Chapter 4

Around the World

"Min Jee. Min Jee. Min Jee. MIN JEE!" I yelled in Min Jee's ear.

"WHAT?" She yelled back angrily.

"Will you go get me food?" I asked sweetly.

"If it gets me away from you, then I'm all for it. What do you want?" She asked, sitting up.

"Bulgogi." I answered. She threw me an incredulous look.

"Do you know how much that IS? You better give me some money." She demanded, holding out her hand. I handed her the money reluctantly.

Min Jee put on her shoes and, with the money, walked out side to get some bulgogi.

When Min Jee got home finally from being nearly eaten alive by Soo Min, it was midnight. Everyone had already left and I was finishing the last couple episodes of My Princess. She glared at me and crashed on the couch. 2 hours later I was finished with My Princess (Seol and Hae-Young hook up through a series of MANY different stops and bumps in the road).

I was starving so I went to Min Jee to make her get me food. So looking forward to that bulgogi.

Min Jee's POV

"Yah! Why  didn't she make one of the girls get her food before they left?" Min Jee said to herself. She had just got the bulgogi and was on her way back to the apartment when she stopped to look at a San-X store. Min Young's money had a little left over... And she did wake her up from her nap... And Min Jee really wanted a new stuffed animal...

Min Jee was interrupted from her stealing of Min Young's money by a young man slamming into her, knocking her, and the food, and the money down. The man fell on top of her.

"Ahh!" He said, scrambling to get off of her. Min Jee couldn't really care because the pain in her elbow was too intense. It was all she could focus on. That and Min Young's food was now pigeon food.

"Are you okay? Mianhanda! I didn't mean to really! I just wasn't looking and you weren't moving and- Well you see my friend Eli was chasing me and- I- he- well- Mianhanda." He said, stuttering, trying to explain. He reached down to help her up but Min Jee just shook her head. She was trying not to laugh at him.

"It's okay. It's my fault. But if you could pick up that money that's lying there that'd be great..." Min Jee said, trying to sit up. She grabbed her elbow and, wincing, sat up. The guy grabbed all the money and handed it to her.

"Do you want help standing up?" he asked her. Min Jee nodded, and with help stood up.

"Mianhanda. That's going to leave a nasty bruise on you elbow." He said. "By the way, I'm Kevin."

"I'm Min Jee. And that's okay." she said. She just had to explain the no food thing to Min Young.

"Are you sure? I can like go get you new food and help you home or something?" He asked.

"That would actually be nice. Kasahamnida!" She thanked him.

"Cheonmaneyo." He said. They walked over to a nearby bench and Kevin took the money and went to get new bulgogi. After about 15 minutes he came back with the food and a new guy.

"This is my friend Eli, Min Jee. The one I was running from." He introduced them. Kevin handed Eli the food and helped Min Jee stand up. Honestly Min Jee could stand up by herself but Kevin was REALLY attractive and hey, if he was okay with playing dismal in distress, so was she.

"Which way is your apartment?" he asked. Min Jee pointed the way home and they set off. When they reached the restaurant, Min Jee turned to them.

"You guys don't have to go in. I can call my roommate and get her to come down and help me. It's her food anyway." She said.

"If that's okay with you." Eli said, before Kevin could say anything.

"It is. Really." She said. Eli handed her the food and waved goodbye to Min Jee, dragging Kevin behind him.

"Man. They were hot." a voice said behind her said, nearly making her drop the food for the second time.

"Min Young! Don't do that! Jeez! And I know. The one with brown hair helped me walk here."Min Jee replied, turning to face her roommate.

"I like the one with blond hair. But why do I get the feeling there's more of them?" Min Yong said, taking the food.

"Oh! Are you okay?" She asked, as an after thought. Min Jee rolled her eyes.

"Ne." She replied, moving her elbow to get the door, no pain at all.

Keke. I made Min Jee fake her pain!! And I take no credit for the My Princess drama.

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Chapter 2: pleASE update!!!

excited to the next chapter!