Messages and Invitations

Once Upon A Fairytale


All the noble coachman wants to do is hide in his castle and rest. After all, time heals most wounds. But peace is the last thing he gets when he arrives home. The king who previously had six queens awaits him. Fortunately, the king has words of advice. Unfortunately, he also bears bad news.

Meanwhile, a shocked Cinderella is forcefully thrown out of Prince Charming's castle. However, the arrogant prince arrives in time to catch her fall. When he drops her off at her castle, she finds that the wicked stepmother has been waiting for her.

It seems that someone was also waiting for the arrogant prince. For when he arrives at his dark castle, the mermaid is there.

And four days later, when all the kingdom's subjects suddenly receive invitations to another ball at the palace, they realize that something huge awaits them when they arrive.

The fairy godmother. The peasant girl. The noble coachman. The arrogant prince. The king who used to have six queens. Cinderella.

The king of the kingdom. The sea witch. The mermaid. Prince Charming.

Will Fairy Godmother be able to work his magic, or will the ticking clock strip him of his power? Will the peasant girl let Cinderella attend the ball in rags? Will the noble coachman find the glass slipper in time? Will the arrogant prince restore the mermaids voice? Will the king of the kingdom and the king who previously had six queens be able to stop the sea witch and give Prince Charming a happy ending?

When the clock finally strikes midnight, will Cinderella flee down the castle steps?

Will Prince Charming follow?


Jonghyun's POV


I stole a quick glance at my phone before shifting my attention back to the road.

A new text from Ji Eun and another one from Onew.

Sighing, I turned my phone off and punched in the combination that opens the gate to my house.

The garage was empty, like always, meaning that neither of my parents were home.

I quickly jumped out of the car, desperate to just collapse on my bed and sleep.

I was only a few feet from the front door when a hand suddenly grabbed my elbow.

Without thinking, I twisted the guy's arm and flipped him onto his back.

"Oh my god! What was that for?!" the guy screamed, clutching his arm.

Raising an eyebrow, I took off his sunglasses.




Onew's POV

I rubbed my arm and shot Jonghyun another glare.

He ignored me and kept his eyes on the television, which was playing some horror movie. Truthfully, I was getting scared, so I ended up focusing on his walls.

"Why'd you throw me to the ground?" I snapped when he finally turned to me.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and gestured at me.

"You're  wearing dark shades on a cloudy day. You're dressed in all black. You grabbed my elbow out of nowhere. I thought you were a ert," he smirked, flipping his bangs over his head.

I wrinkled my nose at him.

"Well, I only wore this so you wouldn't notice me," I grumbled.

He raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Wait. Were you stalking me?" he grinned for a few seconds before the smile disappeared from his face.


"Great. Did you hear us talking at Joo-yeon's house?" he sighed, burying his head in his hands.

"Yeah..." I replied quietly, "And that's why I came."

Jonghyun looked up and waited for me to continue.

"Well, I was there because of Key," I began nervously, "Well, I was there for him. He didn't know I went to Joo-yeon's house."

Jonghyun stared at me, still silent. I really should have planned this speech out a bit more...

I took a deep breath.

"I just wanted to tell you will find you," I said.

"Find me?" Jonghyun wrinkled his forehead.

"Yeah. It'll find you when the time is right. And until then, you don't have to look at every girl as a potential girlfriend. Sometimes, friendship is more than enough," I said slowly.

"You're the one who looks at every girl as a potential girlfriend," he scoffed before smiling, "But I know what you're trying to say."

"Right. So to speed up the healing process, you should treasure your friendship with Joo-yeon. That's what I'm doing," I shrugged.

Jonghyun paused before turning to me.

"It'll be hard. But I can do it. It's just, I'm not sure how to face her," he replied quietly, "Knowing Joo-yeon, she'll probably feel guilty the next time she sees me."

I groaned.

Right. That's so like her...


"Why don't you pretend you're over her? But when you do, don't be all cold. Pretend you're sincere and act all happy. She'll definitely be happy for you!" I said excitedly.

"Pretend I'm over her? How?" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow skeptically.

Oh Jonghyun. So naive.

"Pretend you're dating someone, duh," I laughed.

