
There are some pictures at the end, so the the chapter is as long as it appears.


"Do Kyungsoo, do you want to tell me what exactly you were doing yesterday? You were cheating. You're in a relationship, if you've forgotten. How could you have been on a date with Jongin?" Baekhyun asked, arching a brow at Kyungsoo.

"Thank you for asking. I do not wish to share my activities with you," Kyungsoo said stubbornly, jerking his chin upwards while crossing his arms.

"How could you cheat? After all those faithful years!! You two were so happy!" Baekhyun threw his hands up in disappointment and frustration.

"Baekhyun, I'd appreciate it if you stop personifying my relationship with my trigonometry book. Relationships of your indication implies emotional growth, and no such thing is possible with inanimate objects."

"Whatever Kyungsoo, just tell me why you were with Jongin yesterday. I'd hardly believe that it was a date," Baekyun said as he leaned up against Kyungsoo's desk. He was at Kyungsoo's house, in his room. 

After sleeping peacefully the night before due to some...(lovely) events, Baekhyun had woken up and decided that Do Kyungsoo needs to explain himself. It was a Sunday morning, and Kyungsoo always reserved this day of the week to do cleaning.

"I will appease your qualms, best friend, because  I wouldn't want your undeveloped brain fabricating any false reality fueled by the absence of logic. So I will offer you my reality, and should you have protests or doubt if I present the truth, well, so be it," Kyungsoo said, not looking up from his chemistry textbook.

"Proceed, best friend," Baekhyun said as he rolled his eyes.

"I shall, Baekhyun. Thank you, I commend your manners as I see it is a product of spending time in my presence. To begin, it is true. I did invite Jongin. The reason for it was not sociable and nor was it for recreational purposes. I called him over to discuss the whereabouts of our relationship."

"Oh my god, Kyungsoo, just speak like a normal person!"

"Baekhyun, I'm sure that you are aware that my syntax and diction choices are a habit. I speak in similar nature to the styles of what I read. Since textbooks and higher lever literature pieces are all I read, my brain leaves me no choice but to speak as you've reprimanded me for. Anyhow I invited Jongin to clarify his intentions, as it seems his change in persona indicates that something has greatly changed. I have a feeling, informally put, that his attitude change will involve my future. So in short and vernacularly, I invited him to make sure that he won't like me in past-platonic manners," Kyungsoo explained, still reading his chemistry book and not looking at Baekhyun.

"...... Kyungsoo you're ing crazy."

"............ On what terms have you passed that judgement Baekhyun?"

"You like him, much more than as a normal friend! Kyungsoo, please stop speaking like that and tell me how you really feel!" Baekhyun complained. Kyungsoo finally looked up from his text book, seeing Baekhyun's imploring state.

His expression softened.

"I suppose I am being an ."

"Yeah, kind of. Jongin really honestly likes you," Baekhyun said.

"Fine, but I tell you this because I trust you Baek, and should you ever tell Jongin or anyone, be prepared for long lectures and reprimands courtesy of my brain."

"Alright then, just tell me already!"

"Well, honestly, I don't know myself. Clarity  eludes me. I'll tell you how I feel, and you can diagnose me," Kyungsoo said as he nibbled on his lower lip. Baekhyun chuckled.

"It's not a sickness Kyungsoo," Baekhyun laughed softly as he took a seat across from Kyungsoo on his bed," But go ahead."

"I don't know where to begin."

"I'll ask questions then. Let's begin with simple questions. Do you find Jongin attractive?"

"He's not an eyesore, I will concede that," Kyungsoo nodded with a modest and stoic face.

"..... Kyungsoo, answer without using your censors and intelligence filters. I'll try again. Do you find Jongin attractive?" Baekhyun tried again, watching Kyungsoo closely

Kyungsoo blinked slowly once, putting his hand beneath his face in thought.

He shook his head once before sighing.

"Jongin is immensely attractive. Too attractive for his own good. Not only is he pleasing to the eyes... His intelligence...," Kyungsoo shook his head as it fell back with a groan

"Do you like his personality?"

"I do not understand him... I don't understand why he does not exploit his intelligence. In trade he... Spends his time being flirtatious. I am aware of his partiality towards me. I don't understand why though. I do not wish to be another item to his conquest. I barely make exceptions for social outings, and should I allow myself to partake in a relationship with Jongin, I simply can not blindly stumble around wondering about the degree of how genuine his actions are. So I simply choose to ignore him since it does not seem that he is not capable of assuring me that much," Kyungsoo explained, taking a deep breath.

".... You don't even want to try? To give him a chance?"

