
"Come with me, please? I really need you!"


"Please? <3 <3?"


"Yayy! I love you Baekhyun-ah."

"Sure you do."

Baekhyun sighed as he waited for his sister to text back.

It was official. Baekhyun's older sister was getting married. Changmin popped the big question some night three weeks ago while Baekhyun, his family and Changmin had gone out for dinner.

He was really happy for Seohyun, but he was a little sad. His older sister would be getting married, and she'd leave the house for her own.

Seohyun was already making wedding plans! Baekhyun laughed. Seohyun was just a well-organized woman like that. She and Changmin were perfect for eachother.

Baekhyun really liked Changmin-hyung.

Seohyun had her wedding planned since she was 12.

And her heart hadn't changed since then.

So now that Seohyun had her wedding date set, (ten months exactly from today) and reserved the hall, it was time to pick out a wedding dress with Seohyun.

Baekhyun never wanted to admit it, but he had a good eye for fashion.

He never meant to, it just happened that the things he found interesting, his sister and mother found beautiful.

And because his sister and mother were over-doting family, he was forced to do a few things a daughter would normally do.

Baekhyun had just agreed to help Seohyun pick out her wedding dress.

"Baekhyun-ah! Bring Kyungsoo or somebody so that you don't get totally bored!"

Baekhyun tsked.

"He's not interested in these types of things, you know that. And if he for some reason were, we still wouldn't have a chance. Today the newest edition of his trigonometry book come out. No way we'll ever get him out of line to do that."

"That's true.Wait! Bring that cutie Mom was telling me about! I didn't get to see him!"

Suddenly, the thought of bringing Chanyeol made his day a trillion times brighter.

The whole past three weeks consisted of Baekhyun and Chanyeol spending shy pleasant lunches together, and a couple times they studied together.

He really hadn't gotten a chance to do anything fun with Chanyeol.

Not that anytime he spent with Chanyeol wasn't enjoyable.

He was just afraid that he was getting boring.

Not that the ideal thing to do when one gets boring is invite him to pick out wedding dresses with his super-doting sister.

"I'll ask him, hang on."

Baekhyun nervously scrolled down to Chanyeol's contact, which was secretly stored in his phone as "ChanChan <3"

Hopefully neither Jongin nor Kyungsoo would ever lay hands on his phone.

"Chan! Are you busy?"

No response~

Baekhyun waited anxiously for a response, but received none.

"Maybe he's not near his phone," Baekhyun mumbled," Aiiiish, calm down Byun Baekhyun."


"No, I'm not. Why? ^_^"

Baekhyun took a moment to himself.

Why. WHY? WHYWHYWHY? Even his little text faces are cute! I can just imagine it.

Baekhyun fought the urge to sink to the ground and clutch his heart.

"Sounds boring, and you're free to refuse, but would you like to accompany me to a wedding boutique to help my sister? She's getting married."

Baekhyun hit "send" quickly and scrunched his eyes shut as he awaited a response from Chanyeol.


Baekhyun quickly opened the text.

"Sure Baekhyun-ah, what time?"

"KDFSLDKSFKN," Baekhyun squealed to himself.

Baekhyun hit reply and was going to message back... but he really didn't know what time either.

But he didn't care.

"Now? :)"

He just wanted to see Chanyeol.

"Right now!?! Am I going to be late?"

Baekhyun laughed.

"Well, I'm not sure myself what time I should be at my sister's, but I thought it'd be nice to see you now."

Baekhyun clenched his phone as he sent his (daring, in his opinion) text.


Baekhyun fought the urge to kneel on the ground and grate his head to nothingness.

No reply.

Another minute passed.

No new messages.

Baekhyun resisted the urge to slap himself.

Ding Dong!

Baekhyun groaned.

Who could it be? Baekhyun dragged himself to the door, bummed out.

Baekhyun opened the door to a panting Chanyeol.

"I must say Baek, I'm disappointed," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun resisted the urge to backflip like Cirque du Solei, and instead smiled a thousand watt bright smile.

"Come in Chan!" Baekhyun beamed, "But what do you mean that you're disappointed?"

"The first time you ask me to hang out, we go dress shopping," Chan laughed.

"YAHHH. I don't see you making any effort to ask me to hang out," Baekhyun pouted as his cheeks heated up.

Chanyeol laughed and briefly pinched Baekhyun's cheek, which made him blush harder.


