
Once Upon A Fairytale


Shocked at his boldness, the noble coachman climbs into the pumpkin coach and heads home. But he can't help but feel ecstatic, knowing that he finally confessed his true feelings to Cinderella.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, the peasant girl runs to Cinderella's castle and recounts the shocking turn of events. She spends the night reveling in her newfound, unexpected happiness.

But the next morning, things are beyond unexpected.

Without the sea, the mermaid collapses. When she awakens in the arrogant prince's arms, she faints from the blinding pain that accompanies his presence.

At the same time, unsure regarding her own feelings, Cinderella begs the peasant girl for help.

The peasant girl agrees with a wicked smile and proclaims that the next guy, whether it be Prince Charming or the coachman, Cinderella sees is the one she must choose.

And while all this is happening, Prince Charming realizes that the girl he's truly in love with, has been by his side the whole time.


Jonghyun's POV

Oh my god.

As soon as I was out of the Park residence's vicinity, I stopped the car and rested my forehead on the steering wheel.

D-did I really just kiss Joo-yeon?!

I didn't think it was possible, but just thinking about the kiss just made me redder.

But her lips were so soft and just holding her was—


My phone started ringing, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Jonghyun, where are you?! It's late," my father said sternly as soon as I picked up.

I cringed.

He never used to care when I came home, because he just assumed that I was escorting HyeRisomewhere.

But since he called, it must mean that he's heard the news.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there soon," I sighed before tossing the phone on the passenger seat.

While I drove, I tried hard not to think about the day's events.

Without HyeRi, the car feels empty. True, she did horrible things. I looked away whenever I could.

But beneath her cruel armor, she was just hurt, insecure, and lonely. But the fact that she managed to confess her old feeling towards me must mean that she's changing. She never used to express her true feelings. They were just "weaknesses." But today, something definitely changed.

And then there's that letter.

I glanced at the creamy envelope on the dashboard.

She said it concerned Joo-yeon...

Her pretty, smiling face flashed across my mind again and I remember the kiss.

Grimacing, I step on the accelerator. With all the things that happened today, should I be upset, or delighted?!


Taemin's POV

Despite my (hopefully) calm appearance, my heart felt like it was about to explode.

Ji Eun stared at me with wide eyes for a full ten seconds.

I nervously cleared my throat.

"Ji Eun, won't you answer?" I  said quietly, dying from the suspense.

She took a deep breath before breaking out into a smile.

"You love me?" she looked up at me with a smirk and moved closer. I couldn't help but notice her lips. She was only inches away now.

"Y-yes," I stuttered, my nervousness getting the best of me.

She seemed to sense this because she broke out into a wider grin and put her arms around my neck.

"Y-yah, stop messing around and say you'll be my girlfriend," I said, distracted by how close she was.

She stopped and took a deep breath.

"I just never thought you'd say that to me," she whispered quietly.

I pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

"Ji Eun, I'm serious. I love you," and without waiting for her answer, I leaned forward and planted my lips on hers.


Ji Eun's POV

My eyes flew open in shock when Taemin's lips landed on mine. He pulled me in closer with one hand on my back and the other in my hair. His lips moved against mine slowly and sweetly.

When he pulled away, he grinned at my flustered expression.

"Since you didn't push me away, I'll take that as a yes?" he grinned, plucking the lock out of my fingers.

It took me a full five seconds to snap out of my shock.

"Of course it's a yes!"

And here on top of Seoul Tower, beside Taemin, it seems like I've finally found my happily-ever-after.


Joo-yeon's POV

The chandelier that hung on my ceiling cast sparkling shadows on the carpeted floor. Ji Eun was walking back and forth though, occasionally scattering the light.

I sat on my bed cross-legged and watched her with a smile.

Jung Ah and my stepmother were not home, luckily.  Otherwise, they would have wondered about the noise, since she occasionally leapt up and down in excitement. To be honest, I haven't seen Jung Ah and my stepmother lately.

Come to think of it, have they even be coming home..?

"Did you hear what I said?" Ji Eun's voice suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

She had buried her face in my pillow.


