As Long As You Love Me


June 3, 2012


Jongin smiled as he watched Sehun and Jinri hug each other. Soojung gave him a squeeze and smiled.


"We're finally out of high school Jongin! And the four of us are still together!" 

Jongin nodded and put his arm around Soojung's shoulders.


"Or... more than the usual together if you know what I mean."


"I know what you mean." Jongin smirked. 


"So... what are you planning to do now Jongin?" Soojung asked.


"I don't know. I'm scared for the both of us, more for her though. If we actually do run away, she'll be leaving her family and they'll probably disown her or something knowing them. And... Soojung, what if she falls out of love with me?" Jongin shook his head sadly and he shivered.


"What? WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT?" Soojung demanded, slapping Jongin.


"I just... I don't know okay? It happens doesn't it? People falling out of love and all, she might hate me if we run away because I'm the reason that she isn't with her family and if we DO run away, I'm taking away her chance at a good college... or a good future for that matter."


"Oh God Jongin! You are hopeless!" Soojung laughed. "A good future seriously? You are so, SO blind."




"Do you see her face when she's with you? Do you see the blush that's always on her cheeks when she's with you? Mind you, that blush has been there for about 14 years already. If you managed to make her happy, make her smile, make her feel good and make her feel loved for the past 14 years, you can do it 'till the end of time! She won't, wait scratch that, she can't, I repeat, CAN'T fall out of love with you, much like you can't do it too."


"Do you honestly believe that?"


"Yeah, to hell, I do! And don't worry about what will happen to you guys when you get to Seoul. We have lots of friends there! Do you remember Key and Jonghyun? Yeah, they're Jinri's cousins and Key is an executive board member of a dance academy that you can work or study in. Amber and Victoria too... Amber holds an architectural firm there in Seoul, Victoria manages one of Seoul's best restaurants. I'm sure they'll take you in, Jinri already talked to them anyway."


"She did? I still remember Amber and Victoria's last visit here. They're good noonas."


"Well, yeah. You see she, unlike you, is very confident in this running away plan."


"Well then, I'm ready." Jongin smiled. Sehun and Jinri walked over to the two of them and the four of them hugged.


"This is it then... we're going into separate colleges and leaving each other and never seeing each other again..." Sehun pretended to wipe pretend tears from his eyes. Soojung laughed and slapped him.


"Or at least... Soojung and I would not be seeing each other anymore. Other people will probably stay with each other 'till they die and that kind of stuff." Sehun smirked at Jongin who had his arm wrapped around Jinri.


"Oh stop it Sehun. It's not funny." Jinri smiled.


"Of course not, it's too sad... for us and Soojung I mean, because obviously, the others have plans of their own..."


"Just, just stop it bro." Jongin laughed. 


"Anyway, so you guys coming to the party later?" Soojung asked, squeezing Jinri's hand.


"Yeah, yeah sure. Where's this party again?" Sehun asked.


"Jongdae's house. Everyone will be there! It's like a graduation party and stuff." She replied.


"Sure, we'll be there." Sehun agreed. "Jongin, I'll fetch you at your place at 7?" Sehun turned to Jongin who nodded. "How 'bout you Jinri?"


"Around 7 too Sehun. Thanks." 


Before they could discuss anything more about the party (Soojung was itching to discuss the "escape" part though.) The Chois appeared and the 4 of them straightened up, Jongin's hand leaving Jinri's rather reluctantly.


"Good afternoon Mr Choi, Mrs Choi, Minho." Sehun bowed. Soojung waved and managed a half smile. Siwon smiled at the both of them rather coldly and he fixed his gaze on Jongin.


"Mr. Choi, Mrs. Choi." He bowed stiffly to acknowledge them. Choi Sooyoung did not even attempt to hide her dislike for the young man as she sneered at him. Siwon however, smiled a creepy smile.


"Aaahh, Jongin. I see you have not been keeping your part of our bargain well. I guess you know what this means then." He smirked. Jongin merely nodded.


"Jinri come on, let's go home." Sooyoung ordered.


Jinri stepped forward and hugged her parents, Minho gave her a bouquet of flowers and kissed her cheek, muttering a "Congratulations".


Behind her, she waved her hand to signal that Sehun and Jongin have to go. Sehun grabbed Jongin and moved away. Soojung waited for Jinri with a calm expression.


"Thanks for everything mom, dad. I'll be back home by 10 or 11 at the latest, Soojung and I will go to the party in Mrs. Park's house." She explained. Sooyoung raised her eyebrows in suspicion.


"Just take care of yourself there Jinri yes? No... fooling around." Sooyoung said.


"11 pm Jinri. I'll be trusting your word." Siwon said. He put his arm around his wife and steered her to their car. Minho faced Jinri with a worried face.