"First off, I'm not that fickle. And won't that hurt her? Plus she'll think I wasn't serious about her," Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

"Joo-yeon's not like that. She'll be happy for you. don't want her to be happy for you?" I finished with a frown.

Jonghyun groaned.

"I know she's not like that. I guess I'm just scared that if I pretend and she's happy for me, I'll get even more upset," he sighed.

"But you do want her to not feel guilty..." I reminded him, "So, I could pretend..."

Jonghyun's eyes widened and he held up a hand to stop me.

"Oh no. No WAY! I'm not going to pretend I'm dating you," he nearly screamed.


"I was about to say 'I could pretend you're dating one of my exes..." I stared at him.


"Oh," Jonghyun coughed nervously, "Well...I'd rather not. I'll just talk to Joo-yeon."

I shrugged.

"Whatever...Did you really think I was going to offer to date you though?!" I snickered.

"Gaah, shut up! Just leave. Now," he groaned, burying his face in his pillow.

I gulped, suddenly remembering my second reason for coming.

"I can't..." I trailed off, earning another stare from Jonghyun.

"Why not?" he sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"You're over Joo-yeon and you want her to be happy with Key, right?" I bit my lip.

Jonghyun nodded and leaned forward.

"Well...there's a chance that might not happen because...Key's engaged."


Minho's POV

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" Key yelled, grabbing Joo-yeon's free arm.

She was being dragged out by Halmeuni's bodyguards.

"Key, let go," I muttered in his ear, sensing that he was about to lose it. His hand was tightly clenched into a fist and he looked ready to punch the lights out of the guys.

But there were three of them and they'd obviously been hired for their size.

"Why are you doing this? You already got what you want, now let Joo-yeon go," I hissed at Halmeuni, who was watching the scene with a smile on her lips.

"You must be joking Minho. She's caused me too much trouble," she smiled, motioning for them to lead Joo-yeon away.

I was about to go after them when Key walked up to Halmeuni and grabbed her wrist.

"Key, calm down!" I grabbed his elbow but he shook me off.

"Let me guess? This is about the company, right?! Well I'm not marrying Eun Ri," he pulled away and headed for the door.

"You don't have a choice," she screeched at his retreating figure, "Unless you want to give up everything! You can never be with Park Joo-yeon. Your father's advisors will never allow you to marry a low girl like her!"

I spun around to face her.

"And what?! You think they'll be okay with you owning half the company?!" I said angrily.

A wide smile spread across her face.

"The only thing they care about is expanding the company. They won't care if I own half as long as they get their money," she cackled.

"What about Joo-yeon?! I know you had something to do with her sister's marriage! If you hadn't interfered, she would still be an heiress and you still would have gotten half of the company!" I protested.

She scoffed.

"Dear Minho, you underestimate me. Eun Ri is more than willing to give up her half of the company. As for Joo-yeon, she never would have done it," she shrugged.

"Is that all that matters to you?! Money?!" I yelled angrily.

Her grin disappeared.

"Of course not. Making Key suffer is important too."


Joo-yeon's POV

I can't believe this.

Jung Ah's actually getting married?! I mean, we're only seventeen!

But the invitation looked real and Key's grandmother didn't look like she was lying.

"We're sorry," the guards said before closing the gate.

Wow. Even the evil bodyguards are apologizing. They must really sense my misery...

As soon as they were gone, I sat down on the curb.

Seriously, what's happening?!

I went to Key's house to confess, ended up being ridiculously happy just because he put his arm around me, had my mouth drop open in shock when I was handed a wedding invitation, then was kicked out because I'm no longer an heiress.

But the way the grandmother talked, she made it sound like I was Key's girlfriend and she refused to let the two of us be together.

I felt my ears turn red just thinking about it.

I mean, we're just friends. Did she think we were dating?!

Not that I don't like that idea but...

"Yo!" a car suddenly pulled up in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

A nice yellow sports car with a yellow-haired boy inside.

"Kevin..." I stood up wide-eyed, surprised to see him, "Why are you here?"

He pushed a button on the dashboard and the passenger door swung up, opening.

"Get in," he grinned, shooting a quick glance at Key's house.

I followed his gaze and saw Key running down the driveway.

I turned back around hesitantly and opened my mouth.

"Trust me, you shouldn't talk to him until you know all the details," Kevin leaned forward quickly and gently pulled on my wrist.

