Never ending memory of....

1000 paper cranes for 1 wish


The doctor came in with the results of they're condition...
*2 months later*
[No one's POV]
Key and Jonghyun were discharged from the hospital a few weeks ago. You and Jonghyun have been dating ever since and you've never been happier. 
Key went to the shop as usual to buy some snacks for the two of you because its movie night, even Jonghyung, who is now your boyfriend is unable to cut in between you and Key's movie night, it was always just the two of you every saturday night. He was on his way to your house, he turned round the corner, suddenly an innocent looking girl bumped into the guy and landed on the floor after bashing onto him. 
Key helped her up and noticed that her arm was cut by the broken glass on the floor. "Whups, Sorry about that" She took key's hand and brushed her self clean. 
She glanced over at Key was staring at her arm, she also looked at her arm noticing the cut. "Sorry you had to see that" she hid her arm behind her back, thinking that Key must have been growsed out. With out saying anything, the spaced out guy swiftly put down the bag full of food and gently took the injured arm behind the girl to see if the cut was big or not. Key observed the cut carefully while the girl examined the cute face right infront of her, she was falling for him by the second.  Key took the bag he put on the floor without letting go of the smooth hand he was holding, he slowly and gently pulled her along to his appartment. Wanting to help the girl in pain recover for the injury he accidentally caused. She didn't say a word and just followed. 
They arrived at his appartment, he told the girl to make her self comfortable while he gets the first aid kit and a hot water and towel. 
She sat down looking at the stinging wound, she didn't show how she was in great pain, but key is aware of it. 
The kindhearted guy entered the room with a hot water in a small bucket and a towel on his shoulder. He put the bucket of water on the table infront of the lady and went over to one of the cuboards for the first aid kit. He slightly slid the tub of water to the side so he could sit infront of the girl. He soaked the towel in the warm water and slowly wiped some of the blood. Key's appearance, his actions and words deeply touched the girl's heart and was slowly falling inlove. 
She couldn't stop but stare at him, Key looked up, their eyes met, she shyly looked down, the genlte man found her action cute, and a smile formed on his face and a small giggle slipped out, he went back to wipping her white skin, the unknown girl to look up, at him "Sorry... I should've been more careful" Key said. 
"N-no, it wasn't your fault, I'm so clumsy, I always end up getting cuts with most of the things I do." 
Key's phone rang, he wasn't planning to answer it because of what he was doing, but the girl suggested to pick up the phone. 
He gave a sweet smile and went out the room, "Hey, sorry I don't think I'll be able to come tonight, I'll explain everything later...yeah I know..." they're conversation carried on for about ten minutes.He went back to the girl finding her fast asleep. He finished bandaging her and brang some blanket to keep her warm. It was getting late, he also fell asleep on the other couch. When he woke up the girl wasn't there anymore. 
*One month have passed*
In school
Key's feelings towards you hasn't changed, infact his feelings have been growing day by day. But he was happy to see his two best friends together. One day the unknown girl from before bumped into you, she happened to go to the same school as the three of you, but not once have you seen her, nor Key or Jonghyun (key's already seen her but he doesn't know she goes to the same school).
The two of you bashed your heads on eachother and fell on the floor. Jonghyun who was passing by saw you and helped you up from the back, Key was also passing by the other direction and helped the other girl. "Woah, its you" the girl was still in Key's arms. "Ohh, we meet again" she gave out a small grin.  
"Are you ok?" You asked, she turned her attention to you and bowed. "I'm so sorry" after her apology she turned back to Key and also bowed, she left afterwards. 
"Let's go to the canteen" Jonghyun commanded, but without hesitating Key walked to the direction the girl went and ran after her. 
He saw and began to walk, she was happily skipping along the corridor. Out of breath the panting guy was going to pick up his walking pace but he noticed some ladies peeking out the door the girl is about to pass. Just when the girl passed the door, the ladies snuck up behind her and scared her from behind, causing her to jump in shock, "Yah" you scared me!" she didn't notice a wet floor sign infron of her and she tripped over it. Her friends laughed at her and helped her up, "You're so clumsy!"
"ahah super cute" were some of the comments her friends said. The clumsy girl laughed along. 
