Apology Not Accepted

I'm Not Your Sasaeng Fan!


                    Kai thought about Mira for the next six hours during his photo-shoot for Cosmopolitan, debating whether he should return the sketch or just keep it for himself. In the end, he decided to take the risk and see her. While the other members returned to the SM Building for their daily dance practice, Kai slipped out of the building and took the bus downtown. Sehun, Suho, Lay, Kris, Luhan and Jondgae gave him disapproving looks but none of them said anything.

                    He knew she went to the prestigious Art Institute of Seoul since he’d seen her get off at the college’s bus stop earlier today, but he didn’t know if he would bump into her again. This wasn’t high school — she might’ve gone home hours ago and there was no way he could know.  

                    With the drawing in his hands, he took a seat on the benches outside the university and waited for Mira to come out. If she doesn’t appear within the next hour, he would leave and go back to SM. Yep, that seemed like a good plan.

                    It had only been seven months but the city life around him seemed to have changed a lot. He saw buildings and trees that he’d never seen before, like the little cupcake house by the corner and the slanted One Way sign next to the bus stop. Or maybe they were always there but he just never really noticed them until now — kind of like his situation with Mira Lee.

                     Kai didn’t know why he was suddenly so interested in this girl. Was it because she was pretty now or was it because of the small deed of kindness she’d performed earlier? Maybe it was a little of both. Looking down at the sketch again, he traced the rough lines with his index finger until his finger tip was tinted with powdered graphite. He’d left a small smudge on the paper but he wasn’t too concerned since it was something that could easily be fixed with a swipe from an eraser. His relationship with Mira, however, might need more than simply erasing lines off a white canvas.

                      His head perked up when he finally saw her coming out of the art institute half an hour later with the giant portfolio case in her hands. Pulling his cap closer to his face, he got up and walked up to her.

                     “Hey, you dropped this on the bus earlier today.” Kai said, handing the sketch to her.

                     “Oh, thanks. I didn’t even notice.” she said with a smile, ping the corner of her case so she could slip the paper back in, “How do you know where to find me?”

                    “You got off the bus before me.” He reminded her.

                    “Oh right.” Cocking her head to the side, she looked at him with a more inspecting eye, “I know I said it before but you look really familiar. Have we met before?’’

                    Kai immediately shook his head, “No. Of course not.”

                    She twitched her lips, “I feel like you’re lying. Your facial structure and voice are very familiar.” Without a warning, she reached upward and pulled off his sunglasses.

                    Kai tried shielding his eyes but it was too late, Mira already saw his face.

                    “KAI?! You bastard-” she shouted, her eyes darkening with anger.

                    “I’m Kim Jong In!” he shouted at the same time, raising his arms over his face in case she tried to slap him with her portfolio case.

                    Mira blinked blankly, still wide open from shock, “What?

                    “I’m…I’m Jong In.” Kai lied, stuttering as he said his twin’s name.

                    “Liar. Jong In doesn’t look like this.” Mira said, waving her free hand up and down Kai’s body, “Go f**k yourself, Kai.” With a scowl on her face, she her heels and headed toward the bus stop.

                    Kai ran after her, catching her wrist, “Mira, come back. I’m sorry.”

                    “About what?” she hissed through gritted teeth as she tried to free her wrist, “You hurt my friend. You’re a pig! You should burn in hell for what you did!”

                    Kai lowered his head as guilt and regret bombarded him. Even so, he didn’t let her go; he needed to make her understand that he was a different person now. He’d changed over the past few months and he wanted her to see that.

                   “Let go!” she grounded, flinging her hand up and down.

                   “Mira, please. Can we talk about it like civilized people?”

                   “What is there to talk about?

                   “I know I did something really wrong in the past, but I’m not that boy anymore. Sunrin forgave me…why can’t you?” Kai asked.

                   Mira huffed out a breath of air as she thought about what he’d said. She was still radiating fury but it was slowly dying down. Crossing her arms in front of her, she glared at him, “Fine. Apology accepted. Now get out of my face.”

                  “You don’t sound too forgiving.” Kai said in a soft voice, which earned him another glare from Mira, “Should I buy you a drink to make up for all my wrongs?”

                 “I don’t drink.”

                 “Coffee then?” he suggested. He thought she would say no but she said yes instead. It was a very reluctant yes, though.


                Mira liked her latte macchiato with extra foam on top and just a hint of whipped cream. Kai couldn't help but stare at her while she sipped the sweetened drink through a green straw. 

                She eyed him like a hawk when she caught him staring.

                Coughing, Kai looked away and returned to his own drink, a café miel with extra honey. They continued to drink in silence, occasionally giving each other peeks but never said anything.

                Kai furrowed his brows, confusion filled him, when Mira pulled out her sketchbook and began drawing the couple next to them. In a matter of minutes, she had the outlines and most of the details done. Switching over to her color pencils, she added smaller details like the buckles on the guy’s leather jacket and the bunny-shaped bow on the girl’s headband. Kai couldn’t help but smile as he watched her work. She was so engrossed on her work that she didn’t even notice when Kai took a sip from her latte.

                When she was finally done, she leaned back and placed the color pencils down, a satisfied smile lit up the corners of her lips.

                “Why did you do that?” he asked.

                “Sketching those two strangers?”