"Knowing you Jinri, I know you have something up your sleeve." Minho gravely said. Jinri nodded, her tears threatening to fall.


Minho continued, "As your big brother, I should be telling you to stop whatever foolishness you have planned but I know what you're feeling or at least I'm trying to understand. Just know that I'll be her if you need me and that you should just learn to be strong."


Jinri reached up and hugged her brother.


"Tell mom and dad I love them okay? If my... if my plans push through. I'll be alright Minho oppa, thanks so much."


"You run off now Jinri, I sometimes forget that you're 18 and I don't have to be the one to drive you to your parties. Take care okay? And tell Jongin... tell Jongin that if he hurts you, I'll be after him with a knife." 


"I will. Thanks Oppa."





Jinri jumped in Sehun's backseat with Jongin and rested her head against his shoulder.


"You sleepy love?"


"Yeah... hungry too."


"I have cake in my house. Don't worry, Heechul isn't there, he won't attempt to make us all drink alcohol." Jongin laughed.


"Where to boss?"


"My house Sehun."




Jongin held Jinri's hand as Sehun sped down the road.

Once Sehun almost hit a speeding bus and he reached out his hand to Soojung to make sure she wasn't going to lurch forward. When the bus had gone, shouting insults, Sehun retreated his hand and Soojung spoke up.


"Thanks Sehun."


"No problem Jungie."


Jinri couldn't see any of their faces but she was pretty sure that Soojung was blinking her eyes, like she always does when she feels happy.


Jongin smiled down at Jinri when they saw that and whispered, "At least Busan will still have lovebirds when we're gone."


"Yeah.. but the two of them probably won't notice that they're actually love birds."




"That would be romantic." Jinri laughed and hugged Jongin's arm tighter.


"Not as romantic as ours."


"Psh. Conceited Jongin."


"Well, it's true right? Running away, skating at the half-pipe together, cutting classes, picnics at the hilltops... those kinds of movie thingies." He pinched Jinri's cheek.


"Fine. Ours is romantic then." Jinri agreed.




Sehun parked his car in front of Jongin's house and the four of them went inside.


Heechul did the cleaning today, Jongin remarked inside his head. Probably thought that it'd be a nice grad gift.


"Make yourselves at home guys." Jinri sat down at the couch in between Sehun and Soojung and felt happy yet awkward between them.


Jongin came back with 4 plates of chocolate cake and Sehun stood up to help him with the drinks.


Jinri nudged Soojung's knees with her own and smiled at her bestfriend.


"You're quiet Jungie. Waeyo?"


"Hhhm?" Soojung answered distractedly. 



"I said you're quiet... unusualy quiet."


"I'm always quiet Jinri, you just don't notice it."


"Jinja? Who notices it then? Sehun?" Jinri smiled but before Soojung could respond, the boys came with glasses of root beer.


"Thanks." Soojung said to Kai.


The four of them stayed there eating and watching a movie until Soojung spilled her root beer on the carpet.


"Sorry. I'll go and get the rag. Where is it Jongin?" She asked, standing up.


"Uhh, behind the food cabinet, Sehun knows where it is." Jongin distractedly answered.


Soojung and Sehun went to the kitchen and Jongin held Jinri's hand.


"Come on are you sleepy?" He asked. 


"Yes, a bit. Actually just yes. I'm sleepy." Jinri smiled and hugged Jongin. 


"Guys! Jinri's off to sleep! Just make yourselves at home okay?" Jongin helped Jinri stand up and they walked to his room. Jinri immediately took off her jacket and lied down on Jongin's bed. She laughed because it smelled like her cologne. The soft bed and the afternoon light made her drowsy.


 Jongin snuggled close to her after a few moments.


"Jongin... you'll stay with me right?" Jinri asked sleepily. She grasped his shirt and pulled him closer.


"Always." Jongin placed a kiss on Jinri's lips.


He her hair lovingly as she fell asleep and pretty soon, he was drifting off too.




Jongin's phone buzzed and he woke up, still with Jinri in his arms.


It was 6 pm when they woke up and headed to Chanyeol's house. 


Jinri was holding on tightly to Jongin's hand all the way through out the party.


She knew she had to let go but with the thought that something might go wrong with their plan, she just needed someone for support.



11:17 pm


Jongin tapped his foot impatiently on the floor. Hs father was beside him on the couch, watching a football game.


"You want some beer son?" Heechul asked.


"No." Jongin answered flatly. 


"Are you alright?"


"Yes Heechul. I'm fine."


"I don't think so." Heechul actually put his beer down and put his hand on his son's knee. "Is this about Jinri?"


"What? How can you-- How did-- I don't--"


"I know these things." Heechul just said.  "I think I have an idea of what you're going to do Jongin. You can take my car if you want. I'll have a new one anyway. Just take care of yourself wherever you go." 


