Dance Time.

Our Last Promise

Tiffany's P.O.V

As the teacher left the room, I decided not to listen to my iPod since I knew the boys would be hitting on us. As the boys were coming closer to us, I nudged Jessica and gave her a look. She under stood. She knew exactly what I meant. when we were sure they could hear us, we srated a conversation.

(The lighter colour is Jessica and the darker one is tiffany)

'Oh, the boys in this class all look so nice!'

'How could you say that Tiffany! weren't you going to marry your Fiance after you graduate?'

'Oh I know.... but you aso have a Fiance!'

'But I don't even find these boys attractive! I love my fiance!'

We spoke like this and looked at eachother. To make sure they were completely fooled, we even had rings. We knew this wasgoing to get aroung to the whole school so we were quite glad. I think now none of the boys will ever bug us! We could even see NICOLE and her little pets looking shocked. Even Yuri looked shocked.

'Hey is what you said just true? Do you ladies really have Fiances?' CAP asked.

'Why yes we do. Even look at our rings.' I said while we held up our rings.

'That just makes me want to date you even more! How about we have an affair?' CAP asked.

We looked at eachother. We knew what eachother was saying. We were teling eachother that our plan wasn't working. We knew we had to come up with something quickly.

'Even if we didn't have fiances, we would never date someone like YOU' I snapped.

'Yep. What she said.' Jessica said with attitude.

'Oh look! It's already 7:45! We better get going!' Yuri jumped in.

We left to go to the dancing auditorium. We were all the first ones there and changed into the sports uniform. Only Kevin in our class doesn't do dance, but he does singing which Chuni and Ricky don't do. This school is crazy. They treat everyone in class A like we are gods and have different uniforms. All I ever wanted was to fit in.... me and jessica alwayd end up like this. Dad only comes home once a month and mum is always busy. Of course, they love us but we are always treated differently. If only I was average. Average grade, anerage parents, average life. How I wish it was true.


'Coming....' I replied wearily

Jess is the only one who gets me. We are really open with eachother. As I walked ou of the changing room, the hall was packed with all the students from the year. Of course, it was not really everybody in the year. It was only the ones that signed up. There were really onl about 40 kids. This school only takes in 75 students each year. How lucky we are......

'Ok Gather up everyone! Welcome abck to a new year! If any of you forgot, my name is Lee Chae-Rin. You can call me that if you like. As some of you can see, we have new students! Please welcome them!' Chae-Rin said.

People looked at us and Nicole smirked.

'Excuse me teacher, may I test their abilities? Since I am the best, I want to see if their better than me.' Nicole said in a disgustingly sweet voice.

'Well, you are the best...... I guess if they agree, you can go ahead...' The teacher said.

'Sure we'll do it.' We said in unison.

Every spread out and sat on the border. They were all watching us. Nicole was smirking.

'Jess. Let's start at 20%. She might match us.' I said to Jess.

'Are you trying to mock me?! I will go all out and own you in an instant. BOTH OF YOU.' Nicole yelled.

'Go 25 Tiff.' Jess said to me.

'Ugh. Let's start.' Nicole replied.

The music played and we started dancing. At first, the dance was really simple but the somgs gets really hard. That's why this song is used to test your abilities. Everyone was really shocked at our skilles. Between our dance, we looked at eachother and smirked. Nicole was loking really rired towards the end of the song since it was sped up. At the end, she collapsed onto the floor.

'Huh. I......... guess you.............. guys...........are pretty.......................good...................huh..........' Nicole said.

'Yes we are.' Tiffany snapped

Everybody looked at us with their mouths wide open. Nicole finally stood up.

'Don't get so cocky just because you beat me. I was going easy on you since you were new. I will thrash you with this song.' Nicole manages to say.

'Give it up!'

'They are so much better! '

'Accept it!'


All the people in the room started yelling at her. Nicole looked flustered. She obviously wasn't used to it.

'Shut up everyone! We are just better at dancing! It is nothing! We are better than all of you if she is the best! Stop harassing her! Are you OK Nicole?' Jessica asked Nicole and stood up for her.

'I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY! GET AWAY FROM ME!' Nicole yelled and stormed out of the room.

'Huh. Jessica Unnie was being to nice and she rejected her. What a .' One girl said.

Some others laughed while others agreed.

'Stop it everyone. Don't hate her.' Jessica said calmly. Everyone listened.

*Why was she kind to me? After all I said..... Maybe I need to steo up the meaness. I WILL BEAT YOU! I swear upon perfection!* Nicole thought. A smirk creeped up on her face which was flustered and coverd with her nessy, brown hair.

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awesome story so far!! :D Hope you update soon! :D
ShineeStar4ever #2
Haha can you pair Tiffany with chunji??? Hwaiting!