expect. But, I really really really liked it. It was GREAT! <3
I'm soooooooooooooo happy!~
Chapter 2: OH GOD! I'm so speechless!
I'm so happy that y=they sleep together!<3<3<3<3