

Despite Baekhyun's reassurances-

Do Kyungsoo had felt like he was going to birth a child, despite being a male.

What he had just thought was probably offensive and insensitive to females. He had no idea how painful it was to have a baby, but this is how he imagined how nervous it might be.

His stomach was having these weird contractions.

He was sweating enough to swim around.

Yes, Do Kyungsoo was going on a date.

"Come on Kyungsoo, you're the one who instigated this entire emotional outing. You must persist. Why are you talking to yourself now, Kyungsoo? Is that even logical? Is this whole situation logical? Only math is logical. That's the solution! Yes, Kyungsoo, let's do some math problems," Kyungsoo said to himself as he paced back and forth on the mahogany hard wood floors.

Kyungsoo was about to flip tables as he looked for his special edition critical thinking textbook.

Kyungsoo, in frustration, gave up on looking for his book. He instead scurried to his restroom.

Kyungsoo looked at himself. His normally pale cheeks were flushed, his eyes wider than the usual wide, and he had beads of perspiration gathering at his black hairline.

"....not good. Now I must shower once more," Kyungsoo groaned to himself.


After a nice and warm shower, Kyungsoo had finally managed to calm himself down.

He felt absolutely ridiculous as he turned his closet upside down, looking for something suitable to wear.

When Baekhyun had asked if he wanted advice on what to wear, Kyungsoo had declined, insisting that it shouldn't matter to him. He would just choose as any other day.

Kyungsoo was too proud and too embarrassed to accept Baekhyun's help.

Kyungsoo had probably tried on seven different shirts before collapsing onto his bed.


Kyungsoo looked over at his phone on his night stand.

It was a text from Baekhyun.


Kyungsoo-ah, I know you' probably just took your second shower, because you're nervous. You probably just went through approximately eight different shirts. I know you'd never ever need my assitance, and that you're not nervous at all. And also that you don't care what you wear, but good old Baek picked out a suitable outfit. It's hanging on the back of your left closet door.


Kyungsoo was so relieved that he couldn't find it in him to make a witty response.


Thanks Baek.


Kyungsoo stood up and nearly skipped to his left closet door. 

And Kyungsoo had no words for the atrocity he saw hanging on the back.

Baekhyun had chosen a low cut tank top, a cardigan to go over it, and perhaps the tightest jeans Kyungsoo had ever seen in his life. Where had Baekhyun even gotten these clothes???



Kyungsoo-ah, do you like my style? I think Jongin will like my style. Just tell him to keep his hands to himself.


Kyungsoo gritted his teeth in annoyance as he angrily texted back.




.......Obviously, Baekhyun. Did you even read the last text I sent you?


....You don't sound like you need my help.


.....Baekhyunnie, I have to leave in about seven minutes and thirty seconds, now seven minutes and twenty seven seconds. by the time you get this, I'll only have seven minutes. Please help, neh?


Awww, Kyungsoo-ah, fine. I picked out a nice and decent outfit for you. It's hanging  on the backside of your right side closet door.


Kyungsoo smiled to himself, seeing a perfectly acceptable red plaid button-down and not-so-tight skinny jeans accompanying them.


Thanks Baekhyun.


No problem! Have fun Kyungie bear ;)


Kyungsoo shook his head as he laughed to himself. His best friend was so silly.




Kyungsoo plopped down on his swivel chair at the counter of his family restaurant.

With a can of his favorite soy milk in hand, he spun around, sipping through the straw.

Kyungsoo was just a bit early, having agreed to meet at 5. It was just 4:50 now.

It was his family restaurant anyways, so it didn't look too odd.

Kyungsoo had finished his can of soy milk alarmingly fast. He frowned slightly at the empty metal cylinder. He tossed it in the trash can as he made his way to get another.

He retrieved a straw and haphazardly taped it to the side of the green can.

He nervously rolled it around in his hand, wondering if giving it to Jongin would be too weird. He sighed, spinning around in his chair as he stared at the can.

"Is that for me?" a voice asked. Kyungsoo looked up, knowing who that voice belonged to.

Kyungsoo paused for a second.


Kyungsoo had decided against saying something like "Don't be delirious, I use this to water my plants."

Kyungsoo simply stuck his hand forward, and Kai took it.

Jongin looked handsome, of course. Kyungsoo took in the sight of his denim shirt and his black jeans.

