Falling in love with the diva's brother

‘‘He's shy, more shy than I am when I just meet someone. More caring than you actually might think, he works as a volunteer with handicapped kids. Used to have a boyfriend who used him for and a way to get drugs for cheap, this same guy him a few times after they broke up. His diva character as you know him is just an act, before you sort of moved in here we used to sleep in the same bed because he's afraid to be alone in the dark. Only me and my parents know he still sleeps with stuffed animals, which is why he never invites his friends to sleep over. He hides the stuffed animals before he leaves his room, even if he just needs to get something out of the bathroom. He never goes out because he's afraid I won't wait for him to come back, he actually hates it when he has to go somewhere on his own, and when he says to us he's going to the mall or something, most of the times he just goes toe that playground at the end of the street and just sits there for at least an hour. He's very sensitive, which is why I want to be next to him all the time. I want to protect him, show him that he's not alone. Even if he has friends, he prefers not to. It's like he's a little boy stuck in the body of a sixteen year old. Every time you sleep at your own house or you go out with me, he comes to me and sleeps in my bed, which is actually why I always let you sleep on the couch on the nights you go out. I don't want to give him a bad feeling when he wakes up in his own bed again’’ Jonghyun didn't knew what to say. Minho finally got the permission to tell his boyfriend who Key exactly is, after a few weeks of nagging and begging. Key was against it, but he could just see that Jonghyun wasn't going to leave soon. Plus his relationship with Jonghyun got a little better - they still didn't like each other but they didn't show the hate anymore. It was actually Minho who told them to act more nice, but even if he didn't said that, they knew it couldn't go on like this anymore.
‘‘You really need to give him a chance, you may act more nice to each other, I still can see the hate in both your eyes. I know it's his own fault, and that he has to co-operate with you to see if you can stop hating each other, but he's a really nice guy.’’ Jonghyun pulled up the sheets a bit and sighed. Even though he somewhere felt bad for Key - being used like that, being so shy and probably without many self-confidence must be hard. Being so dependent on your brother... He wouldn't just be all nice to Key. Hell no, he was going to use it. Minho told him about the party that was planned that Saturday, since he was a bit more popular than his boyfriend he had to help him with inviting some people. It was the perfect opportunity to get in action, and he already had a little plan.

The party was a lot more fun than Minho thought it was going to be, even if he asked Jonghyun to get just a few people to come, there were a lot more and he didn't even mind. The only bad thing was that people literally grabbed a whole bottle of alcohol instead of using a cup. And so did his boyfriend, which was a bit disappointing. He already made sure Jonghyun used less drugs than before, and was more careful with dealing it, but he hoped it would be the same with the drank. It shouldn't be that big of a deal - Jonghyun slept in his house anyway so if he was going to pass out he could bring him upstairs right away - but he just didn't wanted to keep his eye on him to actually make sure he wouldn't pass out. Or do something really stupid, such as taking off his pants as he always did when he drank too much.

