As Long As You Love Me


May 26, 2012


"Jongin! Jongin!" Baekhyun shouted, his hair flying around. Jongin turned around, stepping out of his skateboard and faced Baekhyun. His other "bad-" friends continued flying around with their skateboards. This was where Jongin hung out, with other boys that were considered "Bad Boys" with him, in the village's half-pipe.


"Hey, what's up Baekhyun?" Jongin high-fived him. 

Baekhyun panted and clutched the stitch in his side.


"Did you hear?" Baekhyun asked him.


"About what?" 


"The Chois are meeting up with the Lees today. THE Lees of Busan, they're like the most powerful political family here..."


"So? Jinri already told me this Baekhyun." Jongin turned to the half-pipe again, watching Chanyeol skate across it.


"I'd bet you my skateboards that Jinri didn't tell you this part." Baekhyun shook his head. Jongin nodded for him to continue... shocked that Jinri didn't mention anything to him about what Baekhyun was supposed to say.


"Lee Donghae is planning to marry his son, Lee Taemin off to Jinri. To strengthen his power I guess. I heard it all from Miyoung, you know how she's the eyes and ears of this place. If Miyoung knows it, it most probably is true. Donghae's wife, Yoona, is close with Mrs. Choi. They might approve, Jongin. They might approve and arrange the marriage between Taemin and Jinri." Baekhyun worriedly closed his eyes and poked Jongin's shoulder.


Jongin shook his head, smiling.


"Jinri? Stuck in an arranged marriage? Psh. That wouldn't happen Baekhyun, you're being a worrywart as usual." Jongin smiled confidently but there was something there that rang with truth.


To strenghten his power, I guess. 

He's been stuck with his father's politics for so long to know that it's true. Politicians will do anything to gain power. 


Donghae's wife, Yoona, is close with Mrs. Choi. They might approve, Jongin. 

How many times had he seen Yoona's picture on Mrs. Choi's mantelpiece? They were childhood friends. And this "arranged marriage" will be a time for them to bond and make up the years gone.


He realized with a nervous start that they might actually agree to this marriage.


"Jongin, what makes you so sure that Jinri will be able to stop all of it form happening." Baekhyun challenged. Jongin shook his head, for him it meant that he wasn't sure but for Baekhyun, it meant that Jongin was getting complacent.


"If Jinri is that strong against her parents then why are you and Jinri still keeping your relationship hiddden from them?" He asked. "Jinri is strong, her strength comes from her parents... that only means they're stronger than she is. She can't defy them... especially not now that they're faced with intimidating company."


Jongin stopped listening then and dragged Baekhyun to his hell hole of a house, just a few blocks to the right of the half-pipe.


It smelled of beer and beef. His father, Kim Heechul, was on the couch, drowning in empty beer bottles and packets of beef jerky. This is why he prefers to sleep over at Sehun's.


"Dad!" Jongin calmly called him. Inside he recoiled, disgusted with himself for calling this drunk "Dad". Ever since mom left them, he reffered to him only as "Hey" or "Heechul". Never dad, but he needed formalities now.


"Yah! You're finally home Jongin, where have you been?"


"It's not important. Dad." He said, irritation bursting through his calm facade. "I need the car. It's an emergency. I really need it."


Heechul stood up, lost his balance and settled on the floor. He lopsidedly smiled and threw the keys of his volvo to Jongin.


"Bring back some of my beer while you're at it."  


Jongin went with Baekhyun to his room, the only place in the hell hole that smelled and looked nice.

Baekhyun smiled at the picture on Jongin's bedside table. He was actually the one who snapped that polaroid, when Jinri came to skate at the half-pipe. Jinri used Jongin's skateboard and he remembered that Kyungsoo panicked when Jinri got a cut on her legs because she lost her balance at the highest part of the pipe.


 Jongin pulled on his jeans and blue polo and dragged Baekhyun to the garage.


"I know you're panicking Jongin... but you know? Don't hold my hand so hard." Baekhyun frowned, rubbing the bruises that were already forming on his wrist.


"Sorry. I'm sorry, get in." He opened the door of the sleek car and revved the engine. 


He drove quickly, weaving through traffic as if his life depended on it. Well, now it does. Baekhyun briefed him on what was happening.


"The Lee family arrived today at 10 am, they'll be having lunch at the Choi mansion by 12 noon, It's already 11:30, Jongin. I bet they're there already. Donghae is the kind of man that would not drive into segues. He would be discussing the wedding by lunch over the table immediately. I'm not sure if Jinri or Taemin know it of course. BUt even if they don't know about it..."


