A trip to memory lane

What makes you strong.....


A/N--> I'm bored and having a writer's block. But i wanted to post so here's a lil' something for ya.


12 years ago

“Stop it! Stop it!” you shouted as much as your little 4-year-old voice could reach to the boys who kept punching at each other’s faces like sandbags. The little 5-year-old panda boy crying his eyes beside you as he watched his hyungs fighting isn’t helping either.

It was when the school’s joint fan fair with another orphanage downtown. A lot of new kids have joined the fair as ‘guests’. Maybe it was because of all the city junk foods they eat, they all seemed a foot taller than their actual age. Well, of ‘course they had Seunhyun shoe’s the giant among them. But hell, they were ALL Seunghyun-sized.

It all started when one of the kids started to make fun of little Seungri’s panda eyes. The elders weren’t there since they have to help settling the food, decoration and things like that, the mothers give responsibility to them.

Seungri looked up from playing with his one and only teddy bear as a shadow dawned upon him. For a moment, he thought he was in Ogre land. The kid standing in front of  him was like three times bigger than him, not to mention that Seungri was a bit small compare to his same age little friends.

“Well,well. What have we got here. What are you sissy? a panda?!” the kid looked back at his companions as a signal to laugh off. They laughed as if it was the funniest thing they have ever heard. Seungri felt like he wants to bury his face in the ground. He wished that his hyungs were here. He didn’t say anything back to them. Seungri shot up, hugging his teddy tight as if his little life depended on it. Trying to ignore the bullies, he turned away from them.

“Where do you think you’re going little panda? Actually I kinda need a new toy right now. Wanna be my pet?”. Seungri felt himself on the verge of tears. He tried to hold in as he know if he gives in right now, they would have more fun bullying him. Suddenly the big kid grabbed his arm roughly that he could feel it breaking. “please don’t..” Seungri let out a whimper. “What chu saying? I can’t hear you~” He said in the most annoying sing-song voice.

“Yah!!! What are you doing to my brother?!!!” Seungri’s face lit up from tears in the thought of a savior. But it fell back immediately when his hero actually  turns out to be a 4-year-old you.

There you are, standing in front of a group of bullies and a crying Seungri, hands on hips, in a baby blue kindergartener dress and pig tails plus, with a runny nose.

“Phuahhahahaha!!!!!” They were pointing fingers at you and laughing. “This orphanage is really something!” said, holding his stomach with laughers. No, Seungri feels like dying on the spot.

“Ohh my god, did I just hear ‘brother’? That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. You guys are .supposed .to .be .without .anyone .to .care? “ he said with a disgusting grin on his face.

“Shut up! Hurt my family and you’re going to hell!” you said as you marched head first towards him.

“woah woah woah. Isn’t that too much for someone who just learned to talk just a couple of years ago?” he easily dodged and grabbed one of your tiny pigtails. You yelped in pain.

you!!!!” Seungri shouted but someone held him back. “If you touch us, I’m sure Jiyong hyung will be really pissed!!” Seungri threatened, he felt like he was using his last weapon.

“What? Jiyong?” the guy scoffed. “hyung, I think I heard of that Jiyong guy“ one of his minions whispered to him. “Haha I thought there were only panda cubs and puppies here. You also have a dragon?? Hahahaha this school is a total loser!”

“Don’t say that to our home!” you yelled in the hands of the bully. He held your hair tighter, lifting you a little.”Ahh!!”. Seungri yelled “stop it!!”

“HAHAHAHAHA!!!” they were all laughing, like maniacs.

And then,

“Just what do you think you’re doing with my family?”

People turned their heads to the owner of the voice. There stood Kwon Jiyong,..and at that, in a fuming the-dragon-mode, plus a pissed off big Seunghyun.

The group flinched a little. ”what..what do you want??..” stuttered a little.

“that two kid right there” Jiyong cocked his head to the side and pointed at you and Seungri. “belongs.  to.  me” Jiyong said in sharp clear manner that made the other kids blood run cold. “hyung~” Seungri whimpered, tears on his face.

“Aren’t we wasting a little time here?” Seunghyun said, spat out to the side, and broke the silence.

“Bam! Whack! Ahh!”


…….and that’s how it all started.