"...Kyungsoo, when did you become a thief?" Jongin asked as he reached across the counter to rub the collar of Kyungsoo's shirt between his fingers.

"What are you talking about?" Kyungsoo asked, his eyebrows pinching together in defense and confusion.

"This is my shirt..," Jongin chuckled as he ran his thumb over the two parallel safety pins adorning the corner. Kyungsoo looked down and blushed. How had he missed the safety pins??

"How are you so sure that I didn't happen to buy the same shirt and place two safety pins on the collar?" Kyungsoo asked as he blushed. 

"I don't know which is worse. You being caught in my shirt, or you buying the same shirt, and putting the same two safety pins on the collar," he chuckled.


He knew Kai always pinned two safety pins to his shirt.

"Mmmm, I don't. It might just be a coincidence. But all my safety pins have an X etched in on the backside," Jongin mumbled as he showed Kyungsoo the two safety pins on his own shirt.

Indeed, there was an X cleanly etched into the backside.

"Shall we check if this is really my shirt? Not that it makes a difference. I must admit I'm fond of the idea of you in my clothes," Jongin in laughed lightly. Kyungsoo blushed to his ears.

Kyungsoo couldn't move as Jongin brought his hand to the collar of his shirt again. He gently flipped the safety pin, and sure enough, there was an X etched on each one.

"Ah, so it is my shirt," Jongin laughed.

"Baekhyun told me to wear this shirt," Kyungsoo said as he crossed his arms. He hopped of his chair. Kyungsoo was a little angry. The smooth and flirtatious Jongin had returned. Kyungsoo thought that it had disappeared. Kyungsoo knew the reason he was really upset was because smooth Jongin affected him immensely.

"I'm sorry, Kyungsoo. I just find it adorable. My last intent was to be flirtatious," Jongin mumbled. Kyungsoo looked at him, and softened. It seemed Jongin had really meant it.

"Thanks for the soy milk, though."

"Y-you're welcome. Let's get going."

"You really do look adorable in that shirt though," Kai mumbled to himself.



Kyungsoo fidgeted nervously with the hem of his shirt. His face was flushed warm because of the thought that occupied his mind about 13 - now 14- seconds ago.

Kyungsoo had leaned over to check the odometer in Jongin's car, and ended up staring at Jongin instead.

Kyungsoo knew it was cliche for him to have a weakness for Jongin's skin color. Kyungsoo had constantly heard his peers gush about how even the sun loves him too, not burning him, but giving him a warm glow.

And Kyungsoo thought himself assimilated into the culture of the Jongin fangirls (and boys). Yet, at the same time, their points were pretty much accurate.

Jongin had seemed focused on driving, since they had entered heavier traffic. Kyungsoo's eyes couldn't help following the line of possibly the most adorable nose ever, followed by the full lines of Jongin's somewhat pouty lips. Kyungsoo couldn't stop himself as he assessed the smooth, soft, yet sharp line of Kai's jaw, leading down his smooth neck, to where the smooth lines of Jongin's defined collar bones protruded.

And that's when Kyungsoo began blushing madly.

People are not to be thought as ual objects. The personality serves as the true factor in determining the value of a being

Kyungsoo had to remind himself of that.

"You're being awfully quiet, Kyungsoo," Jongin commented, turning his head slightly to smile at Kyungsoo.

"Well, you are too, Jongin," Kyungsoo mumbled, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Jongin laughed, his deep voice filling his car.

"You're full of surprises, Kyungsoo-ah," he said. Kyungsoo frowned. He liked to think he was completely predicable.

"I think this is the first break in pattern for me, honestly."

"What is? Going to the carnival?"

"No, just. Doing something that doesn't involve my special dual panneled graphing calculator."

".... well I think choosing the carnival as our first date is odd. It's uncharacteristic for you, especially because you don't like carnivals."

Kyungsoo frowned to himself. Yes, it was true that he didn't like carnivals, but he knew Jongin did. He hadn't intended for Jongin to find out.

"Well, I will confirm your statement. Grass and poorly designed rides that are dismantled and assembled do often worry me. I can not possibly enjoy myself when I see people screaming on those rides. I have to remind myself that they're merely screaming from the adrenaline stimulated by the speeds and heights, and not because they have full awareness of the lack of safety of each ride," Kyungsoo shook his head as Jongin threw his head back in a light laugh.