I paused and heard Key call my name.

"Do you want his grandmother to go psycho on you when she realizes you're not off their property?" he raised an eyebrow.


"Too late. You don't have a choice," and with that he pulled me in and sped off before the door even closed.


Key's POV

"Yah, Park Joo-yeon. You better answer your phone soon or I'm coming to get you," I frowned before hanging up. I can't believe she'd turn her phone off at a time like this.

Who was that guy she left with anyways? I don't recognize the car...

But then again, even Onew has ten other cars I've never seen.


What am I supposed to do now?!

I'm not going back into the house with Halmeuni there.

And I have to deal with Eun Ri.

But how?

My hands are tied. I promised my step-dad I'd get married after graduation. But I don't even have a girlfriend!

And now Joo-yeon's not an heiress, Halmeuni's hired bodyguards to make sure I stay away from her, and all of Seoul will find out I'm engaged to Eun Ri in a week.

Why is this happening?!


Ji Eun's POV

"Why is this happening?!" I screamed, jumping onto Joo-yeon's couch.

"A-answer the phone!" Taemin stuttered, pointing at the sleek black phone that rested on the coffee table.

"Heck no! It's Key! What am I supposed to say?!" I yelled back, biting my lip.

"Just pick up! This is the billionth time he's called," Taemin's eyes were wide with panic.

"You answer it then!" I grabbed the phone and tossed it to him.

Taemin caught it easily and tossed it back to me.

"What if he gets the wrong idea?! Me, answering Joo-yeon's phone? If he misunderstands, she'll kill me!" Taemin begged.


"What's going on?!" a third frantic voice suddenly jumped in.


The phone fell onto the marble floor.

"Jonghyun, you're back!" my eyes widened.

"And Onew's here too..." Taemin raised an eyebrow, still panicking.

"Yeah, but what are you guys doing?!" Jonghyun ran forward and picked Joo-yeon's phone off the floor.

At that moment, her shrill ringtone pierced the air.

"Great, he's calling. AGAIN. Jonghyun, pick it up!" Taemin shook Jonghyun by the shoulders.

"No! That's worse than you picking it up!" I grabbed the phone and threw it out of Jonghyun's grasp. It landed neatly in Onew's hands.

"Okay, everybody, calm down!" Onew pressed some buttons and the phone turned silent.

"Where's Joo-yeon?!" Jonghyun turned to me swiftly.

Huh? Joo-yeon?

"She's supposed to be with Key, but I guess she's not since he's...calling her," I finished lamely.

"He's going to be mad we didn't pick up," Taemin added quietly.

"Yeah, well we've got bigger problems," Onew sighed, pulling out a bright red phone out of his pocket.

"Look," Jonghyun grabbed Onew's phone and showed Taemin and me the screen.

" Key's engagement party?! To SONG EUN RI?!" I screeched, pushing the phone away and turning to glare at Onew.

He held his hands up in defense.

"It's not the official invitation. It's a joke. Some staff members at Choi Inc. circulated it and it reached my secretary," he explained.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"So he's not getting married?"

Jonghyun and Onew exchanged a long glance.

"When I said it was a joke, I meant that the invitation you saw just now was fake. Because, you don't announce that an heir is engaged through do it in person," Onew said slowly.


"The real invitation will be sent out. But it won't say anything about an engagement, It'll just invite everyone to another masked ball. Then Key's grandmother will announce the person. Some workers heard and decided to make a fake invite. But the engagement must be real. Eun Ri's arrival, his's too much to be a coincidence," Jonghyun frowned.

" Key's engaged?!" Taemin jumped in.

"YES!" the three of us screamed simultaneously.


"What's all this noise?" a cold voice suddenly spoke.

A woman with short dark brown hair that ended above her shoulders stepped into the house. She was wearing an elegant black and white dress and huge pearls hung from her neck.

"M-Mrs.Park," Jonghyun stuttered.

The woman raised an eyebrow slowly and set her purse down onto a glass table.

"What a surprise...Jonghyun, right? I haven't seen you since the funeral," she stared at him then shifted her gaze to the rest of us.

"Yes..." Jonghyun bowed then shot us a panicked look.

"Well since you're here, tell me. Where is my...daughter?" she frowned.


