The Small Island

Deduced A Way To You


“I never thought that this world would be this small, but is he really the one? I don’t mean to doubt you but just to be sure.” Tiffany gasped as she heard about Jin Woon story from Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa in their way to the island where they live now.

“I also not sure about it but there is some possibility for that. According to the information you got from your abeoji, he was found two years ago in September and his face was burned at that time, most importantly his face is too similar to be counted as doppelganger.” Yong Hwa said as he turned to look at the man, Jay.

“He is Jin Woon oppa, I’m not wrong in this. Jin Woon oppa, do you forget me at all? I’m Seo Hyun, your only dongsaeng.” Seo Hyun excitedly said.

“Er… I’m sorry but… I really don’t remember anything about you two. But please tell me more about this Jin Woon guy, maybe I will remember something related to him.” Jay shook his head and said.

“Hyun, you must not force him too much. I know that you want him to remember about you a lot but we must not do anything overboard, you might end up hurting him. Moreover, we can’t be sure that he is really Jin Woon yet. Maybe he is really just someone have the similar face as Jin Woon.” Yong Hwa went to patted Seo Hyun and comforted her.

“But… arasso… Jin Woon… no, Jay oppa, I’m sorry to be rude to you just now. I hope you understand me on that.” Seo Hyun said weakly. Yong Hwa was right, she should not let her hope too high. She will be hurt herself badly too if they finally found out that he is not Jin Woon.

“I understand. You can take me as your oppa when you are still in here and tell me more about your story, maybe I can find some connection to your story and help me to gain back my memory.” Jay smiley said.

“Jay, no matter you is really Jin Woon or not, it’s good to see you are happy in your life now. It must be a hard time for you when you first wake up as Jay.” Yong Hwa said. Even Jay was not Jin Woon; he hoped that at least Jin Woon was having the same experience as Jay now, still alive and good.

“Thank you for concern. Ajussi and others helped me a lot to go through the hard time and even it is hard but I’m still happy to have them with me.” Jay smiley said.

“Seo Hyun, both of us really have a lot of connection in our life. Since small we became close as we always play together then we met again in the hospital. Then now this.” Tiffany said.

“Eonni, you miss up one thing. We like the same man, right?” Seo Hyun winked.

“Huh? What… what are you saying?” Tiffany almost got choked as she heard Seo Hyun said.

“Eonni, I know it since that day I got discharge from the hospital. Your look toward Yong Hwa oppa is different from a normal guy, then in the birthday party and in the café last Sunday proved my thought even more.” Seo Hyun smiley said.

“Hyun, what are you talking about? You must be wrong about it.” Yong Hwa denied it totally because he never thought that Tiffany will do as what Seo Hyun said.

“I… I… I…” Tiffany was not able to look up to Seo Hyun. She felt guilty in front of her.

“Eonni, I’m not blaming you on anything. If I really want to blame someone, then I should blame this guy for being too attractive.” Seo Hyun turned to slap Yong Hwa on his shoulder before turning back to Tiffany again. She took her hand and continued. “Eonni, I know that you will not do anything to hurt me, which was why you decided to move in here. You even plan to avoid my wedding because you can’t face it. I know it’s been hard for you, eonni.”

“Seo Hyun, I… I’m sorry. I…” Tiffany looked up to meet Seo Hyun but she got disturbed before she could say anything.

“The island is in sight. This is where we stay now.” Jay shouted out suddenly and pointed to the island not far from their ship.

“I… there is how many people in this island?” Yong Hwa also quickly helped to change topic before it turned to more awkward for them.

“This island’s islanders are getting lesser and lesser because the young generation move out a lot while the old generation passed away. Now there should only ten houses in the island that are in use and our house is the one with biggest number.” Jay explained but he did not forget to check on Tiffany who was still holding hands with Seo Hyun.

“The ship will be land in few minute from now, get ready.” The ship captain informed.

“Get ready for what?” Seo Hyun asked in clueless.

“Get ready to jump off the ship as soon as it hit the land. Due to the strong wind and wave and the rocks around this island, the ship can’t hold its position too long, so the passengers have to get down from the ship as quickly as they can.” Jay explained.

“I also got shock when I first come to the island but luckily at that time Jay was caring enough to catch me when I almost fell when the wave hit the ship hardly just before I can get off of the ship.” Tiffany smiley said as she recalled the clumsy first day she reached this island.

“Hyun, will you be all right? I think I should get down first to be able to catch you if anything wrong happen.” Yong Hwa said in worried as he heard what happen to Tiffany.

“Don’t worry, the wave today is not as strong as that day, so it should not be danger. But I agree with you that you should go down first. Then Seo Hyun, me and lastly should be Tiffany.” Jay suggested.

“Okay.” Everyone nodded as now the ship was only few meters away from the landing site.