"Kyungsoo, you won't die if you go on one of them," Jongin reassured as they neared the carnival. Kyungsoo merely crossed his arms and peeked at Jongin and his perfection.

"Well, I do trust your ability to assess the statistics and probability of the ratio of death to survival when on sketchy roller coasters."

"Well, then why didn't you just tell me?"

"....tell you what?"

"That you're afraid of heights."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened at Kai's statement.

"I shall inform you, Jongin, that I haven't a fear of heights. I have a fear of wreckless and dangerous situations. And if my calculations are correct, which they are, the ratio of death to survival is 99 to 1, should I board a roller coaster," Kyungsoo informed Jongin. Jongin just gave another breath-taking smile as they to the carnival grounds.

"Why did you suggest doing then? If you don't like the carnival?" Jongin asked with genuine curiousity.

"B-because," Kyungsoo began," You like carnivals... A-and ridiculously sugary blue cotton candy..."






"99 to 1"

".... Five hundred people have gotten on this today, and there hasn't been an accident."

"...Of course it's not an accident. It's a fault of poor and faulty engineering. It's to be completely predicted that there would be a malfunction of some system."

"Kyungsoo. You're getting on the ferris wheel with me," Jongin said, crossing his arms as he looked at the sulking Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo unconsciously pouted.

"Jongin~," he whined. Jongin resisted the urge to take Kyungsoo to hug and cuddle the life out of him.

"It won't get stuck, or break from its hinges and axles and start rolling across the city, Kyungsoo. Come on. I promise, nothing will happen."

"Jongin, you can't promise on the behalf of the engineers of this ferris wheel."

".........." Jongin just gave Kyungsoo an exasperated look, making Kyungsoo realize he was just being difficult. Jongin had gotten the same semester average as him in their engineering and statistics class.... so Kyungsoo deemed that Jongin's judgement could be correct.

"Okay," Kyungsoo agreed.




"JONGIN! IT'S STUCK! THE FERRIS WHEEL IS STUCK!!! 99 to 1!!!! JONGIN!! YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE ON BEHALF OF THE ENGINEERING FIRM!!!!!" Kyungsoo looked like he was losing his head.

He was gripping the railing of the little gondola, his eyes wider than Kai had ever seen them.

"Hyung, calm down. It's 8:00, every time an hour passes after 7, they pause the ferris wheel and have fireworks. It did not get stuck, and this isn't the 99 to 1."

"Kyungsoo, if you don't calm down, I'm going to hug you."

And just like that, Kyungsoo sat himself down calmly, eyeing Jongin as though Jongin was going to attack him.

Kyungsoo was squeezing the life out of the bear he was holding.

Jongin and Kyungsoo had inadvertently won the "cutest couple award". They didn't even know how their picture got on the "Cutest Couple Board" or how they even attained the most votes, given Kyungsoo and Jongin were both males, and society didn't seem to be the most friendly towards them.

And on top of that, Kyungsoo and Kai weren't even an official couple.

Jongin had said "Kyungsoo won it by himself" but Kyungoo reflexively replied that a couple "implies two".

"The fireworks are pretty. I like especially like the fireworks made with magnesium. They tend to be brightest, given its chemical properties," Kyungsoo mumbled half-mindedly as bursts of colors bloomed against the dusky hues of the sky.

"I like strontium. Red fireworks are prettiest to me."

"Red matches you," Kyungsoo replied thoughtlessly.

"Magnesium matches you too," Jongin replied, "It's bright."

Kyungsoo started coughing because, well, he was pretty sure he was drowning in the thickest cheese ever.

"Thank you Jongin," Kyungsoo says, trying to offer him a smile. Kyungsoo quickly gave up on that, because he pretty sure his face was looking more like he was in pain.

"Well, actually, it's strontium fireworks suit you more, given, its color matches the color your face just turned."

Kyungsoo felt like jumping off the gondola from his embarrassment.

"YAH KIM JONGIN!" Kyungsoo shouted cutely as he launched the bear at Jongin's handsome face.

Jongin merely caught it easily, laughing even harder at Kyungsoo's face.

When can I get off of this thing?



Kai was leaning up against his car that was parked in front of Kyungsoo's house.

It must have been around 9:30 and Kyungsoo had no idea why he didn't just go inside his house already.

"Kyungsoo-ah," Kai called.

"Yes Jongin?" Kyungsoo said as he looked up at Kai.

