
"I can't take it."

"Come on now, you can do it. You can do it."

"No... I'm sorry. I ca-can't. It's just. He's just so-- No."

"Don't be a daisy dude. You can do it."

"You don't understand. No one can possibly be that cute. No one. It defies all laws of science."

"Okay, he's cute, but come on now. You're exaggerating. All laws of science?"

"Yes Kyungsoo. All ing laws of physics. Chemistry. Biology. The science of human anatomy."

"There aren't really any laws in biology Baekhyun."

"Nobody asked you to be a nerd Kyungsoo. Just like how my eyes didn't ask to be blinded by his utter adorableness."

"How does it defy laws of science"

"Uh, well, my likes what I see, and that's human anatomy. And it's so hard that it's weighing me down by gravity, which pertains to physics... anddd biology is the study of life. And he's making my life hard because he's so damn cute. And not to mention my ."

"You forgot chemistry."

"Well, I know that we'll never have any because he's way too good for me."

"Finally, something accurate comes out of your mouth."

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were sitting in their eleventh grade language class, and Baekhyun was fangirling about Park Chanyeol's utter perfection again. It seemed like Kyungsoo did not only have the job of being Baekhyun's best friend, but to be the person to calm Baekhyun down when gets his fangirl mode on, which happened often. 

"I was kidding about the whole thing. He's just too precious for anything like that." Baekhyun sighed as he looked at Park Chanyeol, who sat at the front of the classroom.

"I know," Kyungsoo said as he shook his head.

"I don't know what to do Kyungsoo. He's just so perfect," Baekhyun sighed as he leaned back and covered his face with his hands.


"I can't," Baekhyun groaned.

"We've been over this so many times," Kyungsoo siged," Baekyun. You should just confess."

Baekhyun shook his head. He simply couldn't take Chanyeol's big brown eyes and his head of golden curly hair. Chanyeol was always shy and quiet, but he laughed about everything. He always quiet until someone did something that made him laugh. Chanyeol was well over six feet tall, and you might ask how someone that tall could be considered cute, well now you know just how adorable he is.

"Kyungsoo, he's so pretty. How is he so pretty?" 

"I don't know Baekhyun, why don't you go ask him," Kyungsoo said without looking up from what he was doing.

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol who was now giggling adorably about something funny the teacher said that Baekhyun had missed. Baekhyun felt bad because whenever Chanyeol would do something adorably, Baekhyun was just start slapping whatever was around him, and usually that was Kyungsoo. 

All of a sudden, the guy sitting in front of Baekhyun got up and Chanyeol is standing in front of him with his things in his hands. Chanyeol waited for the guy to move before sitting down in the seat in front of Baekhyun.

"Chanyeol-ssi, is this your new seat?" Kyungsoo asked politely. My body was frozen in contradiction to how the room suddenly got hot. Chanyeol turned around, his cheeks tainting a light shade between peach and pink. Chanyeol blinked once adorably and nodded, his lips smiling slightly.

"Well, I'm Kyungsoo, but we've met before. And this is Baekhyun, and I'm not sure if you knew that or not," Kyungsoo introduced himself.

"I knew," he said and nodded once. Baekhyun thought he was going to pass out because the his brain was going into love/fangirl mode. 

You might ask "What is this love/fangirl mode?"

And the answer is this: Baekhyun's brain has many modes. Fangirl mode is when his brain automatically makes everything around him happy happy fu-fu fluff sunshine mode. He can't help but see glitter and sparkles decorating everything.

He knows my name. I'm going to pass out. I can't deal with this. Maybe Kyungsoo was right. I do need to hire a personal nurse to monitor my health. At this rate, I may pass out anywhere. Stupid Kyungie, I was right. My abnormal heart rate defies any freaking science. I believe I'm scientifically classified as dead right now.

"Baekhyun... you should formally introduce yourself," Kyungsoo cleared his throat.

"Uh..."  Baekhyun swallowed as Chanyeol looked at him with those impossibly adorable bright eyes.


"Anneonghasaeyo, I'm Park Chanyeol, please take care of me," he bowed his head a little bit, his head of curls bouncing.


"Please take care of me", oh goodness Chanyeol. You're so cute. I'll make sure you're happy. DAMMIT MY MIND IS SO DAMN LOUD BUT I CAN'T SAY A THING TO CHANYEOL.

Kyungsoo subtly kicked the back of Baekhyun's leg. It made Baekhyun jump, but it cleared his mind.

"I'm Baekhyun...let's be friends," Baekhyun said. Kyungsoo coughed awkwardly as Chanyeol just looked at him.