"This is where I compromise my actions produced by my logic with your advice resulting from years of partial and biased experience, which I will deem you've been successful with Chanyeol," Kyungsoo nodded. Baekhyun smiled with warmth.



Cute Chanyeol

Baekhyun grinned goofily to himself.

Hehe, I wonder how he feels after our "first date". Has he eaten yet? Ah, I should ask him.

"Baekhyun, I'd appreciate your full attention," an insistent voice reminded him. Baekhyun snapped out of his reverie, returning his attention to his best friend.

"...Don't blame it on me, you're the one who brought Chanyeol up," Baekhyun mumbled guiltily.

"So, what do you think I should do?"

"You should give him a chance... You'll have to trust him. I honestly think his intentions are good, and he has real feelings for you. You won't be "a thing of his conquest". He really likes you. You should have seen him a mon-" Baekhyun slapped a hand over his mouth.

He wasn't ever supposed to talk about how Jongin came to him, all broken and lost.

".....Should have seen him when Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo ask, his voice rising in curiosity.

"It's no big deal, the main thing is, I learned his feelings are real."

"And from here?"

"From here, you will call him up, and you will set up a date with him, and you will enjoy it."

"Might you have a written set of instructions on how to successfully conduct a date?" 

"........YAH DO KYUNGSOO!!!"

"Okay, okay, I get it. Dates are supposed to be based off of emotional patterns and blah blah blah."

"You're a ing robot."

"Not true, I am a warm-blooded mammal with internal-"

"Don't start Kyungsoo. Don't start."

"And I suppose, if I am successful, I'll eventually end up going on a "double-date" with you and your beloved?" Kyungsoo asked, making Baekhyun choke on the water he was drinking.

"Ahem. Ugh, don't call it that. And I'm not that far yet. I don't even know what happened after yesterday," Baekhyun giggled to himself," Apparently, it was our first date, hehe."

"Chanyeol is pretty cute," Kyungsoo smiled.

"Yah, stick to Jongin. Don't cake on my Chanyeol," Baekhyun crossed his arms and gave Kyungsoo's leg a good kick.

"Aww Baekhyun-ah, I'm really happy for you though," Kyungsoo offered a real smile, and Baekhyun could see a little bit of the careless best friend that didn't speak like an encyclopedia that he knew.

Baekhyun softened.

"Thanks. I'm pretty... happy too, ha," Baekhyun said, not believing it himself.

"So what do you plan on doing now? Have you kissed him yet?" Kyungsoo asked fearlessly.

"What? Oh my gosh! NOOOOO, Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun wailed as he fell back on Kyungsoo's bed.

"So have you or haven't you?"

"We're not there yet, don't talk about that. He's not even technically my boyfriend," Baekhyun mumbled.

"Well then ask him."

"I don't even know if he likes me!"

"Has he said anything yet?"

"......," Baekhyun thought for a second. Reflecting on anything that could have indicated that Chanyeol liked him.

"Well, last night, he was asking me what a person should do if that person liked another person. And then he asked what I would do...," Baekhyun trailed off, feeling butterflies in his stomach.

"Byun Baekhyun, take him on another date, and just ask him to be your boyfriend!" Kyungsoo said, punching Baekhyun lightly on his arm.

"Okay! OKAY!!"




Class began on monday, and the four boys were in their normal seats.

The sight was amusing really.

Ever since the little talk that Baekhyun had with Kyungsoo about Jongin, Kyungsoo could not act normally.

The intelligent, cold and collected Kyungsoo had disappeared, and was replaced with a Kyungsoo that matched his eyes more.

He was hiding his blushing face behind large textbook, being completely quiet as he shrank back into his seat. He blinked nervously, his eyes flitting around the room.

Baekhyun's palms were sweaty, but he was certainly better off than Kyungsoo.

Jongin just eyed them curiously when he came in, Baekhyun just waved.

When Chanyeol came in, Baekhyun felt like a deflated balloon.

"Baekhyun-ah, anneong!" Chanyeol greeted with a heart-breaking smile.

"Good morning Chan," Baekhyun smiled, sounding weak. Kyungsoo smiled a little, not noticing that Jongin was looking at him with a gentle smile on his face as well.

Throughout class, Jongin and Chanyeol paid attention, and Baekhyun half paid attention.

But Kyungsoo couldn't pay attention since he felt feverish and odd.

The bell rang for lunch and Baekhyun gathered his things, preparing to make a stop at his locker.

"I need to stop by my locker. You guys go ahead!" Baekhyun smiled as he left. Kyungsoo's eyes followed him frantically as he left.

Baekhyun had left and Chanyeol had finished gathering his things.