"Thank you."

"Ah, oh. Ahem, you're uh- welcome," Kyungsoo said, trying (against his better judgement) to smile again.


"Yes Jongin?"

"Come here," Jongin said, beckoning Kyungsoo closer.

For some odd reason, Kyungsoo did as Jongin asked, without analyzing its purpose and potential terminal side effects.

Kyungsoo stepped closer, being in awe yet again, of how tall Jongin was. Jongin merely smiled the smile that Kyungsoo liked best. The soft, yet squinty smile.

"This has been a pretty cliche date, huh? We rode the ferris wheel, and we got a giant stuffed animal. What are the odds? Oh, wait, don't answer that question, I don't think I can survive another lecture on statistics and probability."

Kyungsoo couldn't help but chuckle himself.

Jongin leaned forward, and after a blink of his cute rounds eyes, Kyungsoo found himself encircled in Jongin's long and firm arms.

Kyungsoo felt shocked, mostly because he wasn't used to anyone touching him or being close to him.

Yet, he couldn't deny enjoying the warmth that Jongin supplied. Kyungsoo, however, couldn't bring himself to bring his arms up to wrap around Jongin either, despite how much he wanted to.

"You said that if I calmed down, you wouldn't hug me."

"And?" Kai said, not letting Kyungsoo go.


"Your heart is beating too fast for it to be normal, right Kyungsoo? I know my average in anatomy was higher than yours... but don't you know what a normal heart rate is?" This caused Kyungsoo to blush profusely, the tips of his ears feeling hot.

"YAH! I beat you the second semester!"

Jongin chuckled, and Kyungsoo could feel the taller's chest rumble a little. Kyungsoo oculdn't help smiling, despite himself.



"I only try so hard to beat you because I love seeing that cute little pout, and the signature "You , Kim Jongin" death glare that I get from you. Kind of like the one you're giving me now."





AN: Okay. fluff, sorry.

It was really long.

Sorry again.

I know, I haven't updated in a long time.

But please try to understand author-nim, Kaisoo, i guess, is something akin to the human excretory system. Kaisoo is something I just have to get out of my system in regular intervals because it's just a part of my life, and how my body functions.

So that's the reason for the Kaisoo bonus thingy.






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Sehundaehyuniloveu04 #1
Well thanks to this story girl!! R u a girl?? Ohh heheh i guess!!! ..i really loved it !! XD KAISSO SO CUTE AND SWEET!!! I cant stop screaming sweetly!!!! ...
Well im alone in the house always!! So i find some stories to fan fiction!! So i find your story,i find it interesting,so i read it fast!!!
Well im not bored now!!! So im really thankful to ur story!!! XD!!! Heheh!! Well im little fans of u im not sure!! I just loved your story!!.
*keep smiling* im really really thankful hehe!! XD!!
Baekyeol was so cute and sweet too!!! ~~XD but yo be honest i really like kaisoo for sure!!!!
Well so great story!! I will read your another stories!! If i have a time!! I hope i like!! XD!!!!
U made a many stories???!! Ok I'll read it!! XD!!! I like comedy and so sweet romance!! I find it interesting!! I like werewolves and vampire story!! XD!!! This is really a great story
Its not completed!!! So I'll read the another chapter!!! Thanks again XD *kiss u* love u!!
Chapter 7: So fluffy~ I love it ^^
Chapter 7: asdfghjkl;sdfhajsdkfldfjhg i'm dying of cuteness

also i can't believe you compared kaisoo to the excretorY SYSTEM AHAHA

but this chapter was perfect o m f g
Chapter 7: omg my heart. I think its going to explode with the extra fluff and KaiSoo feels. Seriously you could have keep writing 30k words I wouldn't mind *-*
Chapter 1: I re reading this for the fifth or so time (and I regret nothing)
Neesanessa #6
Chapter 7: kaisoo~~~ it's too cute X3
Chapter 1: LOL THE FIRST CHAPTER IS SO CUTE i have to go do things but i will be back more to spaz over the rest. baekhyun is my spirit animal omfg.
lorolemman #8
Chapter 7: aw! that kaisoo was so cute! loved it!
Chapter 6: This is awesome!!!!!!!! Love Baekyeol!! Kyungsoo needs to shutup once in awhile.. Lol! Thank you author-nim!
VeryVanessa #10
Chapter 6: D.O. is just too cute :3