Makeup Artist

I'm Not Your Sasaeng Fan!


                “What do you mean I can’t register for classes until next semester?” Hyolim asked incredulously.

                “This is not high school, Miss. You can’t just jump in two-thirds into the semester and ask us to put you in with the other students. You’ve missed a lot of material, you can’t make that up.” the lady at the desk answered without looking up from her computer screen, “You can register for classes next semester. Registration starts on December 15th.”

                Hyolim sighed as she backed away from the desk, feeling defeated. Could life get any worse? Not only was she stalked by a psychotic murderer, she couldn’t even get into college. The registration date was more than a month away. What was she supposed to do for the time being?

                Truthfully, she did go to college for a couple of weeks at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) before her sister was murdered. After Hyojin’s death, Hyolim was forced to withdraw from school. Initially, the police merely relocated her to a new apartment in Ulsan, and that worked great for a month. But a week ago, he started showing up at her new neighborhood again. Doing the extreme, the WPP flew her 307 kilometers northwest to Seoul. If staying at Seoul didn’t work, she might have to relocate somewhere outside of South Korea. And she really didn’t want that.

                As she was walking to the bus stop, she noticed a pink poster on a pole.


                Makeup Artists and Clothes Coordinators Needed for SMENT:

                Must be skilled (your skills will be tested)

                Must have at least a year of experience in the field.

                Salary: 15,000 won per hour

                If you are interested, contact us at 02-XXXX-XXXX


                SM again?, Hyolim thought as she looked around to see if anyone else noticed the brightly-colored poster. They didn't notice; pedestrians walked by without a second glance at the poster. Hyolim ripped the sign from the pole and read it over three more times. She wanted this job. The salary was fair, but the most appealing part of the job was the advanced security. She would be surrounded by security guards all day, everyday…he wouldn’t catch her even if he wanted to.

                Although she was more science-oriented than her unni, she also loved makeup. Five years ago, Hyojin opened a makeup shop, and Hyolim would always go there to help her sister out. Over the years, she’d learned how to do makeup, hair, nails, clothes professionally. Hyolim didn’t consider herself a trained professional but she had enough experience and skill to get this job.


                “How old are you?” asked the interviewer as he glanced at Hyolim up and down with a wary eye.

                “Eighteen, sir.”

                “We’re looking for professional makeup artists. Not high school kids!” he grumbled, waving her out.

                “First of all, I’m not in high school anymore. Second, I-”

                “Whatever, just get out.” The man said, pushing her out the door and asked the next person to come into the room.

                Why are all these people so damn rude? And they are all from SM, too!, she thought, First that grim-faced, nugu of a rookie and now this manager! These people need anger management!

                As she walked down the hall, she noticed a blonde-haired girl standing awkwardly by the door of a crowded room. The blonde wasn’t that much taller than Hyolim, maybe about 5’2”. She was dressed in a sequined white blouse and a black skirt. Hyolim peeked into the room and watched as four makeup artists scrambled around to put makeup on eight different girls, each of them working on two girls at a time. Her heart dropped as the blonde girl frowned and lowered her head.

                “Are you okay?” Hyolim asked, placing a hand on the blonde.

                The girl raised her head and widened her eyes, “Huh?”

                “I said: are you okay? You look a bit sad.”

                The blonde gave her a weak smile and shook her head, “I’m fine. I’m just bored, that’s all. Don’t worry; they will get to me soon.” She lifted her right wrist and looked at her watch, “Fifteen minutes left…”

                Hyolim didn’t know who the girl was but she felt sorry for her. Everyone seemed to be neglecting her.  The makeup artists were busy on the other girls; they wouldn’t have time to do the blonde’s makeup and hair, especially since they only had fifteen minutes left.

                “I can help you.” Hyolim suggested, “I’ll do your makeup and hair.”

                “W-what?” the blonde asked, her voice high-pitched from shock.

                “Don’t worry, I’m good with makeup. I won’t ruin your face.” she told the blonde, “Do you have a makeup kit?”

                “Yes. Here.” the girl answered, lifting a rectangular black box from the counter.

                “Good. Let’s do this in the hall. They have an empty chair there.” Hyolim said, grabbing hold of the girl’s hand and pulled her outside the room.

                Once the girl was seated, Hyolim immediately got to work. She applied BB Cream to even out the girl’s face. Switching over to the black eyeliner, she lined the blonde’s eyes before applying mascara and fake lashes. With a fluffy brush, she applied a light dose of blush on the apples of the blonde’s cheeks. Afterwards, she filled in girl’s eyebrows with a sandy-colored eyebrow pencil. Last but not least, she painted two coats of pink lip-gloss over the girl’s lips.

                Sneakily, she snuck back into the room to get a hair curler. Plugging the end to the outlet in the hall, she curled the blonde’s hair, focusing more on the ends to give her hair an effortless beachy-wavy look.

                “You’re gorgeous.” Hyolim said as she raised the mirror in front of the blonde’s face.

                The blonde smiled as she admired her new look, “You’re amazing. Are you the new makeup artist?”

                “I wish. That guy just pushed me out after hearing that I’m 18. That’s discrimination, you know. He’s an ageist!” Hyolim grouched, crossing her arms as she remembered her encounter with the manager.

                The blonde laughed, pushing a strand of hair behind her left ear, “Don’t worry about him. You’ll get the job, count on me.”

                Hyolim blinked blankly, “You can get me the job?”

                “Yes.” The blonde cocked her head to one side as a small smile played across her lips, “You have no idea who I am, do you?”

                “No.” Hyolim said quietly, feeling a little ashamed for not knowing who the girl was, “Are you a celebrity?”