Key thought that it wasn't a good time to talk to her since she's surrounded by her friends. He went to the garden and sat on the bench. It was quiet. 
The girl from before sat on the bench a couple of distance beside the bench Key was on. She sighed aloud, Key couldn't help but to look over, he stared looking at her side view. She wasn't leaning and was sitting straight , her arms were on her sides both of her hands were flat on the bench, she looked up at the clear blue sky, a smile was seen from her face. The blanc guy stood infront of her and blocked her view of the sky, she could only see the silhouette of the guy's face. She squinted her eyes but it was no use, Key sat beside her. Her eyes widened, she suddenly turned her head looking down at the ground. It seemed that she developed a little crush on him. 
"I didn't know you go to this school" 
The girl giggled "How's your arm?" He asked. The girl held her arm up and looked at the scar that was left "Hmm.. it's alright, I guess"
Their conversation went on and it was getting dark, "I better go now," they both stood up. She took a step turning her back on him, but Key grabbed her hand, she twisted back finding Key's cute face, "Meka...Don't forget my name k?" Key released her and she carried on walking. 
He sat back down on the bench thinking things through. A bunch of girl joined him, they were Meka's friends from before. "Yah! You better not play around with Meka" 
One of them said. You gave them a puzzled look. "Don't play dumb! You know that Meka's inlove with you!" Another one blurted out. 
Key was flattered of what he just heard "You really really really better not make her upset! If you don't like her back the way she likes you, let her down easy, you're the first guy she ever liked you know" They all left with that said. 
"First guy she ever liked..." That sentence kept on replaying and replaying over his head. 
The more time Meka spends more time with Key, her feelings become stronger and stronger. Key felt very close to her and they both became close friends, it wasn't long when the sick guy gets comfortable around Meka and tells her about his sickness, he had so many friends but the only ones who knows about his heartdesease are the ones who are very close to him and who he trusts very much. When he told her about his condition, Meka's feelings towards him hasn't changed abit, she still loved him very much, and she was sure of it. At this point Meka was aware the Key didn't have much long. They started to make many different colours and shapes of paper cranes, believing that 1000 of them could make 1 wish come true. 
Many months have passed the two of them managed to make 412 paper cranes. Meka finally gathered courage to confess to Key, she decided that she would confess to him when they've made 412 paper cranes, It was the date when they met, April the 12th. Key was touched but he didn't feel the same way, he let her down easy. She was upset about it and knew why he didn't want to be with her, it was cause he loves you. Even though Key doesn't feel the same about Meka, she still loves him, bit by bit she tries to get over him as quick as possible but the heart takes time to heal. 
From a distance a guy was spying on Meka and Key. he happened to like Meka for how many years now, but when he suddenly saw Key he was full of rage and anger, he never seen the girl he likes so happy when she's around a guy, he knew that Key was her first love. 
One night Key was left behind after school, the guy took the chance to lock Key up in a small cramped room, the medicine belonging to the guy locked in the closest was left in the classroom in his bag, it was vital that he takes this medicine three times a day, the medicine doesn't stop his heartdisease and sickness from spreading through his body, it only slows the sickness from spreading. The spreading sped up. The next morning one of the teachers found him laying on the ground. When he woke up he was already in the hospital. It was then when he found out that his condition worsened, he didn't have much long to live. After finding this out, Key asked you to get out the city with him and spend a few days in the country. It hasn't been seven hours since the two of you have settled in the rented room. You recieved a phone call saying that Jonghyun is in hospital. In a hurry you left Key, hoping that he would understand, it was hard for him, he hesitated for a while but he let you go, he was in great pain, knowing that you'd rather be with Jonghyun who you only knew for a couple of months rather than someone who's been with you for more than half of your life. Key stayed in the country for the amount of days he had planned earlier. It was a very lonely days he spent. He went back to the city. After a long, sad, depressing and lonely days in the country he was welcomed by Meka. Key and Meka spent nearly the whole day together in Key's appartment. 
"I'll just go and get the food ready" Key stood up. Meka heard a thud from the kitchen, she walked in finding Key on the floor. He was pale and his lips weren't red as they were supposed to be, every second which had passed his temperature raised. Key was quickly rushed in the hospital. 
