Someone Got Killed Again?

Deduced A Way To You


“Where could he go in this stage?” Tiffany asked herself sadly, alone in the beach as they all separated out to find Jay. They also asked their neighbours helped them to find him too.

“Tiffany-ssi, there is no sign about him here. We should go on to other place to find Jay.” Yong Hwa came to Tiffany’s back and called her.

“Eonni, gwaenchanyo?” Seo Hyun asked in worried as she saw Tiffany’s sad face.

“Ne… we should continue to find him.” Tiffany said weakly and turned to follow Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun.

“Noona! Noona! Noona! Geum ajussi and the others already found Jay hyung but…” Hwan Ji ran toward them and shouted.

“Jongmal? But what? Did anything happen to him? Tell me, ppalli!” Tiffany was happy that Jay was found but her youngest brother’s unfinished sentence scared her.

“They are beating him hardly because… because… because Woon Jae was found together with Jay hyung and… Woon Jae was already breathless. They thought Jay hyung killed Woon Jae, so they him now.” Hwan Ji stammered.

“MWO! Ppalli, bring us there! They are going to hit him to death!” Tiffany quickly pushed Hwan Ji to show them where they found Jay. Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun followed from behind.

After a short while, in the deep jungle where the villagers found Jay and another kid…

 “How dare you kill Woon Jae? We always thought that you are a nice guy but who knows you are a monster in behind! I’m going to kill you for Woon Jae’s revenge.” A villager uttered in between his punch on Jay. Jay was already bleeding all over his body and face, he was not match with the punch and kick storm from all direction.

“STOPP!!! GEUMANHAE!!!” Tiffany ran passed Hwan Ji and shouted loudly as she saw Jay was cuddling himself on the ground, beating non-stop by the villagers. She pushed one or two villagers away from Jay and covered herself on top of Jay to prevent him from getting hit anymore but she could not avoid being hit by some unstoppable punch at her back.

“Stop it! Do you all want to kill him and her together?” Yong Hwa ran to stop the villagers.

“We will kill him for sure today and if she wants to join him, then let her be. We can’t let the killer monster stay here anymore. He has to pay for what he did to Woon Jae.” A villager strongly replied.

“Do you all have any solid prove that he is the killer? The only thing you all know is he was with the body when you all found him. Is he holding the killer weapon or either one of you saw with your own eyes that he killed the boy?” Yong Hwa asked.

“We… we… The best prove is he is with the body when we find him. What is he doing here if he is not the killer?” The villagers were not buying Yong Hwa’s reasoning.

“Then what is his condition when you all find them? Is he laid on top of body or away from the body? Is he facing up or facing down? Did he hold something in his hand or you all found anything close to be a killing weapon?” Yong Hwa asked again. He took this chance to ask detail out from the villagers, hoping that will help them in investigating this case.

“He is laying facing up on top of Woon Jae. There is nothing on his hand and we didn’t see anything close to that.” A younger villager stepped out and said.

“Man Woo, why are you telling him all that?” Another older villager stopped him.

“Abeoji, I agree with them that he might not be the killer of Woon Jae, we have to find the real killer out and they seem to be able to help us.” The younger villager turned to his father and said.

“Are you nuts or what? The killer is here already and we just need to kill him for Woon Jae’s sake. End of story!” The father angrily shouted back to his son.

“No, he is right. Think about it, will a kill fell down on top of his victim, facing up? And also where is the murder weapon? The best explanation is that Jay was brought to here after the real killer killed the boy and put him on top of the body to let you all thought that he is the killer when you found him. If you all end up killing Jay, the only benefit is given to the real killer.” Yong Hwa said.

“…… Alright, we will give you a day to find who the real killer is. When the sun raises to the top of our head tomorrow and if you still can’t find the killer out, he has to be sentence.” The oldest villager said after a moment of thought.

“Tell the boat that there is no one should leave this island until this case is solved, so that they won’t run away.” The oldest villager turned to the other villagers.

“I promise that we will find the killer.” Yong Hwa determinedly said and turned back to see Jay’s condition. Tiffany and Seo Hyun were checking his wound carefully.

“We have to bring him to hospital.” Tiffany said.

“We can’t because all the boats are halted to prevent us from fleeing away from this island. We need to bring him back and clean his wound.” Yong Hwa shook his head and said.

“Hwan Ji, help me to put him on my back.” Yong Hwa turned to Hwan Ji and then he kneeled down on one leg to let them put Jay on his back.

“Yong… Yong Hwa… good… to… see… you… again…” Jay weakly whispered as he was on Yong Hwa’s back.

“Jay?” Yong Hwa turned to him surprisingly but he already fell unconscious when he looked back.

“What’s wrong, oppa?” Seo Hyun was clueless on what just happened and asked Yong Hwa as she noticed he was wearing surprise look.

“No… nothing.” Yong Hwa denied and continued to carry Jay back to their house.