“Now!” The ship captain gave order as soon as it was safe for them to jump off from the ship. Yong Hwa quickly jumped off without much problem, then he turned to hold on the ship and led Seo Hyun to jump off slowly. When Seo Hyun reached the ground safely and when to inner part as Yong Hwa ordered, Jay followed from behind and helped Yong Hwa to hold on the ship too. Tiffany was the last one to jump but maybe due to her bad memory about this, she struggled a bit.

“Agassi, ppalli!” The ship captain shouted as he saw Tiffany was still not jump off from the ship.

“Tiffany, hold my hand and put both your leg on the corner of the ship, I’ll pull you down.” Jay offered and Tiffany took it immediately. Jay pulled slowly and let the gravity took the main part. Tiffany successfully slid down from the boat but unfortunately she landed on a slippery rock surface and her leg slip out. Just when her face kissed the ground, her whole body was pulled upward strongly. She then fell into someone’s chest. She turned to look who was behind her and Yong Hwa’s face came into sight. Just when she was almost getting shy because she thought Yong Hwa saved her, something reminded her about the missing someone. She looked down and noticed Jay was groaning of pain on the rocky ground.

“Eonni, Jay oppa, gwaenchanayo?” Seo Hyun quickly walked toward them from her standing place. Everything happened too quickly and no one was expected this to happen.

“Jay, are you alright? I’m sorry to be so clumsy.” Tiffany quickly went down to Jay and asked in worried.

“I’m fine. How about you? Did you have hurt anywhere?” Jay asked back.

“Can you stand up? Your back was all wet from the sea water; we should get you back and let you have a change fast.” Tiffany shook her head and said. She pulled Jay up with Yong Hwa’s help.

“Agassi, you are so clumsy, every time you will cause your man to get hurt. This is the third times already.” The boat captain said as he turned the ship away and drove off again.

“Don’t listen to him; he always said bad words to other people too. Let’s get back to house now.” Jay said.

“He is right; I always end up hurting you. If only I’m brave enough to jump off the ship, you will not be hurt again. It’s my entire fault.” Tiffany said sadly.

“I’m fine, really. So please don’t be sad of that. AUCH!” Jay forced out a smile and said.

“This is so-called ‘fine’? Your back is all hurt and bleeding now. We should bring you to clinic first to clean out the wound.” Yong Hwa touched Jay’s back and said.

“There is not clinic in this island. But we got a first-aid kit in the house, so we have to go back now.” Jay said weekly.

“Alright, let’s go now. Hyun, stop staring us and quickly follow us.” Yong Hwa said and turned to the zoomed out Seo Hyun.

“Oppa, wait.” Seo Hyun called and Yong Hwa signalled Tiffany and Jay go first and went to Seo Hyun.

“Hyun, anything wrong?” Yong Hwa asked in worried, he thought she got herself hurt somewhere.

“Oppa, let them go first. They need some private space; we should follow from a distance behind them.” Seo Hyun smiley said.

“Jay and Tiffany?” Yong Hwa asked in surprised and turned to the two.

“Don’t you think that they match each other a lot? I can see that Jay oppa is caring about eonni a lot and I think eonni like him too, of course not until the over-friendship like but at least it’s a good start.” Seo Hyun smiley said and started to follow the two from a ‘safe’ distance back.

“You think too much already. They are living as in a family; of course they will take care of each other, like Ji Young and me. Are you saying that Ji Young and I will develop into over-friendship relation?” Yong Hwa nonchalantly said.

“How about a bet? I’m betting that they will be together at last. The loser of this betting will have to cook for the winner for a year and mustn’t complain at all.” Seo Hyun said and put up her pinkie finger for Yong Hwa.

“Deal.” Yong Hwa locked her pinkie with his and met their thumbs together as the agreement.

“Yay… I got free foods for a year!” Seo Hyun smiley said. She was very sure that she will win this bet.


“How is Jay now?” Yong Hwa asked as he saw Tiffany walked out from Jay’s room with the first aid kit in her hands.

“His back is badly hurt and blood a lot but I already clean his wound and warp it with bandage. He should be fine for now, if until tomorrow he didn’t show any side effect, than he should be alright.” Tiffany weakly said.

“Eonni, oppa will be alright for sure.” Seo Hyun went to comfort Tiffany.

“Hwan Ji just comes to call us because your appa want to see us, we should go now. It is not too good for him to wait too long.” Yong Hwa informed. Hwan Ji was the youngest brother of Tiffany.

“Yes, we should go now.” Seo Hyun nodded and let Tiffany brought them to her father’s room.

“Wassso? Please make yourself home.” Tiffany’s father smiley said from his bad as he saw the three walked into his room. He was too weak to get down from the bed so he could not welcome Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun like normal person.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I hope we are not disturbing you with our present.” Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun bowed to Tiffany’s father together.