Baekhyun fought the urge to collapse to the floor 



"Oh my! Chanyeol-ah, you're so cute!" Seohyun squealed as she pinched Chanyeol's cheeks. A blush flowered across Chanyeol's cheeks as he blinked.

"Thank you... Noona," Chanyeol grumbled.

"Baek! Did you hear how cute that was?? He called me Noona!" 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, but nonetheless thought that it was indeed adorable.

"You're pretty too, Noona," Chanyeol offered, smiling slightly.

Baekhyun choked on the water he was drinking.

"Awww I'm so glad Baek asked you to come along. You can be the cute little dongsaeng I never had!" Seohyun patted Chanyeol's cheeks. Chanyeol broke out into a full grin.

This time Baekhyun fought to stay standing as his knees gave out beneath him.



Baekhyun and Chanyeol sat outside the giant white fitting room, waiting for Seohyun and the workers to put her dress on.

While Baekhyun was glad that Chanyeol was with them, Seohyun ended up taking up a lot of his attention. Baekhyun didn't get to talk to Chanyeol much at all. Every time Baekhyun and Chanyeol would begin talking, Seohyun would come out, looking beautiful in her dress of course.

Baekyun didn't blame Seohyun at all, of course. Her wedding is of course of utmost importance. She deserved all the attention she got. Baekhyun even felt bad that he wished he could have been somewhere else right now. He groaned to himself.

Focus Byun Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looked up, and Seohyun returned from the dressing room. She stepped out shyly, and Baekhyun gasped.

His sister did indeed look beautiful.

The bodice of the dress was beaded intricately as plaits of lace and stitching adorned the waist. The trail was long and elegant, matching Seohyun's type of beauty.

"I think this is the one Baekhyun-ah, what do you think?" she asked as she patted her dress down.

"I think so too, this one is perfect," Baekhyun smiled genuinely. Seohyun returned the smile before turning to Baekhyun.


"I agree with Baek. It's perfect," Chanyeol smiled brightly, gving her a thumb's up. Baekhyun smiled to himself at Chanyeol referring to him as Baek.

"I think I'll call Umma now, why don't you run along with Chanyeol?" Seohyun smiled.

"....Don't you still need us?" Baekhyun asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"Nope! Run along now!!" Seohyun smiled as she made shooing motions with her hands.

"Oh.. okay."





So after an hour of wandering around, not knowing what to do, Chanyeol and Baekhyun somehow wandered to Kyungsoo's family restaurant. Baekhyun entered, expecting Kyungsoo to be buried in his book at the counter.

"I bet Kyungsoo is buried in his new trig book," Baekhyun said to Chanyeol as the entered the restaurant.

Kyungsoo was always reading, even when his family restaurant was super busy, which was almost all the time.

But for some reason... Kyungsoo wasn't at the counter.

"Kyungsoo isn't here," Chanyeol said in his deep voice.

"Indeed...." Baekhyun mumbled.

The hostess seated them, and Baekhyun looked around curiously.

When he asked Kyungsoo what he'd be up to today, he said that he'd be waiting in line for his new trigonometry book, then he'd just read at the restaurant.

Yet he isn't here.

"Baekhyun-ah! I found him!" Chanyeol said in his deep voice as he put a hand over Baekhyun's to get his attention.

Baekhyun blushed to his ears as he attempted in thinking clearly.

"Whe- ahem, where?" Baekhyun said, his voice cracking at first. Baekhyun's heart hammered, and he didn't know if he was supposed to pull away. He didn't think Chanyeol was aware of what he was doing.

"Right there! He's talking to Jongin!" Chanyeol said as he pointed across the restaurant.

"What's he doing with Jongin??? Are they on a date? Isn't that weird?" Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol frowned a little as he faced Baekhyun, but Baekhyun didn't see it.

Chanyeol realized his hand was covering Baekhyun's on the table, and he quickly yanked it away.

"Sorry about that Baekhyun," he apologized.

Baekhyun blushed.

"I-it's okay Chan," he grinned.

"But yeah, that is weird. I though Kyungsoo didn't like how friendly Jongin is sometimes," Chanyeol said as he thought to himself.

Baekhyun chuckled.

Of course Chanyeol would "Jongin is friendly" when most people would call it "Jongin's a big flirt."