Jongin nodded, his worst fear confirmed. They have to drive faster.


"I won't let it happen." Jongin determinedly growled. 



Soon, they arrived at the front of the Choi mansion. Sure enough, There were 3 black cars. The glass walls of their living room showed Jongin enough.


There was Jinri in a green dress, her hair loosely done. She was talking to a young man that from afar, looked a lot like him. Behind them, the adults were talking, drinking afternoon wine.


"Jongin, don't do anything rash!" Baekhyun said as Jongin slammed the door.


But of course, Choi Siwon was ready, knowing that this was coming.


Jongin barely reached the tall fence before Siwon appeared.


"Aaah. Jongin, I knew I'd see you today." He said calmly, taking in the sight of his daughter's lover. He sneered at the word.


Jongin brought out his calm mask and inclined his head towards Siwon.


"Mr. Choi." He said curtly.


"Tell me why you're here Jongin? Why are you here? Even after all the warnings that my son Minho has sent to you... you still heve the... guts to come today."


"I just want to see her Mr. Choi. I don't want trouble."


"But you go seeking for it Jongin. Pushing yourself to fit in our family, to be with my daughter is trouble enough for you."


Jongin bowed his head. 


Damn it, Siwon is right.


But I don't care.


Baekhyun materialized beside Jongin, holding his shoulder.


"Jongin, don't you think it's time to go?" He asked quietly.


"No not yet Baekhyun." He said, his voice calm an level. The corner of his mouth twitched.


"You aren't going yet Jongin? Tell me how that is not a surprise to me." Siwon's voice dripped with sarcasm.


"I am not trouble for Jinri, Mr.Choi. Neither is she trouble for me."


"That's what you think. I've warned you many times that you're no good for my daughter Jongin, yet you stay stubborn. You refuse to stay away from her. Whatever I do, you go back to her... do you want me to keep her away from you permanently?" 


Jongin glared at Siwon's clearly amused face. HIs jaw set, his fist clenched and his stance ready to pounce. 


"I have a preposition for you Jongin." Siwon let his words linger, amused at Jongin's facade of calm.


"You know of Lee Donghae's plans I presume? That's why you're here."


"I won't agree to the marriage as long as you'll stay away from Jinri. Stay away, permanently away. Do not come near her, do not talk to her... do not even attempt to look at her. If you do, she'll be married to Taemin faster than you can say "My father is  drunken ." How about that huh?" 


Siwon laughed cruelly. 


"But what if she's the one to come near me, to go on looking for me?" Jongin challenged.


"Ha! I have my own deals with my daughter Jongin, deals that you don't need to learn off."


"You think that will stop her? or me for that matter?"


"Sure it will." Siwon said, the smirk never leaving his voice.


"Well, you've got it wrong Mr. Choi. I best be going now, I don't want to interrupt your little party with the Lee family." Jongin strode away, not even daring to look back at the house. 


"You will stay away from her Jongin. You do not want to see what happens if you don't."


His hands shook but not with rage.


It was fear that was coursing through his body.


One wrong move and Jinri will be taken away from him permanently.


Mistakes are not allowed.



Jongin stayed up in bed all night, thinking of Jinri. 




May 30, 2012.


Sehun raised his hand and waved Jinri over to their table. 


Jinri sat down sadly. She hasn't seen Jongin in days.


"I know, you're sad and everything but I've got something to cheer you up." Sehun smiled, lifting Jinri's chin with his finger.


"Unless you have Jongin wrapped up in a box somewhere, your dreams of making Jinri smile are not that high Sehunie." Soojung, always the sharp tounged girl that she is replied.


"I sometimes wonder why you are my friend Soojung!" Sehun shook his head. "You are impossible!"


"It's because I'm pretty and smart and beautiful and yeah... smart!" Soojung smiled. At least, her bestfriend's usual banter made her smile.


"But anyway Jinri, back to Jongin." 


Jinri's eyes lit up.


"I'm listening, go on." She nodded. Sehun smirked and raised his eyebrows.


"He asked me to tell you to meet him at the usual place. He told me that you should be careful in going there. Meet him there after school and don't worry about it, since Soojung here is pretty, smart and beutiful, she will cover for you."


Soojung gasped and Sehun laughed and it took Jinri all of her will power not to dance right there.



But every ray of sunshine comes with its own cloud.





Jinri pulled away from Jongin's warm hug... too abruptly for both of them.



"Jongin... we have to stop this."


"The hug? You already did Jinri." Jongin answered sadly, awkwardly twisting his hands.


"No, I mean... We have to stop this. This, whatever we're doing." Jinri looked away.


