Chapter 10

The Queen waiting upon Her Servent


Bonie Lee! I thought you hated me!” laughed Sora, cocky, and she couldn't help but think 'God, he's annoying!' what had possessed her to save him from falling from the balcony. Maybe he would've fallen and broken his neck offering her a little peace and quiet until he healed.


Few minutes earlier


Bonie had just exited the Midnight Dungeon, went for a trip in the Human Realm to get a drink and then reappeared at the palace. As she passed through the gates she was greeted by an odd sight.

“Sora!? What are you doing?!” she yelled upon seeing the man leaning over the railing of the staircase. Underneath it, the fountain gushed out water. As her scream reached his ears he fell down the 3 meters leading to the fountain.

“Oh my God! I'm so so sorry!!!” she dashed toward him, checking for injuries yet, despite the panic she'd gone through, he was laughing, soaked to the bone and shivering.

“That was so much fun!” he cheered. “Let's do it again!” she face-palmed at hearing this stupidity, he could have broken his neck or worse! Thinking back to her conversation with Moonsoo she cursed her luck.“If I was out I'd eat off his hand! But, alas I'm not and you need him to help you. You can't go north alone and he does seem the best choice.” Bonie remembered oppa saying, however, no matter how true the words were, she couldn't help but hate the situation.

“Hey! Get out, your gonna freeze!” she said sarcastically, knowing he'd be fine either way.

“Bonie Lee! I thought you hated me!” laughed Sora, cocky, and she couldn't help but think 'God, he's annoying!' What had possessed her to save him from falling from the balcony. Maybe he would've fallen and broken his neck offering her a little peace and quiet until he healed.


The next day

“Are you ready? Have you got everything?” Sora asked ironic after seeing the servants deliver her luggage. Several bags, five or six, were being dragged after her as she entered the room.

“Har-de-har-har.” she replied just as ironic as he was. “Thank you” she turned to the servants and said, nodding. She smiled as they left the room.

“How do you plan on carrying these?” Sora sighed as he saw her take one bag, light caramel with brown linings, and put on her jacket. The mischievous, dark look in her eyes made him shudder in fear. It sent waves of foreboding down his spine.

“Well, since I know you're a gentleman... “ she trailed off letting it be understood that she expected him to carry them. She smirked, an annoying habit she had picked up from Moonsoo, batted her lashes and then smiled sweetly. He began drawing back, step after step coming closer to the wall.

“No... no, no, no,no,no. I won't!” he exclaimed but she kept smiling, walking closer. He began shaking his head and closed his eyes. That's when she burst out laughing, her whole body shaking under the power of it. “I'm kidding!” she reassured him as best as she could, although she hadn't stopped ginning at his expanse. “These are for Vladimir, he promised me he'd do something while I was away.” she answered once Sora had calmed down and just stared at her confused.

“Since when do you and Vlad get along?” he asked and Bonie wondered if everyone knew about the animosity between herself and the councilor. She stepped closer to him and both put their hands on the wall, waiting for the portal to activate. They were drawn into the swirling mass of colors and before they knew it, they'd arrived in Siberia, the first place on the long list of known demon nest's locations.

“God! I'm freezing!” she screamed, trying to cover the sounds of the raging snow storm. She was shivering, not unlike him, her lips turning into an unhealthy shade of blue and her hair already had icicles in it, fastly becoming white.

“I know! Let's find shelter!” Sora answered, the grin on his face making Bonie want to murder him for sport. How dare he grin while she was freezing her off in the Siberian tundra!? She thought, gritting her teeth. He was right though and within seconds her eyes were scanning for any sort of shelter, be it a cave or a shack, even if the latter was less likely.

“Bon! There's a shack there!” he drew her attention away from her warm thoughts of Moonsoo, pointing at, indeed, a small hut on the end of the valley. She damn near dashed had it not been for the snow. She did, however, walk as fast as she could.

“I love you, fire!” she sighed as Sora made the fire in the stove, the best option for now. She was warming up and that's all that mattered. Her journey had begun!

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Chapter 27: hmm .. im speechless ..
Chapter 23: F***ING KIDDING ME?!
How can Myungsoo and MoonSoo both be each others older brothers?
Chapter 3: OH MY GOOOOD! Finally I read the first part: "MORNING"
It was great!
I admit that I didn't expect. But, I really really really liked it. It was GREAT! <3
I'm soooooooooooooo happy!~
Chapter 2: OH GOD! I'm so speechless!
I'm so happy that y=they sleep together!<3<3<3<3