“How is he now?” Yong Hwa asked as Tiffany came out from Jay’s room.

“He is badly hurt but he should not have any life threaten any soon. Still we need to bring him to hospital as soon as possible.” Tiffany shook her head.

“What actually happen last night? Why Jay oppa went out to the forest? And why did he end out with that boy?” Seo Hyun asked in clueless.

“Tiffany-ssi, do you know anything about that victim? Any minor detail might help too.” Yong Hwa asked.

“I don’t know much about him, this is just the second times I saw him.” Tiffany shook her head again.

“I know, we used to play together when small.” Hwan Su voiced out.

“Woon Jae, Shim Woon Jae is a quiet child, he hardly interact or talk to other people, since his parents both died in boat accident when he was still small. He was raise up by his grandparents but both of them also passed away one by one as they grow old. He was staying alone in the house on that end. We, all the islanders were pity with his experience, that’s why we always bring him something to eat, to change or to use.” Hwan Su continued.

“According to you, he didn’t appear to have any enemy as everyone was pity of him.” Yong Hwa elaborated on Hwan Su’s statement.

“Yes, that’s how it should be but… there are some kids like to bully him because they thought he is an easy target. Still, I don’t think that bully will eventually turn to murder.” Hwan Su nodded and continued.

“Hwan Su is right, even they like to bully him, that doesn’t mean that they will kill him. Even they are, why are they bring Jay oppa to the body and leave him there?” Seo Hyun added.

“Yes, that doesn’t make sense. Do you know more about him, Hwan Su?” Yong Hwa also agreed with Hwan Su and Seo Hyun.

“Nothing specific anymore. But talking about the spot of where they found his body, I remember he come to me one night about two months ago, saying that he found a secret hideout in the deep jungle.” Hwan Su said.

“Secret hideout? Hideout of what?” Seo Hyun asked in confused.

“I don’t know much about it, I was sleepy and don’t pay much attention on him that night. I only remember that he is hype with the found.” Hwan Su shook his head.

“I think we should go to check on it. Hwan Su, Hwan Ji, you two show me the way to the spot again. Hyun, you should stay back with Tiffany-ssi to check on Jay’s condition.” Yong Hwa suggested.

“I also want to go…… but I guess you won’t allow me. Fine, please be careful.” Seo Hyun weakly said.

“That’s my girl. One more thing, I really think that Jay is Jin Woon.” Yong Hwa smiley said.

“Huh?” Seo Hyun was confused with Yong Hwa sudden claim.

“Nothing, just to tell you that.” Yong Hwa smiled again.

“Hwan Su, Hwan Ji, let’s go before the sky turn darker.” Yong Hwa turned to the twin brother and let them led the way.

“Seo Hyun, what did Yong Hwa-ssi tell you?” Tiffany asked as Yong Hwa and her two brothers went out of the house.

“Oh, he said he thought that Jay oppa and Jin Woon oppais the same person.” Seo Hyun told Tiffany.

“Why did he say that suddenly? Did he found something connected the two together?” Tiffany asked.

“I don’t know, he didn’t tell me the detail about it.” Seo Hyun pouted and shook her head.

“Eonni, what will you do if Jay oppa is really my oppa, Jin Woon oppa?” Seo Hyun turned to Tiffany.

“Do what? What can I do? Of course to let him go back to his family and the place he belongs.” Tiffany said and turned away from Seo Hyun to avoid her.

“Then if he is not? Will you ask him to stay back with you?” Seo Hyun continued to ask.

“No matter he is or not, I have no reason to keep him. He can go anywhere he wants.” Tiffany said.

“Eonni, I… I… I don’t think you know about this yet but I feel the urge to tell you the truth. Actually… the story we told you on the boat last night was not a full version. There is a darker history on Jin Woon oppa.” Seo Hyun softly said.

“I knew it, even the story seems prefect but there are some parts that won’t fix into each other perfectly. But why do you tell me this?” Tiffany turned back to face Seo Hyun.

“I just want you to know. Have you heard about the most wanted series killer ‘J’, who suddenly disappears after killing ten or even more people in two years ago?” Seo Hyun said seriously.

“Of course, that is big news at that time. Why are you bring out this one, out of the blues? … Seolma…” Tiffany nodded in confused.

“Ne… the most wanted series killer ‘J’ is my oppa, Jin Woon oppa. I also know this just before the explosion of his boat. If Jay oppa is really Jin Woon oppa, then that mean he is also that series killer. Of course, I’m sure that this case was not done by him, he is not the previous cold-blood killer J anymore.” Seo Hyun softly said.

“He… he… how can this be? You are joking, right? Jay can’t be the series killer.” Tiffany could not believe what she just heard.

“I wish I’m joking too but that’s the truth. I would prefer him to stay as Jay oppa, the caring and warm guy, than remember back his dark memory.” Seo Hyun shook her head.

