The Little Mermaid, the Sea Witch, and the King

Once Upon A Fairytale


The Little Mermaid is incredibly beautiful and has an intoxicating voice. But underneath, she has a black heart.

She leaves home with one goal—to marry the prince of the kingdom, of course. But for this to happen, she needs the sea witch's guidance. She must exchange her tail for a pair of legs. Her voice is also taken away.

When she appears in front of the arrogant prince in her new form, he is shocked by her transformation and indifferent attitude. Pained by her sudden arrival and confused regarding her intentions, he steps aside and decides to wait and watch.

Meanwhile, Cinderella decides to visit the ocean despite the sea king's warnings. Sure enough, she accidentally falls in the deep waters with Prince Charming.

Dripping wet, both enter the castle's throne room and find two new subjects.

It's the king and the mermaid.


Kevin's POV

"Kevin. Kevin. Kevin," she called out softly before laughing.

I clutched my head.

My chest tightened in pain as I remembered her voice.
Memories began to resurface.

Why is this happening?!

Without thinking, I punched the back of the seat in front of me.

Joo-yeon and Taemin jumped and gave me questioning looks, which I ignored.

This isn't real. It can't be!


Third Person POV

The girl hummed a soft tune as she dragged her suitcase across the airport floor.

"You seem to be in a good mood," the elderly woman observed, matching the girl's pace.

She shrugged and took in a deep breath.

"I don't know why. It feels like I've come back after being away for a long time," she grinned, taking in her surroundings.

The elderly woman's face hardened before she forced a smile.

"Just remember, become his friend first," the woman repeated.

The girl smiled wickedly.

"Even I know that much," she flipped her hair over one shoulder.

The elderly woman sighed and eyed the girl's clothes. A short black dress, dark stockings, and ankle boots.

"And I suggest exchanging those clothes for different ones. According to my assistant, he's doesn't like that type," the woman said disapprovingly.

The girl rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Anything else?"

"Do not tell anyone that you're his future fiancée. I repeat, don't tell anyone. And remember to take it slow. Key is different. He's cold to people he doesn't know," she warned the girl.

"Please. Making him fall in love with me will be effortless. By the time you tell him the news, he'll be ecstatic," the girl replied confidently, stopping in her tracks to look at the woman.

"I wouldn't be so sure. My grandson is stubborn. Too stubborn," the woman frowned.


Onew's POV

Sneakily, I scooted an inch closer to Joo-yeon.

She shifted a little but her eyes remained closed.
Grinning, I moved a bit closer. Just a couple more centimeters...

Okay, cheese!

I took a picture of us.

Score! New cell phone wallpaper!


Ji Eun's POV

The bus screeched to a halt, causing everybody to fly forward in their seats.

"Yes! We made it right before homeroom. And we have...thirty minutes to spare!" the bus driver exclaimed happily.

"Only because you were speeding the whole time," Taemin muttered, still looking shaken up by the bumpy ride.

"At least now we have time to eat breakfast," Dong Ho chimed in, eyeing the cafeteria building wistfully.

I opened my mouth to answer but was stopped when someone let out a loud "Ow!"

Curious, I turned around in my seat and saw Onew rubbing his shoulder while Joo-yeon grabbed his elbow and tried to grab his other arm.

"Take a picture of me again and you're dead!" Joo-yeon said threateningly, trying to grab the phone that was in his hand.

Onew stuck his tongue out and pulled away from her in a flash. Quickly, he ran down the aisle and jumped out the bus doors.

"Meet me at the swimming pool if you want it erased!" he called out cheekily before disappearing into the crowd.

Not noticing Taemin and me, Joo-yeon ran off the bus and tried to chase him.

Rolling my eyes, I followed her.


Kevin's POV

"Just go," I laughed, waving Taemin forward.

He quickly waved goodbye before jogging after Ji Eun, who had caught up with Joo-yeon.

"So shall we go get some breakfast?" Dong Ho asked hopefully, his eyes not leaving the entrance to the cafeteria.

"Go ahead. I need to get something from my car," I said before walking to the parking lot. It's been in school for three days. Hopefully nobody messed with it...


After grabbing my math notebook, I made sure to lock the car doors.

I was about to run back to school when a sleek black sedan pulled in front of me, blocking my path.

I waited with irritation as the driver got out and opened the passenger door.

