Snow White

Once Upon A Fairytale


It's their last day away from the kingdom and everyone is busy.

The arrogant prince and the peasant girl wander off into the woods.

The fairy godmother thinks about sending a hunstman after them, but changes his mind and decides to look for them himself.

But when he finally finds them, he ends up grabbing the wrong person.

Left alone in the woods by the fairy godmother and the arrogant prince, the peasant girl thinks about the magic word that will open her locked gift. When the old woman with the giant spindle suddenly appears and offers her an answer, she rejects it out of fear.

Meanwhile, the diamond princess uses a magic mirror to poison a red apple.


So she can learn the identity of the maiden Prince Charming seeks.

And while the diamond princess plots, Cinderella finds Prince Charming sick in his bed.

Only a kiss will save the poisoned Snow White.


Key's POV

"Simon says clap your hands!" Onew said quickly.

I rolled my eyes and clapped weakly.

We were already in our third round of Simon Says. I would have left but Joo-yeon stubbornly insisted on playing until she won.

And since I still wanted to talk to her about Onew, I stayed too.

"Stop!" Onew commanded, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Everybody but me stopped.

"No fair!" Jiyeon sighed, slumping forward. Her long necklace lightly hit her glass, making small clinking sounds.

"Key, you won!" Joo-yeon exclaimed with a hint of jealousy in her voice. She had pulled her hair back so she could concentrate. With a jolt, I realized that she was still wearing my earring. For some reason, this fact made me incredibly happily.

Lightly touching the earring on my ear, I smirked.

"Of course," I replied, "unlike a certain someone who keeps losing."

"Big deal. It doesn't take skill to win a game of Simon Says," Ji Eun pouted, leaning back.

I frowned.

"What? Don't tell me you were happy that Joo-yeon was impressed," she teased me, raising an eyebrow.

I instantly felt my ears turn red. Luckily, no one else heard her.

"I told you, there's nothing going on between us," I whispered back before turning to the others.

"And anyways, how could I not win?" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Is he always this arrogant?" the girl named Eunjung raised an eyebrow before taking a drink out of her glass.

"Actually, he is," Joo-yeon nodded to herself.

"I know, right?" Onew joined in and leaned towards Joo-yeon, "one time—"

"Isn't it my turn to be Simon?" I cut him, my irritation flaring up again.

He tilted his head.

He was probably still wondering why I was so mad.

Yeah. Like I was going to tell him.

"Fine," he finally shrugged, looking confused.

"Okay, Key. Start!" Jiyeon leaned forward excitedly, blocking my view of Onew.

Instinctively, I glanced over at Joo-yeon and saw her staring at me curiously.

The corner of my lips pulled up in a smile.

Maybe I could use this to get her to tell me..?


Joo-yeon's POV

I bit my lip and stared at Key. Even though he was his usual self, I got the feeling that he was pretty angry.

Plus, he kept glaring at Onew.

"Okay! Simon says close your eyes and cover your ears," he smiled wickedly, starting the game.

I raised an eyebrow but did as he said.

All of a sudden, I felt someone grab my wrists, pulling my hands off my ears.

"Simon says open your eyes and tell me the truth. What were you doing with Onew?" Key whispered.

I opened my eyes and gulped. Our noses were almost touching.

I leaned back quickly.

"I just went to wake him up," I answered truthfully, looking away.

He sighed and turned away from me.

"Simon says repeat the alphabet backwards."

With their eyes still closed, everybody started.

I opened my mouth, but Key cut me off.

"Simon says tell me the truth because I know you're lying," he narrowed his eyes.

My eyes widened in shock.

"D-did you see us?" I managed to choke out nervously.

Everybody else was still absorbed in what they were doing.
Key didn't answer.

"Wait. Don't tell me you were jealous..?" I asked slowly.

"Of course I wasn't," he scoffed quickly, leaning back.

I rolled my eyes, trying not to show how disappointed I was. For some reason, hearing him say that made my chest tighten.

"Well anyways, it was only a small kiss," I sighed, frowning.

After all, it was only on the cheek...


Key's POV

"Well anyways, it was only a small kiss," Joo-yeon said quietly.

My eyes widened.

"Only a kiss?!" I tried to control my jealousy.

She shrugged.

"And you know how Onew is. He just acted impulsively. It's not a big deal," she continued nonchalantly.

"So you think the fact that you kissed Onew isn't a big deal?!" I said, irritation evident in my tone.