“Seo Hyun, this… this is too much for me… are you saying that Jay, my possible future husband, is a cold-blood series killer before he lost his memory? I really can’t imagine that with his sweet smiles and lovely look now.” Tiffany weakly said as she sat down on the stool close to her.

“Husband? Did I miss something here?” Seo Hyun asked in surprised. She always thought something was happen between the two but she did not expect them to be in that stage, as they should meet about a week only.

“I don’t like him or anything close to that but my appa wants him to take care of all of us after he passed away and the best way to do that without letting other people gossip about us is to get marry, so that he has the prefect right to stay in this house with us. I already rejected that idea but my appa kept on insisting.” Tiffany explained weakly.

“Eonni, the more you deny the more I got suspected on you. I don’t think that you are honest to yourself enough. I know it because that what happen to me too before I accepted Yong Hwa oppa. I kept on deny to others and most importantly is to myself that I will never like him but luckily I noticed it fast before he give up. I don’t want you to experience the similar thing as me, just give some time and listen to what your heart will say. Don’t deny the voice of your conscious; she might have the truth that you want to avoid.” Seo Hyun said but Tiffany kept in silent.

“I’ll go to check on Jay oppa.” Seo Hyun said and went into Jay’s room, leaving Tiffany alone.


“Here is the spot. The hideout should be somewhere nearby here.” Hwan Ji said as they stopped in the scene.

“Hwan Su, think about it again. Do you remember any description about the hideout?” Yong Hwa turned to Hwan Su.

“I really can’t remember about that.” Hwan Su shook his head.

“I remember there is a natural cave on that direction; do you think that’s the hideout Woon Jae mentioned? But there is nothing about that cave at all.” Hwan Ji said and pointed to a direction into deeper forest.

“Cave? We shouldn’t leave any possible clue. Show us the way, Hwan Ji.” Yong Hwa said and Hwan Ji took them into the direction where he remembered there was a naturally occurred cave at the end of this road.

“This is that cave?” Yong Hwa asked as they reached the entrance of the cave. This was a small and dark cave, but it should enough to fit a person at once.

“This cave is still as dark as usual; it can’t be that hideout mention by Woon Jae. Let’s go to other place.” Hwan Ji said. He turned away and was wanted to walk away but he stepped on something hard solid but it was not a normal stone at all. He took up his leg and took a look on the thing he stepped on; it was a thick yellowish bar.

“Yong Hwa hyung, Hwan Su, take a look of this.” Hwan Ji went down to pick that bar up to Yong Hwa and Hwan Su.

“What is this bar?” Hwan Su asked in clueless.

“This… this is gold bar. Why and how would a gold bar end out in this deep forest?” Yong Hwa asked.

“Gold bar? No way, this can’t be a real gold bar.” Hwan Ji denied it but he could not stop himself to stare at the yellowish bar in his hand.

“How can we get to figure out if this is the real gold or fake one? I saw in the movie, they would put it in their mouth and try to bite it. Should we try that?” Hwan Su said excitedly.

“Ya, babo! No matter it’s a real gold or fake gold, it’s still hard enough to be bite off. You will end up with the same result. My way is to scratch this bar on some rock and if it left a bright yellow colour line on the stone, it is surely a real gold bar but if this is a fake one, then it will left a dark yellow or reddish yellow.” Hwan Ji smashed the bar onto Hwan Su head and said.

“OUCH! That’s hurt! How do you know that?” Hwan Su rubbed his head in pain and asked.

“Of course…… like you, see it in movie.” Hwan Ji said.

“Enough you two. What’s border me is why is this gold bar appear in here, despite of it is real or not? And does this gold bar have any connection to this case or not?” Yong Hwa stopped the twin.

“Who care about that? If this is a real gold than we can sell it to get a lot of money and we can live our life luxuriously. Ye Jong, Ye Un and Ye Mae also can get to better school with the money. Appa’s illness also can be cure.” Hwan Su said.

“I know money is important for everyone but this is not how you earn money, this might be the pilferage or belong to someone else. You might get caught if you use this gold bar, no matter which one it belong.” Yong Hwa explained.

“I don’t care, I will take the risk for our brighter future.” Hwan Su said.

“I’m with him. You, who stay in the big city, will never understand our hardness life in this island. You will agree with us if you are grown up here too.” Hwan Ji supported Hwan Su and they wanted to run away with the gold bar in hand.

“Guys!” Yong Hwa shouted to stop them but he felt something hit hardly on his head and he fell down to the ground just before he fell unconscious from the sudden impact.



A/N: I'm deeply sorry for not update the story for the past few days because I'm home alone and I had to take care of my family shop alone, so I didn't have times to write at all. And I write this chapter in hurry as soon as my family came back last night, so it might not be as good as other chapters, hope you could understand. But I promise this won't happend again. 

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)