I Can't Think Of One.

Our Last Promise

Hello Readers! I will do this chapter from Nicole's Point Of View. I always wanted to show you how she really thinks. Don't judge a book by it's cover!

Nicloe's  P.O.V

Ugh! That was so embarrasing! How could I let that happen to me!!! Appa and Umma woud never accept this! How did they get me?! Wait a minute....... if they are good at dance, doesn't mean they are good at sining! Gish, singing is mu forte! I will kill them! Hehehehe. If I also get embarassed, I have english! At least for singing they do it class by class so I won't be embarrassed. What if Teen Top sees though?! Eventhough they don't participate, they are still there, watching.... NO! I must believe in myself....... Woojin taught me that! Woojin eh........................

I guess I'll wait until it's our time for our booking in the studio. 30 minutes to go. I guess I'll just wander aroun the school. I hope nobody spread anything. As I walked, Jessica was always in my head. Why did she stick up for me? What was her reasoning?! WHY?!?!?!!!! UGH! I have to go cool my head down! I went to the vending machine and bought iced tea. I sat down and cooled my head. Yes. Even I, the y,ty queenka leader can cool her head. What did I turn out to become? expectations were put on me. I became so y and ty. When nobody is here, I fell like I can be........myself. Why did I get plastic surgery?! Ugh. I always regretted that. Woojin, would you still love you if you saw me now?

30 minutes went by really quickly. I hurriedly ran to the studio. I don't even want to verse them. Jessica seems so nice. I really liked how she stood up for me. A smile apeared on my face. NO! Snap out of it! You can't trust anybody! You can't make any true friends! You will be backstabbed! Remember why you became a y firt Nicole! You don't need real friends!!! What are you babo! You only need loyal 'followers'! They wouldn't dare go against me!

Finally! At the studio! I walked inside the door. I saw everyone there before me. Class had already started and Yuri and Kevin already did their test. Right now, L.joe was just finishing the song, in his seductive voice. Ahhhhhh. The boys had to sing 'Haru Haru' by Big Bang. The girls had to sing 'Ugly' by 2NE1. These songs were chosen for our test since they had a range. I would always come first for girls and L.Joe or CAP would come first for the boys.

'Oh my girl

I cry cry

You're my all

Say goodbye

Oh my love

Don't lie lie

You're my all

Say goodbye.....'

L.Joe rapped and even did G-Dragon's signature move!!!! KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 'followers' were also blushing like hell. L.Joe went  to sit down with his mates.

'OK everyone! Next up will be Tiffany, Nicole then Jessica. Remember that.' our teacher, Park Bom said.

Tiffany went up and prepared herself. I am still in on mode so i must be a butch. I rolled my eye and looked bored, but I was really ooking forward to this. What do I have to match?

'Balkge useobojiman....'

Oh my god! She is so good! How can I match to that! She has such a powerful voice! She is a good dancer, and also has great looks! She will be a rival to futur K-pop stars, along with Jessica. 

'I think I'm ugly

and nobody want to love me

just like her I wanna be pretty

I wanna be pretty

Don't lie to my face

cuz I know i'm ugly.'

Wow. She sounded like she meant it..... Huh. Who does she want to be pretty like? She looks so good already! Who thinks she's ugly?! I am so pissed off!!!!!! GOD! How can she sing like that when she has everything she wants! UGH!!!!!!!!

'Next, Nicole!' You're up!' Bom said.

Ok! I have to sing with all my heart! No being a and ! This is me! This is my song! I will surpass them!

 'Balkge useobojiman....'

'Hey, is it just me or does she shound really .... Peaceful?' GooHara asked.

'Nah. It's just the song.' Gyuri replied

*Really? Is it because this is the song that she thinks reflects her? Why did you have to die Woojin!?* Goohara thought to herself.

'I think I'm ugly

and nobody wants to love me

just like her i wanna be pretty

i wanna be pretty

don't lie to my face

cuz I know I'm ugly.'

'Wow..... Nicole. That was amazing!' Bom told me.

'Of course! I am truly magnificent! HAH!' I replied back haughtily.

*I really thought about it too much.* GooHara though as she face palmed herself.

