• Before going on stage or standing in front of camera, Seungyeon often feels very stressful and has stomachache.
  • Seungyeon had her first love when she was 15. He was an American Korean living in the States.
  • After that, Seungyeon went out with another schoolmate in her first year of college and had her first kiss with this guy.
  • Among male idols, Onew is the guy whom Seungyeon’s dad wanted her to date with.
  • Seungyeon and Nicole always choose Jiyoung as their ideal model girlfriend if the two were guys.
  • In real life, Seungyeon is quiet and doesn’t talk a lot, totally different from the image of her on TV. One of KARA’s staff members said that Seungyeon liked playing alone.
  • Seungyeon dances well. Dance teacher at her old academy said that Seungyeon’s best skill is popping
  • Seungyeon is addicted to high-tech stuffs, such as earphone, notebook, psp…
  • Sunghee loves naming. Her male name – Sungbok – was given by herself. Morever, she often calls everything around by personal pronoun, such as Corn unnie (sister), Cloud ajusshi (uncle), Pooh chingoo (friend)..
  • Seungyeon decided to retake the university entrance exam since she hadn’t been satisfied with her first time.
  • Seungyeon is considered a role modeled student. She usually greets to sunbaenims (seniors) and goes to school if KARA has no schedule.
  • Sunghee looks up to Yoo Seungjun and Park Hyoshin. She blushes on mention of their names.
  • Seungyeon trained in a same dancing academy with Lee Hyori. One day Hyori’s manager came to pick her up and paid his/her attention to Seungyeon. She offered Seungyeon to DSP for audition.
  • Seungyeon was the only child. Her parents wanted her to become a doctor but she ended up choosing to be a singer. At first her parents didn’t approve of it but now they’re both supporting her.
  • Seungyeon has gone to sauna with Nicole and Jiyoung, she has especially gone with Nicole many time. Korean people like going to sauna to relax. Nicole said that there were sauna in LA too, but Seungyeon was the first person she went to sauna with beside her mother.
  • Seungyeon’s father once stopped by KARA Bakery and said to the staff, “I don’t like cakes, but I’m a fan of Seungyeon, I buy because I see Seungyeon’s poster here. You guys should thank her”.
  • Seungyeon’s and Jiyoung’s fathers are pretty close. They often meet and talk.
  • Seungyeon doesn’t like that fact that she looks much younger than her actual age. It annoys Seungyeon that wherever she goes she is frequently asked to show her ID card to confirm her age.
  • Seungyeon moved to the US with her family at the start of her 2nd term in 8th grade. She stayed in the US for a few years.
  • Seungyeon wanted to be a nurse when she was young because she thought the nurse uniform looked really pretty.
  • Seungyeon loves anime. Watching anime is a way she deals with stress.
  • Seungyeon often got homesick when she first moved in with GyulSungCole. She found comfort in hugging someone while sleeping. However, Gyuri was used to sleeping by herself so she didn’t want to share bed with Seungyeon. Seungyeon then cried and brought her pillow with her to KimCole’s room and asked to sleep together with them. Seungyeon especially liked hugging Nicole to sleep because Nicole is really soft.
  • After being MCs for “I Love Pet” with Jiyoung, Seungyeon started to raise 2 hedgehogs in their dorm. Seungyeon named them Wonie and Sungie, which combines together into the name Wonsungie which means monkey. However, the two hedgehogs poop everywhere in their dorm, making Seunyeon very tired of cleaning after them.
  • Her nickname is Ham, Hamster, Choding
  • Role in KARA: Second-eldest/small sister
  • Her blood type is A
  • Favorite Food: BuDae Soup/Steam pot
  • Treasured Object: Anything with music
  • Favourite Korean gasoo: g.o.d
  • Thinks her best physical feature is her: Inside eyelid
  • Hobbies:/Interests: Reading, music, plushy youngest (Nicole), taking care of their homepage, watching the fans’ reactions, fishing out fans, an unstrong pride no one knows, tricking Nicole by teaching her wrong things in korean, making random sounds.
  • Skills: Singing, Dancing, impersonating Gollum’s “My precious…” (Lord of the Rings)
  • Motto: Go with what you believe in


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congrats :)
karaxjackson #2
Thanks for the facts. :-) it was pretty sad because they were disbanded now :-(
elliptical #3
congrats x
Omg this just made me sad since Kara has disbanded now :'(
congrats (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
TimelessStories #6
Chapter 2: oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TimelessStories #7
Chapter 1: LOL This is fab ^^
Catalina390 #8
Chapter 5: thanks for sharing