"I think so too. Although Jongin is really friendly, too friendly, I honestly believe he has genuine feelings for Kyungsoo," Baekhyun said as he pushed a menu towards Chanyeol.

Baekhyun had been here so many times that he already knew what he wanted.

"What are you going to get Baek? It seems you come here often," Chanyeol said as left the menu unopened, returning his attention to Baekhyun.

"Uh, I always get kimchi spaghetti. I always make Kyungsoo go and make it for me, since he makes it best. But it seems he's occupied," Baekhyun chuckled as he caught the sight of Kyungsoo and Jongin speaking rigidly and awkwardly.

"I wonder why... I don't think it's a date since Kyungsoo wouldn't bring Jongin to his family restaurant for a date," Baekhyun said aloud.

"That's very true. I think Kyungsoo likes him a lot though," Chanyeol mused. Baekhyun was surprised that he wasn't the only who saw that.

"Hey, Baekhyun-ah, do you think Kyungsoo shoud tell Jongin that he likes him?"  Chanyeol asked.

"Baekhyun-ah! It's been a while!" the waiter approached the table. He interrupted Chanyeol's question, but Baekhyun wasn't too annoyed.

"Minseok-ah, yeah it has been," Baekhyun gave him a smile as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well what can I get for you two to eat? The usual Baekhyun?" he asked.

"I'll just have water and spaghetti, Chanyeol?"

"I'll have the same," Chanyeol flashed his million-watt smile.

Minseok blinked a few times.

"Well alright then! Two kimchi spaghetties and two waters!" Minseok smiled, his puffy cheeks puffing up even more.

"Thanks Minseok," Baekhyun smiled.

"No problem!' Minseok replied as he walked away with their orders and menus.

"As I was saying Chanyeol, I don't think Kyungsoo even knows how much he likes Jongin. So I don't think he'll confess," Baekhyun replied. Chanyeol nodded as he took in the information.

"So what if Kyungsoo liked someone else?" Chanyeol asked," Should he confess then?"

"Kyungsoo likes someone?!??! He didn't tell me! Chanyeol how do you know, who does he like?" Baekyun asked as he leaned in with excitement.

Chanyeol groaned to himself.

"Okay, forget that. What if a person liked another person, and they really haven't known each other for all that long, but it's long enough," Chanyeol said quickly.

"Oh," Baekhyun said. He frowned.. was Chanyeol asking him about how to confess to someone else?

"Well, it depends really," Baekhyun said Minseok came with their waters.

"Thank you Minseok," Baekhyun said.

"Thank you Minseok," Chanyeol repeated, giving another bright smile.

Again, Minseok stood frozen as he blinked a few times.

"Y-you're welcome!" he said as he wheeled away.

"Park Chanyeol! Are you asking for advice on how to confess?" Baekhyun laughed, trying to sound light, but it came out kind of gargled.

"....No! No, haha, No," Chanyeol laughed, his face turning a little pink. Baekhyun thought he saw it, but the lighting was kind of weird here anways.

"Well, I think... yeah. The sooner you confess, the better. That way no games are played, and you can know sooner if you're wasting your time or not," Baekhyun said thoughtfully.

"So, would you?" Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun swallowed as he thought of his reply.

"Well," Baekhyun chuckled as he scratched his head, " I say that, but it's a lot harder than it really is. I think you should take some time to confirm that you like that person to yourself, otherwise, you could end up hurting the other person if you realize that you were too hasty."

"Two kimchi spaghettis!!" Minseok set down two plates of steaming noodles and kimchi.

Baekhyun's stomach growled.

"Anything else I can get for yah?" Minseok asked with a smile.

"No thank you Minseok," Baekhyun smiled, "Chanyeol?"

"No, thank you Minseok," Chanyeol smiled.

"My pleasure," Minseok said with a wink to Baekhyun that Chanyeol missed.

As the two began eating, Baekhyun's mind was stormed with questions.

Who was this person that Chanyeol may or may not be talking about?

He reached for a napkin, and happened to notice Jongin and Kyungsoo staring right at them. He froze, and waved.

"Chanyeol-ah," Baekhyun called as he smiled rigidly at Kyungsoo. Baekyun could almost swear that he could see a fire in Kyungsoo's eyes.

Chanyeol looked up and followed Baekhyun's gaze.

"Oh! Kyungsoo-ah! Jongin!" Chanyeol bellowed in his deep voice with a genuine smile.