As if moving in slow motion, a girl slowly got out of the car, followed by a guy with slightly wavy hair.

I stopped breathing when the girl took off her sunglasses.

So many years have passed.

Yet she looks exactly the same. I knew she was back in Korea, but here in school?!

"E-Eun Ri?" I choked out disbelievingly.


Eun Ri's POV

"My grandson is stubborn. Too stubborn."

Mrs. Choi's words echoed in my ears during the drive to school.

Quickly, I snuck a peek at the guy beside me. His arms were crossed and he had an angry expression on his face.

When we had arrived at the Choi Inc. building this morning, he had fought with her.

His grandmother. The new company president...

"Minho," I called out his name, trying not to smirk.
He shot me a glare but answered none the less.


"Have you talked to Key about me?" I said casually, knowing the answer.

Only him and the president knew that I was Key's future fiancée.

"No. And I don't intend to. Your place here is only temporary. Don't act like you're already engaged," he said coolly, turning away.

"But we will be," I replied, watching his expression turn to anger.

"I know you're only in this for the money. Marriage of convenience, right? Well sorry to crush your hopes, but you won't be marrying Key. Don't forget that if he finds another heiress to marry in two months, you're being taken back to the U.S.," he said coldly.

I laughed.

"Don't forget. I'm only here because he hasn't found an heiress to marry. I know all about it," I grinned triumphantly, watching Minho's expression turn to shock.

The company had been turned over to Minho so Key could find a wife. Minho was supposed to help him.

"But your grandmother ran out of patience, right? Despite all those matchmaking dates, Key hasn't found anyone, right? So now she's taking over the company. And when Key and I get married, he'll be the new president," I smirked, twirling the diamond bracelet my father had given me around my wrist. Our family owned a huge diamond empire in the U.S.

"Since you know so much, did she tell you why she's taking over and why she's sending me back to school?" he raised an eyebrow.

I faltered. I actually had no clue.

"It's because if I'm still the company president, she's afraid that with my connections, I'll find a girl for Key. Then you'll be sent back and she won't have anymore control over the company," he said scathingly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, "Whoever Key marries, it doesn't matter. She'll still lose her control over the company."

"That's right. But that's why she's so keen on him marrying you, right? Because you made some sort of deal with her. Let me guess? If you marry Key, you'll give part of the company to her, right?" Minho scoffed.

How did he know that?!

"It's pretty obvious," he smirked, noticing my expression.

"I always knew she didn't want Key to find anyone to marry. Because all along, she's had you in mind. And now that Key's almost graduating, she brings you here. And she sends me back to finish high school. Because if I'm still working at the company, she knows that I'll find him the girl he's looking for. And then her plans will go to nothing," he said, mostly to himself.

I paused.

"The girl he's looking for?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We're here," the driver suddenly stopped the car and opened my door.

I glanced back at Minho, who impatiently waved me forward. Guess he's not going to answer.


Scoffing I stepped out of the car and found myself face to face with a guy.

"E-Eun Ri?!" he choked out.


Kevin's POV

She raised an eyebrow and adjusted her clothes. She was wearing a short black dress. Her style has changed so much...

Back then, she used to wear jeans, long dresses, and—

"Do I know you?" she wrinkled her nose, jolting me out of my thoughts.

My eyes flew open in shock.

"You're joking, right?!" I clenched my fists.

She rolled her eyes.

"Wow. Never knew such rude people existed. Sorry but I've never seen you before," she shrugged, pulling her bag out of the car.

She's lying.

She has to be.

I opened my mouth to say something but the guy behind her spoke up.

"We need to go to the office. Now," he frowned impatiently.
Eun Ri nodded and followed him, leaving me standing there.

I stared at her retreating figure.

Does she really not remember me?

It's been a long time, but still...

Could it be that she already forgot..?!


Onew's POV

Sneakily, I picked the lock to the door that led to the pool area.

After getting in and sitting down behind a metal cabinet, my phone rang.

"Yobosaeyo?" I answered it happily.

"Onew? Where are you?" Key said, clearly annoyed.

Right. I was supposed to meet him in front of the library...

I heard light footsteps. Thinking it was Joo-yeon, I stepped out from my hiding place.

"Meet me at the pool instead," I told Key quickly before hanging up.

Grinning, I put my phone away and looked up.

Instead of Joo-yeon, the muscular campus security guard was standing in front of me, shaking his head.

