First Love

Once Upon A Fairytale


Cinderella had a first a first love too.


Joo-yeon's POV

I tried not to groan as I sat down.

English is the only class I don't have with Taemin or Ji Eun.

As usual, I tried to ignore everyone around me. This was hard because Hye Ri and her crew kept laughing.

"Joo-yeon ah," Hye Ri smiled sweetly, tapping me on the shoulder.

Slowly, I turned to look at her.

"Are you going to the Choi company's party?" she asked. Why was she talking to me?

"Yes," I replied shortly, trying not to glare at her. The girl Jonghyun follows all the time.

In fact, he was staring at us as we spoke. Probably to make sure I don't jump his princess.

"You're going with Taemin, huh?" she raised an eyebrow. Her friends looked scandalized.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked, curious despite myself. I shouldn't have asked. Hye Ri rarely talks to me. Unless she wants to make trouble...

"Isn't that kind of cruel? We all know that girl likes him," she said slowly, turning to her friends for confirmation.

"That's right. Isn't Ji Eun, your friend, in love with him?" one of them smirked.

"And it's obvious you're not interested in him. You just like keeping Taemin by your side. How selfish," Hye Ri continued, smiling evilly.

My hand balled into a fist and I saw Jonghyun get up.
"After all, we all know you like-"

I pushed my chair back loudly and stood up.
"I don't need to hear this," I smiled, glancing at Jonghyun.

Hye Ri grinned and put her arm around Jonghyun.
Taking a deep breath, I ran out the door.


I didn't make eye contact with Ji Eun during lunch. I could tell she was upset because of this, but I ignored it.

My next class was with Hye Ri, so I decided to skip and go home. Unfortunately, my stepmother was there too. Making sure she didn't see me, I dropped my things off and headed back to school.

I decided to explore the school garden, a place I've never visited.

The garden was enclosed by a black iron gate and the inside was carpeted with lush green moss sprinkled with light pink flowers. The far end of the garden was taken up by a large willow tree whose branches nearly touched the floor.

Excited, I ran to it and pulled the heavy branches aside.
The leaves let no sunlight through and the grass was cool. Without thinking, I lay down and closed my eyes.
Soon, I was asleep.


Key's POV

I felt my phone vibrate.

Groggily, I stood up.

To: Key
From: Onew
Wake up sleeping beauty. Time to party. Meet me at the club.

Woah. How long was I asleep? I checked my watch and saw that school had ended five minutes ago.

I quickly stood up and brushed the dirt off my clothes.

I turned around to walk away but stopped when I saw a sleeping figure.

It was a girl with long black hair covering her face.
I tried not to scream.

How dare she sleep under MY tree!

I was about to shake her awake when I remembered that I had to meet Onew.

Just as I was leaving, I heard her shift in her sleep.
"Jonghyun..." she mumbled sleepily.

Who? Aish! Whatever.


Taemin's POV

I dialed Ji Eun's number.

"Have you found her yet?" I asked her desperately.

"No," she replied patiently, "I'll go look in the other classrooms."
"Okay. Call me if you find her," I repeated for the third time.

"No, it's okay. I'll wait for your call since you've been calling me every two minutes," she laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Bye."

Where is she?

I ran back to her last class but she wasn't there.

I turned around to leave but my path was blocked.

Hye Ri had her bag slung over one shoulder.

"Excuse me," I muttered, trying to push past her. For some reason, Hye Ri was Joo-yeon's number one enemy. Naturally, that made me not like her.

"Looking for your princess," she smirked, blocking my way with her hand.

"Yeah. Why? Do you know where she is?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.I felt my face redden. Wait, did I just reply yes? As if Joo-yeon was my princess?

"I don't know. She ditched class," Hye Ri finally shrugged, smiling at me.

She ditched? That's not like her.

"Why?" It slipped out of my mouth.

At that moment though, Jonghyun arrived.

"Hye Ri, the car's ready," he grinned, not acknowledging me.

"Oh, right," she smiled, linking arms with him.

"Are you two dating?" I blurted out, looking at Hye Ri. I don't talk to Jonghyun when we're at school.

"I guess you could say that," she smirked, pulling Jonghyun forward.

I watched as they walked away.

I was still staring at their retreating figures when my phone vibrated.

To: Taemin
From: Ji Eun
I called unnie's home. Her maids said she dropped her stuff off and went somewhere. Probably wants to be left alone. She's been acting weird since lunch. Anyways, I have to go home. Bye.

To: Ji Eun
From: Taemin
Okay. Bye.

I know I should send her home. But who knows what trouble Joo-yeon can get into? Aish!

With that, I ran to my car. I need to find Joo-yeon.


Joo-yeon's POV

"One more drink please," I tapped the counter impatiently.
The bartender raised an eyebrow before preparing me another glass.

"Funny. You don't look eighteen," I heard a voice to my left say.

I turned to glare at the person sitting next to me.

My mouth dropped open and I turned away swiftly.

Lee Jinki? What is he doing here?! It is him, right?!

"Hey Onew," a girl smiled, snaking her arm around his waist from behind.

I peeked through my hair and saw him surrounded by three girls. Player. Onew. So it is him.

"Later," he smirked, shaking her off gently.

She pouted before moving onto the dance floor.

The bartender slid a drink across the counter and I downed it in one gulp.

