Falling in love with the diva's brother

The first week went pretty well. People did looked at him like he walked around wearing a clowns suit, but it wasn't really new to him. He didn't had much contact with other students though, it was more just eye contact and every now and then Jonghyun had to make clear he could hear what they were saying. There was really just one person who he actually talked to, the 'diva' of the school. Jonghyun didn't saw him as a diva, he knew a lot about people and their personalities and it wasn't hard to see that 'the diva' - carried by the nickname Key - wasn't as confident as he looked like. But then again, he was the school diva. No one would listen to Jonghyun. Not that he would say it anyway, he didn't wanted the attention Key got from his schoolmates.

Jonghyun put his hands on the table and placed his head on top of it. The school library was the only place where it was quiet enough to catch up some sleep during his free period. But as unlucky as he was this day, he got interrupted. Interrupted by the person he didn't wanted to see and speak at that moment. ‘‘Are those rumors true?’’ Key asked, and sat down next to Jonghyun. Jonghyun sighed but didn't look up. ‘‘What rumors’’ he asked when he closed his eyes. ‘‘That you use and sell drugs, with basically every girl you know and that you with teachers to get higher grades’’ Jonghyun raised his eyebrow. ‘‘Yes, yes, no and yes, but not for higher grades’’ Key nodded slowly and looked at the older boy. ‘‘I've heard you ed the lady who had to decide to accept you this school, true or not?’’ Jonghyun laughed scornfully for a second, it was amazing what kind of rumors some people made. ‘‘I wouldn't even her if she gave me money for it’’ The younger boy looked at him for a second. ‘‘Do you sell hard or soft drugs?’’ A sigh came out of Jonghyun his mouth, and he finally looked up. ‘‘Both. Now can you stop annoying me, I'm trying to sleep’’ Key looked surprised when he got the answer he wanted, which was exactly why he didn't wanted to stop. ‘‘How much for ?’’ The younger boy laughed when the older one groaned. ‘‘I don't know. Fifty? Sixty?’’ (A/N I have no idea about Won and Dollars, so for my own ease I'm using euro's. If you really want to know what it is in your own country you have to google something like "euro in ") ‘‘Aish, so much for a schoolmate? Let's make a deal...’’ Key pointed to a tall student, who was outside playing some basketball with his friends. ‘‘That guy there is Choi Minho, my half brother. He told me he likes you and asked me if I could do something for him. Now, I happen to know you like guys too and, to be even more specific, I know you have interests in Minho. So here's the deal, you ask him out, go on a few dates with him and if it goes well and you get together, I can get drugs from you, at any time, for at least half the price. If it doesn't work out, I'll pay you more than what you actually ask. What do you think?’’ Jonghyun looked at him and slowly shook his head. ‘‘If I actually had interests in him, it's way too easy for you to win. So no, not gonna happen. Besides, if he's actually your brother it's a no-go anyway’’ Jonghyun lay down his head and closed his eyes again, hearing Key sigh. ‘‘Listen, we're nothing alike. Inner and outer, he's way more calm than I am and he loves guys like you. Just take him out on a date, he'll really appreciate it. If it goes well we can talk about the prices of the drugs...’’ Key wasn't even lying. Minho really did like Jonghyun but was too shy to say something by himself. Jonghyun, on the other hand, lied a little. He did had interests in Minho, he liked tall guys who didn't speak that much. The opposite of himself, although he didn't talk much at school. Only with friends, basically. ‘‘I'm not doing it’’ Jonghyun answered. Key sighed deeply and stood up. ‘‘Fine then’’ he said and walked away.

The next day wasn't really a regular school day for Jonghyun. There were no actual classes, only some study hours and, if it was needed, students could walk up to their teachers and ask them for extra help with their homework. Jonghyun didn't really needed to go to school on this day - without studying he would pass most of the tests and automatically didn't needed any help - his parents just found it very necessary to plan all their meetings at their home at that day. Enough reasons for Jonghyun to go to school. He used to stay at home when his parents planned meetings at their house, but after a few times he got sick of being the waiter (he literally had to give everyone their coffee, tea and other things if they wanted) so he decided not to stay at home at those moments.
A big sigh let out of his mouth when he sat in the library, looking outside of the window. Suddenly he heard something behind him, and since he knew he was the only one in the library at the moment, he looked behind him, to get greeted by Minho's shy-looking face. To hide the fact that he did had some interests in the taller boy, he raised an eyebrow. ‘‘Can I help you?’’ he said, in an uninterested way, and looked him in the eye. Minho played with the end of his shirt and looked at the ground. ‘‘I eh... I was wondering if you would like to go out with me, this weekend.’’ Jonghyun was definitely surprised by what the taller boy said, but still did not wanted to make things suspicious. ‘‘And why exactly would I say yes?’’ He directly saw that Minho's face got more sad. ‘‘Because I... think you're very interesting and I might like you a little’’ No way that Jonghyun could say no to that. ‘‘I'll think about it, you will hear my answer from Key’’ he answered. Minho smiled and nodded happily. ‘‘Alright, thank you’’ he said and left the library. ‘‘Cute’’ was what Jonghyun muttered in himself and turned around, to look outside again.

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Chapter 4: Minho back together with jonghyun and i don't think jjong is a good person... Cause it's feel he is so evil...
Chapter 2: Okay, just saw that there's a second chapter.. Embarrassing moment. Well, two comments are better than one, right?
Anyway, I'm glad that Jjongie agreed, still not happy with his drugs though. I won't pick any specific parts but this chapter was somehow funny... :D
Well, it's good that you made Jonghyun the manly 'woman' and not the submissive little schoolgirl... it wouldn't suit him here. (:
Chapter 1: Jonghyun, stop playing the "bad boy" who doesn't talk, sells drugs and f*..s everything and just say yes, okay? It's not that hard. If you want to I can teach you how to say yes...
I mean, come on, Minho is so adorable and I'm saying that while he only had a few lines... ^_^
Haha a cute & shy Minho? Interesting. Hope you'll update soon ;)
Chapter 1: Minho so cute..... And jonghyun just say yes.... Come on...