"Come with me," he frowned, crossing his arms.

I thought about making a run of it, but then the guy cracked his knuckles.

"O-okay," I said weakly as he dragged me out, not bothering to relock the door.


Key's POV

Groaning, I hung up my phone and jogged across the school to the pool area.

Surprisingly, the door was unlocked.

"Onew?" I called out softly, stepping in.

I wrinkled my nose at the strong chlorine smell.

There was no answer.

Sighing, I bent over the side of the pool and trailed a finger across the water.

I really hate swimming, but being next to the pool is so calming...

Anyways, where is that guy?!


Joo-yeon's POV

Taemin, Ji Eun, and I ran to the cafeteria and quickly bought breakfast. Today, it was crisp waffles, fresh strawberries, and milk.

As soon as we sat down, I quickly began eating.

Taemin and Ji Eun watched in shock.

"What's the hurry?!" Taemin raised his eyebrows, still not touching his food.

I gulped the milk down and stood up.

"I have to go to the pool to get Onew," I frowned, throwing my trash away.

"Don't go! Students aren't supposed to be in there unless they have club activities," Taemin said sternly.

I shrugged.

"Don't worry. It'll just be a second," I assured him.
With that, I was gone.


Making sure nobody was around, I snuck into the pool area.


I was expecting Onew to be waiting outside since the door was usually locked.

Oh well.

I looked around quickly. It was so quiet and the air smelled strongly of chlorine. The deep pool was calm and still.

Onew was nowhere in sight.

I was about to leave when a figure that had been crouched by the side of the pool stood up.

Oh. So that's where he was.

Quickly and quietly, I snuck up behind him.

When I was only a few inches away, I angrily grabbed his shoulders.

He turned around in shock and took a step backwards.


My eyes widened as he began to lose his balance.

Without thinking, I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him back up.

Too late though since before I knew it, he toppled backwards, pulling me into his chest and into the pool.


Key's POV

Still holding onto Joo-yeon's hands, I kicked up to the surface and emerged, gasping for breath. Our face were only inches apart.

"Ah!" she put her hands around my neck, causing me to momentarily sink a few inches into the water.

"Yah!" I sputtered as the two of us began to sink again.

"I don't know how to swim!" she cried, holding onto me.

I frantically kicked my legs.

"I can't swim with you in front of me," I gasped as we sank again before resurfacing.

Oh my god. She's too close!

Her chin was on my shoulder as she held on.

Ahhh! This isn't the time to be thinking that!

"Get on my side," I coughed.

The ledge was three feet away since in the process of resurfacing, instead of shooting straight up, I swam up diagonally.

And since we were in the deep end, our feet didn't touch the floor.

I treaded water while Joo-yeon switched positions.

Putting my arm around her waist, I used the other one to swim.

A few seconds later, we were coughing on the pool deck.

Who knew it would pay off to learn how to do the sidestroke?


Joo-yeon's POV

Gasping, I turned to Key.

"T-thanks," I shivered, pushing the wet hair out of my face.

Slowly, he stood and pulled me up.

"Isn't the girl supposed to save the drowning prince?" he laughed, pushing the hair out of his eyes.

I rolled my eyes.

"It was the prince's fault that he fell in," I joked, squeezing the water out of my skirt.

We had boarded the school buses in regular clothes, but I had changed into my uniform before heading over here.

Apparently Key had too since his uniform was soaked.

"You were the one who scared me," he accused, wringing out his jacket.

Oh. Right. I thought he was Onew so I walked up to him angrily.

I opened my mouth to apologize but stopped when I heard a loud groan.

"What is it with kids and sneaking into the pool?!" the campus security guard clutched his head.

Uh oh.

Key and I shot each other frantic looks.

Before we could explain, the guard grabbed us both by the elbows.

"You two are coming with me to the headmaster's office!"


Even though we were still dripping wet, the guard took us into the waiting room.

"What happened?!" a familiar voice said worriedly.

Sitting in one of the chairs was Onew.

"We got caught in the pool," Key and I said simultaneously, glaring at him.

"Oh. Right..." Onew laughed weakly before stopping.

"But, did you two fall in?!" his eyes widened.

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes, taking a seat across from Onew.

"I only fell in because of her," Key pointed out before sitting next to me.

I rolled my eyes before turning to the headmaster's secretary.

