Moving Back Home

Our Last Promise

(You talking is blue and Kevin talking is purple.)

'Kevin...... my daddy wants me to move to America to study. I'm leaving today.... I'll  be leaving with Tiffy.' 

'Are you really going to go?!'

'I don't wanna goooooo!!!!!!!'

'I want you to stay too!'

'Will I still meet you again?'

'Yes. We will. Definitely.'


'I will come search for you or you will come back. I'm sure!'

'Really? You promise?'

'Yes. i promise. It's our last promise.'

'Ok! I trust you-'

'JESS! JESS! WAKE UP! HURRY UP! DAD'S CALLING US! HURRY UP YOU LAZY PIG!' Tiffany called you up as you snapped out of your dream.

This is the dream you always have. You have no idea who it is you dream of. There is you, the ugly version and a really good-looking boy. You have no idea who it is since you have lost your memories. It was dreadful. The doctors say you lost all your memories but you still have this. It was horrible. Your parents were gone. Now, all your parents were pictures. You don't even know how they act. You have always been sad about it but you have a supportive father and sister to cheer you up. Of course, they're not actually your family but you treat them like family. You put on you clothing and went down.

'Hi appa. Why did you call us down here?' Tiffany asked.

'Hello girls. I am just here to tell you about the plans to mone back to South Korea. The tests you took for Infinite Elite Private school got you both a 100% discount. Even though I don't really care about the discount, you got yourself into the best class. Only one other person other than you got scholarship for class A. You two will be living together in a house that has just finished building since it is closer to the school. You will start next week. You may go now.'Said father to us while we ate.

'Excuse me Lady Tiffany and Lady Jessica, may we take away your plates now?' asked a maid.

'Sure. I've already finished eating. Also, Try call me Jessica. You are older than me.' You replied as you handed over your plate.

'Here, you can take my plate too. Same as Jess. Stop calling us 'Lady'. We really don't care. Just call us by our names.' Replied Tiffany as she took her last bite of food.

'I'm very sorry but I cannot do that Lady Tiffany and Lady Jessica. I am already calling you by your first names. I cannot do anymore than this. I am very sorry.' The maid said as she bowed and left. 

You and Tiff left and went to your rooms. You sighed really heavily as you entered your room.

*I wonder if I will meet this mystery man. I did move here from South Korea. Well, that's what everyone tells me. I wonder if I will ever regain my memories. Mom. Dad.* You thought as you felt a tear stream down for your eye. 






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awesome story so far!! :D Hope you update soon! :D
ShineeStar4ever #2
Haha can you pair Tiffany with chunji??? Hwaiting!