Why did I just tell him that we are friends? I'm so stupid.

Chanyeol didn't say anything, but nodded enthusiastically. Kyungsoo tried to stifle his amuse laugh, but id  didn't work out so well.

"Baekhyun-ah, can we eat lunch together?" Chanyeol asked quietly but hopefully, his face bright. Baekhyun did triple backflips...in his mind. Did Park Chanyeol, the epitome of cuteness, just ask me if we could eat lunch together? And did he just call me by "Baekhyun-ah"? Doesn't that entail some type of affection.

Baekhyun was so excited that he forgot to reply. He noticed when he Chanyeol like he was a wilted flower. Like his little golden glow was doused with Baekhyun-stupidity. Because it was.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Yes Chanyeol-ssi, we can eat lunch together," Baekhyun smiled.

Chanyeol frowned slightly for a fraction of a second before smiling widely.

I'm weak! I can't take this. Someone remove my brain. His smile is so beautiful that it's fried more than healthy amount of brain cells.

Baekhyun didn't miss the little furrow in Kyungsoo's brow of disappointment.

"Should I just wait for you after class then?" Baekhyun asked carefully, hoping not to seem to eager though it was pointless to even try. It was pretty obvious how much Baekhyun liked this little ball of golden perfection.

Chanyeol only nodded with a smile on his lips. Baekhyun just smiled back as Chanyeol turned around in his seat and paid attention in class.

Kyungsoo slid Baekhyun a note.

Baekhyun. For future reference. If Chanyeol calls you by "Baekhyun-ah", you probably should reply informally as well.

Baekhyun mentally slapped himself.

Kyungsoo-ah, I don't understand. Why would Chanyeol want to eat lunch with me? ME???

Kyungsoo shook his head.

Maybe he's just being a normal friend? And maybe you're crazy? Possibly both?

Baekhyun laughed.




Author's note:




I'm so sorry.

I couldn't help it.

Chanyeol got a haircut, and he looks so innocent and adorable.




And in this fiction, I'm trying to characterize him as quiet, and impossibly adorable.

Baekhyun is supposed to be the flustered bumbling ball of anxiety.

Don't you agree though? 

Chanyeol's hair is now a lighter shade of blonde, and he looks really innocent and cute.

In my opinion.

Long-hair Chanyeol makes my mind "" mode.



So cute and innocent.

(Seems like I'm still thinking because those legs are delicious)





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Sehundaehyuniloveu04 #1
Well thanks to this story girl!! R u a girl?? Ohh heheh i guess!!! ..i really loved it !! XD KAISSO SO CUTE AND SWEET!!! I cant stop screaming sweetly!!!! ...
Well im alone in the house always!! So i find some stories to fan fiction!! So i find your story,i find it interesting,so i read it fast!!!
Well im not bored now!!! So im really thankful to ur story!!! XD!!! Heheh!! Well im little fans of u im not sure!! I just loved your story!!.
*keep smiling* im really really thankful hehe!! XD!!
Baekyeol was so cute and sweet too!!! ~~XD but yo be honest i really like kaisoo for sure!!!!
Well so great story!! I will read your another stories!! If i have a time!! I hope i like!! XD!!!!
U made a many stories???!! Ok I'll read it!! XD!!! I like comedy and so sweet romance!! I find it interesting!! I like werewolves and vampire story!! XD!!! This is really a great story
Its not completed!!! So I'll read the another chapter!!! Thanks again XD *kiss u* love u!!
Chapter 7: So fluffy~ I love it ^^
Chapter 7: asdfghjkl;sdfhajsdkfldfjhg i'm dying of cuteness

also i can't believe you compared kaisoo to the excretorY SYSTEM AHAHA

but this chapter was perfect o m f g
Chapter 7: omg my heart. I think its going to explode with the extra fluff and KaiSoo feels. Seriously you could have keep writing 30k words I wouldn't mind *-*
Chapter 1: I re reading this for the fifth or so time (and I regret nothing)
Neesanessa #6
Chapter 7: kaisoo~~~ it's too cute X3
Chapter 1: LOL THE FIRST CHAPTER IS SO CUTE i have to go do things but i will be back more to spaz over the rest. baekhyun is my spirit animal omfg.
lorolemman #8
Chapter 7: aw! that kaisoo was so cute! loved it!
Chapter 6: This is awesome!!!!!!!! Love Baekyeol!! Kyungsoo needs to shutup once in awhile.. Lol! Thank you author-nim!
VeryVanessa #10
Chapter 6: D.O. is just too cute :3