New School

Our Last Promise

Jessicas P.O.V

As we exited the house, we left for school in our uniform.

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR72_LvDEhBLo1tg5zilxe(but with a skirt not pants. This picture is the boy's uniform since i could't find the girl version.)

As we walked into the school, we went to see where our classroom was. Students had different uniforms and were staring at us. We looked at each other and shrugged. There were also boys whistling at us as they walked by. We decided to ignore them.


Our cassroom was located away from all the other classrooms. we waked silently towards the classroom until Tiffany suddenly stopped.

'Wait a minute... where are we? I see no classroom.' Tiffany suddenly said.

You halted only a few millimeters away from Tiffany and looked every where. She was right. there was no classroom anywhere. Just a huge greenhouse. I saw a student who was wearing a senior uniform and decided to ask him.

'Exuse me oppa. Do you know where class A is? we are the new students.' I asked him as he was staring at my face. He became really red. I mentally rolled my eyes.

'Oh um...... its just over there. Hehe...' He said and pointed to the greenhouse.

'Thank you oppa!' I smiled and left.

We walked to the building and opened the door and Tiffany opened it. Inside, it was just like an ordinary greenhouse but with magnificent flowers and scent. We began to doubt what the boy said but contuinued to walk. We ended up in a huge lounge room with only one student. We decided to ask her where we were.

'Excuse me, we were told this is class A but we are lost. Can you give us directions please?' I asked her.

'Oh my! This is class A! You must be the new students! Welcome to Class A! We wear different uniforms to tell we are in class A. Look at your posket. It has an A on it! We also only have a teacher to mark the roll or if there is a special occasions. We have sports, dancing and singing with all the other classes that have it at the same time as us. You are really early so the others aren't here yet. I am here to mae food for everyone to eat except for Kara because they hate us all except for Teen Top.By the way, my name is Park Yuri. Just call me Yuri.' The girl said.

Yuri had a sweet, mellow voice that sounds unreal. as we were talking, another man came in. As soon as he came in, I felt a stange feeling in my heart. I suddenly remembered the dream. I asked myself what connections they had. I ended up deciding to ignore the feeling. 

'Hello. My name is Jessica. The girl beside me is Tiffany. We came from America.' I said and bowed.

'Oh, hey there.' Tiffany said.

'hello there. My name is Kevin. You must be the new sholarship students. Well, I'm the other scholarship student. Pleased to meet you Jessica. Tiffany.' Kevin said and hurriedly walked away to sit down on a couch.

'That's Kevin. He's know for being the nerd of the class. He's actually really nice and not mean.' Yuri said. You could see her goig a little red.

Again, the doors bust open. This time, a group of loud boys enter. They seem to be players so we didn;t bother intorducing ourselves.

'Hey look. The new girls that got in are hot chics! Hi I'm CAP. Wanna go out. It's ok to 2 time. I'll love you both equally.' CAP said as he gave a flirty wink.

'Hello loser. We are people who don't want to go out with you. we go by the names of Tiffany and Jessica. I'm Tiffany. My sister is Jessica. Pleas, move out of the way of the beautiful sight. No, not you. The flowers are the beautiful ones.' Tiffany said, keeping a straight face.

The boys behind him started laughing. Yuri and I couldn't help but laugh as well. After we went to sit down, a bunch of irls busted in. The girl at fron looked at us and spoke.

'Ugh. New girls. Hi there new girls. Wecome to Class A, where I rule and everyone loves me. I am magnificent. My name is Nicole. Call me Nicole Unnie.' Nicole said really haughtily.

'Hi there NICOLE. Not everyone in the class loves you since I don't.' Tiffany said.

Everyone started laughing except for the girls behind Nicole, and Kevin.

Nicoe was all flustered and yelled for everyone to shut up.

'Those girls are called Kara. The boys that hit on you are Teen Top. They are known s kingkas and queenkas. KARA is really stuck on Teen Top all the time.' Yuri whispered to use.

Tiffany snorted and listened to music on her iPod touch, until the teacher came in. She rolled her eyes and took out her earphones.

'I will now procede to call the roll.' The teacher announced.

The students hurried to sit down.

'You know what? You gys are all here. No need for roll call. Yes. As you can see, there are new students. Jessica and Tiffany. They are daughters of-' The teacher said.

'Shush. Nobody needs to know our father. Hello. We are Tiffany and Jessica.' Tiffany said.

Eveerybody had the most surprised look on their faces.

'Ok....... remember, dance ls at 8:00 AM sharp and Singing is right after. Sports is after lunch. Please be ready.' The teacher said and left the room.

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awesome story so far!! :D Hope you update soon! :D
ShineeStar4ever #2
Haha can you pair Tiffany with chunji??? Hwaiting!