I Won't Let You Go - Part 1/2

Hopelessly Falling In Love
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Chapter 5: I Won't Let You Go - Part 1/2





"What do you mean Yongguk wants to meet with me?!" Daehyun exclaimed a bit too loudly, his brown eyes widening in shock. Zelo huffed and slapped his hand to Daehyun's mouth, leaning in a little.

"Will you keep your voice down?!" He hissed through a whisper. "We're still in school, you moron!" Daehyun blinked and his eyes looked around, noticing a few students eating their lunch was giving them weird looks while murmuring amongst each other. Daehyun nodded and Zelo took his hand away. "And yes, he does. He simply told me that he wants me to convince you to go to his house for some dinner. He wants to talk to you in private."

Daehyun's eyes studied Zelo's, narrowing slightly. "He wants to know more about what Himchan told me, doesn't he?" He said. Zelo nodded as he chewed on a french fry.

"Of course he does. Who wouldn't? Look, hyung, Yongguk really loves you. He wants to make it up to you, even if it means confronting Himchan about what he told you and even if it means telling his feelings for you to the whole school." He said. Daehyun's eyes widened.

"But he could loose his job!" He exclaimed. Zelo rolled his eyes and leaned back a little.

"Does it sound like he cares? Your father has known Yongguk for years now. They've been good friends. I'm sure your father wouldn't be too shocked if he knew Yongguk and you have feelings for each other!" He said. Daehyun groaned and banged his forehead on the lunch table. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

What would happen if I do meet up with Yongguk? What if Himchan finds out and tells the whole school prior because of it?! Daehyun thought to himself and furrowed his eyebrows.

Zelo has been trying to convince him to go see him for the past few hours, but Daehyun would simply refuse. It's not like Daehyun planned to meet with Yongguk, and it's not like he honestly wanted to see him.  But he did. He really wanted to see Yongguk and be in his arms again. Maybe this was his chance. He had to take it, knowing Yongguk is trying to solve the mess between them.

"Fine." Daehyun said as he raised his head. Zelo's jaw dropped.

"It's been hours since I've been trying to convince you to--"

"--I don't care how long it's been. I'm going to meet him tonight." Daehyun said, cutting Zelo off. Zelo sighed before he rubbed the back of his neck.

"And I suppose there's something you want in return?" He said. At first, Daehyun had nothing in mind. But then something popped up like a light bulb switching on above his head. He smirked and Zelo blinked, his eyes widening a little. "That smirk is freaking me out. You look like a e. Cut it out." Daehyun glared and swatted Zelo's head.

"If I meet with Yongguk tonight for dinner, you have to meet with Jongup." He said. Zelo gasped a little as he rubbed his head, his eyes widening. "Do we got a deal?" Daehyun smirked and held out his hand. Zelo looked between Daehyun's hand and Daehyun's expression. For minutes, Zelo stayed still.

The younger of the two sighed. "Deal." He said as he took Daehyun's hand.




Daehyun managed to shove Zelo out of his home, knowing Zelo was a homebody and refused to go outside. It took Daehyun an hour--or maybe even longer...--to get Zelo dressed and out the door. Zelo knew he had a deal with Daehyun, but it didn't mean he was willing to see Jongup.

The last time Jongup and Zelo talked, it didn't end well. Zelo knew he was madly in love with the dancer, but it got him into bad trouble. Jongup's friends didn't like Zelo, so they launched a plan to seperate them. And it worked. Jongup broke Zelo's heart without emotion, not knowing that it shattered Jongup also. 

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bangdaebak #1

I like teacher!bang and student!dae

Thank you for writing xx
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 6: LOL yongguk and daehyun at the end
Chapter 6: How could you end it like this?!?!?!?! DX
Chapter 6: i didn't expecting this is would be the end..
but this is great! i love it.
thanks for writing this! :)
Looovely #5
This is really great :)
Thank you for sharing <3<3
KehKeh #6
Chapter 6: Great story xD
Chapter 6: LOL I love how straightforward Dae's dad is xDDDDD
Whoa there BangDae, already naughty i see ;D
This was a great story :D
heeyoung_kwon #8
Chapter 6: This is really great ~~~~~~
Chapter 6: Aww... :"D

BangDae. XD