"I said Taemin kissed me!" she grinned, touching her lips.

With a jolt, I remembered that Jonghyun had kissed me today too.

"So you guys are going out? Finally," I grinned, lightly punching her arm. I will not think about Jonghyun. I will not think about Jonghyun.

"Finally?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I always knew Taemin liked you," I shrugged.

"Since when?" she sounded genuinely curious now.

I paused and thought for a moment. When did it become obvious that my two best friends were madly in love?

"Uh, since the beach trip? Maybe before," I said thoughtfully, smiling at how ecstatic she looked.

"So what happened after he kissed you? And what about your birthday present?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Ji Eun immediately launched into an explanation.

"There was a lock in the box he gave me for my birthday. He hooked it around the fence and locked it. You know, like how all those couples put locks around the wire and throw the keys? As long as the lock is there, your love is supposed to last," she sighed dreamily.

"Really?" I said slowly. That sounds romantic.

"So where's the key? Don't tell me you threw it off the tower," I frowned. That was usually the tradition. Hopefully Ji Eun's key didn't strike some unlucky stranger on the head. Knowing Taemin, the key was probably solid gold or something.

Ji Eun shook her head though and tugged on the chain that hung around her neck.

On it was a small gold key with a heart shaped ruby in the middle. It was incredibly beautiful.

She looked up with a smile.

"This was his real birthday gift to me," she the key.

I grinned.

"Let me guess? The key to his heart?"

She nodded, her ears turning red.

And before I could stop it, a certain thought popped into my head.

I wonder who owns the key to Key's heart?

But as soon as the thought formed, guilt flashed over me.

Right after Jonghyun confessed to me, why am I thinking about Key?!


The next morning...


Eun Ri's POV

"Come to America. That's an order."

I try to shake my head at the concealed figure, but I can't move.

"I don't want to," I manage to croak out.

The scene changes rapidly.

"I'm leaving," I whisper into his shoulder.

Say something. Say anything.

Or better yet, tell me not to go.

I pull away to look into the black-haired boy in the eyes, hoping to see sadness at my announcement.

But instead, the golden-haired boy is smiling down at me.

"Good luck in America," he grins before fading.

And then, the nightmare part starts.

Everything turns black and I can't breathe.

There's a blinding pain in my head and I see flames.

This time, there's screaming.

Then that slow steady beep.


I sat up quickly, my breathing accelerated.

The sun was barely visible and the clock on the nightstand read 7:00.

Where am I?

The room looked unfamiliar.

Then, everything came back. I was at the Choi residence.

With a grimace, I walked over to my suitcase and changed into jeans, a gray top and a leather jacket.

As soon as I was dressed, I jogged downstairs and walked towards the door.

I heard Minho call my name, but I ignored him.

I wasn't in the mood to endure his glares.


Kevin's POV

I climbed into my car and started the engine.

Without Dong Ho riding beside me, it was much quieter.

I contemplated picking Ji Eun up so I could have someone to talk to, but I remembered her text message.

Taemin had finally asked her out.

I sighed.

"Why do I feel more alone than ever?" I muttered to myself, turning on the radio.


"Because everyone's finding their own happiness," I answered myself before putting the car into drive.


I was already near the school when I decided to just go catch a movie or something.

The truth was that since it was almost graduation, nearly all the seniors were ditching.

With that in mind, I decided aimlessly drove around Seoul, looking for something to do.

Then, I saw her.

The sidewalk was crowded with people and food stands, but her brown hair stood out. Gold flecks stood out because of the sun. And despite the staggering, the way she walked was the same: confident, as if each step has a purpose.

Without thinking, I parked my car on the curb and jumped out.

Sure enough, it was Eun Ri.

She walked slowly, stumbling along the sidewalk. The black bag that she carried was almost touching the floor. Her fingers were weighed down with rings and I noticed how much skinnier she'd gotten.

Quickly, I ran up to her, ignoring the yells of the people I bumped into.

Just when I was only a few feet away, though, she fell.