"He kissed me, not the other way around. And anyways, it's not like I have feelings for him," she stammered defensively.

"Fine. If it's not a big deal, then kiss me," I blurted out.


Joo-yeon's eyes widened.

"P,O,N,M" Dong Ho recited slowly.

"You should hurry," I pointed to my lips and tilted my head towards the others. They were almost done reciting.

Joo-yeon was still sitting there, frozen.

I knew she wouldn't really do it.

I was about to tell her I was joking when I remembered how Onew kissed her.

My anger flared up immediately.

Maybe I should a bit longer...

" L,K,J,I,H..."

"Well? Hurry," I leaned in closer and closed my eyes.

Surprisingly, I heard slight rustling.

Then out of nowhere, I felt one of her arms arm go around my neck while her other hand gently touched the back of my head.

My eyes shot open in shock and I saw Joo-yeon slowly leaning towards me, with her eyes closed.

My heart hammered against my chest as she came closer. I stared at her soft, red lips. Her long eyelashes rested on her porcelain skin and her face was slowly inching closer and closer.

Then, she dropped her arms and pulled away with a smirk.

"D,C,B,A! I win!" Dong Ho jumped happily, opening his eyes.
Slowly, Joo-yeon leaned towards me again. I could feel her breath on my ear.

"You forgot to say Simon says."


Joo-yeon's POV

I jumped on my bed and watched while Ji Eun slowly dropped onto hers.

My heart was still beating fast.

I smiled, remembering Key's shocked expression when I pulled away.

That's what he gets for teasing me...


He was just teasing me. He didn't really expect me to kiss him, but...

If Dong Ho hadn't finished reciting, would I have kissed him anyways?

What was I thinking?!

I slammed my head on my pillow repeatedly, resisting the urge to scream. My heart wouldn't stop thudding at the thought of Key's lips merely centimeters away from mine.


Ji Eun's POV

I turned off my alarm clock and trudged into the bathroom.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I changed into a new set of pajamas.

Joo-yeon was still sleeping when I came out. Some of her pillows were on the floor, which means that she probably couldn't sleep last night...

With a smile, I knelt down beside her bed and gently shook her awake.

She mumbled something, but her eyes remained closed.


"Joo-yeon?" I said softly, making sure not to wake her up completely.

"Mhm?" she tossed in her bed.

"What...what do you think of Key?" I asked slowly, holding my breath.

She frowned in her sleep.

"Jerk...He's...a jerk, but—"

At that moment, someone knocked on our door.

I jumped.

Luckily, Joo-yeon didn't wake up.

I opened it with a frown and saw Kevin standing there.
He was dressed in a black and white striped hoodie and jeans.

I immediately felt underdressed, since I was still wearing my pajamas.

A fact that he noticed.

"Shouldn't you get changed? It's already nine," he said without saying hello.

"It's not like I'm going anywhere today," I shrugged, trying not to get angry.

I was so close to finding out..!

"Good! Since it's our last day here, want to explore the woods with me?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I snapped out of my thoughts quickly.

"Why?" I asked warily, making sure Joo-yeon was still asleep.

"They say there's a treasure buried out there...but dangerous animals guard it," Kevin said mysteriously.

I paused.

"Are you scared?" he asked in mock concern.

I rolled my eyes and lightly hit him on the shoulder.

"Fine. Just let me change."


I changed into dark jean capris, a loose peach dress and sandals.

Just then, Joo-yeon woke up.

"Going somewhere?" she asked hoarsely, eyeing my clothes.

I spotted my cell phone by her bed and grabbed it.

"Hiking," I flashed her a smile, getting ready to leave.
She nodded and slowly got up out of bed.

"Okay, well see you later," I said quickly, knowing that Kevin was waiting for me.

"Wait, you forgot this," she tossed me the box that was Taemin's gift.

"Keep it in your bag so you don't forget it when we leave tomorrow," she explained before waving goodbye.

I stared at the box uncertainly.

There it was again. That weird feeling.

Brushing the thought aside, I ran out quickly.


Kevin's POV

My arms instinctively wrapped around Ji Eun when she ran out of her room and crashed into me.

"Oh, good! You're still here," she gasped, brushing the hair out of her face.

I looked at her curiously before shrugging.

"Of course. Anyways, let's hurry. I had to sneak away from Dong Ho or he would have tagged along with us," I explained.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Dong Ho would want to come, but he'll probably be scared the whole time since animals really freak him out," I rolled my eyes, as we walked down the forest path.