Oh my god.

She's Joo-yeon's stepmother?!


Kevin's POV

"So, mind explaining why you practically kidnapped me?" Joo-yeon was still looking out the window.

We were currently speeding down the streets of Seoul. Why is it that ever since I learned about Key's engagement, Eun Ri's accident, and everything else, I've felt like everything has a time limit?

Even now, an imaginary clock was ticking in my head. The fast pace at which things were happening didn't match the slow pace of time.

"I will. Later though," I laughed.

"Turn left here," she muttered dully.

"So, how's Ji Eun?" I glanced at her before turning my eyes back to the road. It's been so long since I've seen her and Taemin.

"She's with Taemin. Like, they're dating," Joo-yeon smiled to herself.

"Is she happy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" Joo-yeon looked at me, "Why, are you jealous?"

"Pshhh. No way," I scoffed, "I just need to know if they're doing good."

"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

I shrugged.

"I'm sorta her cupid," I grinned, stopping in front of a gate that had the words "Park Estate" on a huge plaque.

"Cupid, huh?" Joo-yeon made no move to get out of the car.

"Yup. I'll be your cupid too," I grinned, "You know, I'll help you with Key."

"K-Key?! Why Key?" she stuttered, her face turning red.

"You are so obvious," I laughed before getting out and opening the door for her.

"So, you're unceremoniously kicking me out of you car without explaining why you dragged me away?" she changed the subject, stepping out.

"I'm not kicking you out. I'm dropping you off at home. And I will explain," I said, "Later though. First, I need to talk to someone. Once I do, I'll contact you."

"Fine. I need time to sort everything out anyways," she sighed sadly before punching the combination into her gate.

I watched her slowly walk up the driveway.

Trust me, you're not the only one who needs to sort all that's happening out.


Joo-yeon's POV

"I...well, she's..." Jonghyun's voice trailed off nervously.

What's he doing here?

"Jonghyun?" I called out, taking off my shoes and walking into the living room.

"What are you—"

I stopped in my tracks. Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, and Ji Eun were sitting on the couch.

Across from them sat my stepmother.


"So, you're home," she frowned, "I've been waiting."

I stared at her, frozen.

"Those are my words. Where have you been?" I frowned, crossing my arms.

It was a pointless question though, since I already know where she's been.

Husband hunting with Jung Ah. And she succeeded...

"I'll tell you. But we need to talk in private," she shot Jonghyun a significant look.

He jumped up quickly.

"Right. Well, we should go. Since you later Joo-yeon," he shot me a concerned look.

I smiled back reassuringly.

As soon as they closed the front door, I sat down across from my stepmother.

"So, you're still friends with Kim Jonghyun," she spoke while she dug through her bag.

I gulped.

She had ordered me to never talk to Jonghyun again. She told me after my father's funeral.

Even then, she was worried I'd marry Jonghyun and take over the company.

But, why doesn't she sound mad..?


Jung Ah's married.

She has no reason to fear the possibility that I'll be the Park Co. heiress.

It's over.

Then why is she here?


Onew's POV

"Wait, so you're just leaving?!" I hissed quietly, grabbing Jonghyun by the elbow.

Inside, Joo-yeon's evil stepmother is alone with her and he's just leaving?!

"What else can we do?" Taemin bit his lip and anxiously glanced at Joo-yeon's front door.

My eyes lit up.

"We can spy on them..." I suggested with a smile.

"First you spy on me, now Joo-yeon?" Jonghyun frowned, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, we do want to know why her stepmother's back out of nowhere," Ji Eun said quietly.

I nodded.

"Something's going on, and we need to know," I said seriously.

Jonghyun paused before sighing.



Kevin's POV

"I told you, I don't know where she is. I told her you need to talk, then she just disappeared," Alexander explained.

I pulled into my driveway and opened the garage door.

"Keep looking," I muttered before hanging up.

Did she really sneak out of the hospital?! What if she's still in critical condition?!

"Eun Ri..." I shook my head and began making my way to my room.

The empty was house was silent, as usual.

As I neared the door to my bedroom though, I heard faint music coming from inside.

Tensed, I threw the door to my room open.

My CD player was on. And Eun Ri was sitting in front of it.