Everything slowed down when her knees buckled under her. Her long hair covered her face and her black bag hit the ground.

I ran forward just in time to stop her head from hitting the pavement.

Her eyes were closed and her face was pale. Brushing the hair out of her face, I her cheek.

"Eun Ri! Eun Ri!" I said desperately, glancing towards my car.

Damn. It was being towed away.

Left with no other choice, I slung her on my back and started running.


Eun Ri's POV

I heard a loud steady beep.


I'm having the nightmare again.

"It's fine. She'll be fine. She was just dehydrated, so she fainted," a calm voice said slowly.

Weird. This wasn't part of my dreams.

"Really?" a vaguely familiar voice spoke up quickly.

I tried to open my eyes, but they were too heavy.

"Part of it may also be from lack of sleep," the calm voice added.

I tried not to stir when a cool hand touched my cheek.

"Plus she's wearing this ridiculous leather jacket while the sun is out," the second voice sounded relieved now as he forced himself to laugh.

"You must have been worried," the calm voice laughed.

The second voice chuckled softly.

"Because when we were kids, she used to get sick a lot. So I was scared she had an attack or something," he explained.

"Oh, are you part of her family, sir?" the calm voice asked interestedly.

There was no answer, so I could only assume that the stranger had shaken his head. After all, I have no family here.

I waited to hear more words, but nobody spoke. I only heard a voice outside the door, then soft footsteps.

So slowly, I opened my eyes.

I was in the white room from my dreams. I moved my right hand and sure enough, it bumped into cold metal. Metal bars that would have stopped me from rolling off.

Taking a deep breath, I sat up slowly.

The owner of the second voice was the golden-haired boy.

When he heard me stir, he looked up from his knees.

"Eun Ri! Thank goodness you're okay," he pulled me into a hug before I knew what was happening.

Having his arms around me, why does it feel so familiar?

"K-Kevin?" I panicked.

Then, I felt a sharp pain in my head.

"Let go!" I screamed, "Let go of me! It hurts!"

It felt like a knife was going through my brain.

I clutched my head tightly.

"Stop, stop. Why are you here? Stop. Let go!" I repeated, biting my lip hard.

I tasted blood and vaguely heard the golden-haired boy yelling for a nurse.

Ah, so I was in a hospital.

And with that thought, everything went black.


Joo-yeon's POV

"So what should we do today? Shopping? Movie?" Ji Eun chirped happily while she brushed her hair in my bathroom.

I smiled at how happy she looked. Joy showed through her every movement.

"Uh, school?" I raised an eyebrow meaningfully and tied my hair up into a bun.

She waited to see if I was joking before bursting out into laughter.

"Come on Joo-yeon. None of the seniors are going to class. Well, most of them aren't," Ji Eun rolled her eyes.


That's right.

Well at least if I stay home, I won't run into Jonghyun...

"Were you listening," Ji Eun tapped my shoulder.

I jumped in shock.

"Uh, yes?"

She sighed.

"I said,  'so do you want to go to the amusement park?'" she repeated slowly, enunciating every word.

I stared at her. There was only one amusement park near here.


"I'm sorry Joo-yeon, but I want us to just stay friends," Jonghyun said quietly.

"You're my friend and I think it'd be best...if you forgot your feelings for me," he continued.

It felt like my heart just broke into a thousand pieces.

"I understand," I finally choked out.

And as soon as he left with Ji Eun, I ran, ignoring Taemin's yells.

I got on the first ride that had no line.

Ironically, it was the tunnel of love.


A place with bad memories. I definitely don't want to go.

"I'd rather not," I managed a casual shrug and turned away from her.

I was starting to zone out again when Ji Eun shook me by the shoulders.

"Joo-yeon, tell me what's wrong! I'm tired of this," Ji Eun's sharp commanding tone snapped me out of it.

"W-what's wrong?" I stuttered, backing away from her intense gaze.

"You've been really out of it! Did something happen yesterday? Tell me," she pleaded.

I shook my head and forced a smile on my face.

"Nothing happened," I held my hands up in defense.

Ji Eun sighed.