“Haha… no, the house is more vital with more guests. Mi Young, I heard that Jay is hurt. What happened to him?” Tiffany’s father weakly smiled and turned to Tiffany.

“He is alright now. He fell down on the rocky beach and hurt his back, when he tried to save me.” Tiffany explained to her father.

“You can’t jump from the boat again? You should pick up that talent soon or you want to be stay in here forever, not going out to main land anymore?” Tiffany’s father weakly said.

“Arasso appa.” Tiffany whispered.

“Ajussi, Agassi, you two should go to see around the island, there are a few sites that are worth to see. I’m sorry that I can’t serve you myself, blame to this weak body.” Tiffany’s father smiley said to Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun.

“Algesseubnida and don’t be feel sorry. We can take care of ourselves. Get well soon.” Yong Hwa said and walked out of the room first, then followed by Seo Hyun and Tiffany.

“Mi Young, one more thing, have you make up your mind on my suggestion that day? I hope you can give me the answer before it’s too late.” Tiffany’s father stopped Tiffany before she could go out from the room.

“Appa, I’m still thinking about it. I promise I’ll come out with an answer as soon as possible.” Tiffany turned back to her father and said before she continued back her step out from the room.

“Seo Hyun, Yong Hwa-ssi, where do you want to go visit?” Tiffany asked Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun as they were out from her father’s room.

“Let go to see Jay first, I don’t think either one of us will be enjoying the sight-seeing at this moment.” Yong Hwa said.

“Ne, oppa is right about it. The sight-seeing can wait.” Seo Hyun agreed with Yong Hwa.

“Noona! Jay hyung body is suffering with heat!” Hwan Su, the eldest one between the two boys came and shouted to Tiffany. Tiffany and the couple quickly ran to Jay’s room together with Hwan Su. Hwan Ji was already in the room holding Jay’s forehead to check on his body temperature.

“We need to take him out to hospital fast.” Tiffany said in hurried as she saw Jay’s condition. The worst had just happen but she never expected to be this sudden.

“Noona, the boat will only come back tonight and it will only sail off tomorrow morning. How are we going to bring Jay hyung out?” Hwan Su asked.

“Then we have no choice now but to lower his temperature to below risky level or it might risk his life. Hwan Ji, go and get a bowl of warm water and a piece of clean towel. Hwan Su, you go and ask Gu ajussi if there is other way to get Jay out to hospital as fast as possible. Yong Hwa-ssi, can you accompany Hwan Su?” Tiffany ordered and they quickly ran out and did as Tiffany asked.

“Eonni, I got some pain-killer in my luggage. Does that help?” Seo Hyun asked.

“Ne, please get it. We have to do everything we could.” Tiffany said while she used her sleeve to wipe off those sweat on Jay’s forehead.

“Jay, please don’t die… I will blame myself on this forever if you really face any danger.” Tiffany softly said. She suddenly remembered back what her father asked her on her first day back to this island.


“Mi Young-ah, I believe you already meet Jay just now right? What do you think of him?” Tiffany’s father asked on the first night Tiffany went back to the house.

“Ne, he is a nice guy and caring. I can see that Hwan Su, Hwan Ji and Ye Jong like him so much. Ye Un and Ye Mae didn’t show much attract to him but at least they can accept him in this house. Appa, why are you asking this question?” Tiffany replied her father but she was still clueless on her father’s intention.

“This young man is a good man, despite of his scar face. He has no memory of the past at all and all he has now is us. I like him so much that I hope he can continue to stay with us and help you to take care of the others. But to just let him stay in this house with you and your dongsaeng-deul together, after I died, might cause people talking badly at the back. So, after giving a few thought, I hope you two and get married and with that you two can officially stay in a house together, without letting people talking badly behind you. What do you think about it?” Tiffany’s father explained.

“Appa! We just meet today and you want me to marry with him? I know that he is a good man and he should be a good husband but that doesn’t mean that I should take him as my husband. I won’t say for sure for the future ahead but at least now I have nothing special feeling for him. I… I… I have someone in my heart right now, so I don’t think that I can accept this so sudden.” Tiffany rejected strongly.

“Sorry for disturb, I didn’t mean to eavesdropping your conversation but I think Tiffany-ssi is right, ajussi. We just meet for few hours, and there is much more for us to learn about each other. Moreover, how can I ask for Tiffany-ssi with this ugly face of my? Ajussi, don’t worry about Tiffany-ssi and the other; I will take care of them even I’m not one of the family. I will also take care of the fake rumor, if there are some of them.” Jay knocked into the door and said.

“Jay-ssi, I didn’t mean that I am disgust with your scar, a look doesn’t represent a person at all. I never took good-looking as my style.” Tiffany quickly explained.