"Do we really have to see the headmaster?" I gulped, nervously staring at the door to his office.

The secretary gave us a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry, but you have to. In a few minutes though, since he's talking to the new students," she smiled before picking up the phone.

New students? Why this time of the year? School is almost over...

I turned to Key and Onew, confused.

They shrugged.

"No, it's fine. The two of them already changed into their uniforms before coming to the office," the secretary said into the phone before hanging up.

Two new students, huh? Maybe one of them will be in my class..?

I opened my mouth to ask the secretary what year they were in, but was cut off by the door to the office opening.

Quickly, Key, Onew, and I stood up. The secretary did too.

The principal emerged from behind the doors swiftly, followed by two figures.

The first one was a pretty girl with long brown hair . She looked shocked seeing us, but she recovered and smiled shyly.

The second student was a tall guy with dark brown, curly hair.

"Hyung?!" Onew and Key yelled out simultaneously.

"You know him?" I turned to Key curiously.

At the sound of my voice, the tall guy turned to me. His eyes widened in shock.

"O-oh! Mrs. Lee!" he stuttered.

Mrs. Lee?! I looked at him in surprise.

He coughed.

"Er, I mean. Park Joo-yeon, right?" he corrected himself.

I nodded, still confused.

"You know her?" Onew tilted his head and stared at Minho.

"How?" Key cut in.

"STOP!" the headmaster suddenly yelled out.

We froze.

"Aish! Too many questions. And why are you two dripping—never mind," he mumbled before straightening up.

"This is Song Eun Ri. This is Choi Minho. From today onwards, they will be attending this school as third years," he gestured to each student.

"Your brother?!" my eyes flew open and I turned to Key. What's the Choi company president doing here?!

He gave me a small nod before directing his attention to Minho.

"Hyung, so what are you doing here? And who's she?" he frowned at the girl.

Minho sighed.

"I'll tell you later. It's a long story. And this girl...I just met her this morning," Minho said slowly.

The girl smiled.

"My name is Song Eun Ri and I just moved here alone from America," she said in perfect Korean.

"Song? As in Song Diamond Co.?" Onew raised an eyebrow.
She nodded.

"Yes. I'm living in the Song Diamond Co. Korea Branch building temporarily," she nodded.


"Great, another heiress," Key muttered under his breath.

I rolled my eyes and lightly hit his arm.

Bad move since this made the headmaster turn his attention towards us.

"So, why are you two soaking wet? And why are you wearing Mr. Kim's jacket?" he turned to me.

I felt my face redden.

Key had let me borrow his blazer since my white blouse had become see through.

"We fell in the pool," Key said shortly.

The headmaster raised an eyebrow before shrugging.
"Whatever. I have no time for this. Just go to class," he frowned, waving the five of us forward.


As soon as we were out of the office, Eun Ri spoke up.

"Minho and I have the same classes as the three of you. Could you show us the way to the classroom?" she showed Key her schedule.

He lightly pushed her arm towards Onew and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Onew, show them the way. Joo-yeon and I need to go somewhere," he called out over his shoulder.

I shot him a glance.

"Go where?"

He ignored my question and kept walking.


Minho's POV

I stared at Key.

Did he just put his arm around her shoulder?!

Did he just put his arm around her shoulder?!

Did he just put his arm around her shoulder?!

He never comes into contact with girls!



I looked at Onew, who was watching them too.

And isn't she supposed to be Onew's wife?!


Taking a deep breath, I cleared my throat.

"Onew, aren't you and Joo-yeon..?" I trailed off suggestively.

He threw me a weird look.

"We're just friends. Why?" he tilted his head.

"But some guys at the masked ball said that—"

His lit up immediately.

"Oh! At one point, I kind of lied and said we were married," he shrugged like it was nothing.

So that's what happened.

But then, that means that...

Can she be the girl with the bracelet?


Eun Ri's POV

Narrowing my eyes, I watched as Key took the girl away.

What's his relationship with her?!


The Little Mermaid is incredibly beautiful and has an intoxicating voice. But underneath, she has a black heart.

She leaves home with one goal—to marry the prince of the kingdom, of course. But for this to happen, she needs the sea witch's guidance. She must exchange her tail for a pair of legs. Her voice is also taken away.

When she appears in front of the arrogant prince in her new form, he is shocked by her transformation and indifferent attitude. Pained by her sudden arrival and confused regarding her intentions, he steps aside and decides to wait and watch.