"Right," she nodded understandingly while stifling a laugh.

"So what's this treasure you're looking for anyways?" she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"The treasure of spending time with you!" I smiled cheesily, dodging her arm when she tried to hit my shoulder.

She muttered under her breath and moved away.

"Seriously though. There's supposed to be a lake around here that's really pretty. But there's a lot of wild animals," I explained, pulling out a map.

I pointed to our position. The beach was two miles away and the hotel where we celebrated her birthday was down the street.


Ji Eun's POV

I pulled out my phone to check the time.

Shoot. The battery's dead.

"Kevin, how long have we been walking?" I complained, tugging on his jacket.

"It's only been five minutes," he snickered, "and anyways, we're here!"

He put the map down and for the first time, I looked at our surroundings.

In front of us was glassy lake with dark green water that sparkled with the sun. It was surrounded by a ring of huge trees and moss. Off to the right was a sturdy wooden dock with a rowboat tied to it. Surprisingly, next to it was a huge apple tree laden with apples.

"Wow," I breathed out. If only my phone wasn't dead, then I could take a picture.

"Pretty right?" Kevin nudged me with a grin.


Dong Ho's POV

"Hyung!" I looked up expectantly when the door to our room opened.

A guy with straight, dark brown hair walked in.


"I thought you were Kevin," I sighed, flopping back onto the bed.

"Wait, he's not here?" Taemin's eyes flew up in disbelief.

"No," I frowned, "he went into the FOREST with Ji Eun noona."

"Okay, that sounds sort of wrong," Taemin laughed.

Then, my words sank in.

"Wait, Ji Eun's with him?!" he panicked.

"Yup," I nodded.

"Which forest?" he said quickly, grabbing me by the shoulders.

At that moment, a teacher walked by our open door.

"Oh, Taemin! Could you tell everyone in this hall to pack up so we can leave early tomorrow? Thanks!" he said quickly without waiting for Taemin's reply.

Taemin muttered under his breath before turning to me pleadingly.

"Dong Ho ah, can you go into the forest and bring her to me?" he said helplessly.

I handed him a copy of the map Kevin had taken with him.

"I think you should go yourself," I pointed out.

He hesitated before smiling.

"You're right. Anyways, you might bring back someone else," he joked before grabbing the map.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Just go. I'll tell everyone to pack up."


Taemin's POV

After twenty minutes of stumbling around the woods, running into trees and being chased by squirrels, I finally saw Ji Eun and Kevin sitting on a dock by a lake.

I felt like a stalker.

Still, I jumped behind a tree and watched them.

They were talking and laughing happily.

My chest tightened as I watched Ji Eun. Has she really not realized my feelings for her..?

Frowning, I stepped out from behind the tree and walked up to them.

"Taemin!" Ji Eun jumped up and in the process, nearly fell into the lake, Luckily, I caught her by the waist and pulled her against me.

"Uh...maybe I should leave," Kevin said with a smirk, getting up.

I narrowed my eyes, still holding onto Ji Eun. Yeah, you better leave.

Unfortunately, right when he got up to leave, a raccoon came out of nowhere, running straight toward us.

"Oh my God!" Ji Eun let out a scream, pulling away from me to run.

The three of us scattered and ran around the lake.

The raccoon made angry squealing sounds and chased after us.

"This is your fault! It can probably smell the food you brought!" Ji Eun screamed at Kevin.

"Me?!" he huffed angrily, "You're the one who ignored the 'No Feeding the Animals' sign and fed that squirrel. Now the raccoon wants food!"

Right at that moment, I spotted an opening in the trees.

Quickly, I grabbed Ji Eun by the jacket and pulled her away.

The raccoon veered and followed us.

After five minutes of running, it disappeared.

I turned to Ji Eun, gasping and instead saw Kevin rubbing his forehead exasperatedly.


"I can't believe you grabbed the wrong person," Kevin repeated for the fifth time as we walked through the woods.

"You could have said something while we were running," I snapped back.

"Yeah. Except I was out of breath from being chased," he rolled his eyes, pushing past me.

I narrowed my eyes before shifting my thoughts back to Ji Eun.

Kevin noticed my expression.

"It's fine. She has the map with her," he assured me.

"Yeah, except she's totally useless when it comes to reading them," I muttered under my breath.