Baekhyun giggled, catching Chanyeol's attention. Chanyeol laughed too at the sight of his smiling friend.

"Yah! Byun Baekhyun! I thought you were wedding dress shopping with Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo whispered urgently as made his way over.

"And I thought that you were reading your newest trignonometry book that you've been waiting for months for," Baekhyun smirked, causing Kyungsoo to blush furiously.

"Yah, Baekhyun, you didn't tell me you were getting married to Chanyeol. I mean, I knew you liked him a lot, but I didn't know that you guys were that far along! Wedding dresses?" Jongin said as he joined the group.

Baekhyun immediately flushed, his eyes wide and frozen as he imagined Jongin's decimation. Chanyeol's expression matched Baekhyun's, and Kyungsoo found it in himself to smirk just a little.

".....You're being nonsensical. I was out shopping for wedding dressess with Seohyun. She's getting married. You're officially uninvited," Baekhyun pouted with his arms crossed.

"Are you taking Chanyeol as your date?" Kyungsoo asked.

"As long as you take Jongin as yours, Kyungsoo-ah," Baekhyun stiffly repled.

It was obvious that these two best friends weren't exactly too happy.

"Kyungie!" a feminine voice called. Kyungsoo turned around.

"Coming mother," he muttered.

"I'll be going now. Please enjoy your meal," Kyungsoo bowed, as if suddenly remembering that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were guests of the restaurant.

"I'll be leaving now too," Jongin said, "Wouldn't want to interrupt your first date."

Jongin gave a quick wave as he left.

And then there were two.

Baekhyun looked awkwardly at Chanyeol, feeling apologetic.

"I'm sorry about that Chanyeol," Baekhyun offered a smile.

"It's okay Baekhyun-ah. It's still a pretty good first date anyways," Chanyeol hummed happily as he returned to his food.

"...........is that....okay. Yes, it has been," Baekhyun smiled, his unease disappearing like the kimchi spaghetti from his plate.




It's been a long time right?

If you're a suscriber to a lot of my fanfictions, I've been updating like a mad woman today.


It's been a long time with any of my fanfictions.

Thank you!!!!




Sehun...you don't know how much I love your body. Your legs, your flat stomach, your curves.


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Sehundaehyuniloveu04 #1
Well thanks to this story girl!! R u a girl?? Ohh heheh i guess!!! ..i really loved it !! XD KAISSO SO CUTE AND SWEET!!! I cant stop screaming sweetly!!!! ...
Well im alone in the house always!! So i find some stories to fan fiction!! So i find your story,i find it interesting,so i read it fast!!!
Well im not bored now!!! So im really thankful to ur story!!! XD!!! Heheh!! Well im little fans of u im not sure!! I just loved your story!!.
*keep smiling* im really really thankful hehe!! XD!!
Baekyeol was so cute and sweet too!!! ~~XD but yo be honest i really like kaisoo for sure!!!!
Well so great story!! I will read your another stories!! If i have a time!! I hope i like!! XD!!!!
U made a many stories???!! Ok I'll read it!! XD!!! I like comedy and so sweet romance!! I find it interesting!! I like werewolves and vampire story!! XD!!! This is really a great story
Its not completed!!! So I'll read the another chapter!!! Thanks again XD *kiss u* love u!!
Chapter 7: So fluffy~ I love it ^^
Chapter 7: asdfghjkl;sdfhajsdkfldfjhg i'm dying of cuteness

also i can't believe you compared kaisoo to the excretorY SYSTEM AHAHA

but this chapter was perfect o m f g
Chapter 7: omg my heart. I think its going to explode with the extra fluff and KaiSoo feels. Seriously you could have keep writing 30k words I wouldn't mind *-*
Chapter 1: I re reading this for the fifth or so time (and I regret nothing)
Neesanessa #6
Chapter 7: kaisoo~~~ it's too cute X3
Chapter 1: LOL THE FIRST CHAPTER IS SO CUTE i have to go do things but i will be back more to spaz over the rest. baekhyun is my spirit animal omfg.
lorolemman #8
Chapter 7: aw! that kaisoo was so cute! loved it!
Chapter 6: This is awesome!!!!!!!! Love Baekyeol!! Kyungsoo needs to shutup once in awhile.. Lol! Thank you author-nim!
VeryVanessa #10
Chapter 6: D.O. is just too cute :3