Was Hye Ri just messing around..? Or does she really know?
I've never told anyone. Except Jonghyun.

He couldn't have told her, right..?

"Hello?" Onew waved his hand in front of me.

"What?!" I snapped, fully facing him.

"Oh! Park, right?" his face lit up.

"Uh, no," I faced forward abruptly, raising my voice an octave.



"What?!" my face lifted up instinctively but I quickly looked down at my lap.

"Aha! I knew it was you. Park Joo-yeon," Onew grinned triumphantly, putting his arm around my bare shoulder.
I was too weak to shake him off.

"So, why are you here?" he raised an eyebrow, ordering another drink.

"None of your business," I muttered, trying to get up.
I swayed on my feet and I felt him steady me.

"I think you've had too much to drink," he said worriedly, shaking me by the shoulders lightly.

"There you are!" a voice exclaimed, popping up behind Onew.

Was I hallucinating or was that Key?! Key dressed in a black shirt and baggy jeans; not his usual geek wear..?

"Who's tha-OMO?! Rude yellow dress girl?!" Key pointed at me accusingly.

"Can't you think of a better name?" I frowned, glaring at him.

"What are you doing with her?" Key screeched, completely ignoring me.

"I just ran into her," Onew explained.

Key turned to glare at me.

"So, where's that guy you were with?" he finally asked, narrowing his eyes.


I covered my mouth quickly. I just blurted out the name of the guy I was thinking of the whole night.

"Is he the curly haired..."

"Wait..." his eyes widened in shock.

"You sound just like the girl who slept under MY tree," he pointed at me in horror.


"Oh, the willow," I mumbled, feeling myself get sleepy.

"Yes, yes! MY willow," he stuttered, shaking with anger.

"Calm down," Onew rolled his eyes, putting his arm securely around me.

"We need to call someone to pick her up," he nudged me.

I handed him my phone. My eyes were threatening to close.

"Why don't you have your parent's phone number saved?" Key asked questioningly as I watched Onew scroll through my contacts list.

"Call Taem-" I stopped, remembering what Hye Ri said about me being selfish.

Who could I call..?

"Jonghyun, maybe..?" I mumbled to myself.

"Hye Ri's driver?" Onew asked in surprise.

"Isn't he the reason you're trying to drown your sorrows?" Key wrinkled his nose.

My eyes flew open in surprise.

"How did you know?" I mumbled, looking away.

"What? Is he your first love or something?" Key said mockingly.

Okay. That was it. He asked for it.

Angrily, I grabbed my phone from Onew and threw it right at Key's head.

It hit him with a satisfying clack. Before it fell into Onew's full glass.

Then, I passed out.


Key's POV

"OMO!" I stepped forward quickly and caught her before she fell.

I held her up while Onew fished her phone out of his drink.

"It's dead," he said shortly.


"Great. Now who are we going to call," I groaned.

"It's your fault. If you hadn't rubbed salt in her wound, Joo-yeon wouldn't have thrown her phone at you!" Onew threw up his hands in despair.

"What wound?" I retorted, annoyed.

"Hmm, let me think. You said Jonghyun was her first love. Mockingly, might I add." he replied sarcastically, rubbing his head.

"That doesn't justify her hitting me," I defended, frowning.

"Whatever. Just let her stay at your place tonight, then," Onew sighed, getting up.

"BWOH?! Why my house?!" my eyes widened in shock.

"Because it's your fault," he yelled back, " and I'll be busy tonight."

Before I could reply, he ran out of the club.

I turned to Joo-yeon, who had rested her head on the counter.

She was actually kind of cute when she wasn't yelling her head off.

Even in her sleep though, she looked heartbroken. For some reason, it made me want to protect her...

I can't believe she'd get this worked up over some guy.


Cinderella had a first a first love too.


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KokoroNoTakara #1
Chapter 25: This was AMAZING!!! But it seems you havent updated your other stories in a while... SO sad... I hope you update soon for the sequel!!!
AlmightyNeesa #2
Chapter 25: I'm sad that it's the end.. I started reading it a while ago and forgot about it but I finally finished and I'm sad. It's one of the few stories that I enjoyed reading.
Chapter 32: Wow... Absolutely LOVE this story and the way it's written with that fairytail part at the begging and end of the chapters. I ended up feeling really bad for Jonghyun...
Keep up the good work~!
Chapter 32: whao. i love your writing. i was not bored one bit throughout the story! omg is it gonna be Minho and THE stepsister?!?
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 32: WOW-EEE!! Finished reading and the story was super duper awesome ^___^ I love how its based on fairytales!! Probably one of the best SHINee fics I've read kekeke HWAITING!
kawaiigirl356 #6
Chapter 32: Just finished reading this. It was really good. I like the way plot was laid out. I'm reading your fanfic about Jonghyun and I like it a lot. ^^ Plz keep writing awesome stories.
Chapter 25: FINISHED! Woah...... Amazing. Just amazing. You are a very talented written author nim
Chapter 20: Hehe I love this story! Almost done keke ;D
haruyang #9
New reader! Omg just chanced upon this and i loved the story so much! Love the ongoing non- fic too! Will be looking forward to the sequel to this. Looks like it's going to get more exciting!
Chapter 25: I really love this Fic. Your such an awsome writer. DAEBAK!!!!