"Does it have something to do with Jonghyun?"

"What?!" my eyes widened in shock, "What makes you say that?"

I could feel my breathing accelerate while Ji Eun frowned at me.

"Because when you force that smile on your face, it usually has something to do with him," she finished sadly.


Key's POV

"What's wrong with Eun Ri?" I came up behind Minho and shot him a quizzical look.

Our front door was still flung open and our gardener was just standing there, staring at her retreating figure.

Minho looked concerned for a second, but then his expression changed to contempt.

"I have no clue why you like her. I for one, don't care what's wrong," he frowned, making his way to the breakfast table again.

"Only as a friend. I only like her as a friend," I corrected him, " I mean, I've known her for what? Twenty-four hours?"

Minho raised an eyebrow interestedly and put down his toast.

"Then, do you have someone you like?" he leaned forward.

"N-no?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

Minho pounced on my hesitation.

"Are you sure?!"

I stared at him.

"Why do you care?" I said worriedly. He was acting strange.

"Forget it," he frowned, getting up. He was clearly in a bad mood.

"Has Halmeuni upset you or something? You've been acting weird ever since she came," I frowned in disgust.

Minho stopped in his tracks at the sound of her name.

My eyes widened in realization.

I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

Sure enough, guilt covered his face.

I took a deep breath.

Halmeuni's arrival, Eun Ri's arrival...

"Minho, what are you not telling me?"


Ji Eun's POV

"That would explain the flowers..." I trailed off in awe, eyeing the bouquet with renewed interest.

Joo-yeon merely stared at them blankly.

I paused and studied her closer.

"I thought you'd be happy," I said slowly, biting my lip.

She didn't answer.

"I mean, you like Jonghyun right?" I pressed, nudging her arm.

She raised her head slowly and frowned.

"The truth is, I did love Jonghyun," she whispered quietly, plucking a red flower out of the bouquet.

I kept watching her anxiously. Is "love" even the right word to use? She's been in love with him since they were kids. There has to be a stronger word to describe what she feels towards him.

"But then I said I'd forget him," she continued, tightening her grip on the flower's stem.

"Did you?" I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I thought I did."


Minho's POV

"Minho, what are you not telling me?" Key blocked my only exit and looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I feigned innocence and rolled my eyes for effect.

"I know something's going on," Key said, slowly getting angrier.

That did it.

"Well if you do, then do something about it!" I finally burst out.

He stepped back in surprise.

"Right now, Halemuni is planning your whole future and trying to trap you into a marriage and you're not even trying to fall in love!" I threw my hands up in desperation, fully knowing how stupid my outburst sounded.

"Marriage?" Key's mouth dropped open.

"What? Did you forget the graduation deadline?! You're supposed to have a serious girlfriend by graduation, remember?!" I said, frustrated.

Key shook his head slowly.

"But what does Eun Ri have to do with all this?" he frowned.

"Do you love her?" I ignored his question, "Because she's the girl from the masquerade, right? That's why I brought her here. I assumed she'd be the girl you'd want to marry."

It was a lie, but it worked.

"I don't love her!" Key replied quickly before stopping.

I suppressed a smile. I knew he wouldn't fall for her.

But that leaves us with one huge problem.

"Well, if you don't love her, then who do you love? And you can't say 'nobody.'"

Key sighed.

"Do you expect me to just fall in love so easily?" he angrily ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm trying to help you! If you don't find someone, Halmeuni will choose Eun Ri as your wife!" I retorted.

Key didn't answer. He knew I was right. He has to marry. And if he doesn't find someone he loves...

If only he showed interest towards any heiresses. But he never has. Except for...

"Joo-yeon!" I suddenly remembered how he had casually slung his arm around his shoulder.

Park Joo-yeon. The second Park Heiress. Incredibly pretty, glossy ink black hair, a little younger than me. Plus, she's rich and down-to-earth. Not one of those stuck up, spoiled heiresses that I usually have to deal with.

But just because Key acts differently towards her...does it mean she's special..?

I immediately knew the answer though when I saw Key's expression.