Ji Eun's POV

"Gah! Stupid Taemin! How could you leave me?!" I cursed at the sky before sitting down on the dock again.

I stared at the map Kevin had left behind helplessly. It made no sense, at all.

Sighing, I put it into my bag.

As I pulled my hand out, it bumped against the box Taemin had given me.

My heart thudded a broken rhythm as I fished it out.

My fingers grazed the lock on the edge.

"Whatcha doin?" a chirpy voice suddenly called out.

Startled, I looked up and watched as the girl from last night took a seat beside me.


Today, she was wearing a black dress and a black hooded sweatshirt. Her long necklace hung from her neck.

She eyed the box in my hands.

"What's that?" she asked curiously.

"A gift," I replied quietly.

"Did you open it already?"

I paused, hesitant.

"It needs a password. The password is the answer to a riddle," I explained, not sure if I was making sense.

"Then, do you know the answer?" she tilted her head in confusion.

My grip on the box tightened and I bit my lip.

Without thinking, I answered.

"I think I do," I whispered.

"Then why don't you put it in?" she looked at me weirdly.

"I-it might be wrong," I stuttered.

"So? It's not like it'll self-destruct if you get it wrong," she laughed.

I bit my lip.

"But if I put in what I think the answer is and it's wrong...then I'll lose all hope."


Jiyeons' POV

"But if I put in what I think the answer is and it's wrong...then I'll lose all hope," Ji Eun said quietly.

I patted her head comfortingly.

"I don't know what to do," she admitted.

"There's only one answer to that. Put in what you think the answer is. You never know. It might be the right one," I encouraged her.

She looked up quickly.

"No!" she let out, "I-I can't. If it's wrong..."

"You'll never know," I tried one last time.

She shook her head fiercely.


Ji Eun's POV

As a distraction, I got up quickly and walked over to the apple tree. With my back turned to Jiyeon, I rolled the first slot to the letter L.

When I saw what I did, I immediately changed it to another letter and put the box back in my bag.

"Ji Eun," she said worriedly, coming up behind me.

I ignored her.

"Don't these apples look good?" I reached out to take one.

Jiyeon let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine. Do what you want. I'm leaving," she muttered, taking a few steps forward.

As she stepped off the dock, she turned around and pointed to a path lined by rocks.

"Take this path and you should be back at the road in ten minutes," she said quietly.

I nodded.

"Oh, and don't eat any of those apples. I heard the apples from this whole area are really bad. Some people have been getting sick from them," she advised me one last time before turning to leave.

"Wait! Why were you here anyways?" I called out.

She shrugged.

"I was just meeting seven of my friends. They had to sneak out from work so we met up in the woods. Then, I saw you," she smiled.

Jiyeon glanced at her watch.

"Anyways, it's 2PM. You should get going. People might be looking for you. And with that, she disappeared.

Pulling my hand away from the apple tree, I followed the path she had pointed out and arrived at the beach in fifteen minutes.

I would have gone straight back to the inn, but Taemin would be there...

I pulled out the box again. Trembling, I tried to arrange the letters.

L. O.

I stopped and messed up the letters again.

Yeah, right. There's no way that's the answer...


Joo-yeon's POV

"Yeah. I was out at the beach and saw her," I reassured Taemin.

"She's fine. You should do what the teacher told you to, okay? Bye," I hung up.

Right when I hung up, my phone rang again.

"Yobosaeyo?" I answered.

"Joo-yeon! It's Onew! Can you come to our room real quick?" he asked quickly.

I opened my mouth to ask why, but I lost my signal.

Sighing, I walked over to the other inn.


Hye Ri's POV

As I walked down the inn's corridor, a girl bumped into me, sending her suitcase flying.

"Watch it," I hissed dangerously, stepping over her things.

Since we were leaving tomorrow, everybody was packing quickly so they could party their last night here.

I had finished putting my things away and so had Jonghyun.

Currently, his suitcase was in my room, along with his other things.

I remembered how easy it was to trick him.


"Jonghyun, I don't want to ride the bus back," I frowned, pulling his headphones off his head.

"How do you suggest we get home?" he raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Could you rent a car or something?" I pleaded. Well, more like commanded. There's no way he would refuse.

"Fine," he agreed as expected.

"Oh, and so we could leave early, just leave all your things in my room," I added as he headed out to rent a car.

"Why?" he wrinkled his nose in confusion.

"So your roommate won't wake up. If you kept your bags in your room, they'd hear you drag your things out," I replied innocently.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes.