It was the first time since being this drunk that Heechul expressed care toward his son and Jongin smiled.


"Sure...dad. I'll try and be safe."


Heechul went back to the TV and his beer and again, Jongin tapped his foot on the floor.


Too good to last that long.



He heard his phone go off he hurriedly read Sehun's text.


Hey bro! I'm fetching her right now, you'd better go and stay in the half-pipe but don't show yourself okay? Be there in 5 minutes.



Heechul handed him the keys to his car and he heaved his suitcase to the car.


It's now or never.




Jinri looked over her bags and mentally counted them.


6 bags. Hopefully Sehun could carry this over the balcony easily.


She sat down at her bed.


Everything was ready, planned and Minho agreed to it. Sehun and Krystal were there for them.


"Calm yourself, Jinri."


She heard a soft  rapping at her balcony window and she stood up and faced the pale Sehun.


She opened the glass door quietly and hugged him.


"Miss me baby?"


"Yes definitely." Jinri replied. Sehun smiled and flipped his hair.


"Now we have to go, hand me your bags and we can do this quietly." 


Jinri and Sehun worked in tandem, carrying bags and checking around Jinri's room for forgotten things.


"Ready or not, Seoul here I come." Jinri muttered as Sehun climbed down. She followed him shortly and they packed the bags in Sehun's trunk. Jinri sat down at the front seat and almost jumped out of the car when Soojung woke up in the back seat.


"Soojung? What the hell are you doing here? I told you not to come! It's dangerous as it is!" Jinri said.


"Oh just shut up. I'm here and you can't do anything else. Now, Sehun drive to Jongin now." Soojung sat back again and within minutes, had fallen asleep again.


"Sorry." Sehun shrugged, smoothly driving the car. "She wanted to come..."


Jinri just nodded.


Sehun stopped the car in front of the half-pipe where they both could see Jongin leaning at the hood of his father's car. Jinri got up first while Sehun reached behind him and woke Soojung up.






They hugged each other and Jinri was crying and Jongin was kissing her and their hug was tighter but they did not care.


They did not want to care what would happen next.


Sehun stepped out with Soojung and went over to the two of them.


"Thanks for bringing her here you guys. Thank you so much." Jongin faced them while Jinri just buried her head in his shirt. "You guys... you guys stay safe okay. We'll try and visit as much as possible and you know, we'll miss you." Jongin awkwardly said goodbye.


It's now or never.


Soojung yawned and laughed. 


"Jongin, Jinri, do you honestly think we're letting you guys have all the fun? You're my bestfriends and you know that we're not going anywhere without you." Soojung remarked, bringing out two airplane tickets to Seoul, identical to the ones that Jongin and Jinri have.


Jinri raised her head and wiped her tears. She smiled and bear hugged Sehun and Soojung.


"You just couldn't let us leave could you?" Jongin smiled.


"Nope, not a chance." Soojung said.


Sehun smiled and Jongin understood.


They wouldn't have to go through this alone.


"B-b-but Jung-Jungie, Sehu-hun, does your parents know?" Jinri sniffed.


"Yeah, sure they do. I'm going to college in Seoul remember?" Sehun smirked.


"My parents think that I'm going to Hyoyeon unnie's. I'm safe." Soojung smiled.  "Jongin, we'd better get going if we want to catch our flight. Sehun and I will be in his car and you and Jinri in your car."


"Jongin, we're going to have to pass by the Choi mansion." Sehun gravely warned. "Don't draw attention to yourself."


"I won't bro. Thanks for the warning."


They got into both cars and Jinri smiled a bit.


"You're probably laughing at me too... I know Soojung is."


"Why would I laugh?" Jongin asked, driving behind Sehun's car.


"Because I'm a weakling and stuff, crying all over the place." Jinri laughed weakly.


"It's not funny."  Jongin seriously said. "Jinri, are you sure you want to do this?"


Jinri looked into Jongin's eyes and smiled. She kissed his cheek and nodded.


"As long as I'm with you... I'm alright."


"Here goes nothing." Jongin breathed out. 



They drove quietly, lost in their own thoughts. Jinri was trembling and Jongin noticed.


"You alright there love?"


"Yeah... I'm just... Minho told me to follow my heart you know? I think he approves of... of us." Jinri smiled.


"Really? I never thought that he'd do that." 


"Me too... maybe he'll be able to convince my parents too."


"Hopefully." Jongin reached over and held Jinri's hand. 


The traffic got to them and soon, Sehun's car was behind them and Soojung texted Jinri to tell Jongin to take a detour or they won't get to the plane in time.


It all happened so fast that Jinri did not know how it all fit in a span of a few moments.


Jongin turned the corner, the detour.


Siwon's car appeared in front of Jongin's.