His eyes had widened and he had stepped back.


I didn't answer him. Instead, I concentrated.

He's close with her. He let her borrow his jacket when they fell in the pool. The headmaster also told me that he let her borrow clothes from his "school closet"...

"Oh my god! How did I know see it before!" I turned to Key with a huge grin.

"What?!" he repeated frantically.

"You're in love with Joo-yeon!"

"W-what makes you say that?!" Key nearly screamed, his eyes wide with fright.

"You didn't deny it AND you stuttered!" I said triumphantly, jumping up and down in excitement.

Key's eyes widened in horror.

"Uh, uh. No way!" he flailed his arms around frantically, "I cannot be in love with a clumsy girl who throws cell phones at my head, kicks me off my bed, cries over a guy who won't even look good with her, and is always stubborn!"

I wrinkled my nose in confusion.

Cell phone? Guy? Stubborn?



"You already slept with her?!" I screamed, attracting the attention of the gardener who had watched Eun Ri leave the house.

Key's eyes widened more, if that was even possible.

"What the heck were you thinking?!" I shook him by the shoulders.

"I didn't sleep with her!" Key yelled loudly, shutting me up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the gardener shake his head in disapproval.

Ignoring Key, I walked over to him.

"Did you see something?" I raised an eyebrow, knowing that he had been listening.

He peered over my shoulder and I followed suit. Key was glaring at him.

"It's none of my business," he replied dutifully.

I smirked.

"Remember when Key ran over your spider lilies with his convertible?" I reminded him cheerfully.

He immediately narrowed his eyes.

"I was gardening out back when a girl with ink black hair climbed out of one of the windows followed by young master Key. She was wearing his clothes and young master Onew was waiting for them in the garden," he recited.

I thanked him and dismissed him with a nod before marching back towards Key, who was now biting his lip and looking away in fear.

"I-It's not what it sounds like," he stuttered.

I tried not to roll my eyes.

Then what was it then. Him. Her. In our house. Her wearing his clothes...

"Come on, you know me! I just met her that day! Why would I do something like that with her," Key begged for my understanding.

I sighed.

Then, his words sank in.

"You just met her and you let her sleep in your room?!"


Ji Eun's POV

"I'm so confused," Joo-yeon murmured softly, biting her lip.

I nodded and turned away from her, not trusting myself to speak.

I really don't understand.

"What are you confused about? We're talking about Kim Jonghyun! The sort-of bad boy, tough yet sweet, guy who you've loved since forever," I finally blurted out.

She paused before speaking.

"That's the thing! I've liked him for so long and just when I'm starting to forget my feelings, he decides it's a convenient time for him to confess to me?!"


Joo-yeon's POV

It's hard to forget your first love. Especially when he's always by your side. Especially when you never really had a chance with him the first time. Especially when he asks for a second chance.

But Key is doing just that.

He made me forget all the painful memories.

I can't think about Jonghyun without my mind flashing to him right afterwards.

So who do I really love?


Key's POV

Someone, help me!

This is going in a direction I don't like.

First Minho accuses me of loving that silly, stubborn, funny, sweet...

Gaah! First he accuses me of loving Park Joo-yeon and now he's rambling on about illegitimate heirs that might result from our night together?!

"STOP!" I finally yelled out, grabbing his elbow while he paced by.

"What do you want from me?!" I cried desperately. Things were getting to crazy.

Seeing my reaction, Minho immediately put on his calm, business face.

"Halmeuni is plotting to take over the company by forcing you into a marriage with Song Eun Ri. The only way to stop her is to find you the girl you'll love forever. Park Joo-yeon is the only girl who affects you the way she does, from what I can see. You've known her since the beginning of the school year, pretty much. I'm psychic, so I can tell you're MADLY  in love with her. So I have one question for you: Will you take Park Joo-yeon to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Minho said in one breath.

"Yes," I finally admitted.

I love her.

"Great! So when shall I schedule the wedding?" Minho's eyes were like deer eyes.


"Wait. WEDDING?!" I screeched.