You recieved a phone call from Meka. With out wasting any second you left Jonghyun in a hurry and rushed to Key's location. There Meka was sitting weeping and sobbing beside the lifeless man. You slowly walked in, no strenght to even make it to the bed, you dropped on the floor. Your eyes filled with tears. It was impossible to hold your tears back. You looked up finding Meka hovering over you, "He's last favour was to spend his last few days with you... but you couldn't even spend a full day with him. You couldn't even think of him for just whole minute!" Meka said to you, tears were falling down from her eyes. Meka's voice arose "You were too busy taking care of your boy friend who faked his whole sickness thing up, while Key was suffering with his condition! You didn't even wonder why he wasn't him self for the past few weeks!"
Meka ran out of the room crying more and more. No one could compare to the pain she was feeling. 
Meka passes by Jonghyun who entered the room in a short moment. "What I just heard...was that true?" Your voice was weak but at the same time full of anger. Tears crawled out your eyes down to your rosy cheek non stop. Jonghyun was speechless, he stood in silence tears began to form in his eyes, he stared at the ground and over to Key, he clenched his fist so hard that they were shaking. You shook your head "I..I dont want to be with some one who's as selfish as you, all this time you've been pretending you were sick, I could've been taking care of Key!"
a few days later, you, Jonghyun and Meka would spend hours after school making paper cranes targeting that 1000. 
[Jonghyun had to skip todays' paper crane making so it was only You and Meka]
"Since how long has Jonhyun been cured?" You asked
"hmm, about a few months after meeting you guys" Meka continued folding the paper. 
"You know, Jonghyun only pretended because he knows that you really like Key and he was afraid that you'd realise your feelings for Key if you spent more time with him..." You continued to ruffle the paper. "I knew my own feelings, from the start I knew that I loved Key..." 
"Why what?" Meka stopped what she was doing and stared at you, soon you looked at her and also stopped "I couldn't be with him...His parents never liked me, before the night his parents passed away, they disapproved of me and told me never to confess and just move on. Of course I was never planning to move on and was going to confess..but..." 
"But what?" Meka asked, you continued with the folding and managed to finish another paper crane. 
"His aunt warned me that if I was going to confess to him she would take him away..And I didn't want that.. for how long have they kept an eye on me...I couldn't drive my feelings away for him and I couldn't live without Key not being by my side, so I had to keep my feelings a secret." Once again you begin to cry, you laid your head on the table. 
Jonghyun, you and Meka were devistated to loose a friend but the three of you were happy because Key was united with his parents once again and is in heaven happily watching over his close friends. 
It took the two of you a long time to reach 1000 but you managed to! 
*End of flash back*
You heard the door close downstairs "Papa!" The little boy looked to the door expecting his dad to come. The door in the room opened, Jonghyun entered the room carrying your son on his shoulder. "I bought present for my special little Key downstairs" Jonghyun gave his son a hug. It wasn't long when mini Key ran downstairs to find his present. You walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He noticed the paper cranes and smiled. the two of you wondered what Key's wish would've been if he was alive when the 1000 paper cranes were finished....
Key's wish was that Meka, you and Jonghyun, his three true friends would find a never ending happiness.
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naznew #1
sad story..
poor key..
naomi777 #2
aww that was really good but sad awww key
Aww........that was soo sad. :((<br />
KEY!!!! <333333
aww, this was a great story, but REALLY SAD though!<br />
T^T lol, i started crying while doing my homework
i love it. . !!
@Jjongismybias:: it's jong's son, they called him key cuz its a 'Never ending memory of key..'<br />
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@Miss_red:: Mini Key is Jong's son they called him key because its a never ending memory of him.. the song is called RUN by Leona Lewis<br />
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Yh i know its a sad ending.. i wanted to try something different..shame it had to be Key oppa though..But it's alright cuz Key seemed the right person and i love him so, (don't ask "Then why is he the person who died..." >.<<br />
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hope you guys liked it :P)
oh no! key ! ):<br />
good story though
JjongIsMyBias #8
this was sad i don't even wanna picture<br />
that happening to Key
Miss_Red #9
Wait so it's Jjong's son but they called him mini Key? Or is it Key's son and Jjong's like the dad-figure thing?<br />
Anyway that was like really cute >.<<br />
His parents never liked her and neither did his Aunt D':<br />
Poor Key...