She heard Jongin curse and Soojung shout Sehun's name and Jongin was out of the car and she was alone. 


Siwon's fist making contact Jongin's jaw. 


"Sehun! Soojung! Don't move forward, stay in the car!" She shouted, moving in between her father and Jongin.










With every statement, Siwon punched Jongin in the abdomen, face, in the side. And Jinri screamed frantically, trying to push Siwon off him.


"But I love her! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I LOVE HER!" Jongin shouted. Though he was struggling to keep his balance, he used all of his strength to punch Siwon, making the old man stagger backward.


His vision was going black, his eyes longed to shut and his body wanted to crumple but he saw Jinri crying and he tried to keep standing.


"Love can only take you so far boy! You need a lot more than love to keep yourself and Jinri alive." Siwon barked angrily, pushing Jongin to the pavement. The pebbles dug into his cheek.


"I don't care." He grunted, struggling to get up. Siwon picked him up as if he was a piece of dirt and tossed him to the ground again.


"Don't come near us again." Siwon harshly said. He turned around and grabbed Jinri's wrist and pulled her to his car. Jinri shouted for Sehun and they locked their eyes together and Sehun understood. Sehun carried Jongin's half-conscious body and got in his car. Soojung took the driver's seat and soon, they were speeding off. 


"Let's go home Jinri-ah. Your mother is waiting for you." He told the crying girl, wiping a bit of blood on his knuckles. Jinri fought against her father's vice-like grip, pushing against him.


"No. NO." Jinri fiercely said. Siwon glared at her and held her shoulders steady, forcing her to go in the car.




Jinri finally freed herself and ran away from her father.




She turned around. 


Siwon called after her but she didn't look back. She simply got in Jongin's car and followed Sehun's. 


Sehun stopped when they were far enough away from Siwon and Soojung took over Jongin's car while Jinri and Jongin sat in the backseat.


Jinri tended to his injuries the best that she can, her tears making his face wet. 


He removed his shirt carefully, his whole body groaning under all those bruises. Unflinchingly, Jinri applied ointment and wrapped bandages around the bruises.


She kissed each the cuts on his face before putting the band-aids on them. She his hair and hummed under her breath.


The flight attendant merely raised her eyebrows as Sehun and Jinri helped Jongin up the steps of the airplane.

She has probably seen too much runaway lovers to care.


Jongin sighed as he sat down beside Jinri. She knows that everything hurts and it was all her fault.


"Get some sleep Jinri, it's a long flight." Jongin whispered.


"You sleep first, you need it more than I do."


"Are you worried?" He asked, still managing to smile.


"Obviously! You almost died!!" She said, on the verge of tears again.


Jongin put a finger to her lips and smiled sweetly.


"Don't stress, don't cry. Just take my hand okay? Now go to sleep."


"Jongin, don't worry about me I ca----"


Jongin silenced whatever protests she had with a sweet kiss.


"Sleep. Now."


And Jinri did.

Hey there guys :)
So... this story is about to end.
I hope you guys had fun reading this. I sincerely want to thank all the people who subscribed, read and commented on this fic :)Thank you guys so much! I LOVE YOU ALL, TRUTHFULLY! I NEED TO SAY IT MORE THAN THAT, BUT BOTTOM LINE IS... THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU ALL.
Ah yes, back to Kai and Sulli. I guess they're running away. Living in Seoul and all that :) 
As for Sehun and Krystal...
I might make a spin-off about them not sure yet though.
How did you guys like this chapter? The "fight" was crap, I know. 
I'm a total marshmallow when it comes to these kinds of stuff so I apologize :( *dodges your tomatoes*
So feel free to comment on this chapter okay? 
Thank you all again!
I still have one surprise for you guys though =))) 
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Chapter 5: kyaaa. a married life please. haha. kidding.thank you for making a kailli story. :)) daebak!
Chapter 4: fight for love. gosh. i thought Siwon wouldn't appear on this chapter but he did and beat up Jongin. And Jinri being a stubborn woman would fight for what she wants and love. geez.
Chapter 3: Siwon-ah! you're so cruel to you r daughter! what's with this.,uggh. let them be. they love each other so much..
Chapter 2: Jinri-ah. don't lose faith with Jongin.
Chapter 1: indeed a cruel world. why would you separate two lovers if they absolutely,definitely love each other. geez.
CassiELFAKTF1315 #6
Chapter 5: I've never actually imagined Kailli in my head. But this is sooooooo adorable :))))
azuraes #7
Chapter 5: ohmhaygad! i love it... please write more kailli :))
Chapter 5: oh my gosh. all the kailli feels in here. kekeke~
latrycs #9
Omoo Can i ask ? Why is There A Kailli Couple ?
Chapter 5: It's amazing story, thank you~
Can I take it to the Russian site?