Jonghyun was by far not as drunk as Minho thought, he was able to drink a lot of alcohol and still be just tipsy. He almost always made sure he wouldn't go further than tipsy, miraculously he knew exactly what he was doing when he was tipsy or even drunk. The problem with it was that he couldn't stop himself if he did something wrong. This night he wouldn't regret doing something wrong, he planned everything out and he was sure it would work out, with some effort or not.
Quite bored he looked around a little and saw Key - who looked just as bored - standing up to leave the living room. Knowing that he was going upstairs, Jonghyun chased him and concluded he really was going upstairs.
‘‘Yah’’ he said as he walked into the bedroom. Quickly Key put away the stuffed animal he was about to lay down on his bed and sighed when he saw it was Jonghyun. ‘‘You scared me’’ he mumbled and grabbed the stuffed animal again. Jonghyun closed the door and sat down on the bed. ‘‘I know’’ Key looked at him for a few seconds and took a joint out of his night stand. ‘‘What do you want’’ he asked rhetorical, it didn't really care. ‘‘Not much, I noticed you're bored so I thought I could keep you some company since it's boring downstairs’’ he answered anyway. Key sat down on the other side of the bed, his back facing Jonghyun's. ‘‘Alright’’ He light up the joint and inhaled. For a few minutes none of them said anything, didn't make any sounds either. Jonghyun turned around a little and looked at Key's back. ‘‘We actually never talked about that deal again’’ he said, and Key turned his head a little. ‘‘What deal?’’ - ‘‘The deal about me dating your brother and you getting my drugs for cheap’’ Key turned his head back and shrugs. ‘‘I don't know what kind of deal it can turn out to’’ Jonghyun stood up and took place behind Key on the bed. ‘‘Well... Minho's too busy right now, and I know that once everyone is gone he wants to go to sleep right away, so...’’ Slowly he placed his hands on Key his hips and a little. ‘‘If you can do me a favor right now... You can get every kind of drug that I deal for fifty or more for about twenty euros cheaper’’ he said with a husky voice, and already started to kiss his neck, as if he already expected him to say yes right away. ‘‘Are you out of your ing mind?!’’ Jonghyun grinned and moved his hands a little. ‘‘I sure am, and I know you are too. I know you want it’’ Key wanted it. Of course he wanted it, he didn't had in a year and - even if he actually got the last time - he was tired of waiting for someone who loved him and only wanted to do it with him out of love. He was able to pay someone to have with him, he wanted it that bad. ‘‘I'm not doing it, you're dating my brother and I'm not going to let you cheat on him’’ He didn't sound as sure as he wanted to, it gave Jonghyun enough reasons to pull him onto the bed. ‘‘He won't find out if you don't tell him’’ Jonghyun mumbled and pushes his lips on Key's, who couldn't help but to kiss back. ‘‘A-are you sure?’’ he asked and Jonghyun nodded. ‘‘Oh god, just me already’’ he whispered right after and removed Jonghyun his shirt, who willingly kissed the younger boy again and started to play with his belt.

‘‘You're absolutely sure he won't find out?’’ It felt like Key was the one who was cheating on his boyfriend, instead of Jonghyun. ‘‘Stop being so insecure, a drugs dealer knows how to lie like a professional and if you just keep your mouth shut, he won't find out soon.’’ Key nodded slowly and turned his head to Jonghyun. ‘‘Can.. Can we do this again? Someday? When Minho's gone?’’ Jonghyun raised his eyebrow, but nodded. Why would he even say no? Key didn't wanted to top anyway and Minho was, unlike Jonghyun, not always in the mood to do it. After a few seconds of silence, Jonghyun stood up and put on his clothes. ‘‘Can't you stay a bit longer?!’’ Key asked right away, afraid to be left alone. ‘‘He will find out something happened when I stay. Now, keep your mouth shut, we don't act different than always. Nice, but with a hateful expression, alright?’’ Before he even gave Key the chance to answer, he already left the room. Right when he shut the door, Minho came upstairs and smiled lightly. ‘‘There you are, what are you doing here?’’ he asked, and walked up to his boyfriend. ‘‘I felt kinda sick so I went upstairs. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't find you so I figured out you'd find me here sooner or later’’ A worried expression took place on Minho's face, and as fast as he could he put his hand on his boyfriend his forehand. ‘‘Not warmer than usual, did you throw up?’’ Jonghyun shook his head. ‘‘Just a headache and stomachache, I thought I had to throw up but it didn't happen.’’ Minho slowly nodded and softly pushed Jonghyun to his room. ‘‘Go to bed already, everyone is starting to go home so I'll come back soon, alright?’’ he said and pecked him on his forehead. Jonghyun crawled into the bed - with his clothes still on, too lazy to take them off - and directly Minho made sure everything was comfortable and warm enough. ‘‘Go to sleep, alright?’’ Jonghyun nodded as a response and closed his eyes. Even if this all was an act, he loved how Minho took care of him like that.

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Chapter 4: Minho back together with jonghyun and i don't think jjong is a good person... Cause it's feel he is so evil...
Chapter 2: Okay, just saw that there's a second chapter.. Embarrassing moment. Well, two comments are better than one, right?
Anyway, I'm glad that Jjongie agreed, still not happy with his drugs though. I won't pick any specific parts but this chapter was somehow funny... :D
Well, it's good that you made Jonghyun the manly 'woman' and not the submissive little schoolgirl... it wouldn't suit him here. (:
Chapter 1: Jonghyun, stop playing the "bad boy" who doesn't talk, sells drugs and f*..s everything and just say yes, okay? It's not that hard. If you want to I can teach you how to say yes...
I mean, come on, Minho is so adorable and I'm saying that while he only had a few lines... ^_^
Haha a cute & shy Minho? Interesting. Hope you'll update soon ;)
Chapter 1: Minho so cute..... And jonghyun just say yes.... Come on...