"Were you not listening? I asked if you would marry her?" Minho looked at me disapprovingly.

Shoot. I wasn't listening. I thought he said "So I have one question for you: Do you love Park Joo-yeon."

"I don't even know if she loves me back!" I said, the reality of my statement hurting me. True. For all I know, she's still in love with Jonghyun.

I scoffed. She doesn't even look good with him. I'm way better, right?

"No way! You're actually doubting yourself?" Minho looked amused.

I nodded sadly.

Sensing he had upset me, Minho put his arm around my shoulder.

"You know I was joking, right? I mean, you guys should probably date for a couple of months before getting married," he laughed, "You just need to confirm your feelings for her then confess. Then, BAM! Halmeuni will have nothing on you because you'll have a girlfriend!"

I felt my palms start to sweat at the idea of asking Joo-yeon out. Truthfully, the idea had been in my mind since before our field trip...

"Wait. Key..?" Minho's tone suddenly changed again. First he's accusing me, then he's all business-like and now he's using his big brother tone?!

"Do you really love Joo-yeon or are you just saying that so I'll get off your back regarding Halmeuni's plot?" he asked me anxiously.

I touched my earring slowly, remembering everything. How I wanted to protect Joo-yeon from hurting again, how I was so jealous when Onew kissed her, how I always get butterflies in my stomach when she's near...


A text message suddenly interrupted my thoughts. Minho tried to grab my phone, but I pulled it away from his grasp.

From: Onew

To: Key

Dude, bad news! Jonghyun went to Joo-yeon with FLOWERS a couple hours ago. Like, drop dead gorgeous, expensive, ROMANTIC looking flowers...So I thought I should let you know...In case you wanted to know. Right...

"I'm stupid," I groaned, slamming my phone shut.

Minho raised an eyebrow.

"It took me a long time to realize that I've been in love with Joo-yeon. And now that I finally do, Jonghyun has to step back into the picture."

"So you love her?" Minho repeated.

"More than anything."


Ji Eun's POV

After ten minutes of watching Joo-yeon in a slump, I was distracted by a text message from Taemin.

Surprised, I saw that he had already sent me four text messages. Since my phone was on silent though, I hadn't read them yet.

Curious, I opened the latest one.

From: Taemin

To: Ji Eun

Ji Eun, why aren't you answering my text messages? Did you find another guy?!

I laughed at his message and began to type out a reply.

Then, it hit me.

Another guy.

"You fell in love again!" I turned to Joo-yeon in wonder.

"What?!" her eyes widened.

I felt the corners of my mouth twitch.


She fell for Key.


Joo-yeon's POV

"Y-yah! Why are you smiling?!" I softly threw a pillow at Ji Eun.

She shrugged.

"I just never thought you'd fall for Kim Kibum," she chuckled softly.

I felt my face redden, so I hid behind my pillow.

"What do you like about him?" she asked randomly.

His smile, the way his hair always changes colors, how he always manages to make me happy...

"Nothing," I said bluntly.

"Ah, so you like everything," she smirked, ignoring my answer.

Then, the smirk disappeared.

"Then, do you still like Jonghyun..?" she asked slowly.

"Would I sound like one of those annoyingly indecisive girls if I said I have no clue?" I said quietly.

Ji Eun snorted.

"Of course not. Obviously, you like Key but your OLD feelings for Jonghyun are getting in the way," she said simply.

"I don't even know who I like better. Key...or Jonghyun?" I breathed out.

Ji Eun paused and began rapidly typing something into her phone.

"Joo-yeon," she began slowly, "You believe in destiny right?"

I nodded firmly, "Of course."

"Well, I just texted Jonghyun and Key," she grinned.


"I told them to come here as fast as possible," she continued.

"Why?!" I nearly screamed.

"The guy who arrives here first, he's the one you're destined to be with."



My heart was pounding as I imagined Jonghyun's Ferrari. And Key in his sleek black convertible.

My heart nearly exploded when the doorbell rang.

Ji Eun looked up from her phone and grinned.

Before she could speak, I was running down the stairs, my heard thudding a broken meter.