"Jongin-ah, I'll go catch up with Baekhyun. I'll see you and Kyungsoo at lunch!" his deep voice announced.

"Alright, see ya, Chan," Jongin said as Chanyeol left. Jongin turned to Kyungsoo, who was buried in a book.


"Kyungsoo-ah, let's go to lunch," Jongin said. Kyungsoo stiffened at the deep voice he likes a lot. Of course the intelligent and perceptive Kyungsoo did not miss how Kai had added the affectionate "ah" to the end of his name. Normally, he'd prostest, but he was too distracted by the pestering feeling of warmth in his stomach and heart.

"Y-yeah. Let's go," Kyungsoo said as he closed his giant book that he'd been using for the whole class period to cover his flaming face. He shoved everything in his backpack, not looking up at Jongin when he stood up.

They walked the hallway to lunch not speaking to each other as they saw other students chatter excitedly.

Kyungsoo's hand brushed against Jongin's once, and Kyungsoo could almost feel his knees giving out beneath him.

Jongin's skin felt just as Kyungsoo had accidentally imagined. It was warm, soft and smooth, just like Jongin's voice.

"Jongin," Kyungsoo called before he could stop himself. Kyungsoo wanted to recall his word but it was already too late.

"Yes Kyungsoo?" he asked, looking at him. Kyungsoo forced himself to look at Jongin's handsome face. Kyungsoo didn't even want to admit it to himself, but Jongin's facial expressions always made him weak. 

Kyungsoo cleared his throat.

"Uh, Jongin. You are to go on a date with me this weekend to the carnival. Let's meet at my family restaurant," Kyungsoo said without blinking. He hadn't intended it to come out like an order. He meant to ask Jongin if he would, not tell him that he would be.

"Okay," Jongin said, not making a big deal or indicating any emotions.

Kyungsoo wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed that Jongin didn't give him any trouble about asking -or commanding, rather- him to go on a date.

Kyunsoo decided it was a mixture of both as they walked through the entrance to the cafeteria.

He was appeased, however. Their hands had accidentally brushed against each other again, and Jongin held Kyungsoo's hand for brief moment, brushing his thumb lightly on the back of the latter's hand before releasing it.

Kyungsoo's eyes had widened, and his natural instinct was to say something witty to Jongin, but he quickly forgot it when his heart fluttered.




Baekhyun had walked down the hallway to his locker, muttering to himself.

Baekhyun arrived at his locker, tossing his books haphazardly inside once he unlocked it. Baekhyun sighed and rested his forehead against the inside of his locker.

"Why so cute?" he mumbled whiningly to himself. The cold metal felt good on his skin. He took a deep breath, making a mental note to never do that again since his locker was dusty.


"AHHHHHHHH!" Baekhyun screamed as he jumped. Baekhyun hit his head on the side of the locker, and got a cut from edge of the metal shelf. 

"Baekhyun-ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I didn't think you'd freak out!" a familar voice apologized immediately. Baekhyun calmed down a little bit at the deep voice. Chanyeol had decided to sneak up behind him and whisper "Boo"  in his ears.

"Owww," he cringed as he removed his head. Chanyeol was looking at him with big, wet eyes. Baekhyun wanted to hide in embarrassment. He always got scared easily.

"It's okay Chanyeol," Baekhyun laughed weakly as he felt around his head for blood.

"It's not okay!' Chanyeol said, his face worried.

Without thinking, Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun into a tight hug.

"Baek, please say you'll forgive me!" Chanyeol asked in a pleading voice.

Baekhyun's eyes seemed permanently enlarged as his heart thundered in his chest. His cheeks grew warm with a blush.

He really didn't care that he had a laceration on his forehead.

"I forgive you Chan," Baekhyun laughed weakly.

Chanyeol's hugs were exteremly warm and comforting. Baekhyun smiled to himself as he weakly wrapped his arms around Chanyeol.

"Ack! What am I doing! I should be taking care of that cut!" Chanyeol smacked himself on his forehead as he pulled away," And the nurse is on lunch right now!"

"It's okay Chanyeol, I can clean it up," Baekhyun chuckled, secretly preferring to hug Chanyeol and bleed than take care of his cut.

"It's a good thing my mother makes me carry around a first aid kit then, huh," Chanyeol said as he pulled his backpack to the front. He dug around for a second and pulled out a Pororo themed first aid kit, and Baekhyun wanted to faint at how adorable Chanyeol looked with it.

"Sit down," Chanyeol said as he grabbed Baekyun's forearm to lead him to the stairs. Baekhyun took a seat on one of the steps on the stairs.

Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol removed a disinfectant wipe from its package. Chanyeol brushed Baekhyun's hair away gently and Baekhyun blushed immediately. Chanyeol seemed focus, and Baekhyun took note of how cute Chanyeol looked with his eyebrows pinched together in focus.

Baekhyun whimpered a little when Chanyeol gently began to clean his cut.

"Does it hurt a lot? Your face is pretty red. I'm really sorry Baekhyun-ah,"  he apologized as he kept cleaning.

Chanyeol had mistaken the red tinting of his cheeks as an effect of pain, rather than the fluttering of his heart at Chanyeol's close proximity.

Chanyeol began to blow cool air on his cut, and Baekhyun wondered how his face could become any hotter as he kept his eyes glued to his shoes.

"Does that feel better?" Chanyeol asked between breaths. 

That must be what he looks like when he's kissing someone.

Baekhyun had a knot in his throat, and without thinking he nodded. Baekhyun nearly died and went to heaven when he felt a particularly soft pair of lips meet his forehead when he nodded his head.

The two boys staggered back, neither of them able to keep from flushing like tomatoes.

"Sorry about that Chanyeol," Baekhyun apologized.

"It's okay! It's okay. It was just an accident, don't worry about it," Chanyeol laughed, his nose crinkling as his deep voice echoed through the empty hallway.

"Well, at least my cut doesnt hurt anymore," Baekhyun said with a smile before realizing what that could mean.

"I- I mean, because you know, the disinfectant, not because I kind of accidentally forced you to kiss my forehead when I nodded! Y-you should be a doctor Chanyeol, you're great at curing things. Hah. I'll take that bandaid now," Baekhyun said as he looked around nervously.

"You have to put some cream on to prevent scarring first, Baekhyun," Chanyeol mumbled as he fiddled with a tube of ointment. Chanyeol squeezed ointment between his fingers.

Oh my god, Chanyeol looks like he's handling lube. WHY AM I SUCH A ERT.

Baekhyun couldn't keep his face from heating up as Chanyeol applied the cool gel to his skin. It stung just a little, but Baekhyun was determined not to show it.

Chanyeol held a blue Pororo bandaid between his fingers as he leaned in to apply the bandaid.

"There, feel better?"

"I feel great."



"Would you like to go to the carnival with me this weekend?"












OH DEAR. Baekhyun looks so cute.

It seems Chanyeol likes whispering in his ear...


Baekhyun is such a pretty little flower. 


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Sehundaehyuniloveu04 #1
Well thanks to this story girl!! R u a girl?? Ohh heheh i guess!!! ..i really loved it !! XD KAISSO SO CUTE AND SWEET!!! I cant stop screaming sweetly!!!! ...
Well im alone in the house always!! So i find some stories to fan fiction!! So i find your story,i find it interesting,so i read it fast!!!
Well im not bored now!!! So im really thankful to ur story!!! XD!!! Heheh!! Well im little fans of u im not sure!! I just loved your story!!.
*keep smiling* im really really thankful hehe!! XD!!
Baekyeol was so cute and sweet too!!! ~~XD but yo be honest i really like kaisoo for sure!!!!
Well so great story!! I will read your another stories!! If i have a time!! I hope i like!! XD!!!!
U made a many stories???!! Ok I'll read it!! XD!!! I like comedy and so sweet romance!! I find it interesting!! I like werewolves and vampire story!! XD!!! This is really a great story
Its not completed!!! So I'll read the another chapter!!! Thanks again XD *kiss u* love u!!
Chapter 7: So fluffy~ I love it ^^
Chapter 7: asdfghjkl;sdfhajsdkfldfjhg i'm dying of cuteness

also i can't believe you compared kaisoo to the excretorY SYSTEM AHAHA

but this chapter was perfect o m f g
Chapter 7: omg my heart. I think its going to explode with the extra fluff and KaiSoo feels. Seriously you could have keep writing 30k words I wouldn't mind *-*
Chapter 1: I re reading this for the fifth or so time (and I regret nothing)
Neesanessa #6
Chapter 7: kaisoo~~~ it's too cute X3
Chapter 1: LOL THE FIRST CHAPTER IS SO CUTE i have to go do things but i will be back more to spaz over the rest. baekhyun is my spirit animal omfg.
lorolemman #8
Chapter 7: aw! that kaisoo was so cute! loved it!
Chapter 6: This is awesome!!!!!!!! Love Baekyeol!! Kyungsoo needs to shutup once in awhile.. Lol! Thank you author-nim!
VeryVanessa #10
Chapter 6: D.O. is just too cute :3