“aish” Youngbae murmured, in an irritated voice, rolling the eggs on Jiyong’s face and Daesung for Seunghyun. “What the hell were you guys thinking?”. “and where the hell were you?”Jiyong snapped back. “Well if Daesung didn’t come and tell me what stunts you were pulling, you’d be handicapped right now!!”

“Who knew they had baseball bats hidden..” Seunghyun said under his breathe. “I heard that hyung. Anyway, how many times have I told you not to be reckless?! I can’t believe you guys got in a fight for the 8th time in two weeks!”

“Hey Youngbae ah, in case if you haven’t notice, we don’t have to skills to give all negotiating-talk like you. This is how we handle our problems okay. So shut up and do your egg work. Besides Seungri and you’s safe. That’s all that matters” Seunghyun said “gosh you sound like a nagging mother day by day”.

“yeah yeah. Just be thankful that you have this ‘mother hen’ to watch over your asses. Hell, what do you use your brain for hyung?”

“Why do I have to when I don’t need one? I can fix everything under my charisma.” Seunghyun said and gave a cheesy wink. “Oww!” Seunghyun glared at Daesung who ‘affectionately’ kneaded the egg to his bump. “Sorry, got distracted with your ‘charms’ “ Daesung said sarcastically and stuck out his tongue.


“Seungri-ah~ Would you stop crying, please?” Jiyong bent down at Seungri who’s still crying in front of him. “yeah, it’s not like you’re the one got crashed by a 100lb 8yr old.” Daesung said. Youngbae glared at Daesung who immediately shut up. “Why are crying?” Jiyong tried to sound as soft a s possible and asked the little boy. “It’s ok. The bullies won’t come again” Youngbae pulled the little guy into his chest.


“but..but…” *sniff sniff*


“what? If you’re worried about hyungs, they’re totally fine. See.” Jiyong jumped up and down. Seunghyun gave a big thumbs and grin.


“but..but.. he said people like us doesn’t deserve a family!!!! And we will never get one!!! Uwah!!!!!”  Seungri finally spat out making the hyungs’ expressions went wide, digesting what their maknae just said. Dae and you just looked down on to the ground. Both started to tear up as well.

 “We will never have daddies and mommies like other kids and never have to a place to call home!!!”

Jiyong let out a tired long sigh “Seungri ah, you ah, Daesung ah.” Jiyong gathered the younger ones in front of him and put his hand on their shoulders

“I will only say this once so keep it in your heart and listen ,okay” the three nodded, sniffing their runny noses. Daesung wiped his tear strained face to have better view and concentration.


 “We , are a family. No matter what anyone says or do, we will never break apart and we will always protect each other, have each other’s back. No matter what happens, we’ll laugh together and cry together. We’ll share our emotions together to the point words are unnecessary. And home? Wherever you guys are, is my home. So wipe off that sad faces and if anyone say something to you again just tell them you have both family and home, and they are too good that you will get jealous”


The faces lit up with hope. That’s our kwon leader. Seunghyun thought and smiled.

“Okay! It’s settled” Youngbae’s bright voice cut in. “Who needs daddy and mommy anyways? If you need one you can have your Jiyongie-appa” Jiyong gave Youngbae a what-the-hell look.

“And if you need a mommy. You can have me as your Youngbae-umma for you. And this ‘umma’ here, will be there to do all the thinking and to control the appa if he goes all diva and do crazy things”

 “true” Seunghyun commented “wait, what does that leave me then?”

“You can just be the baby of the house hyung” Seungri chuckled.



“Who wants a group hug?!”



(theme for the chapter)  I got you – Leona Lewis


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Chapter 15: Please update soon - i came back to re-read this story...it's so good!
author-nim Update Soon.... Fighting! :)
Chapter 15: Jiyong,, you're the one who are genius...!
his prediction...it's true...

and his curiosity...
also his nonstop talking..
together with Dae..
i'm laughing at them when the real thing inside the box revealed..
what will happen to them??
save them.... +.+
Chapter 14: re-united....!!
seungri being seungri....haha,,serves you right panda...
where's Ji...
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 15: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 15: omg....i hope they r safe!!!!
Chapter 1: why name is on it and i don't know ???
wow! Mind telling me what you do to make the reader's username appear in your story?
~~Please update soon ^^~~
Chapter 14: More please! The scene made my eyes brim with tears. I love it that they're together now..