"No need to hurry back," I called out after him with a smile.


And now, I had his Apple laptop under in my bag. It was so easy, getting him to leave his things unguarded.

Finally, I have the key to finding the girl Key is looking for.

After all, Jonghyun's laptop has videos from all the surveillance cameras he plants.

Most likely, he had placed cameras in the 3SCNDS hotel. My father probably made him do it for my security.

I'm sure I'll find the girl Key is looking for in the footage.

The only problem is that Jonghyun's laptop is protected by a password...


"Here's the money," I said tonelessly, sliding the wad of cash across the table.

The guy smiled and pulled out a thin handheld device the size of my hand.

"Just plug it into the USB slot of the laptop and the device will hack it," he grinned.

"All I have to do is plug it in?" I raised an eyebrow.

"And put in the password of the device," he said, sliding a slip of paper with password on it.

"Thanks, that's all I need," I smiled wickedly, getting up.

This should do the trick.


Making sure I locked the door to my room, I booted up Jonghyun's laptop.

The Apple logo appeared and a screen pulled up asking for his password.

Hoping it would work, I plugged in the device.

The screen immediately turned black and a small window appeared.


Grinning, I typed in 'mirrormirror.'

Green numbers began zooming through the screen before it flickered. Then, Jonghyun's desktop popped up.

The background was a close-up of him with his arm around a girl's shoulder. Even though she had sunglasses on, I could tell it was Joo-yeon.

I opened up a folder labeled surveillance and sure enough, a file was labeled '3SCNDS Hotel.'

Quickly, I played the footage. There was no audio but the images were crystal clear.

Sixteen screens showed up at once, displaying what was happening in different parts of the hotel.

I studied each screen slowly before finally recognizing Key. He had taken his mask off for a second to talk to someone.

Afterwards, he was just standing there when a girl appeared and began chasing him. I followed as they moved to different areas of the hotel before he finally lost her by escaping to the roof.

Quickly, I enlarged the rooftop screen and fast forwarded.

A few seconds later, a completely different girl appeared.

My mouth dropped open in shock as I watched them talk and dance.

Who was she?!

I studied her figure but it was useless, her mask was still on her face.

I narrowed my eyes and fast forwarded. Both of them left and appeared in the main ballroom.

When they parted, the girl ran to an isolated hallway and entered a room.

I waited, my face inches away from the screen.

The girl emerged a few seconds later in a completely different dress.

With no mask.



She's the one Key's looking for?!

Shaking, I glanced at the glass bracelet on wrist. The one I had stolen from her.

But...that's impossible!

I had the bracelet the night of the ball.

She couldn't have been wearing it when she was with Key...


My mind flashed back to the day I had first seen Jonghyun's bracelet.

He had one.

A bracelet exactly like Joo-yeon's.
Shaking, I opened up Jonghyun's picture folder. Sure enough, tons of them had Joo-yeon in them.

One in particular had them standing on a street, holding up their wrists, side by side.

They were both wearing matching glass bracelets.

So it wasn't a coincidence. They had bought it together.

Which means Jonghyun must have let her borrow his for the night.

Which means the bracelet I stole from Joo-yeon may help me after all...


Joo-yeon's POV

"Okay, I'm here. What is it?" I grumbled, walking into Key and Onew's room.

Onew, who had been sitting on the bed jumped up.

"Joo-yeon! Thanks for coming," he said with a worried smile.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked in shock.

"It's Key. He's sick," Onew said helplessly.

He dragged me over to the other bed. Key was lying down. I placed my hand on his forehead.

"He's burning up," my eyes widened.

Onew nodded.

"He has a fever but he's also complaining of a stomachache. He ate some apples from the store nearby and apparently the apples here made some other students sick. But Key ate the most," he explained frantically.

"W-what do you need me to do?" I asked, panicked.

"Could you take care of him until I get back? My dad decided to set up a meeting between me and some businessman. I need to meet him in the city today since we're leaving tomorrow," Onew pleaded.

I hesitated.

"M-me? Can't you ask a teacher or something?!" I stuttered.

"Please Joo-yeon? The teachers will probably leave him alone. I know you'll take good care of him. And I promise to hurry back," he gushed out before grabbing his bag and running out of the room.

I gaped at the empty spot where Onew had been before turning to Key.

He let out a groan before rolling onto his other side.
I ran to his side nervously.