Joo-yeon's POV

"I'll make this quick because I'll be flying to Japanshortly," my stepmother tossed a thick stack of papers onto the table.

I stared at the papers dully.



Why is everything happening so quickly?

In less than three days, my life has taken a complete turn.

"What are these?" I finally picked up the papers.

"Your father's will," she replied shortly, "And I assume Mrs. Choi told you of Jung Ah's wedding?"

I nodded mutely.

"Those papers tell how much money your father's left you with. You also keep this house. Jung Ah will buy another one," she leaned back in her chair.

It's over.  After years of fighting over the inheritance, she's won.

"As you can see, it's a large amount," she shrugged.

I nodded. It was enough to last me a lifetime without even working.

"Well, this is the last time I'll see you," she finally stood up.

The last time?

"W-why?" I managed to choke out.

I pictured the house, my house now, empty. No more of Jung Ah's endless chatter. None of her friends coming over. No more attending parties together...

"Try not to get too lonely," my stepmother finally spoke, "And you don't have to follow the rules I set out for you anymore."

I watched her walk out the door for the last time.

I've wished for this moment for so long.

But now, it's actually happening...

Why is everything changing so fast..?


Kevin's POV

"What are you doing here?" I finally spoke.

Eun Rilooked at me, amused.

"Your friend, Alexander said you needed to talk," she shrugged.

"How'd you get in?" I raised an eyebrow. The security in this house was flawless.

"A guy named Eli let me in," she rolled her eyes, "What? Did you think I broke in?"

Eli? Figures.

He is so getting it later.

I hate being caught unprepared.

"So, what do you need to talk about?" Eun Ri smirked.

"Nothing in particular," I lied, taking a seat.

"Really? That's not what Alexander told me," she laughed.

My eyes widened.

"What did he tell you?!" my jaw dropped open.

"He said you're in love with me," she snickered.


"Where is he?! He's so dead!" I jumped up.

"Calm down. He's far, far away," Eun Ribit her lip to keep from laughing.

I frowned.

"What's with you? You're acting really different," I said, remembering her cold, indifferent attitude when I first saw her in school.

She shrugged.

"I've been doing some thing," she swung her legs back and forth. While she did it, she tilted her head side to side.

 I sighed.

"I guess that habit of your hasn't changed," I muttered.

She stopped.


I paused.

"Do you really not remember me?!" I stared at her.

Eun Ri rolled her eyes.

"Of course I do. You go to the same school as me," she scoffed.

"I mean, do you remember when we first met, years ago?" I said quietly.

"Impossible. This is my first time in Seoul," she looked at me weirdly.

"Did your dad tell you that?" I whispered.

She stood up angrily.

"Don't talk about him," she said furiously, stopping the music.

"How did he explain the plane crash to you, I wonder," I continued.

"What plane crash?" her voice was suddenly flat.

So she forgot about that too...

"The crash in my dreams..?"


Eun Ri's POV

"How do you know about my dreams?!" I grabbed him by the collar.

He took a deep breath and gently pulled away.

"Years ago, you used to live here. In Seoul. And that's how we met..."


Taemin's POV

"H-her sister's married?!" my mouth dropped open in shock.

Ji Eun's face paled.

"S-she's not the heiress anymore," she whispered.

"WHAT?!" Onew and Jonghyun said simultaneously.


All our phones went off simultaneously.


Kevin's POV

After sending the rest of the messages, I glanced out the window.

Eun Ri was making her way across the street.

She turned around at the last moment and caught my gaze.

I can't believe we're actually doing this...


"So, we were best friends, my dad disapproved, he forced me to go to America, I got in a plane crash, and lost my memories. And if I marry Key, I'll be destroying his happiness?" Eun Ri raised an eyebrow.

I nodded, still staring at her.

"What?! Did I get something wrong?" she raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head.

It's just that...

"Let me guess, you're surprised I'm not on the floor, clutching my head in pain from the flood of memories," she said sarcastically.

I bit my lip.

"What did you expect? That if you told me everything my memories would come rushing back like magic?" she laughed.

To be honest, yes. That was what I expected.

But it's not happening.


"This isn't some tv drama you know," Eun Ri rolled her eyes.

I looked down.

I know.

"But..." she trailed off, "I believe you."