"But... why? Why Jinri? What?" He asked, trying to make Jinri face him.


"Don't act as if you don't know Jongin. The whole of Busan knows what's going to happen after graduation."


"Jinri, I honestly don't know what you're talking about okay? I don't understand why you want to stop... fighting for our love. Why you're giving up..."


"I can't believe you Jongin. Why do you think I'm giving up? Do you think I want to give up on us?" Jinri breathed hard, pushing at Jongin's chest. 


She'd rehearsed this in class, why can't she deliver it properly now?


"I'M GETTING MARRIED TO LEE TAEMIN OKAY?" She shouted, her voice cracking. 


"My father will announce the engagement three days after graduation. I have no choice. I have to do it Jongin." She sat down on the grass.


Why aren't I crying? I should be crying... I can't deal with this anymore, She shouted in her head.


Jongin knelt beside her and wrapped her in a hug.


"My father told me that if I agree to marry Taemin, he wouldn't hurt you. He would keep you safe, offer rehab money to your father and even pay for your college, just as long as I marry Taemin and stay away from you. I've been thinking it over for the past few days... I was waiting for you to come and see me. But you didn't and I concluded that maybe you went away from me... I had no choice. I was supposed to tell them tonight that I'll agree to whatever they want because I thought you were gone and safe." Jinri explained, rocking in Jongin's arms.


"I never left you Jinri." He whispered. "Siwon made a deal with me too, he told me that he won't let you marry Taemin just as long as I stay away from you. I tried to... but you know that I can't."


"But you have too. The deal with you and my father is a fake. He did that to lead you away. We have to end this Jongin. We'll only be trouble for each other." 


Jongin did not speak, he just kissed Jinri's forehead over and over. 


The sun was low in the sky when Jongin spoke again.


"Just so you know, I'm not giving up not yet."


Jinri touched Jongin's cheek.


"Me too. I don't want to lose you Jongin."


"Don't worry, graduation is just 4 days away. We'll be off to Seoul then, after all this. I don't care how but we'll run away." Jongin smiled weakly. 


"Is that a plan?" Jinri weakly said.


"Yeah. Sure it is." Jongin answered. "Now, It's late. You must get going to avoid more... trouble."


"I don't want to go yet." Jinri stubbornly said. Jongin just laughed and carried her in his arms, also bringing out his phone to call Sehun.


They emerged from the hill top and met Sehun who was wearing his basketball jersey. Soojung was seating on the hood of his car, reading a book. 


"God, I thought you guys got lost in the woods or something!" Soojung jumped up and opened the door.


"Bring her home now bro." Jongin laid the sleeping Jinri on the back seat of Sehun's car. 


"I don't want to ask about what you guys talked about in there. If Jinri got tired just hearing it then I don't want to hear it!"


"Psh. What makes you think I'll tell you?" Jongin smirked.


"Aaahh. You smart ." Sehun clapped Jongin on the back, flashing his "I Got This" smile at him. "I'll keep her safe for now man, now you go and make yourself safe and scoot home!"


"Thanks man." 




Jinri woke up in her bed again, after Sehun and Soojung carried her up to her room with the usual cover-up, she'd fallen asllep on the library and stuff. 

She can't forget her dream of airplanes and airplane tickets and suitcases and running away and Jongin of course.


She always dreamt about him.



Last part is coming soon =)

I hoped you guys like this chapter :)

As usual, tell me what you guys think in the comments or in my wall.. I don't bite. rawr.

Thanks to everyone who commented, read and subscribed and yes, I'll be posting part 4 in a while :)

Happy Reading :)



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Chapter 5: kyaaa. a married life please. haha. kidding.thank you for making a kailli story. :)) daebak!
Chapter 4: fight for love. gosh. i thought Siwon wouldn't appear on this chapter but he did and beat up Jongin. And Jinri being a stubborn woman would fight for what she wants and love. geez.
Chapter 3: Siwon-ah! you're so cruel to you r daughter! what's with this.,uggh. let them be. they love each other so much..
Chapter 2: Jinri-ah. don't lose faith with Jongin.
Chapter 1: indeed a cruel world. why would you separate two lovers if they absolutely,definitely love each other. geez.
CassiELFAKTF1315 #6
Chapter 5: I've never actually imagined Kailli in my head. But this is sooooooo adorable :))))
azuraes #7
Chapter 5: ohmhaygad! i love it... please write more kailli :))
Chapter 5: oh my gosh. all the kailli feels in here. kekeke~
latrycs #9
Omoo Can i ask ? Why is There A Kailli Couple ?
Chapter 5: It's amazing story, thank you~
Can I take it to the Russian site?