What am I supposed to do now?!


I found a clean washcloth in the bathroom and wet it with water.

Making sure he wouldn't wake up, I rolled Key onto his back and placed the cool washcloth on his forehead.

His eyes fluttered open.

"J-Joo-yeon?" he whispered weakly. His voice was rough and it was obvious he had a sore throat.

"Yeah," I answered, brushing the hair out of his face.
His eyes flew open this time.

"What are you doing?! Get out!" he commanded hoarsely.

"What?! Why?" I pulled back, hurt by his words.

He mumbled something into his pillow.

"What?" I leaned in closer.

"I don't want you to catch it," he repeated, turning away.

A smile crept onto my face.

"Wow. You're actually worried about me?" I teased, poking his shoulder.

"As if," he retorted, pulling his blanket over his head.

At that moment, he let out another groan.

"Does your stomach hurt?" I asked worriedly.

"It's those apples," he frowned, hugging his pillow.

"Did you take any medicine?" I glanced at the bottle of medicine on top of the drawer.

He shook his head sleepily.

"I don't like medicine," he said slowly, slipping in and out of consciousness.

"If you don't take any, you won't feel better," I frowned.

"I don't need you to take care of me. Now go before you get sick," he groaned, closing his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes and watched as he fell asleep again.

"You are such a child, you know that? Refusing to take medicine," I muttered, stalking out of the room.


Key's POV

I opened my eyes and the ceiling spun.

I can't believe I got sick from eating an apple.

This is just great.

I clutched my head and rolled over.

All of a sudden, the door slammed open.

I looked up expecting to see Onew but instead, Joo-yeon walked in with a tray. She walked over to the small table by the window and I heard the sound of silverware.

"I brought you some food," she called over her shoulder.

I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off.

"And don't tell me to get out! I promised Onew I would take care of you," she said firmly.

I narrowed my eyes.

"So you're only doing this because Onew asked you to?" I asked harshly.

She walked over with a bowl and lightly hit my head.

"Stop talking nonsense and eat," she commanded, handing me the bowl.

It was porridge.

"I'm not hungry," I said stubbornly, even though my stomach was empty.

She sighed and rubbed her forehead before taking the bowl back.

I watched as she took a spoonful of porridge and put it in .

"See, it's good. Delicious! Now will you eat some?" she asked hopefully.

"I'm not a kid," I rolled my eyes, turning away.

"Am I going to have to feed you?" she threatened me, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Do it then," I smirked, crossing my arms.

She scoffed and before I knew it, she had shoved a spoonful of hot porridge into my mouth.

I swallowed it quickly and it burned my throat. I took in deep breaths of cool air.

"Yah! What are you thinking?! You don't know how to take care of a sick person at all," I complained, leaning back.

My head had started spinning again.

She took a deep breath before taking another spoonful of porridge and blowing on it.

"Here," she shoved the spoon close to my mouth.

Sighing, I opened my mouth and swallowed.

She pulled back the spoon, obviously satisfied.

She took another spoonful of porridge and turned back to me.

"Why are you smiling?!" she paused, narrowing her eyes and putting down the spoon.

"I'm just happy you're feeding me," I sang, ignoring the throbbing in my head.

"If you can still say things like that, you're obviously not sick," she glared, shoving the bowl into my hands and turning away.

Smirking, I leaned forward brushed her hair behind her ear.

"I think you're catching my fever. Your ear is really red," I commented lightly with a grin.

She spun around quickly and pushed me back onto the bed.

"J-just go to sleep!" she stuttered, pulling the blanket over my head.

"How can I go to sleep knowing you're right there?...You might take advantage of my weak state," I said innocently.

Right then, I felt my stomach heave.

I let out a groan.

Joo-yeon quickly pulled the blanket off me.

"Key, you should really take some medicine now," she said worriedly. Or at least, that's what I think she said.

My head started spinning again and my eyes started to black out.



Joo-yeon's POV

"Key!" I shook him gently but his eyes didn't open.

What the heck?! One second he's acting annoying and the next he passes out?!

He must be really sick...

I glanced at the medicine on the nightstand.

Helps reduce pain due to stomachaches, headaches, and fever.

I turned back to Key as he let out another groan.

With some effort, I propped him up.

Carefully, I put some medicine on a new spoon and tried to open his mouth.

"I don't want it," he murmured weakly, turning away.

I pinched his nose so his mouth would open but it didn't.