“I understand, Tiffany-ssi. It’s me that I can’t let you accept someone like me.” Jay shook his head.

“I know it’s too sudden for you two but I really hope that you two can get married. Mi Young, I never take care of you since small, so I really hope that I can find someone that can take care of you well before I close my eyes forever and the prefect one I can think of is Jay. I’m not forcing you to accept him immediately but please consider it from now on. I really hope that at least I can see you get married with my very own eyes.” Tiffany’s father said.

“Appa, you will be healthy soon, so please don’t say that. You still need to see my future child, your grandchild then Hwan Su or Hwan Ji’s wedding, and if possible you also should attended Ye Jong, Ye Un and Ye Mae wedding too.” Tiffany held her father tightly.

“Haha… that’s my hope too before but I know my own condition. Your wedding is my only hope now.” Tiffany’s father laughed weakly and said.

“Appa, don’t say anything close to that anymore. We just meet each other again and we finally stay in a house as family, I don’t allow you to leave me again so soon. You have to be healthy for me, for others and most importantly for your own sake.” Tiffany sadly said.

“Ajussi, Tiffany-ssi is right, you still have years ahead to stay healthy and happily with them. Don’t give up so fast.” Jay also helped.

“Arasso, arasso… I’ll not give up so easily. I still want to see you two get married.” Tiffany’s father smiley said.

“Appa, it’s too fast to mention about this.” Tiffany rejected again.

“Arasso, I won’t force you two anymore. But promise me to think about it and take the decision fast.” Tiffany’s father nodded and said.

“… alright, I will think about it first.” Tiffany nodded.

-End of Flashback-

“Jay, how can I be your wife? I only will burden you more with my clumsiness. Now that we know you might be a son of president, you won’t stay in this small island anymore after you have your memory back, so what’s the use to keep you with us?” Tiffany whispered.

“Eonni, here is the pill. It’s pain-killer for some minor illness, like fever, flu and cough.” Seo Hyun ran into the room and passed the pills to Tiffany.

“This better works.” Tiffany quickly took two of them and carefully pulled Jay up to let him eat the pill, then she took the water from Seo Hyun to let Jay drink a bit. She then put him lay down carefully again.

“Eonni, can I ask one thing? Do you like Jay oppa?” Seo Hyun asked bluntly as she saw the full process.

“Huh? Like? What are you talking about? Of course I like him, just like how I like you and my family. He is part of the family too.” Tiffany answered without looking at Seo Hyun.

“But from what I see, you like him more than a family member.” Seo Hyun smiley said.

“Stop with you love detective games. I only treat him as part of the family member. Anyone in this house in his condition, I will also give the same treatment as him.” Tiffany turned to look at Seo Hyun with angry look.

“Eonni, I was just…” Seo Hyun noticed the look on Tiffany and she was trying to explain herself but someone broke into the room before she did that.

“Noona, the water and towel.” Hwan Ji walked carefully into the room with a big bowl of water and a towel in his hands.

“Hwan Ji, please help him to take off his shirt, we need to wipe his body with this warm water, to help him lower his body temperature.” Tiffany got the bowl and towel from Hwan Ji and ordered him while she soaked the towel in the water then twisted it dry again. When she turned back, Jay’s shirt was already opened and she softly wiped the half wet towel on Jay’s body. She then repeated a few times, she also wiped it on Jay’s face and both hands, before she soaked the towel for the last time and twisted it dry to put on Jay’s forehead in nicely fold.


“Em… Oh my god, how can I fell asleep? How is Jay… Jay?” Tiffany opened his eyes as she felt light from outside. She stayed back in Jay’s room to take care of his body temperature but she fell asleep in the middle of night. She turned to Jay’s bed but to her surprise, the bed was empty.

“Jay! Jay! Where are you, Jay?” Tiffany quickly ran out of the room to find his whereabouts but there was no replied from him. Everyone in the house got awaken from Tiffany shout.

“Tiffany-ssi, what’s wrong?” Yong Hwa pushed his room door and saw Tiffany.

“Jay… Jay is missing from his room. I can’t find him anywhere.” Tiffany said in nervous.

“What??” Seo Hyun, who was behind Yong Hwa, was surprised to hear that.



A/N: Nothing much on this chapter, just to explain Tiffany-Jay relationship. Is Jay really the lost memory Jin Woon? Give it a guess.   :)

Oh, one more thing. This is the brief introduce of Tiffany's brothers and sisters. Ye Jong, the oldest girl after Tiffany, was studying collage in Busan now. Hwan Su and Hwan Ji, the twin boys, was waiting for the university intake and stay in the house to take care of their father. Ye Un and Ye Mae, the two maknae, were study in an high school in Busan, staying with their now second eonni. The three girls in Busan will only went back to the island when something important or any festival day to celebrate. hope this will help you to understand them more.

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)