I neared the door and the handle felt cold against my skin.

Please let it be Key.

And without hesitating, I threw open the door.

Standing in front of me though, was none other than Lee Taemin.


"You lied," I said bluntly, hiding my relief.

"And you believed me," Ji Eun said smugly. Taemin was sitting beside her, listening. She probably texted him the situation, because he didn't ask any questions.

I shot Ji Eun another glare, but she stuck her tongue out.

"I mean, I don't even know Key's number,"  she snickered.

I groaned. She was right.

"So what was the point of pretending to seal my destiny and making my heart explode from tension?!" I said exasperatedly.

Ji Eun looked at me with a smile.

"Tossing a coin in the air doesn't work because it decides the answer for you. It works because during the split-second when the coin is in the air, you suddenly realize what you're wishing for," she grinned.

I stared at her, not comprehending.

Taemin smiled at my confusion.

"Joo-yeon, when you were scrambling down the stairs, rushing to open the door, who were you hoping to see behind it?" he raised an eyebrow.


Shocked at his boldness, the noble coachman climbs into the pumpkin coach and heads home. But he can't help but feel ecstatic, knowing that he finally confessed his true feelings to Cinderella.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, the peasant girl runs to Cinderella's castle and recounts the shocking turn of events. She spends the night reveling in her newfound, unexpected happiness.

But the next morning, things are beyond unexpected.

Without the sea, the mermaid collapses. When she awakens in the arrogant prince's arms, she faints from the blinding pain that accompanies his presence.

At the same time, unsure regarding her own feelings, Cinderella begs the peasant girl for help.

The peasant girl agrees with a wicked smile and proclaims that the next guy, whether it be Prince Charming or the coachman, Cinderella sees is the one she must choose.

And while all this is happening, Prince Charming realizes that the girl he's truly in love with, has been by his side the whole time


Hey guys, sorry I took so long to update! I came back from vacation recently, etc. I tried to make this chapter extra long and packed to make it up to you guys. Please comment and subscribe! You guys are my motivation, inspiration, etc!

BTW, who else loved Key's hair during the UP & DOWN performance? It looked so good. But I also like his hair in Lucifer because honestly, he can pull off any hairstyle LOL.

So back to the story, next chapter will be tons of drama! chapter! But that doesn't mean the story will end soon. It just means there's a MAJOR turning point. Anticipate it >)

And I just love the coin quote because it's so true. You realize what you're wishing for, just like how Joo-yeon realized she was hoping that Key is the guy destined to be with her :)



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KokoroNoTakara #1
Chapter 25: This was AMAZING!!! But it seems you havent updated your other stories in a while... SO sad... I hope you update soon for the sequel!!!
AlmightyNeesa #2
Chapter 25: I'm sad that it's the end.. I started reading it a while ago and forgot about it but I finally finished and I'm sad. It's one of the few stories that I enjoyed reading.
Chapter 32: Wow... Absolutely LOVE this story and the way it's written with that fairytail part at the begging and end of the chapters. I ended up feeling really bad for Jonghyun...
Keep up the good work~!
Chapter 32: whao. i love your writing. i was not bored one bit throughout the story! omg is it gonna be Minho and THE stepsister?!?
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 32: WOW-EEE!! Finished reading and the story was super duper awesome ^___^ I love how its based on fairytales!! Probably one of the best SHINee fics I've read kekeke HWAITING!
kawaiigirl356 #6
Chapter 32: Just finished reading this. It was really good. I like the way plot was laid out. I'm reading your fanfic about Jonghyun and I like it a lot. ^^ Plz keep writing awesome stories.
Chapter 25: FINISHED! Woah...... Amazing. Just amazing. You are a very talented written author nim
Chapter 20: Hehe I love this story! Almost done keke ;D
haruyang #9
New reader! Omg just chanced upon this and i loved the story so much! Love the ongoing non- fic too! Will be looking forward to the sequel to this. Looks like it's going to get more exciting!
Chapter 25: I really love this Fic. Your such an awsome writer. DAEBAK!!!!