                “Because I’m trying to gather ideas for my scholarship project.” She explained as she reached over for her drink.

                Kai smiled as her lips touched the straw. He knew he should tell her that he’d stolen a couple of sips, but then again she didn’t need to know that. Besides, it was nice to think that they were now sharing an indirect kiss, “Scholarship?”

                Mira nodded, “2.7 million won will be awarded to the winner. Not only that, the outfit of choice will be worn by a model for Teen Vogue magazine later next spring. I really want this scholarship. If I win, it’ll jumpstart my fashion career.”

                “What are you supposed to do for this scholarship anyway?”

                “The usual: draw your design, make a sample of your design, have someone model it and take photos, then send it all to the scholarship committee.” Mira pouted, “Maybe I’m lacking inspiration lately. I can’t seem to think of anything good to draw. Not only that, I don’t even have a model that I can use and the deadline is in two weeks.”

                “I can be your model.” Kai volunteered.

                Mira rolled her eyes, “No thanks.”

                “Come on, I’m pretty famous. If you use me, I guarantee that they’ll choose you.”

                “I want to win with my own talents, not your face or your influence!” she told him.

                Kai bit his lips as a crazy idea came to life in his head, “Well, what if Jong In models instead?”

                “Why are you always using your brother?” Mira asked, shaking her head.

                “Because he’s my brother.” Kai slapped his hands firmly on the table, “Come on. What do you say?”

                “You can’t make his decisions for him. Gosh, Kai, you haven’t changed a bit.” She said, disgust spilling from her voice.

                Kai rubbed the back of his neck. Damn it, she was right. But he wanted to help her badly. He wanted to do this so she would truly forgive him.

                “I have to go now. Thanks for the drink.” Mira stuffed her pencils and sketchbook back into her bag. Picking up her portfolio case, she headed out the coffee house.

                Kai wished he had to courage to ask her to stay. He wanted to speak but he was lost in words. Frowning, he slouched against the leather booth, his legs kicking aimlessly underneath the table. The smart thing to do was to mind his own business and go back to SM, but he didn’t want that. He didn’t want to pretend as if today didn’t happen. It might sound stupid but Mira changed him in a way that didn’t seem possible. She was straightforward; she was crude; she was sassy as hell…and she was real. She knew what she wanted and he found that quality very attractive — scary at times, but attractive.

                If only he could get Jong In to do this…

                Or better yet, pretend to be Jong In and help Mira himself.

                Kai sat up as that idea penetrated and embedded itself in his cranium. Hmmm, that didn’t seem like such a bad plan. It could work if he could get Jong In to play along…

                Smiling to himself, Kai exited the coffee house and took the bus uptown again...this time to find his twin.



Author's Note:

Jong In will come in next chapter ^-^

Kai, you're such a troublemaker, I feel sorry for Jong In sometimes...

And don't worry, I will get back to Hyolim and Sehun soon but I want to set the stage for Kai and Mira's story first.

I made up the Art Institute of Seoul (it could be real but I don't know if it actually is real or not since I didn't bother goggling it)


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Taokyo #1
a lot of people probably don't subscribe to this because it's a fic with an OC BUT UPDATE THIS BECAUSE IT IS SO FUNNY AND GREAT AND THE PEOPLE WHO DO FOLLOW THIS FIC LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 7: Pls update soon
SweetLove009 #3
tntmmm #4
OMG new reader please update soon!!
Chapter 7: If they didn't already have preconceptions of each other, I think the two would get along pretty well. But of course, Sehun thinks Hyolim is a stalker and Hyolim keeps witnessing Sehun's bad moments...haha, but I'm actually enjoying their hate-hate relationship :)
Chapter 6: This was the first story I read after being on this site for a couple of days. I really enjoyed the plot and your writing style. I even went back to reading the first story before this, which I honestly Loved. Please update soon, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Seriously daebak! I hope you update sooner ;)
Chapter 6: Wow, Kai has really fallen hard for Mira, giving priority to her over dancing and even skipping the MV filming. I hope he gets the girl given what he's putting on the line for her. LOL, but Jong In is going to get found out soon by Sunrin, isn't he? She's a trainee at SM, so she might run into him. And imagining Jong In rapping and doing the screamo part is amusing, given his shy nature :)

Also, I think you meant to say "Most people can't tell twins apart right away" in the first paragraph. At least, that's what makes sense to me.
Chapter 5: Oh lord, the roles are reversed. Kai is going to be playing Jong In this time [shakes head at the idea]. I foresee some problems with this.

But I have to say that I really like Mira...a little more than Sunrin...for the same reason as Kai. She seems to have changed since high school and she has direction and ambition. Not only that, she isn't swayed by Kai's new fame and is really loyal to her friend. I really appreciate a strong-willed girl like that :)
Chapter 4: Lol, what did Hyolim write on the note? I bet Sehun is going to get very worked up over it ^_^ And Kai's love interest has returned! Except she wasn't really his love interest before...haha, the wonders of an image change :) But I'm glad that Miree seems to be happy and living her dream, though I think her life is soon going to be thrown upside down when she finds out about Kai and he starts pursuing her ;) And a love square? Hmm...is it Hyolim will like Kai who likes Miree who will like Sehun...who will ultimately find himself falling for Hyolim?