'Ok...... next up, Jessica!' Bom ended up saying.

'Right.' Jessica replied.

'Balkge Useobojiman......'

Wow! She is just as good as Tiffany! Maybe even better!  expect none less from such a magnificent person! WAIT! WHAT AM I SAYING! NO! I AM BETTER! Ok! I am much better! I will succeed! I will come first for singing! Of course! I tried my best. Even if I don't come first, I will still be satisfied! WAIT WHAT?! God I am leaking too much of my good side. I must restrain and continue in KARA form. Huh. If Jessica and Tiffany came here on schoarship, does that mean they are really poor that they can't afford the real price, or the price of Class A? I will need to go do some research!

'Don't lie to my face

Cuz I know I'm ugly.'

'That was great Jessica! High expectations I will have of you!' Bom said to me as she was clapping.

'Thank you teacher!' Jessica said and bowed.

UGH! Why does she get so many compliments?!


Finally! Lunch! Yes! I have been waiting since forever for lunch! I went to our classroom bathroom to check everything. Hair, check.  Makeup. Check. Uniform shortened. Check. Posture. Check. OK! Now, to Teen Top.

I saw heaps of girls surrounding Teen Top, only because reular student are allowed in at lunch break. Whoever decided that?! Hmph. At least 'those two' aren't into them. They would be the only actual competition. All I did was barge through all the girls. As soon as I arrived, all the girls scattered away. Easy. I started flirting with Teen Top, along with the rest of KARA.

I suddenly realised something. There were a lot of voices in the classroom. There are always a lot, but this was more than usual. I spun around to take a look. Knew it. All the boys have gathered for those 2. UGH! How did they become so popular?! It's only their first day! GOSH! How much more can they piss me off? Ugh! I  wil get them back. I quietly left the room and went outside and sat down at a small, deserted garden. I always come here to cool off. Even though I never see anybody here, it is always tended. It was lovely. It smelled so good al the time and was so peaceful. There are no expectations put on me right now. How I wish I didn't have to act. I wish I could be myself. NO! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! you will definitely be betrayed y your 'true' friends1 That's why you became queenka Nicole! Remeber, you don't need real friends. You need loyal 'followers.' That's right.

(Ok people did this and that. THis and that happened at lunch. Too lazy to do the rest of lunch... :P forgive me please!)


The bell! I better get going to class! We have P.E right now. To the hall. I ran with all my might and got there pretty early. I went to change and came back out. Those 2 were also coming in. Wow...... They are naturally beautiful. I don't see any make-up at all....... I need make-up to look good.... I shook my head and went into KARA mode. I looked at them and rolled my eyes. I had KARA beside me, so I began talking.

'HUH. Jessica and Tiffany are soooo lame! They probably use so much make uo to cover their true face. They probably made their parents go broke from plastic surgery!' I exclaimed loud enough so that they could hear.

They rolled their eyes and ignored me. They went to change their clothes and came back out. Our teacher came out to tell us what to to. We call her Minzy since she doesn't mind.

'OK guys! Get into your classes!' Minzy said and clapped her hands.

Everyone got into lines and Minzy split us up for volleyball. I was with a few other people from other classes, GooHara and Gyuri. Jessica and Tiffany were separated. They were both with none of KARA(luckily). Jessica was with Yuri, the girls in our class. I heard a few boys confessed to her. Confessing to JT(Jessica and Tiffany) was one thing, but Yuri?! She's like a housewife! Huh. The games went on really well. I didn't get to play Tiffany or Jessica. The rest of the day went by without me taking to them at al. It was quite a good day. I really skipped most of school and just wandered around.

Hellos everybody reading up to here! Thanks for reading! I haven't updated recently since my internet is really crappy.... and I've been very busy..... with anime .... studies! Yes... studies..... now... time to spam u with everything that i love... ANYWAYS! Now you know things from Nicole's point. Is she all that bad?! You make your judgement! now... time to spam u with everything that i love...



Joon, U ok? :(


Thunder, Y U sad?! :(

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awesome story so far!! :D Hope you update soon! :D
ShineeStar4ever #2
Haha can you pair Tiffany with chunji??? Hwaiting!