"What?!" I looked up quickly and saw her smiling.

"I believe everything you told me. About the plane crash, and everything," she shrugged.

"Really?" my jaw dropped open.

She nodded.

"So, I'll help you," she said mostly to herself.

"With what?" I raised an eyebrow, still shocked that she believed me.

"Help you break off the engagement. Help you take down Key's grandmother. Are you following?" she looked at me, clearly concerned.

I broke out into a smile.

"So you'll help?" I repeated.

She nodded with a mischievous grin.

"Crashing a ball sounds like fun," she smiled, pulling an invitation to the party out of her purse.

"This will be mailed out to all the guests soon. So we need to message our fellow conspirators and tell them what to do," she smirked, grabbing my phone off the desk.

I stared at her, still in a daze.

I can't believe this is happening.

While she typed, she spoke to me.

"So, we were best friends huh?" she said without looking up.


When the time comes, I'll confess to her.

But for now, we need to plan.


As soon as Eun Ri was out of sight, I closed the curtains to my room.

Now all we need to do is wait.


Four days later...


Taemin's POV

"Another ball at the 3SCNDS hotel?" my dad raised an eyebrow and handed me the invitation.

"Y-yeah, I guess so," I stuttered before running up to my room.

As soon as the door was locked, I pulled out my phone and reread the message Kevin sent me four days ago.

To: Taemin

From: Kevin

The day of the ball, we need you to stall Key's grandmother. We need you to keep her away from the hotel so she doesn't see us moving around suspiciously.

My reply had been "Of course."

Anything to help Joo-yeon and Key.

I just hope nothing goes wrong...


Ji Eun's POV

"I'm not going to the ball," Joo-yeon frowned, "I've told you a million times."

I glanced at the old text message anxiously.

To: Ji Eun

From: Kevin

Make sure Joo-yeon's at the party. Preferably wearing the dress she wore to the masked ball. Eun Ri says it's important she does. Something about a bracelet and a masked girl.

"Why do you keep asking anyways?" Joo-yeon said sadly.

"N-no reason," I stuttered.


Jonghyun's POV

I stared at the three messages in front of me.

The first was an invitation to the ball. It's only three days away...

The second was a text message from Kevin.

To: Jonghyun

From: Kevin

Hye Ri took something of Joo-yeon's. Get it back and make sure she wears it to the party. Ji Eun will get her there.

Has he heard that Hye Ri's left for China...?

 The third was the letter Hye Ri gave to me at the airport...

I opened it slowly.

The letter was short and written in shaky handwriting. Seeing the familiar handwriting made my heart clench.


Dear Jonghyun,

            I knew you'd open this. Don't believe me? Haahha I know you probably don't. That's why I have proof. Go to the airport and ask for a Mr. Kim Taeyang. He has something for you.

            So, you realized where you stand. Regarding Joo-yeon that is. I always you knew you'd be the good guy. So I'll try being good too. No matter what happens.

            I have a confession to make. That's why I'm writing this letter. But time is running out. We're almost arriving and honestly, your driving scares me!! Haha

            The truth is, I hacked into your laptop. Because... during the masquerade, Key fell in love with a girl. So, I looked through your surveillance cameras to see who the girl was.

            It was Joo-yeon.

            The only clue he had of her identity was the glass bracelet. The one you gave Joo-yeon.

            But the bracelet she wore that night...was yours. I know this because before the party, I stole her bracelet. So you let her borrow yours for the night, right?

            Will you forgive me Jonghyun? Hopefully you will, someday. I'm glad I don't have to confess this to you in person...

            Key thinks Eun Ri is the girl from the masquerade. Maybe you can set him straight?

            Don't forget, go to the airport, okay?

Wishing you happiness,

Hye Ri


Kevin wants me to bring the bracelet.

I could let Joo-yeon borrow mine again...but I think I should return her bracelet to her.

First thing's first. I should go to the airport...


Eun Ri's POV

To: Eun Ri

From: Kevin

Are you sure you're okay with this? What will his grandmother do to you? And your dad?

With a smile, I replied.

To: Kevin

From: Eun Ri

I'm done following their orders. It's time I spoke up against them.


Minho's POV

This is so not cool.

"Why did I get the same text as you?" I complained to Onew, "I wanted a special one with an ultra cool mission!"