"You're going to have to open your mouth sooner or later," I threatened him.

His mouth didn't budge.

I let go so he could breathe again.

"You're not going to feel any better unless you drink your medicine," I repeated for the fifth time, trying to shove the spoon between his lips.

He opened one eye feebly and pushed the spoon away.

"If you really want me to take it, then give it to me with your mouth," he pointed to his lips.

My eyes widened in surprise.


"W-what are you talking about?!" I nearly screamed.

He let out a cough.

"Never mind," he groaned, putting his hand over his eyes.

I gulped.

With my mouth as in I take the medicine. And give it to him orally?!

Key let out another cough.

I bit my lip.

I could feel my face heating up.

If I do that, that's the same as kissing him!


Key's POV

Even though my eyes were closed, it still felt like the room was tipping over.

Somewhere to my right, I could hear Joo-yeon muttering to herself, letting out a frustrated scream every five seconds.

She asked me to take the medicine again, but my throat felt raw.

I shook my head no, sending my head spinning again.

I wanted to tell her I was fine, but obviously, I wasn't.

My head was spinning and it my face felt like it was on fire.

Then, that's when it happened.

I felt something soft press against my lips as someone kissed me.

Instinctively, my mouth opened and I tasted cherries.


I wanted to spit it out, but the person kept their lips against mine.

Finally, I swallowed.

A split second later, the person pulled away with a gasp.

Was I dreaming..?

The last thing I heard was a door slamming shut.


Joo-yeon's POV

I closed the door to Key's room, still gasping.

My heart was beating incredibly fast as I touched my lips.

Did I just give my first kiss to that jerk?!


It's their last day away from the kingdom and everyone is busy.

The arrogant prince and the peasant girl wander off into the woods.

The fairy godmother thinks about sending a hunstman after them, but changes his mind and decides to look for them himself.

But when he finally finds them, he ends up grabbing the wrong person.

Left alone in the woods by the fairy godmother and the arrogant prince, the peasant girl thinks about the magic word that will open her locked gift. When the old woman with the giant spindle suddenly appears and offers her an answer, she rejects it out of fear.

Meanwhile, the diamond princess uses a magic mirror to poison a red apple.


So she can learn the identity of the maiden Prince Charming seeks.

And while the diamond princess plots, Cinderella finds Prince Charming sick in his bed.

Only a kiss will save the poisoned Snow White.


Surpise update!

Tell me what you guys thought of the chapter!

The drama shall start!
But as I said, Hye Ri won't be playing a big role. More like a minor one.

And the story won't end when Key and Joo-yeon get together, so don't worry. I promised this would be a long story, right?

LOL Key thought he was dreaming.
And I was so tired that when I was typing out "Kevin pulled out a map" I put "Kevin pulled out a MASK."
Before dragging Ji Eun into the woods XD

LOL lack of sleep has been making me crazy

I really hoped you guys like this update! Please tell me what you think!


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KokoroNoTakara #1
Chapter 25: This was AMAZING!!! But it seems you havent updated your other stories in a while... SO sad... I hope you update soon for the sequel!!!
AlmightyNeesa #2
Chapter 25: I'm sad that it's the end.. I started reading it a while ago and forgot about it but I finally finished and I'm sad. It's one of the few stories that I enjoyed reading.
Chapter 32: Wow... Absolutely LOVE this story and the way it's written with that fairytail part at the begging and end of the chapters. I ended up feeling really bad for Jonghyun...
Keep up the good work~!
Chapter 32: whao. i love your writing. i was not bored one bit throughout the story! omg is it gonna be Minho and THE stepsister?!?
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 32: WOW-EEE!! Finished reading and the story was super duper awesome ^___^ I love how its based on fairytales!! Probably one of the best SHINee fics I've read kekeke HWAITING!
kawaiigirl356 #6
Chapter 32: Just finished reading this. It was really good. I like the way plot was laid out. I'm reading your fanfic about Jonghyun and I like it a lot. ^^ Plz keep writing awesome stories.
Chapter 25: FINISHED! Woah...... Amazing. Just amazing. You are a very talented written author nim
Chapter 20: Hehe I love this story! Almost done keke ;D
haruyang #9
New reader! Omg just chanced upon this and i loved the story so much! Love the ongoing non- fic too! Will be looking forward to the sequel to this. Looks like it's going to get more exciting!
Chapter 25: I really love this Fic. Your such an awsome writer. DAEBAK!!!!