Chapter 5

Around the World

U-Kiss POV

The Next Night

"Hyuuuuuuuuung! Feeeeeed meeeee! I'm starrrrrrving! Pleaseeeeeeeeee!" Dongho pleaded and begged Soohyun.

"Why don't you go bother Kevin or Xander? I'm trying to watch this!" Soohyun told the maknae, shooing him off. Dongho frowned.

"Fine then! Kiseop hyung! Feed me!" Dongho yelled walking out of the living room in pursuit of his next victim.

"Ne? Mwo?" Kiseop asked, peeking his head out of his room where he was playing the Wii with everyone except Soohyun.

"Will you feed me? Please~" Dongho aegyoed his way into Kiseop doing what he wanted which was let him into the room. Kiseop relented, letting Dongho into the room.

"Okay. Where do you wanted to eat?" Kiseop asked the 18 year old. Eli's head snapped up from checking his Twitter and grinned evilly. He got up and stood near Kevin.

"We know a good place, don't we Kevin?" Eli nudged Kevin with his elbow and waggled his eyebrows. Kevin blushed.

"What? Why is Eli saying that with that creepy look on his face?" Hoon asked Kevin.

"I don't know..." He murmured. He looked down, blushing even harder.

"Kevin hyung! Tell us please?" Alexander begged.

"Yeah! Tell us! Aren't we your friends?" AJ guilt him.

"I knocked over this girl, I helped her, had to go get her food, help/carry her home with Eli, and she was really pretty!" Kevin said in one big rush.

"Whoa. What does this have to do with food?" Dongho asked.

"She owns Around the World." Eli commented.

The reaction was ridiculous. Alexander said "That foreign place?!?!!?" AJ shouted "I love that place!!!" Kiseop yelled "I love their kimchi!" and Dongho exclaimed "They have food!"

"Ne. Me too. I do too. And yes we know." Eli commented on all their sayings.

"We're going there! To the food!" Everyone shouted.

"Wait! We have to get Soohyun!" Kevin shouted after everyone as they stormed out of the room and into the living room. "Guys! WAIT! Oh forget it. I'll just get him myself." Kevin said.

He ran out after them. He paused to tell Soohyun to get his shoes, turn off the Wii, and grab his keys.

I apologize for the ridiculously small chapter but this is just a filler for the longest chapter yet! Wait! And I know U-kiss doesn't live in a dorm but let's pretend they do for a little while, ne? Please forgive me! I only wanted to get them to the restaurant first!

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Chapter 2: pleASE update!!!

excited to the next chapter!