Onew rolled his eyes.

"That's my line. With my skills, I should be the one doing the spying and stuff!"

"There's nobody to spy on at the ball" I snickered when his face fell.

"I guess we should just do our best then," he shrugged, putting his phone away.

I glanced at my own screen and nodded.

I promised to do everything in my power. Getting my little brother to attend a party should be a piece of cake, right?

To: Minho and Onew

From: Kevin

Knowing Key, he'll probably try to ditch the party. Make sure he's there!


Joo-yeon's POV

An invitation. To a party to be held at 3SCNDS Hotel.

My invitation had a special handwritten message scrawled in a blank space.

"I'll introduce you to Key's fiancée."

First Jung Key's getting married too..?

How come he never told me..?


Key's POV

"You have reached the—"

I hung up as soon as I heard the robotic voice.

Joo-yeon, why aren't you picking up your phone?

Are you avoiding me..?

Maybe I should just stop calling....


All the noble coachman wants to do is hide in his castle and rest. After all, time heals most wounds. But peace is the last thing he gets when he arrives home. The king who previously had six queens awaits him. Fortunately, the king has words of advice. Unfortunately, he also bears bad news.

Meanwhile, a shocked Cinderella is forcefully thrown out of Prince Charming's castle. However, the arrogant prince arrives in time to catch her fall. When he drops her off at her castle, she finds that the wicked stepmother has been waiting for her.

It seems that someone was also waiting for the arrogant prince. For when he arrives at his dark castle, the mermaid is there.

And four days later, when all the kingdom's subjects suddenly receive invitations to another ball at the palace, they realize that something huge awaits them when they arrive.

The fairy godmother. The peasant girl. The noble coachman. The arrogant prince. The king who used to have six queens. Cinderella.

The king of the kingdom. The sea witch. The mermaid. Prince Charming.

Will Fairy Godmother be able to work his magic, or will the ticking clock strip him of his power? Will the peasant girl let Cinderella attend the ball in rags? Will the noble coachman find the glass slipper in time? Will the arrogant prince restore the mermaids voice? Will the king of the kingdom and the king who previously had six queens be able to stop the sea witch and give Prince Charming a happy ending?

When the clock finally strikes midnight, will Cinderella flee down the castle steps?

Will Prince Charming follow?


So, how was it?! One more chapter left! Thank you guys for all the support! But I'll be posting an epilogue and a chapter with author's notes and thanks, so wait for it!

Hope you guys enjoyed! Please comment. The story's almost over and I'd really love to read your extra long comments ;) LOL

bye for now!

p.s. Sorry for the typos. Like Eun Ri's name always comes up as EunRi with no spaces when I paste from MS Word. It does it with Minho's name too O.O


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KokoroNoTakara #1
Chapter 25: This was AMAZING!!! But it seems you havent updated your other stories in a while... SO sad... I hope you update soon for the sequel!!!
AlmightyNeesa #2
Chapter 25: I'm sad that it's the end.. I started reading it a while ago and forgot about it but I finally finished and I'm sad. It's one of the few stories that I enjoyed reading.
Chapter 32: Wow... Absolutely LOVE this story and the way it's written with that fairytail part at the begging and end of the chapters. I ended up feeling really bad for Jonghyun...
Keep up the good work~!
Chapter 32: whao. i love your writing. i was not bored one bit throughout the story! omg is it gonna be Minho and THE stepsister?!?
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 32: WOW-EEE!! Finished reading and the story was super duper awesome ^___^ I love how its based on fairytales!! Probably one of the best SHINee fics I've read kekeke HWAITING!
kawaiigirl356 #6
Chapter 32: Just finished reading this. It was really good. I like the way plot was laid out. I'm reading your fanfic about Jonghyun and I like it a lot. ^^ Plz keep writing awesome stories.
Chapter 25: FINISHED! Woah...... Amazing. Just amazing. You are a very talented written author nim
Chapter 20: Hehe I love this story! Almost done keke ;D
haruyang #9
New reader! Omg just chanced upon this and i loved the story so much! Love the ongoing non- fic too! Will be looking forward to the sequel to this. Looks like it's going to get more exciting!
Chapter 25: I really love this Fic. Your such an awsome writer. DAEBAK!!!!