Meanwhile, Cinderella decides to visit the ocean despite the sea king's warnings. Sure enough, she accidentally falls in the deep waters with Prince Charming.

Dripping wet, both enter the castle's throne room and find two new subjects.

It's the king and the mermaid.


Any questions? Ask


1) I'm alluding to the original Little Mermaid, not the Disney version. So when you see "sea witch" think of Ursula.

2) Their high school has three years. Taemin, Ji Eun, Onew, Joo-yeon and Key are all seniors. If you look at the forewords, Joo-yeon is 17 and Key is 18 but that's because Key just had his birthday in the story. He's three months older than Joo-yeon.

3) Key and Minho are step-brother's, hence the different last names.

The company is called the CHOI company because Minho's dad was the president until he died. So, Minho and Key have different fathers. But Minho's dad still decided to adopt Key as his son (They have the same mom, but she died).

Minho is one year older than Key. He was supposed to be the successor, but he really didn't want to. Respecting his wishes, the dad named Key his successor. Key didn't really mind. He wanted to take over the company.

The dad's partners were against Key becoming the heir since the president isn't even his real dad.

To convince them to agree, the dad claimed that Key would marry a company heiress, thus expanding Choi. Inc.

Only Minho was told about the marriage clause. Key eventually found out.

When the dad died, it was decided that Minho would be the president until Key married. So, Minho left school a year early.

Everybody was happy except for Minho 's grandmother (Key's step-grandmother). She had expected her son to name her vice president after his death.

Instead, Key's future wife would be vice president. The grandmother only got a small fortune (yeah, she's greedy).

So, she tells Eun Ri's dad that Key is looking for a wife. If Eun Ri marries Key, Eun Ri will give half the company to the grandmother.

Key has to get married before he graduates (The dad said that he could marry whenever. But after the dad died, the advisors gave Key a deadline. Yeah, the advisors only care about money). He graduates in two months. So Eun Ri has to make him fall in love with her in two months.

But why is Eun Ri okay with giving up half her future empire? Why is she going along with the grandmother's plan?

And what about Hye Ri?

Stay tuned to find out...


ALERT ALERT: I'm starting a JONGHYUN story called "She's Into , So Call Me Gay." It's more comedy.



And so, the plot thickens. LOL

Minho enters the scene.
He will now play a bigger role :)

Everything is connecting :DD

I hope it's not too complicated X)
If you have any questions, ask me!

And Hye Ri is still plotting! She just didn't appear this chapter.

Anyways, please comment and tell me what you thought! I worked hard to update before I went into full on AP review mode.

And do you guys remember Eun Ri? Kevin mentions her in Chapter 12:
-I let out a bitter smile. "Funny, because I let Eun Ri go and she never came back to me."

Comment please! Your comments are my sole motivation for writing this!


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KokoroNoTakara #1
Chapter 25: This was AMAZING!!! But it seems you havent updated your other stories in a while... SO sad... I hope you update soon for the sequel!!!
AlmightyNeesa #2
Chapter 25: I'm sad that it's the end.. I started reading it a while ago and forgot about it but I finally finished and I'm sad. It's one of the few stories that I enjoyed reading.
Chapter 32: Wow... Absolutely LOVE this story and the way it's written with that fairytail part at the begging and end of the chapters. I ended up feeling really bad for Jonghyun...
Keep up the good work~!
Chapter 32: whao. i love your writing. i was not bored one bit throughout the story! omg is it gonna be Minho and THE stepsister?!?
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 32: WOW-EEE!! Finished reading and the story was super duper awesome ^___^ I love how its based on fairytales!! Probably one of the best SHINee fics I've read kekeke HWAITING!
kawaiigirl356 #6
Chapter 32: Just finished reading this. It was really good. I like the way plot was laid out. I'm reading your fanfic about Jonghyun and I like it a lot. ^^ Plz keep writing awesome stories.
Chapter 25: FINISHED! Woah...... Amazing. Just amazing. You are a very talented written author nim
Chapter 20: Hehe I love this story! Almost done keke ;D
haruyang #9
New reader! Omg just chanced upon this and i loved the story so much! Love the ongoing non- fic too! Will be looking forward to the sequel to this. Looks like it's going to get more exciting!
Chapter 25: I really love this Fic. Your such an awsome writer. DAEBAK!!!!