                The girl chuckled, “You can say that.” She reached out her right hand, “I’m Hyoyeon, by the way. What’s your name?”


                “Nice! We both have Hyo in our names!” Hyoyeon joked.

                “Miss Hyoyeon,  I can do your makeup n-” the makeup artist widened her eyes, “Oh wow, you did your makeup already…”

                “Yeah, thanks to this young lady here.” Hyoyeon said, giving Hyolim a hug, “Tell the manager to give her a job.” She waved at Hyolim as she followed the eight other girls down the stairs, “I have to go now. I’ll see you next time.”

                Hyolim smiled and waved back, “Good luck, Hyoyeon!”


                “I’m not wearing this!” Sehun shouted, waving the shredded jeans and shirt in the air, “This is a stripper’s outfit!”

                “It’s only for a photoshoot. it up, bro!” Kai said as he entered one of the changing stalls, “And consider yourself lucky. They’re making me go half- again. They didn’t even give me a shirt to wear. I have a feeling that they'll make me go pantless next time.”

                “I lost my pants in rippito slippislow motion~” Jongdae, Luhan and Lay sang from the other stalls.

                “Shut up!” Kai yelled.

                Sehun pouted as he stared at the outfit in his hands. Damn it, he would have to wear the ripped jeans and distressed shirt no matter what. Complaining wouldn’t do him any good. Sighing, he pushed open the stall door and took off his shirt.

                His pants were halfway down his calves when the door flung open.

                “W-what the hell?!” he shouted, trying his best to pull his pants up without falling over.

                “Sorry! I thought this is the bathroom!” the girl squeaked, bowing deeply.

                “Just get out of here, you ert!” Sehun hollered, slamming the door in her face. With shaky fingers, he locked the door. Damn it, he should’ve done that earlier…now the girl had seen everything! Furrowing his eyebrows, he looked down at himself and groaned. Ugh, she had probably seen his thing.    

                When he finally exited the changing stall, the rest of EXO were laughing their heads off at Sehun’s incident.

                “Was she hot?” Kris asked with a toothy smile.

                “Did she see everything?” Lay asked with a dimpled smile.

                “She probably did. She saw all of you.” Kai joked.

                Sehun rolled his eyes at the guys. If they weren’t his friends and bandmates, he would’ve socked them in their faces ages ago. They needed to stop reminding him of the awful peek-a-boo incident; he would get nightmares if this continued.

                The theme of the photoshoot was supposed to be “hardcore rocker” but Sehun felt like a stripper instead. Gosh, he hated this outfit so much! Halfway through the photo-shoot, he saw the girl again. His eyebrows knitted as he stared at her harder. She looked familiar. Where had he seen her before? He was pretty sure he’d seen her prior to the changing room incident.

                A gasp slipped from his throat as he flashbacked to the fan-signing yesterday. He remembered asking for her name but all she did was give him a death glare.

                Psycho chick, he thought, Why is she here?

                She didn’t look like a psycho, though. With soft skin, round eyes and defined cheekbones, she looked like the type of girl that Sehun usually crushed on.

                A psycho is a psycho. She's pretty but psychos can be pretty, too, he reminded himself.

                After asking around, he found out that her name was Bang Hyolim and she was new makeup artist for SNSD, more specifically Hyoyeon.

                Well, at least she’s not my makeup artist. That will be freaky, he thought to himself.



Author's Note: 

UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) is a real university in Ulsan.

And LOL at Sehun rolling his eyes. He has the perfect face, along with Kris. XD

And sorry for updating so much on this story...I will get to work on my other stories now!



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Taokyo #1
a lot of people probably don't subscribe to this because it's a fic with an OC BUT UPDATE THIS BECAUSE IT IS SO FUNNY AND GREAT AND THE PEOPLE WHO DO FOLLOW THIS FIC LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 7: Pls update soon
SweetLove009 #3
tntmmm #4
OMG new reader please update soon!!
Chapter 7: If they didn't already have preconceptions of each other, I think the two would get along pretty well. But of course, Sehun thinks Hyolim is a stalker and Hyolim keeps witnessing Sehun's bad moments...haha, but I'm actually enjoying their hate-hate relationship :)
Chapter 6: This was the first story I read after being on this site for a couple of days. I really enjoyed the plot and your writing style. I even went back to reading the first story before this, which I honestly Loved. Please update soon, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Seriously daebak! I hope you update sooner ;)
Chapter 6: Wow, Kai has really fallen hard for Mira, giving priority to her over dancing and even skipping the MV filming. I hope he gets the girl given what he's putting on the line for her. LOL, but Jong In is going to get found out soon by Sunrin, isn't he? She's a trainee at SM, so she might run into him. And imagining Jong In rapping and doing the screamo part is amusing, given his shy nature :)

Also, I think you meant to say "Most people can't tell twins apart right away" in the first paragraph. At least, that's what makes sense to me.
Chapter 5: Oh lord, the roles are reversed. Kai is going to be playing Jong In this time [shakes head at the idea]. I foresee some problems with this.

But I have to say that I really like Mira...a little more than Sunrin...for the same reason as Kai. She seems to have changed since high school and she has direction and ambition. Not only that, she isn't swayed by Kai's new fame and is really loyal to her friend. I really appreciate a strong-willed girl like that :)
Chapter 4: Lol, what did Hyolim write on the note? I bet Sehun is going to get very worked up over it ^_^ And Kai's love interest has returned! Except she wasn't really his love interest before...haha, the wonders of an image change :) But I'm glad that Miree seems to be happy and living her dream, though I think her life is soon going to be thrown upside down when she finds out about Kai and he starts pursuing her ;) And a love square? it Hyolim will like Kai who likes Miree who will like Sehun...who will ultimately find himself falling for Hyolim?